My Return to Life

Chapter 239: Playing the Tide

In the evening, the howling wind suddenly stopped.

The leaves that fell on the ground had not had time to be cleaned, and were blown into a mess by the afternoon wind.

Instead, there is no feeling of bleakness.

Fang Nian walked out of the library with a small bag on his shoulder, and when he looked up, he saw many lights on the campus.

Walk to the bicycle parking shed, unlock, ride, leave school, and go home.

"Beep beep~"

As soon as he rode out of the school gate, the noise came, mixed with cars honking.

Fang Nian has long been used to the hustle and bustle of the night market, so he doesn't pay attention.


The long honking of the horn made passers-by turn their heads, and Fang Nian was no exception.

Then I saw a familiar Panamera.

Fang Nian didn't hesitate much, turned around and rode back to the school parking shed, locked it, and clapped his hands out of the campus.

After a while, he got into the co-pilot of Panamera.

"Why didn't Mr. Guan call me first, in case I accidentally miss seeing it?" Fang Nian joked.

Guan Qiuhe said casually, "I asked Wen Mi about it."

Then he looked at Fang Nian, and said with a playful look: "However, even if Mr. Fang is riding a bicycle, he is still so refined and stands out from the crowd."

Fang Nian nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

Guan Qiuhe curled her lips and stopped talking.

On the way to Hongkou by car, Guan Qiuhe briefly talked about the family affairs.

Hearing the disappointment in her dull tone, Fang Nian didn't say much.

He knew too well what so-called comforting words to say at this time, it was like water, splashing, and it was useless.

Guan Qiuhe's family history, for her, there is always only one best solution, independence...


Without going too far, I found a restaurant in Hongkou.

After the waiter finished serving the dishes, Fang Nian looked at Guan Qiuhe: "You came to Fudan to look for me just after you returned to Shanghai from your hometown. Do you have something to do?"

Guan Qiuhe pondered and said, "I want to expand the scope of the operation plan set at the regular meeting on Monday."

Then he added: "There are two reasons, the first reason is out of selfishness, wanting to make more money."

"The second reason is that I think the scope of the operating plan they decided last week at the regular meeting was too conservative and not enough."

Fang Nian gestured for Guan Qiuhe to continue.

Guan Qiuhe didn't hesitate much: "First of all, expand the investment in operations. My idea is that there will be advertisements for 'fun' throughout November, and continue to attract new players..."

"The second point is that the focus should really be on the legendary page game. Of course, the investment will make Moyu more."


Finally, Guan Qiuhe looked at Fang Nian and asked, "What do you think?"

This is her plan after thinking about it, taking both public and private into account.

This is actually quite good, if there is no personal desire, there is no way to start the company.

In April, Fang Nian found Guan Qiuhe as a partner because Guan Qiuhe had a strong desire to realize his self-worth.

Fang Nian thought for a while, and slowly said: "I have no objection to this expanded operation plan, but it can't be carried out in stages.

For example, taking weeks as the unit, this can also better judge the output of operating inputs for better adjustments. "

Guan Qiuhe thought for a while and nodded: "It is more reasonable to expand the operation plan by stages, I agree."


After talking about this matter, Fang Nian mentioned again: "I still recommend that you delegate the specific plan formulation to Mr. Zhou and the others, and control the company's long-term strategy, because it will make more money."

"I know." Guan Qiuhe nodded with a smile, "Unless there are no accidents, this should be the last time I come to formulate an operation plan in person. Starting tomorrow, my work will focus on controlling the company's long-term strategy."

heard that,

Fang Nian frowned slightly, and suddenly showed interest: "How about adding a name to this plan...

How about calling it "Autumn Project"? "

Guan Qiuhe nodded happily: "Alright."

This matter has been settled in this way, and "Great for Fun" will increase investment in game operations from November 4th.



In November, the domestic online game market was uncharacteristically quiet.

It is mainly reflected in the page game market.

First of all, there are faintly frequent "fun-craving" actions by giants in the domestic web game market.

Two web games under its banner: Legend and Moyu, based on the original cognition, have been promoted more vigorously.

Some netizens jokingly said that the advertisement of "crazy for fun" covered all game netizens.

Brainwashing the old, middle-aged and young generations.

This is because "Great for fun" has successively launched celebrity brainwashing advertisements. According to the difference between the majority of Legendary and Demon players, the selected advertising stars are also different.

'Great for fun' is just the beginning.


I have to mention the previous leader: the page game "I want to be rich".

In the early period when the legendary page game was bubbling, it was still thriving.

Because of problems in operational direction and strategy, it was quickly robbed of its uniqueness.

However, the game operating company did not give up the golden rooster of "I Want to Be Rich", and without much investment, it brought considerable profits.

In October, some operational activities were also carried out, and the investment was not high, and the effect was very good.

Not to be outdone, a series of activities were launched in November.

The momentum is not small.

And dropped a bomb to the player group, updated the new version and map.

This is an advantage that legends and demons do not have at all.

On the one hand, these two games are mature products, and the content of this update has been updated in the past few years.

On the other hand, the page game "I want to be rich" is backed by the novel "I want to be rich", which has a complete content transfer and adaptation, and comes with novel fans.

How should I put it, the dream of wanting to be rich has nothing to do with what age you are in, you should still think about it.

Therefore, the update of new content and promotions have attracted new players as well as the consumption desire of old players.

This provides new ideas for other game companies.

It turns out there is such a simple way.

As a result, countless domestic game companies have followed suit.

Can't get authorization, can't you still follow suit?

According to incomplete statistics, starting from November 3, an average of ten web games have been launched every day.

Players on the game forum were pleasantly surprised at first.

"Recently, I often see new games coming online, and they are all web games, which is quite convenient."

"Browsing games are so convenient. You don't need to download the client to go to an Internet cafe. You can play as you want. There are so many games to choose from, which is great."

"No, I just tried four or five new games today."


"I didn't expect that after waiting for a year, "I Want to Be Rich" was suddenly updated with a new version, with expanded content, and I paid 300 yuan to experience it."

"When you talk about charging money, I get angry. Now some web games, as soon as they enter, they call for charging money and charging money."

"I found an interesting one. It's full level with one knife. I thought I was awesome, but it turned out that the horse riding was the highest level at 0."


Fang Nian, who flipped through the game forum, watched the players' new posts and felt that the market was hot.

Compared with last month's "swarm of bees", this month can be called a real swarm of bees.

Even if Fang Nian can easily see advertisements on the webpage, there are more than forty games with different names.

You can even see corresponding discussions on game forums saying that the end game market has followed suit.

"I didn't expect that 'crazy for fun' would become a fashionista."

Fang Nian smacked his lips with a slightly smug expression.

After all, it was his suggestion that "Great for fun" was finally established. It is a sense of accomplishment whether to say it or not.


The boom in the domestic web game market has lasted for half a month since the first day of the month.

In a flash, it was the middle and late ten days.

November 17, Tuesday afternoon, Fudan Liberal Arts Library.

Wen Ye, who looked much thinner, sat opposite Fang Nian and reported in a low voice.

"Mr. Fang, the implementation of the Autumn Plan has just come to the end of the second cycle. The operations, operation and maintenance, and finance departments have carried out relevant statistics..."


As he said that, Wen Ye opened his notebook and reported the data: "The number of registered users of the legendary page game has returned to strong growth, and the total number of registered users has exceeded 20 million.

A total of 47 new regional servers were opened in the two periods, and the average daily turnover was stable at 4 million..."

"The Moyu page game has a good development trend, and the total number of registered users has shown a high growth trend in a short period of time, and it has exceeded two million at present.

Opened 11 new regional servers within two cycles, and the average daily turnover was stable at 700,000…”

After a pause, Wen Ye said again: "The total operating investment according to the preliminary statistics is 21 million, respectively 8 million for Legend and 13 million for Demon Realm."


When Wen Ye reported, Fang Nian was flipping through the statistical reports she had brought over.

It was the first time he had received the overall data.

On the one hand, the previous judgment on the development situation comes from the corresponding feedback from the game market.

On the other hand, there are scattered statistics.

After listening to Wen Ye's report, Fang Nian nodded in satisfaction: "This plan has been implemented very successfully, and the revenue has been increasing steadily."

Wen Ye went on to report: "The company also adjusted the next step plan at yesterday's regular meeting."

"Legendary page game will launch a new mode: Lucky players cross-region server PK, which will be limited to players on the combat power list to further expand, and will be extended to a fixed level of exclusive benefits when appropriate."

"Moyu page game will undergo the first major version upgrade, mainly to optimize the smooth experience of the game and other aspects."


Fang Nian doesn't pay much attention to this kind of small-scale adjustment plan now.

He is not a god, he knows everything, the company now has so many talents recruited through various channels, and originally wanted to be a shopkeeper, Fang Nian naturally found the easiest way.

Fang Nian closed the report, looked at Wen Ye, and asked, "Does the company have any plans for the next update of the legendary page game?"

Wen Ye nodded: "There are several directions, and a more suitable direction must be determined through market research."

Fang Nian said oh, but didn't say any more.

He himself is a person who doesn't know anything about games, and making "fun" legends is purely copying homework, so he doesn't understand much when he grows up and goes further.

It's just that I feel that the legendary page game has reached the point where there is nothing to attract players, so I asked.

Since the company has a plan, it's good.

At most, it will be the end. Fang Nian can judge based on his own experience whether this direction is good...

Fang Nian handed the report back to Wen Ye, and asked leisurely, "How's the matter in the tea restaurant going?"

This is why Wen Ye looks thin.

It has been five or six days since Fang Nian saw Wen Ye last time.

Fang Nian's intuition told himself that Wen Ye had lost weight again.

It's just that Fang Nian also murmured in his heart, do brainless girls like Wen Ye pick places when they lose weight?

The plump place is still so heavy.

Wen Ye looked at Fang Nian, his brows twitched slightly, and he said calmly, "I sent a report to your mailbox in the morning, but I forgot to tell you."

"All the preparatory work has been completed, and you only need to make a decision."


Speaking of Wen Ye took out another document, Fang Nian flipped through it, and then confirmed: "Just follow the plan you recommended, I will take care of the shop, and the rest can be left to professional people. manage."

Wen Ye quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

I heard Fang Nian go on to say: "But you have to keep an eye on it occasionally when you have free time, plus the shop, it's an investment of several million."

"Huh?" Wen Ye was puzzled.

Fang Nian explained: "I will buy the pavement."

Wujiaochang is one of the four major urban sub-centers of Shanghai. It was already very prosperous in 2009, and it will be even more prosperous in the future.

There is nothing wrong with buying a pavement.

Wen Ye blinked, and could only beep softly in her heart: "I'm rich!"


The next day, Fang Nian took some time to buy a suitable shop near Wujiaochang.

Not a place with too much traffic.

There is no way, places with a lot of traffic can't wait for Fang Nian to start.

But it doesn't matter.

It stands to reason that the price of the pavement is several times higher than the house price. Fang Nian bought a pavement with a total of 209 square meters on the upper and lower floors, but the unit price was only 28,000.

On the one hand, it is not considered the type of main store;

On the other hand, after Wujiaochang’s unit price surged to nearly 100,000 per square meter in 2007, the shops have been in a state of subletting and leasing for a long time; after experiencing a trough in 2008, it has returned to a stable stage in 2009.

This time, Fang Nian did not pay the full amount, but paid half of the down payment according to the rules, and the loan was for ten years.

It took almost 3.1 million to get everything done.

Applying for a loan is much easier than imagined, because Fang Nian has a house to mortgage.

After finishing the shop, Fang Nian handed over the matter to a professional company.


Broken Bowl is asking for a subscription monthly pass.

PS: There won't be too many plots about the commercial part, and if you have other ideas, you can talk about it.

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