Mystery: Me! Omnipotent

Chapter 39 First Mystery University

Is the difference of one point big?

If you zoom in to the global scope, this is actually not that big.

Although human individuals with high sane values ​​are rare, it is normal for a large number of geniuses to emerge from billions of humans.

Everyone believes that the record kept by Ying Qi will soon be broken.

But the subsequent progress disappointed billions of people.

New records are still emerging.

"The sun never sets the empire, Lucius, a new member of the Wizarding Association, initial secret score: ninety-eight."

"Bayar, a new knight of the Knights of the French Empire, initial secret score: ninety-eight."

"Edward Rutledge, a high school student in the Windy City of the White Eagle Empire, has an initial secret score: ninety-eight."

"Junichi Hagi, a high school student in Xinjing City, the third island nation, has an initial secret score: 98."

"The mystery association organization Prometheus Lab Dr. Crave, initial mystery score: 98."


The new records one after another are initially exciting.

Because everyone thinks that the next barrier may be broken.

However, as time passed, it soon came to midnight.

Billions of people around the world have disappointment in their eyes, followed by silence.

it's over!

As of midnight, the new record has not been born.

The world's number one in sane value is still the dropout high school student from Xia Guo.

Inside the old house, Ying Qi, who was also immersed in the secret net, finally smiled contentedly.

Obviously, his "evil taste" has been greatly satisfied.

From the beginning, there was no suspense. Ying Qi did not choose this number randomly.

He added an extra point directly based on the previous life list.

"These are indeed geniuses."

"Most of the humans inside eventually became transcendents of the demigod level."

"Acquaintances, too many."

Ying Qi looked at the names on the list, all the names that were once prestigious and still immature today.

Sighing and sighing, it does not prevent Ying Qi from being so mischievous.

In fact, this was the case in the previous life. The world's number one was not born, but many young geniuses were tied with the number "98".

It is precisely because of this that Ninety-Eight is called the limit of human rationality.

In this life, Ying Qi broke this limit.

I have to say, it's really fun.


The next day, Ying Qi, contented and hopeful, left the house.

After all, he was enrolling in a new university, and Li Yiren was picked up and picked up by his family.

Ying Qi, on the other hand, chose to take the bus directly.

The solitary line, the final station is a new area that is both familiar and unfamiliar to the people of Deep Sea City.

Fusheng District!

If you ask a young person from Deep Sea City, he may not even know the name.

If you ask the older ones, I'm afraid they will shake their heads and warn you not to go.

Especially after the "Secret Night", it became a place like a ghost.

Even some people from Deep Sea City near that area chose to move out within a dozen hours.

The strange thing is that instead of stopping, the government tried their best to help and cooperate.

But whether it is the past or the present, Ying Qi is no stranger to it.

"Fusheng District, a new area that was prepared by the government more than ten years ago, but it is very weird and unfinished."

"There were even basic living facilities such as playgrounds, hospitals, and parks built there, but it didn't take long for them to be abandoned. The official development direction of Deep Sea City directly turned around and transferred."

"After the mysterious night, it will become the Deep Sea City, and even one of the most terrifying places in Xia Kingdom."

"Every time a wave of treacherous objects will wash away, the probability of local creatures and foreign objects metamorphosing is far higher than that of other areas, and various mysterious side events occur frequently."

"Very dangerous place, but for some wild and extraordinary, it is a paradise worth exploring."

"It makes sense to choose the site of the First Mystery University."

When her thoughts fell, the car had arrived, and Ying Qi got off.

If it is other times, perhaps you have to identify the location and look for landmarks.

But at this moment, in Ying Qi's eyes, the figure shook.

Today is entrance day.

Although the "Fusheng District" is weird and desolate, it can't stop the enthusiasm of parents.

A large number of new students were sent from everywhere, not just from the deep sea city.

As Xia Guo and the world's first extraordinary university, there is no need to worry about students.

The enrollment scope is directly set in the whole country.

The official resources are sufficient to complete the test and announce the enrollment list within 20 hours.

So there was a scene that Ying Qi saw at this time: "geniuses" from all over Xia State gathered here.

Like a stream, it slowly flows into the central area of ​​Fusheng District, the buildings that seem to have been built overnight.

No, it's not just the new building ahead.

Ying Qi looked around and found out soon.

The entire Fusheng District!

It seems that they have all undergone some transformation.

It's not obvious, but those traces can't escape Ying Qi's eyes.

Desolate residential buildings!

A playground covered with moss!

Semi-finished shopping malls leaking everywhere!

A park like a primeval forest!

An aquarium full of foul-smelling wastewater!

And in the distance, the true symbol of Fusheng District, shrouded in black clouds...Fusheng Tianzun Mountain.

Even if it is dawn, it is early morning.

Ying Qi can also see a lot of mysterious aura from inside these sceneries.

Most of them originate from themselves.

But there are still some new traces, which are temporarily arranged.

Ying Qi glanced a few times, then retracted her gaze.

His complexion was still calm, but my heart secretly said:

"There is no free lunch in the world, especially the government, how can it be possible to give these so-called geniuses directly to the precious source qualities that can promote people to transcendents without verifying anything?"

"Prove yourself before you are qualified to be extraordinary."

"Well, it's fair."


ps: Seeking flowers! Seeking evaluation! .

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