In the examination room, most of the candidates have already arrived, but there is still one member of the Uchiha family missing.

In the Uchiha family, after learning that Yuta Uchiha had opened the three magatama sharingan eyes, he was determined to get the first place in this exam.

"An ordinary ninja, even if his ninjutsu is good, is still unable to resist the illusion of the three magatama sharingan."

"In my opinion, Yuta can win in just one round"

"There must be no problem if the patriarch teaches him the family secrets."

"This time Uchiha will be the glory again!"

Uchiha Fuka's eyes have been on Ma Yi for a long time, and the discussions among the tribesmen around him made him even more excited.

"Now, I can test your abilities! What method can give me a sense of danger!"

Uchiha Fukaku murmured. The scene when he was frightened has never been forgotten in his mind.

At this time, it has become his inner demon. This is not just the conflict between his younger brother Naku and Namikaze Yamaichi.

The Hyuga clan, they An elder was killed just now, and everyone in the village looked at it as a joke. They didn't believe it at all that the elder of the family had died under heavy protection..

Everyone who knows the second elder knows who the second elder went to see before he died.

No matter who it is, he can't get away with this crime! On his head.

The Hyuga clan leader also complied with this to avoid trouble.

Danzo Shimura, who had been rarely seen, also appeared in the audience at this time.

In his impression, Danzo was very unhappy with Namikazema Kazuya. Namikazema Kazu is just a civilian ninja with no foundation.

If he dares to interfere in the power struggle between villages, he is seeking death.

"Tomorrow, I will let you know that in this village, even the Hokage cannot hold your life! Danzo said coldly, it was not easy to crush a young ninja to death.

Even if he is a jounin, an elite jounin! He still can't save his life under his own hands.

The last Uchiha tribesman appeared, and the whole audience cheered.

At first glance, he is indeed a handsome man, with flowing black hair, graceful curves under the family's windbreaker, and a faint smile on his face.

All geniuses from Uchiha are handsome guys.

"Very handsome! However, I should be more handsome."

Maichi sighed. The future super handsome Hibami Feng Minato inherited his handsome face.

When Uchiha Kaoru saw all the candidates arriving, he stood up and said:"The exam will start soon. I will read out the exam rules below!"

After some words passed and the rules were read, Uchiha Kage asked them to draw lots to decide the target.

There are a total of six candidates, each of whom may face another person.

The winner will advance.

The exam will be conducted in the order of the draw.

In the elimination room After everyone except Yi Yi had drawn lots, Ji Yi suddenly stood up and said:

"Sir examiner, may I ask how long each exam lasts approximately?"

Jianyi suddenly thought that the game cannot be delayed too long. His wife has just given birth and needs to be taken care of.

She must go home before lunch. That's why he did what he did yesterday.

Uchiha Kage heard his question. , stunned for a moment

"Are you worried about not having enough time? It doesn’t matter, there is no time limit for the exam!"

"That's not their competition. If they get anxious, they might compete for one day?"

"That's not possible, but within an hour or two, it's still possible."

One or two hours?

This is three games, that is three hours, plus the other two games after promotion, it is five hours.

Even if he solves the problem quickly, at least two hours will be needed.

Now wait for someone It took an was almost afternoon when I got home

"I have a suggestion! Since it is actual combat training, just engage in melee combat, it is so simple and quick!"

"no! Melee is not conducive to showing personal strength."

The Third Hokage stood up and said. He heard what Ma Yi said and disagreed with this suggestion.

"Then let them come together! It can not only reflect my personal strength, but also show their teamwork, the best of both worlds! How about it?"

God damn, have the best of both worlds!

The Third Hokage's brows were twitching wildly, and his anger surged in his heart.

This Namikazema Ichi is a bastard!

When the surrounding Konoha ninjas heard his words, they were also in an uproar.

Is this guy really desperate for his life?

"He doesn't really think that ninjas use ninjutsu, right? Assassination tactics, taijutsu, illusions, etc. are all as important as ninjutsu!"

"Arrogant! Sure enough, it is the thinking of the lower class civilians."

"If the chakra is stronger, it will look like this! You can't survive more than a day on the battlefield."

As senior ninjas, they were all angered by Jian Yi's arrogance.

The audience in the stands were all angry. As Jian Yi's opponents, the three ninjas and two Uchiha clan members almost went berserk.

Even outsiders who had been outside Tsunade, who was maintaining an image in front of him, was furious at this moment. He kept smoothing the veins on his forehead and suppressed the anger in his heart.

Orochimaru, who had always remained calm, had a bright smile on his face. This was the second time he felt great. The first time was when he received alms from the bastard in front of him!

The three magatama sharingan eyes in Uchiha Yuta's eyes were turning red with anger, as if

Uchiha Shota would awaken the kaleidoscope in the next moment. Er roared:"I'm going to kill you!"!! Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

His pupils shrank crazily, and his eyes underwent huge changes.

The intense emotional fluctuations drove the Sharingan, and the first magatama and the second magatama transformed wildly.

Finally, it stopped, and a brand new magatama appeared around the pupil.

As a peerless genius, he was praised by the family A few years ago, he had the aura of genius that he had from the beginning of the ninja school.

First he was stimulated by his peers, and now he suffered such a huge insult. In the end, his emotions became too volatile and he awakened the three Magatama Sharingan.

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