Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 852 The details of Jaldabaoth

Demigod... Another demigod will be born in the Tarot Society! The "hermit" Cattleya, who joined the latest and didn't know the details of the "tower", was very emotional, thinking that this might be the real horror of the meeting before the gods with a "god" who could respond to the prayers of believers at any time... …

Because many difficulties and obstacles, in the eyes of the members here, are not problems at all! As long as they pay a certain price, they can "exchange at equal value"!

Comparing myself with myself, I am not too old, only in my twenties. I have been able to become a Sequence 5 and obtain the title of "Star Admiral" for almost seven or eight years. However, it was only in the past year or two that I felt that I was confident to make an impact. The half-god and half-human gate began to make corresponding preparations, and thought that this was already quite an outstanding speed.

But looking at it now, I may not be able to become the next demigod in the Tarot Society... Whether it is "the world" or "judgment", he may surpass me.

Derrick the Sun felt sincerely happy. Although Miss Temperance rarely spoke, she had a very close relationship with Mr. World, and Mr. World always helped him, so this gratitude was naturally shared. On to Miss Temperance.

What's more, the cereals and food called "canned wolf fish" provided by Miss Temperance last week were of great help to Silver City!

Although the latter does not taste good, it is still normal food without contamination... Moreover, there are actually many people in the hunting team who like that taste...

While "Sun" Derrick was thinking wildly, he only wished that he could become a demigod as soon as possible like his opponent, and then become the light of Silver City.

"The Hanged Man" Alger was not surprised that "Temperance" sought to be promoted to Demigod. After all, he had guessed about the young lady from the fact that the other party no longer wanted to buy the "Demigod Mummy" during the last tarot meeting. The materials and rituals should have been gathered.

However, Alger still felt a deep sense of envy and reluctance in his heart. After all, the preparations for other demigods were completed so quickly, and it had been some time since he had obtained the formula for "Ocean Singer", but neither the materials nor the rituals were complete. No progress at all...

We can't go on like this, we must at least get "the complete vocal cords of the Serra Banshee"... According to the information I got, "Vice Admiral Dusk" once hunted a Serra Banshee and rewarded him with this material. He gave a bounty of 7,500 pounds to the commander of his squadron, "Eagle-Eyed Banshee" Carol... a powerful "Wind Blessed"!

I wasn't sure how to deal with her before, so I kept waiting for the right opportunity... Now it seems that just waiting is not enough, I have to take the initiative to create opportunities...

Moreover, since I have the backing of the "Tarot Society", I don't necessarily need to do it myself, I can also entrust others...for example, the "world" who already knows my identity!

Thinking of this, "The Hanged Man" Alger glanced at the "World" sitting gloomily at the bottom. Think about how to impress him.

"Justice" Audrey's heart is filled with joy. As one of the elders of the "Tarot Society", she sincerely hopes that this organization can develop and grow...and if Miss "Temperance" can succeed, she may not be unable to do so in the future!

Immediately she remembered Mr. "Tarot"'s casual words "wait until you obtain divinity" when he taught her the secret technique. This not only showed the other party's strong confidence, but also showed his confidence in other members of the Tarot Society and himself. Confidence.

Mr. "Ta" has so much confidence in me, Audrey, you have to be confident too! Miss Justice secretly encouraged herself.

"Moon" Emlyn was a little bit shocked. You must know that he has been looking forward to this tarot meeting since this morning, because he has been successfully promoted to baron and wants to find an opportunity to show off without leaving any trace - just It was the same as last night when I met that hateful guy named Itris.

Just thinking of Itris' surprised face gave him a sense of pleasure.

No, even if Miss Temperance is about to become a demigod, it doesn't stop me from showing off! Well, I have to do something later to let them know that I am a noble baron... Emlyn made up his mind.

Although "Magician" Forsi was a little envious of the news, it was just envy. After all, what did it have to do with her being a little "magic master" if someone else became a demigod?

"Tower" Abner is a little worried. After all, Klein is only the "Faceless Man" of Sequence 6. Once Miss Temperance becomes a demigod, he may no longer be able to support the Tarot Society...

Of course, with the current relationship between Klein and Sharon, he might choose a showdown, right? But in that case, "The Fool's" future rituals may be affected...

There are some things that you can know, but you can't say out loud... This is why Abner, as well as the true gods and angels in the original work, have never revealed that Klein is the "Fool". .

"However, Miss Sharon in the original book was a demigod mummy obtained in mid-June, but she became a 'puppet' at the end of September. This ceremony lasted for more than three months...

"If she is still at this speed this time, then it won't be a big problem. Klein will definitely be the 'Puppet Master' in three months."

While his thoughts were spinning, Abner calculated his own progress. If everything goes well, the performance and "ritual" should be completed before April. And when the sea monster appears and successfully obtains its characteristics, I should be able to get promoted immediately, which may be earlier than Sharon...

However, in the original book, after Klein was promoted to Sequence 5, he no longer worried about the lack of spirituality of the "Tarot Society". It was probably not a big problem for him to support two demigods at that time.

But "The Fool" Klein, who was worried about Abner at the moment, did not think that far. He was observing all the Tarot Club members with his spiritual vision. As a result, he found that except for Sharon who was going to complete the ritual, "The Sun" and " "Moon" also completed their promotions, one became the "Sun Controller" and the other became the "Poison Professor".

"In just one week, three members of the Tarot Society have been promoted, or are about to be promoted... Is this a coincidence? They all happened to take the magic potion this week? From a probability perspective, this is possible. Last time Sharon, The materials purchased by 'Moon' and 'Sun' can prove it, but it is also enough to show that the members of the Tarot Club are promoted very quickly, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence..."

Gu Cheng

Klein was quite pleased. As time went by, the Tarot Society had grown to a point where it was comparable to the church's elite team. It was no longer as shabby as the original "Hanged Man", an extraordinary person.

While he was feeling emotional, "Justice" Audrey, who had come back to her senses, apologized to Mr. Fool, saying that she had not been in contact with the members of the "Psychological Alchemy Society" recently and could not provide Russell's diary. The same was true of "The Sun" "Derrick, he has a lot of things to deal with recently, and the senior officials of Silver City have not continued to organize exploration, so there is no new ancient mythology information.

In response, Klein the Fool could only calmly nod.

Fortunately, at this time, "Magician" Forsi raised his hand and said, "Mr. Fool, I got a page of the diary."

This was something she got accidentally while traveling with the circus.

"That's right, what do you want?" "The Fool" Klein transferred the parchment that appeared to his hand and asked casually.

"I would like to ask you to identify an item...well, it's a box. Let's see what's special about it." "Magician" Forsi paused for a moment before adding, "I know something special about it." Pages of diary are not enough, I will continue to collect them in the future to pay for the appraisal."

Hearing this, Klein couldn't help but glance at the "Tower", because the other party had "sacrificially sacrificed" a box to the gray mist before, begging him to help him take a look... and he already had the result, so I will discuss this matter with Abner in private after the Tarot session.

So Mr. Fool tapped the edge of the ancient bronze table with his fingers and said in a warning tone: "The secrets involved in that box are not something you can know now... I allow you to make another request."

Hearing this, before Forsi could say anything, Alger, the Hanged Man, suddenly became excited, because the Magician didn't mention the specific information about the box at all, but Mr. Fool knew it!

And items that Mr. Fool can know and warn about their dangers will definitely not be simple! This item may involve a high level of secrecy!

In addition, Miss "Justice" seemed to have guessed something, and she also looked at the "Tower"... I remember last week, "Tower" said that she would accompany "Justice" to explore the crystal cave in the dream... Could it be that they called her again? "Magician", what did we discover there together?

Alger could not help but guess the deeper truth.

As for "justice", she did think of the "God's Box" mentioned by the lady who was suspected of being the Queen of Scourge.

With Fors's lazy temperament, he probably wouldn't take the initiative to inquire... So is he asking for Abner? It seems that she still doesn't know that Abner is "Tower"... Is this the... interest between them?

Audrey made random guesses for a while.

"Judgment" Xio also looked at Abner and asked him with his eyes whether Forsi still had any dangerous items in his hand. He was relieved after seeing that the other party understood and shook his head slightly.

"Magician" Forsi was startled by Mr. Fool's words, and secretly decided to write a letter to Abner when he went back. After warning him not to explore in depth, he said that this time it would be counted as "contribution" first.

"The Fool" Klein looked at the "browsings" among the people below, and immediately controlled "The World" to look at the "Tower". After all, the box was nominally used by Abner to help "The World" Klein with divination...

Of course, his actions were a waste of emotion, because Abner didn't pay attention to him at all.

In Sharon's words, this is "a 'tower' that only makes eye contact with women"! Muttering in his mind, Klein picked up the page of the diary and read it carefully:

"Today, September 22nd, I had a frank conversation between father and son with the demon I raised and the adopted son I personally named Duke, Jaldabao...

"Well, I found that my translation tone was getting thicker and heavier... To put it simply, after he was promoted to 'Devil', he finally responded to my previous questions about his origins.

“He told me that he did not come from the ‘abyss’, nor was he a clone of the ‘dark side of the universe’ as I guessed, but from the ‘shadow world’!

"It's really strange. I only know about the spiritual world, the underworld, the astral world and the world of absolute rationality... What is the 'shadow world'? Why have I never heard of it before?

"I asked Jaldabao this question, but he didn't answer. He only said that I would gradually come into contact with it in the future...

"When did he learn Zaratul's bad habits? Does the 'devil' like this too?

"Next, he told his details in detail, I won't write more here... In short, he is actually similar to the seven pure lights in the spiritual world, but relies on different...

"And the reason why he doesn't have an almost divine level like Qiguang is because his reliance is currently sealed...and one of his tasks is to find loopholes in the seal so that his reliance can seize some opportunities. .”


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