My monster merges everything

Chapter 97 The First Hospital

Su Han saw that she looked wrong and asked, "What happened?"

"The wounded man's condition has worsened and Qilan cannot handle it."

Yan Meiyu walked with Su Han and said that four people were injured during the previous battle in the experimental center, two of which were relatively minor and basically under control.

But the remaining two people were in more serious condition. Although they took medicine, Bai Qilan was not a full-time doctor after all. She didn't see any improvement in three days. At this time, it was beyond the scope of what she could solve.

Following Yan Meiyu to Villa No. 8, a room on the first floor had been transformed into a temporary ward. When the three of them entered, Bai Qilan was checking on the wounded above by the bedside.

"How is it going?"

After Su Han entered, he looked at the pale wounded man on the bed, then turned to look at Bai Qilan.

"It's not good. Even if the contractors are stronger, there will still be considerable internal damage to their bodies, which will require surgery. I can't do this."

She can help with simple trauma treatment, high fever, etc., but more professional people can't.

Lying on the bed was an 'old man'. The man who had followed Su Han from Xingfu Community was unconscious and obviously not in good condition.

"Do you need a doctor?"

Su Han frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said, "Just in time, I have to go out. Lao Guo will ask Lao Zhu to lead a team. I will take the lead in exploring today."

"I'll go right away."

Guo Gang hurried out and Su Han was the only three people left in the room.

Bai Qilan asked: "Are you planning to go to the hospital to find the surviving doctor?"

Su Han nodded. People were injured in battle, not because they were afraid of death, nor because they were caused by themselves. Therefore, they should be saved and must be saved.

"There is only one hospital near here, Nanfang City No. 1 Hospital, which is just a few blocks behind the Nari Cereals and Oils Store."

Bai Qilandai frowned slightly and said: "The hospital is so big, there should be survivors, but there should be a lot of monsters there. Some patients may have more changes in the mutation."

Su Han looked calm and said: "It's up to God. If there is nothing we can do, then they can only look at themselves."

He originally wanted to collect supplies, clean up monsters, and improve his strength, so going out was part of the plan.

Going to the hospital is just a casual visit. If it is beyond your ability, then I'm sorry.

Guo Gang and Zhu Xiong were very fast, and a twenty-person material search team had already been assembled, including two trucks, two jeeps, each with a crossbow, and all covered with iron armor.

This is the standard equipment for the mountain lake villa camp supplies search team, and it is also the standard for Zhu Xiong and others to go out these days.

Although Su Han did not dispatch, they still found a lot of food and gasoline and carried them back one by one.

"Su Han, everyone is here, let's go directly?"

"Go directly to the No. 1 Hospital, and I'll let the Scorpion Spider Demon clear the way."

Although he said it by the way, after leaving the gate of Shanhu Villa District, Su Han asked Zhu Xiong to go straight to the First Hospital.

Zhu Xiong also knew the priorities, stepped on the accelerator, and led the convoy to the first hospital quickly.

Su Han kept the ancient worm tree in the Book of Blood Spirits in case of unexpected events, and the scorpion spider demon was summoned as he said and opened the way at the front of the entire convoy.

Its huge body brings unparalleled strength, and no vehicle crossing the street can block its path.

With four arms, he grabbed and threw them, and they were already piled up on the roadside.

On the way, monsters hidden in the mist still launched surprise attacks on the convoy. After a sporadic attack, they were killed by the scorpion spider demon's tail hook in one encounter.

Among them, there was also a group of flesh corpses and giant eating dogs led by the giant claw zombies to attack. There were quite a few of them, thirty or forty of them. They were blocked on one side of the road, but they were directly blasted to pieces by a coagulation cannon from the scorpion spider demon. .

With the Scorpion Spider Demon opening the way, everyone was not slow at all. In about an hour, they gradually arrived near the First Hospital.

The fog shrouded the entire hospital, and all the buildings in the outpatient and inpatient buildings were looming in the fog, leaving only a black shadow, which made it very unreal.


As soon as Su Han and the others stopped the car, roars came from inside the hospital, and there were more than one.

“I always feel like there’s going to be a big monster.”

Zhu Xiong muttered something, squinted his eyes to see the boundary of the fog, and asked softly: "Are you going to release the ancient worm tree?"

"Get out of the car and start cleaning up."

Su Han nodded, the Book of Blood Spirits had already lit up, and the tall ancient worm tree had appeared outside the truck, standing in front of the hospital gate.

The light of the tree

The light spread out with the Worm Ancient Tree as the center, and the source of the roaring sound was immediately exposed.

It was a monster lying on the ground. Its spine was twisted, its fingers and claws were sharp, and its mouth was wide open almost to the base of its ears. Its head and spine grew together, and its neck was almost invisible. It looked like a monster.

The crawlers rushed over quickly. They were extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they could rush seven or eight meters and arrive not far from the truck.


The vines of the ancient worm tree surged instantly, directly piercing the four or five crawlers. The vines extended along the interior of the hospital, and the light gradually illuminated most of the hospital's fog.

"Get out of the car, apostles in the front and crossbowmen in the back."

Zhu Xiong immediately asked everyone to get out of the car. In fact, even without his instructions, after many battles and searching for supplies, everyone's fighting consciousness had been cultivated.

They got out of the car at an extremely fast speed, quickly found cover, and then faced the crawlers and zombie monsters rushing out from the hospital and surrounding streets.

Twisted figures rushed from the edge of the fog quickly, like an army of the undead. The crazy momentum alone was enough to make many people lose their courage.

But Zhu Xiong and the others were different. Their eyes were as sharp as an old wolf. With a pop, they had already fired a crossbow arrow, piercing each monster.

"Die to grandpa."

Zhu Xiong controlled his first-level high-grade flesh corpse to charge directly into the formation, swinging the ax and hammer in his hand. The flesh corpse was directly cut off at the waist, and blood and flesh flew into the air.

‘This guy’s physical body has grown in size again. Has he become stronger? ’

A few days later, Su Han noticed that Zhu Xiong's corpse had grown a little longer, approaching the three-meter mark.

The sudden increase in body shape is secondary. The rock-hard muscles and the burst of power are undoubtedly more powerful than a few days ago.

While Su Han was observing, he started to let the scorpion spider demon and the ancient worm tree take action.

The scorpion spider demon rushed directly to one side of the street, blocking all the monsters on that side.

The pagoda's black armor transformed into wing blades and swept past, and all the monsters almost split into two parts in an instant.

He also wielded a larger and heavier mace in his hand, which was even worse than the ax and hammer of the Scarlet Bear Apostle. Every time it fell, flesh and blood would fly everywhere.

The vines of the ancient worm tree are all over the battlefield. Each vine is like a deadly whip rope, piercing the body and delaying the action. There are also tree worms hiding under the ground with the roots of the tree, constantly dragging monsters underground to bite them. .

In just one encounter, the Ancient Worm Tree alone dealt with dozens of monsters, and the wave of monsters was suppressed for a while.

A steady stream of monsters were coming, and the number soon reached hundreds, but no matter how large their number was, they could not break through the defense line.

Gradually, monster corpses piled up into mountains, and their numbers became sparse. At this time, the sound of thumping footsteps came.

A tall figure walked out of the hospital, with heavy steps and a terrifyingly tall figure.

"The Roshan Demon!"

Zhu Xiong's eyes narrowed and he shouted loudly: "Su Han, I'll deal with this, let's try it."

Su Han nodded, and he immediately controlled his apostle to rush forward, holding the ax and hammer high, and jumped up in one step.


The ax blade fell high, and the Roshan Demon waved his arm to block it. A huge gash instantly appeared on the Roshan Demon's arm.


The flesh corpse demon roared angrily, and then rushed towards Zhu Xiong's apostle.

The apostle's old strength had just left and his new strength had not yet been regenerated. He was unable to dodge and was immediately knocked away, staggering.

"Grandma's, burst of power"

Zhu Xiong is not willing to suffer this disadvantage. Although he is a bit smaller in stature, he has skills.

I saw the corpse of the apostle rushing towards the meat mountain demon quickly. The meat mountain demon wanted to repeat the same trick and beat it away with its thick claws.

However, at this time, the apostle's arm was already swollen like blowing air, and his muscles were bulging like a rock, and he struck hard with an axe.

With a clicking sound, one of the Roshan Demon's claws was cut off. The sharp and heavy ax blade fell directly onto the Roshan Demon, opening a large gash in its chest.

Blood spattered out, and the Roshan Demon went almost crazy, attacking even more violently.

While Zhu Xiong was shooting, he was controlling his apostle's combat. He was extremely concentrated. He vaguely felt that he was already standing above a certain threshold.

This was the first time he faced a first-level monster alone, the first time he fought so close to the Roshan Demon, and a hearty feeling came from deep in his heart.

One after another, the crossbow arrows continuously shot at the body of the Roshan Demon, submerging most of it, and the blood gradually dyed the Roshan Demon red.

The flesh corpse of the apostle is also constantly dodging, fighting back, and cutting the body of the meat mountain demon. There are more and more scars, and it is becoming more and more difficult for the flesh mountain demon to harm the body of the flesh corpse of the apostle.

Su Han noticed that something was wrong with Zhu Xiong's situation, and was about to step forward when he suddenly saw his Blood Spirit Book glowing red and sinking into Zhu Xiong's eyebrows.

‘Is this divine revelation? ’

The apostle's flesh corpse reached the critical level of the first level, and the information about the divine sacrifice quickly passed through Zhu Xiong's consciousness like a movie.

He woke up with a start, his eyes full of surprise: "Su Han, my apostle's flesh corpse has reached the critical point, and it can be sacrificed to the gods."

The upper limit of flesh corpses is not high in the first place. After Zhu Xiong's apostle flesh corpses were induced and transformed by injections, they were gradually upgraded to the first level, but this was already the bottleneck of the race.

But now, Zhu Xiong has obviously waited for the divine sacrifice, and the Roshan Demon in front of him is his target.

"I'll protect you, but be careful."

With a thought in Su Han's mind, countless vines of the Worm Ancient Tree rose up, isolating other monsters. The Roshan Demon, the Apostle Flesh Corpse, and the Scarlet Bear were locked in a vine cage alone. All monsters that came close were mercilessly strangled by the vines.

Zhu Xiong grinned and said, "Thank you, I'm going to start."

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