My monster merges everything

Chapter 54 Troublesome Yunling Lake

"That leader should be the earliest mutated fish-headed monster, at least with first-level superior strength. They regard Yunling Lake as their territory. Creatures approaching Yunling Lake will be regarded as prey or invaded by them, and they are not weak in aggression."

Bai Qilan and Ye Kailing have a deep understanding of the fish monster group. During this time, they usually get water secretly when the fish monster group is not paying attention. However, sometimes they cannot avoid being attacked by sneak attacks. They always get out of the battle quickly before it is too late. Clean up the traces.

"Pack your things and come back to camp with us."

The information Bai Qilan gave was very important and related to the issue of water collection in the future, but compared to this, he valued Bai Qilan himself more.

Although the advent of the end of the world has overturned many things and natural rules, new rules will inevitably emerge.

People like Bai Qilan are no bookbags. Being able to use previously trained thinking and quickly try to establish an understanding of new laws and apply them shows that she is not a simple person.

Such people are very helpful to the camp.

And, just like Bai Qilan, if she can do this, then those more top scientists and scholars must be doing the same thing.

Su Han didn't want to lag behind in this regard. Even if he had the special ability of fusion, he couldn't take it lightly.

When Bai Qilan heard Su Han's words, she was stunned for a moment and asked hesitantly: "Are you inviting me to join your team?"

Su Han nodded: "Your observations and discoveries are very important to the survivors. By joining my team, I can ensure safety, and you must also contribute to the team. Although you two are both first-level and medium-level, you are really If we have to deal with those swarms of fish monsters, we may not be able to cope with them, so we might as well stick together."

He made the topic clear, and although there was no threat, his tone left no room for doubt.

Bai Qilan nodded without much hesitation: "I promise you, but you have to ensure our safety, and the materials here need to be transported, including some of my experimental equipment."

"No problem, we are in Villa 10, not far away."

Bai Qilan stood up, and then led Su Han and the others towards the basement on the first floor. The basement was specially renovated and contained some relatively simple instruments.

It is basically impossible for ordinary researchers to keep these things at home, but Bai Qilan is the vice president of Bai Yujing and is a family company, so there are naturally some exceptions and he simply set up a small laboratory.

When several people came to this laboratory, they saw the half-fish monster that was tied up.

This half-fish monster was slightly smaller than the one Su Han and the others captured. It looked a little sluggish at this time, and there were many missing areas on its scales.

"Move the things first and then talk about it when we get back."

"Miss, do you really want to join their team? Now that the fog has cleared a little, Mr. Bai should be able to organize people to rescue you soon."

"Sister Kai Ling, it's impossible."

Bai Qilan and Ye Kailing were packing their things on the second floor. She looked calm and said: "Whether my father is in a group or a factory, he is at least half a city away from the villa area. Even if his subordinates are obedient, they cannot come over so easily. We have to protect our own safety first.”

"But they may not."

"They won't hurt us easily if we still have value, and they might just be a little wary."

Although there was a conflict at the beginning, after careful review, based on the power of the four-armed apostle, it was obvious that he was merciful and did not even use a simple sword.

"Sister Kailing, pack your things, they should be almost done moving."

Zhu Xiong called a truck, and then the laboratory equipment and the half-fish monster were moved on, and everything was packed up in half an hour.

Bai Qilan took Ye Kailing and everyone back to Villa No. 10 along with Su Han.

Yan Meiyu received the news that things had changed and was waiting here. Su Han got out of the truck and pointed to Bai Qilan and Ye Kailing behind Yan Meiyu: "You can arrange for the two of them to stay."

"Okay," Yan Meiyu nodded, and then said, "You two, come with me."

Bai Qilan smiled back and said softly: "Just call me Bai Qilan or Qilan, she is Ye Kailing."

"My name is Yan Meiyu, and I am currently in charge of the supplies and chores in the team."

After getting to know each other, Yan Meiyu led the two of them towards the villa. When passing by the yard, Bai Qilan saw many people, both men and women, busy with their own affairs. Especially when she saw a little girl, she couldn't help but look shocked.

"You have children here?"

"Lao Guo's daughter," Yan Meiyu paused and said, "Guo Gang, the person in charge of repairing cars in our team."

Bai Qilan and Ye Kailing looked at each other and felt a little relieved, because now it seems that this team is not bad.

"Everyone will stay on the first floor for the next two days, and we will allocate rooms after a thorough investigation of the surrounding area and there are no problems."

Bai Qilan nodded, indicating that there was no problem. She and Ye Kailing had always slept guarding the front door at the beginning.

"What occupation were you engaged in before the end of the world? Tell me what other specialties you have, and I will try my best to arrange a suitable job for you."

Bai Qilan was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Biotechnology research, but by extension, I also know some basic medical common sense."

Yan Meiyu couldn't help but take another look at Bai Qilan, so powerful?

"You guys should rest first. Su Han should be looking for you later."

Yan Meiyu settled the two of them down, and then went to find Su Han. Su Han asked her to free up a room to store experimental equipment. These things were eventually used by Bai Qilan.

Su Han himself grabbed two and a half fish monsters and came to Building 9, and used all the remaining steel to be melted and cast into a tightly-fitted iron cage.

A half-fish monster and a cage locked them all up.

Su Han stood in front of the cage, looking thoughtful. Although what Bai Qilan said was mostly speculation, he believed it 70% to 80% in his heart.

Because as his strength grew, his connection with the Book of Blood Spirit became closer. He could feel that the reason why the apostles became stronger was not only constant training, but also the fact that they were absorbing a certain kind of energy to strengthen themselves all the time.

The Book of Blood Spirits acted as a relay, feeding this power back to people, starting the evolution of mankind.

What Bai Qilan said is true, so driven by such energy, more monsters will be born and change, and people's living space will be compressed, and the situation will only get worse.

"First kill monsters to increase their strength and maximize the fusion progress of the spider-man monsters, and then find a way to increase the strength of Lao Zhu and the others. I alone cannot do anything to search for supplies and deal with monsters. However, with Bai Qilan's method, it should be It won’t be too difficult.”

Su Han thought about the priorities of things in his mind. The water source must be solved, but the material problem must also be solved. This cannot be done by one person and requires a certain amount of manpower.

His eyes fell on the half-fish monster, and his eyes moved slightly: "Bai Qilan used the alienation characteristics of the monster itself to induce the alienation of the apostles, but in essence it should still be that kind of energy. Although it may not be as good as my fusion, but the idea That's probably right. If it were a monster stronger than the half-fish monster, would it be able to further improve Lao Zhu and the others?"

Suddenly having an idea in his mind, Su Han strode to Villa No. 10. He wanted to ask Bai Qilan about the situation. If possible, he would have to find a way to lure out the monsters in Yunling Lake first.

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