Mystery: Me! Omnipotent

Chapter 38 Unbreakable record (seeking flowers! Seeking evaluation!)

"Gui Yulou does not repair it, bah, you are giving a psychological hint to the little brother."

"Brother Gui, in terms of phase, the little brother is indeed suitable for us [Tongtian Academy], my Yunxiao vision has never gone wrong."

"Sister Yunxiao, the old man feels you are scolding me."

"Illusion, brother, it's an illusion."

Although the three of them did not clearly state their identities, all the "candidates" in the test house could see them.

Feng Yuxiu!


Go to Yulou!

These three are probably in high positions among the three colleges that have been leaked in the first extraordinary university.

They all started vying for Ying Qi, which is too enviable.

For a time, Ying Qi enjoyed the attention.

Full of envy and jealous eyes, they all fell on Ying Qi.

At this time, Li Yiren, who was finally exasperated, stood up.

The little beauty held her head very cute and said:

"Now that I know how honest and reliable I am, Li Yiren, don't fight, in the end it must be where the Yiren beauty goes, Ying Qi will go."

"Ying Qi, let's go, let them look down on you before, let's keep suspense until tomorrow."

After speaking, Li Yiren pulled Ying Qi away proudly.


On the way back to the old house, Li Yiren were all introducing gossip to Ying Qi.

Tell Ying Qi what she knows about the world's first extraordinary university.

"Ying Qi, let me tell you that when the branching ceremony is held tomorrow, you must read [Tongtian College] silently in your heart."

"I made an appointment with the other girls, and they should all enter this academy."

"You don't want to go to the God of War Academy, there are probably muscle bumps, and you like to fight if you have nothing to do."

"By the way, did I tell you the name of the university?"

"It seems that there is no such thing. This time, the government has united almost all the associations with profound foundations to form a university to deal with the tide of trickery."

"I heard that the name has been confirmed as...The First Mysterious University!!"

"It's the only one in the world, and other officials are behind. According to my dad, this can be considered to be the all-knowing sage to some extent."

"Speaking of which, that guy doesn't know who he is, he knows so much..."

As always, Li Yiren is still the little talker.

It's just that her voice is very sweet, like a lark, and not annoying.

What she said was about the school's detailed system and name.

It is not much different from what Ying Qi knew in the past.

If there is no accident, some events he has heard of will probably happen again.

The only "exception" is Ying Qi herself.

At that time, there was not a freshman named Ying Qi in the [First Mystery University].

Ying Qi's previous witticism is actually true. He is really looking forward to college life.

This is also the reason why he chose to use the secondary authority to modify the points interface.

Create a genius impression for yourself on the face of your identity, and go to school smoothly.

Nine-nine o'clock!

This value is very rare, but compared with his real initial integral, it is nothing short of a big picture.

Ying Qi's true "qualification" is actually: 10,000 points.

But this is actually due to rebirth, coupled with the cause of the Creator's pathway.

Of course, his points in the previous life also reached ninety points, and he is also a super genius.

If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for him to be promoted to a "demigod" in his previous life.

Sanity value!

In the future, humankind around the world will gradually pay attention to its importance.


Ying Qi left the test house, but the influence of his initial points ranking first in the world is still spreading.

Inside the secret web, there is continuous excitement.

I don't know how many eyes, always paying attention to the list.

Above, it is still refreshing.

"Geniuses" from various governments and organizations from various countries have been on the list one after another.

The number of points is also advancing the record.

ninety one!

ninety two!

ninety three!

One point, one point, it's tough but it keeps going up.

As time passed, after nightfall, this turned out to be a national topic.

Discussions have begun on the Internet and on television in various countries, and a large number of experts and scholars have also expressed their opinions.

At the same time, some large gaming companies have also opened a handicap on whether someone can break the Ying Qi record.

Many online forums have also appeared hot searches such as "the world's first genius", "mysterious Xia Guo high school student", "is ninety-nine o'clock the limit" and so on.

Ying Qi returned to the old house, immersed in the secret web.

Full of evil fun!

He also joined the crowd of onlookers, watching the constantly refreshing list with billions of people.

Occasionally send one or two real-time barrage, hoping to see if someone can break his record.

After nightfall, the competition seems to have entered a fierce stage.

More and more geniuses are beginning to emerge.

Since they are all paying attention, naturally they can see new records except "Ying Qi" without an announcement.

"Ice Crystal Island, college student Nathaniel, initial mystery score: ninety-five!"

"Hey, it was broken again immediately."

"Andrew Adams, a high school student in the Queens District of the White Eagle Empire, initial secret points: 96!"

"Here again, new record."

"The sun never sets, the daughter of Earl William of the Empire, the initial mystery score: Ninety-seven!"

"It's only two points away. Anything else? Come on."

"There is, and it is a new record."

"The son of Dr. Josiah from the Red Umbrella Foundation, a mysterious organization, the initial mystery score: Ninety-eight!"


Real-time barrage, once again ushered in an outbreak.

Only one point away!

Even Ying Qi herself couldn't help but look forward to it.

It seems that after a while, a new record will be born?

No. 1 in the world, will change ownership? .

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