Myriad Paths

Chapter 964 New Life

In the gloomy reincarnation, with a loud bang, all of Li Qi's consciousness disappeared here.

He abandoned everything.

Memories, personality, self-awareness, everything, all of them, were placed outside the reincarnation.

Such a thorough abandonment also allowed him to tear off all the evil thoughts that were shackled on his body.

This can even be said to be...

On another level, cut the flesh to return to the mother, and cut the bones to return to the father.

Everything that belongs to the demon is returned to the demon.

Since it was the demon who created Li Qi, and since Li Qi is also the "son of the demon", then, it will all be returned to you.

Cultivation, adventures, personality, memory, I don't want any of them.

Cut off the previous relationship and cut off the present.

It's just that in this "return" process, Wu Xian took action and snatched away the desire world itself, which can be regarded as recovering some of the things lost before.

But in fact, it's not that simple. Now that the plans of both the human and the demon have succeeded, it has also led to another level. The witches are at a disadvantage, and the Buddhist sect has completely collapsed.

Now the trend of destroying Buddhism has been established, and humanity is frantically absorbing all the heritage of Buddhism.

Perhaps this is the reward promised to them by the demon.

The former White Horse Temple, the ‘Buddhist source in the Central Earth’ began to broadcast.

Taking advantage of this trend, the Human Emperor began to promote the integration of the three schools of ‘Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism’, trying to integrate all the thoughts of the Taoist Xianshi School and the Buddhist School into humanity with the help of Confucianism’s digestion ability.

The war between humans and witches is over.

Because there is no need to fight anymore, the purpose of humanity has been achieved.

There is no winner if the fight with witches continues, and after destroying Buddhism, the current Western Region Buddhist Kingdom has been established by humanity as the ‘Western Region Protectorate’.

Humanity really ate the entire Buddhist Kingdom and is now digesting it.

This giant beast made a feint to the east and attacked the west, taking advantage of the momentum of the war between humans and witches to eat the Buddhist sect next to it. Now it has retreated to its nest and started to digest and grow. The nutrients it eats will turn into muscles and become nutrients for the next attack.

When it appears next time, humanity will surely be stronger.

What kind of countermeasure can Wu Xian make with the Desire Realm?

This is not something Li Qi can consider. Let Wu Xian do it. That is something the big guys consider.

As for Li Qi...

He has fallen into a deep sleep.

The wheel of reincarnation swayed and rocked him to sleep.

The demon gave birth to him, raised him to be like that, and then took him away when he grew up, and Li Qi finally made his own resistance.

He gave up everything the demon gave him, leaving nothing behind, just like the lotus root he once was, even more extreme than the lotus root, he didn't even want his mind.

A deep mystery surrounded Li Qi.

When he sank into the darkness, the curtain of sorrow swayed over the reincarnation.

The ocean composed of souls, the sea of ​​suffering where countless suffering souls struggled, was like a swaying and tumbling curtain, and under their crowd, Li Qi entered it.

The huge wheel crushing the flesh and blood made a creaking sound, and the bones and flesh and blood burst and crackled.

The suffering souls let go of their throats and let out the most terrible groan, as if to send Li Qi on his last journey.

At this time, Li Qi remembered Zhu Fengdan, Shen Shuibi, Li Shiwei, Laqi, his teacher, wife, daughter, and apprentice.

He resisted subconsciously.

Like a giant, struggling and resisting, struggling in the swamp of the sea of ​​suffering, slapping mud everywhere, but still sinking deeper and deeper.

Until his struggle completely stopped, exhausted, like a dying bull, he let out a deep cry, his mouth was already filled with the water of the sea of ​​suffering, his open arms were stretched straight and stiff.

He took the initiative to participate in reincarnation, but he was still struggling. Perhaps he was still unwilling to lose those, but it didn't matter anymore.


This is a spaceship civilization.

They believe that being confined to the surface of the planet is too backward, so building spaceships and sailing in the universe is the best for the development of civilization.

They built a huge fleet of spaceships. Peaceful spaceship civilizations would trade between the stars, just like a caravan traveling through the desert, traveling through the void desert between the stars, exchanging what each civilization has and what it needs, while also developing themselves.

The less peaceful spaceship civilizations are cosmic nomads, who would plunder all places on their way, especially planets with life.

You know, life is the most precious property in this universe.

Looking at the entire universe, a tree is far more precious than the same weight of gold.

Life is a miracle catalyzed by the environment for billions of years. Even if it is just a tree, a flower, or some local native species, its complexity exceeds that of some low-level civilization spaceships.

You know, the complexity of life is far beyond those spaceships that cannot travel faster than light. Every cell contains many billions of years of accumulated experience, which are all valuable assets.

And the nomads plunder these properties and then turn them into the driving force for their own civilization to move forward.

Moreover, these properties can be replicated, and life will replicate itself.

Therefore, they control the property in their own hands and prevent others from getting it. This is their way of doing things. They will collect the local ecology and then exterminate it.

However, at present, this spaceship civilization is a relatively peaceful spaceship civilization. They generally only trade and rarely go extinct.

This civilization calls itself ' # ¥%...', which is a transliteration and is really difficult to pronounce, because they mainly use 'spiritual communication' to communicate.

However, if translated freely, they claim to be ‘boundless’.

The spaceship civilization called Boundless is still wandering in the vacuum of the universe.

However, at this moment they are staying in a nebula. These nebulae are gathering places of matter in the vacuum and are also the cradle of stars. In terms of shape, it looks like a long river winding in the universe, with an actual length of about five hundred light years.

This is a huge molecular cloud gathered due to gravity, which can give birth to stars. As the molecular cloud continues to collapse, the pressure increases and the temperature rises, gradually forming a protostar embryo.

When the nuclear fusion energy in the protostar embryo is enough to resist its own gravity, a new star is born.

This nebula can probably give birth to around 50,000 stars.

After the star-making movement is over, the remnants of these stars will become planets, and finally star systems will be formed.

This process is very slow and may last tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years.

Now, there are already many formed star systems in this nebula. It is at this juncture that they came to collect those newly born civilizations.

For these new civilizations, they have a variety of technologies in the primitive era, and it is likely that they have some fantastic ideas, as well as their bodies themselves and local species, which are all good harvests.

There is sound when sailing in relatively dense nebulae. As long as there is a medium, sound can propagate.

Amid the strong yet soft roar, a giant silver spaceship slowly rose.

Zooming in, you can clearly see the ecological warehouse inside the craft, which is filled with row upon row of square buildings.

The length of this airship was more than nine hundred miles, almost as big as a large city. Its tail expanded slightly outward to form a narrow triangle, and two particularly conspicuous swept tail fins were installed on it.

When flying in the universe, the tail fin is useless. However, this spacecraft has the ability to navigate within the atmosphere, so it is still hydrodynamic on the whole. This is all for landing in the atmosphere.

The airship gradually descended from outer space, and soon reached a low altitude of two thousand meters. It hovered at this height for a moment, as if it was enjoying the free air it had just found.

The Boundless Civilization, their race, is a special kind of life that originated in the harsh space environment. Although they are humanoid life forms, they are able to swallow and digest all kinds of food.

Their digestive organs are so powerful that they can theoretically digest any substance in the world.

However, the Boundless Tribe...let's call them that for the time being. They also have their own food culture, so generally speaking, they don't eat randomly.

If they are extremely hungry, they can eat a lot of inorganic food to satisfy their hunger temporarily. This will not affect their health, but it is a shame and torture.

If they are incredibly hungry, they will choose to eat things like rocks and soil, but the shame is enough that they would rather be hungry for a while than eat rocks.

In their food culture, 'gas' is very popular. Through breathing, they can eat almost all types of breath into their stomachs and then digest it.

This brings very little energy, but you can eat it anytime and anywhere without getting fat. It is considered a type of healthy diet, similar to vegetarianism and light fasting.

Then, the airship turned smoothly and finally locked the pole of the planet. As the roar became louder and louder, the airship began to accelerate and flew towards the North Pole.

It was not obvious at the beginning, but the speed became faster and faster as it went back. At an altitude of two thousand meters, this giant airship floated in the air with ease, and quickly slid towards the North Pole at the edge of outer space.

In a room of a building inside this city-level spaceship, an Infinity tribe member was nervously holding an egg in his hand.

The Boundless race are humanoid creatures that look very similar to the human race in the world, but there are big differences internally. The biggest difference is that they lay eggs.

The boundless tribe in front of me is named Abo.

He is the controller of the flying ship 'Redding City' in front of him.

This company is a subsidiary of the Infinite Control Group, which is a large-scale enterprise headquartered in the world-class Feizhou, their main city, 'Central City'.

Generally speaking, Aber can be regarded as a high-level person in the entire civilization and one of the top theoretical scientists in the entire civilization.

Now, his child is about to be born, but he doesn't feel much about it because he has more important things to be busy with.

At this moment, a bird's-eye view of the polar regions of the planet appeared on the wall display inside the room. This area in the northern part of the planet slowly moved on the screen and gradually became smaller.

Abo looked at the screen absentmindedly, but he was thinking about what happened in the past few days.

During this period, his experimental project "Control of the Interference Force Field of Subatomic Level 'Qi' at the Microscopic Level" was progressing quite smoothly.

The Boundless Control Group is very interested in his project, and the executive board of directors has been paying close attention to his experimental reports. They all know that the project has a promising future.

If possible, this research may even bring the entire civilization a step forward.

He built an experimental device and used a mysterious force field he accidentally discovered to create a "force field controller." This was the result of Abel's six hundred years of in-depth research in various fields. , is expected to become the most successful project since the establishment of the group company.

Aber experimentally demonstrated that when the mysterious force field he controlled penetrated solid matter at a specific intensity, nearby regions of the atomic nucleus reacted, causing a measurable change in the output.

Therefore, Arbor used three synchronously intersecting force fields to raster scan some specific substances, and was able to obtain enough information to construct a color three-dimensional model that was exactly the same as the original object. The accuracy reached the subatomic level, and even Can accurately depict electron clouds!

These force fields can scan the inside of an object, so it is easy to obtain a holographic image of its internal structure. Due to this property, coupled with the high magnification function inherent in this method, they can even clearly make the specific internal structure of all known substances and elements.

This can have a huge impact on materials science. As long as it succeeds, no product in the entire civilization can match it.

You can imagine with your toes that this kind of progress in basic applied disciplines will drive the entire civilization to make great strides in countless technologies, and it may even improve the level of civilization!

In this way, they can perfectly monitor cell metabolism, replicate bionics 100%, and replicate the nervous system.

It can play a huge role in metallurgy, crystallography, molecular electronics, engineering testing, and quality control. After analyzing the subatomic composition of substances, they can even easily synthesize the most complex chemical elements.

The possibilities with this technology are endless.

But just before, the group suddenly asked him to put down all the work at hand and rush to the current planet as soon as possible.

The group clearly understood the progress of his project, but still asked him to interrupt his work. This was particularly strange.

Abe knew that although the group was discussing with him on the surface, judging from the tone and attitude, Abe had to go.

Because of his skills, he has always enjoyed a high degree of autonomy in the company, and situations like this where he has no choice rarely occur.

Clearly, civilization as a whole thinks...

This matter was more important than his research now.

is it possible? (End of chapter)

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