Myriad Paths

Chapter 965 Landing

Abel couldn't figure it out. At this critical moment, the group actually decided to send his only experimental prototype and its inventor to this remote star system.

This will definitely completely disrupt the original carefully formulated experimental plans and production plans, and will have catastrophic consequences for research, and even cause research to have to be delayed. This epoch-making invention may even be delayed by hundreds of... ...maybe it will take thousands of years to come out.

It is absolutely impossible for the Boundless Control Group not to know this.

It was also because of this that the more Abo thought about it, the more something was wrong, and the possibilities he had thought of before became more and more unreasonable.

The group even asked him to bring the entire city with him, which also meant that his family, his factory, even his wife and the eggs that had just been born and were still incubating would also come here.

Although traveling around is normal for the Borderless people, no one thinks there is anything wrong. They are just running around in their own homes.

So he was even more convinced that this game of chess was much bigger than his own invention or even the Boundless Control Group.

Maybe it will really involve the entire civilization.

Suddenly, at this time, the sound from outside interrupted his thoughts.

"Abo, am I coming in?"

It was a female voice.

Obviously, the wife is here.

Abel's wife, named Leileidi, is an engineer and Abel's right-hand assistant.

Not only is she very dexterous and able to complete various experiments, she can also help Abel organize his thinking.

Abel's thinking is relatively chaotic. He always bursts with inspiration and devotes himself passionately to research. He comes up with a lot of wild ideas, but not many of them are useful.

Leleidi is particularly good at picking out the ones with the most practical value from Aber's large number of original chaotic ideas, so that they can be developed.

Many of the first and improved products that can be tested and finally introduced to the market are manufactured by this good pair. The two of them can work together easily. Coupled with the teamwork of their subordinates, they are Chief technical expert of the group.

Like Abel, Leleidi is thousands of years old. Through prosthetic transplantation and biological modification, they have escaped from natural death and spent their long life through the irrational and frivolous years, while also safely avoiding Having opened various thinking traps, they are already mature immortals and will not easily fall into doubts about the world. They have a set of their own understanding of the world that can support them in completing various tasks.

In terms of career, both of them are full of the same enthusiasm for work, just like Boya Ziqi. Outside of work, the two have a good personal relationship and have similar interests, but they are not overly indulged.

Overall, they are a good partner and are envied by others.

"How is the child?" Leleidi walked in. She was wearing a white dress. She always liked white, and even her hair was dyed white.

Hearing her question, Abe realized that he had been thinking about the group's purpose for too long and had forgotten about the egg next to him that he should take care of.

Obviously, Leleidi also discovered this.

She sighed, as she always did when he had something to do.

"Even if you don't understand, you can't leave the child next to you, right?" She walked over. The eggs lying in the incubator were well taken care of by the artificial intelligence. However, she didn't trust the artificial intelligence, so she still needed someone to be by her side. Watch.

"Sorry." Abel stood up immediately and began to check the work records of the incubator to make sure that the eggs were at least OK.

"Okay, busy man, just go and think about things, and leave the rest to me. By the way, have you thought of the answer?" Leiledi asked.

"Why does the group want us to come here and even bring the entire 'City of Reading' with us?" she added.

You must know that Reading is a full nine hundred miles long and is an industrial city. Most of the people in the flying boat are workers, and a small number are technicians like them.

Technicians and workers make up the vast majority of Reading City. This spaceship does not even have the ability to sustain itself and relies heavily on other civilized spaceships to transport industrial raw materials and food to maintain the production and life of the workers and technicians here.

However, the industrial products produced here can also be transported to other parts of the fleet, which can be regarded as division of labor.

Now, let the city of Reading reserve supplies alone, and then drive to the North Pole of a planet in this inexplicable native star system that is still in the Hadean Era...

It's really baffling.

So, faced with this problem, Abel shook his head, lit something similar to a 'cigarette', and said, "I can't think of it."

Smoke sticks are a healthy food for them. The smoke after igniting is a food with a slight concentration but no load on the body. They like to eat air, and smelly air is especially popular.

According to the taste of smoke, various tastes are also produced, and people like various flavors of smoke, so different smoke sticks will receive different treatment from different people.

Abel likes this smoke stick with a slightly herbal fragrance.

Workers will prefer smoke sticks with tar and strong spices, but it depends on the taste.

Lailedi especially likes spicy food. The smell would make people choke. It was just like a stick of sulfide. Abo couldn't get used to it.

For a couple who always get along well, this is probably the only disagreement.

Leiledi guessed at this time: "I'm thinking... could it be that the group has found a new sponsor, such as a very wealthy ship owner, so they want us to go over and show them? Hold a presentation or something.”

The system of boundless civilization is generally based on the "ship owner". For example, Abel, he is the "ship owner" of Reading City. In theory, the entire ship is his private property, and the workers and others Technicians are his own indentured laborers. ’

In the same way, he also signed a contract with the Infinite Control Group. Under the provisions of the contract, as an employee of the group, he has control over the ship temporarily with the group. He personally leases it to the group for use, and the group will provide it for the group. His research paid for it and he was responsible for maintaining the ship.

The same goes for the group. Above the group, there are also the ship owners of large fleets. They are the real helmsmen of civilization.

Shipowners, groups, and the indentured labor system constitute the main theme of boundless civilization. They are a civilization based on "contracts" and attach extraordinary importance to order and contracts.

Abo heard Leiledi's guess, shook his head and said: "No, the group will not disrupt our production plan because of this kind of thing. In any case, it will be a loss."

"Even if they want to hold a conference, they should invite the sponsor to come to Reading and visit our laboratory instead of going through all the trouble to move people and equipment from Reading. You have already seen how much trouble it is."

"Hmm... In this case, it's impossible for us to train other people." Leleidi said.

"Yes, for the same reason, if they need training or a conference, it is more convenient for them to come directly to Reading City. We don't need to drive 500 light years to this place."

"Then -" Leiledi spoke again and made a terrible guess: "Could it be a takeover? This project involves too many things. The group doesn't want us to take over too much, and wants the ship owner to take over. ?So let us drive over to Reading and give us a new ship as compensation, and all the equipment and personnel will belong to the ship owner."

This guess made Abo think for a moment.

Obviously, this is a very likely reason.

But after thinking about it, Abo took a deep breath of the surrounding smoke: "I don't think so. The group still respects you and me. This kind of burning bridges can easily lose our loyalty. You must know that our contract only There are only two hundred years left, and the worst possible outcome is that I won’t sign with the group.”

"The group knows that even if the two of us invest in other groups, we are definitely capable of carrying out this project. Moreover, this approach is too shabby. The ship owners will be ridiculed for doing this." At this point, Aber paused. Suddenly, a cloud of smoke is exhaled.

"Anyway, I think there is a big chess game behind this matter. If I had to guess, even the group doesn't know what is going on, so let's not think too much about it."

Leiledi rolled her eyes: "I told you not to think too much, but you're not the one who thinks too much?"

"Haha, yes, let's take a look at our child." He said with a smile, looking at the egg over there.

According to calculations, the due date is two days later, about twenty hours later.

They learned the time scale of hours from a very scary advanced civilization. It is not easy to use. The main thing is that many civilizations in the universe use this time scale.

In this case, you can only use it.

Many civilizations they come into contact with will come into contact with this mysterious time scale, as well as a language called "Yayan". Many low-level civilizations trapped on their own planets have no idea where they came from.

But Boundless Civilization knows that this points to two particularly terrifying civilizations, called "humans" and "witches". They share this language called Yayan.

These two civilizations fought in the universe, and their battlefield spread to infinite worlds, beyond the known observable universe.

The Boundless Civilization learned Yayan from a super civilization that could transcend the barriers of the observable universe and go to the multiverse, and that super civilization... was a vassal of the 'Witch' civilization.

According to the description of the super civilization, they were able to participate in that war, so they were able to progress so quickly. However, there were countless civilizations like them there, and they had to be careful to progress, otherwise they would face annihilation.

When he first learned about this, Abe was so surprised that he was speechless.

It was really hard for him to imagine.

Because this super civilization can move at super-light speeds and can flatten a spherical galaxy. Their ultimate weapon has the lethality to annihilate a hundred thousand light-years in an instant.

However, this level of civilization can only exist as 'soldiers' on the battlefield.

So what should the battlefield look like?

Thinking of this, Abe couldn't help but feel respect and fear.

It is precisely because of this that he finally chose to use the unit of 'hour'.

Twenty hours passed quickly.

With the current level of technology, their artificial intelligence will basically not make mistakes in calculations, and the child will be born at that exact time.

So they waited quietly.

The spacecraft continued to move forward and soon rushed tens of thousands of miles away.

Under this black sky embroidered with stars, the communication satellites spread out by the City of Reading are silently observing the lower world.

It used its all-seeing mechanical eyes to coldly track all the terrain data on the surface of this colorful spherical planet.

These data flowed in and out of its antenna continuously. In these data streams, all the topographic maps that passed by this planet were recorded, and this land that was still in the Hadean eon was recorded. This was also the first time that this land was "remembered".

The land was full of magma rivers, constantly spewing poisonous gas and thick smoke.

The earthquakes continued, and the rumbling geological movement would continue for hundreds of millions of years before slowly subsiding. At that time, perhaps the planet would have an ocean, but according to the analysis of the atmospheric composition, the ocean here would be liquid methane, not water.

If life could be born here, it would surely be another kind of excitement.

Soon, the satellite released by the city of Reading identified a call from the host of another ship, requesting the current detailed location of the city of Reading, and they were going to prepare to welcome the landing.

As usual, the city of Reading sent out the location information and then obtained the landing coordinates.

This 900-mile-long spaceship moved easily on the planet. The huge power brought by the engine was enough to resist the gravity of the planet, and its own material and structural strength were also enough to resist its own weight in the atmosphere.

This is a very powerful ship. If it is to be graded, it is at least level six. In other words, this ship can even blow up the newly formed star in the distance.

The North Pole was soon reached.

Here, the magma lake on the surface has been leveled, and the surrounding area has been transformed into a flat land.

It really is... a flat land.

The surface of the area of ​​about 10,000 miles is as flat as a basketball court, and the height difference is no more than one meter.

The planet transformation technology of the Boundless Civilization is obviously very good, and the temperature here is also lower. The surface temperature is only 200 degrees, which is a problem that ordinary individuals of the Boundless Clan can easily survive.

Although it is not comfortable.

The atmosphere is full of methane and various sulfides, but it doesn't matter. They can breathe all types of atmosphere. In fact... the Boundless Clan can survive in an environment between minus 160 degrees and plus 1,500 degrees without protection, and can survive by eating stones.

This is the result of biological transformation.

Now, the city of Reading has landed in this area, with a lot of mystery.

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