My monster merges everything

Chapter 12 Gathering Area on the First Floor

"Captain Cheng, we have advanced to the third floor today. There is enough room for everyone to live in. Even food is still a problem."

In the lobby on the first floor of Building 7, four or five people in black security uniforms were sitting around a table.

There was a not very bright lamp on the table, and the weak light illuminated the appearance of several people. They all looked uncertain and frowned.

The leader is a man in his early forties, with a stern haircut and a resolute look. Although his height cannot be seen from sitting down, his straight waist and broad shoulders suggest that he is a tall man. Vibrant and spirited.

"Tomorrow, we will continue to search above the fourth floor. If we can find food, we will share it with everyone. Control the amount."

A middle-aged security guard muttered: "Boss Cheng, this won't work. He Fang's group of people are already unhappy. When they were dividing things today, they took an extra portion. They said it was more work and more reward. They worked hard and couldn't let others Freeloaders.”

Cheng Zhenyong frowned slightly: "It's true that more work means more, but other people also contributed to handling the monster corpses, organizing things, and reinforcing the gate. It's okay to divide it less, but if you don't divide it, big trouble will happen."

He paused and said: "Keep on insisting, let more people who dare to kill monsters follow the cleanup, and those who can contract with the apostles will try their best to make contracts with the apostles. Only when the building is cleaned up will it be safer. If there is no rescue by then, There are so many of us that we can go to the supermarket outside to pick up things.”

The team member nodded: "I know this, but...well, captain, I'm just saying, but it's easy to have accidents after a long time."

Cheng Zhenyong nodded and said: "You guys take turns guarding here, and ask others to take turns guarding too. I'll go find He Fang to discuss the follow-up matters. Only by staying together can we survive. We can't mess up the position."

He stood up and left the hall, and walked towards the third floor with a flashlight. When he turned around, his face became a little darker and his brows deepened.

Of course he knows that chaos will occur over time, supplies are limited, and personal power will continue to grow stronger after contracting the apostle.

Not everyone has a fighting spirit, and not everyone can become stronger quickly through apostles. In the end, conflicts will definitely intensify.

It would be nice if they were not ordinary residents, but teammates before retiring from the army. At least the team would be easier to lead.

Cheng Zhenyong had a lot of thoughts and thought of his former teammates.

But he also knew that everything had changed since the big eyes suddenly appeared, and the monsters mutated among the crowd and started killing people, and he could only try to survive.

And now we have to find the other guy who was one of the first to kill monsters on the day of mutation.

On the third day of the end of the world, when Gan Xinglei and Yan Meiyu came to Su Han in the morning, they were shocked to see the apostle turned into a burly and ferocious four-armed corpse.

"This, there has been such a big change this night, it's unbelievable, could it be..."

Gan Xinglei knew that he had violated a taboo, so he immediately stopped talking. Wouldn't it be offensive to casually mention the means of becoming stronger?

But Su Han didn't care and just said: "A special skill."

As long as he continues to fuse materials and continue to become stronger, it will be impossible to hide his ability, and others can more or less guess it.

There is no need to deliberately conceal it, as long as the specific ability is not revealed to others, then the advantage lies with him.

Seeing that Su Han didn't care, Gan Xinglei breathed a sigh of relief. Yan Meiyu rolled his eyes at him and thought to himself: "It's always so stupid."

The stronger the boss Su Han is, the safer the two of them will be in the apocalypse, because they are now a team.

"I'm going to cook something to eat, noodles with eggs."

Yan Meiyu said hello and then went into the kitchen to cook breakfast. It was only the third day of the apocalypse and the gas pipeline still had gas, so it was still possible to cook.

Gan Xinglei and Su Han were preparing to explore for a while. They had already reached the fifth floor yesterday, and they were not far from the first floor further down.

You will know then whether the first floor is full of living people or monsters.

After a simple breakfast, everyone changed their clothes, and then the three of them walked all the way down from the seventh floor.

Thanks to the safety passage in the seventh-floor corridor being closed, there was no sign of damage from the corpses on higher floors at night.

But this also means that there are no signs of survivors descending from the higher floors.

It's only the third day of the end of the world. It's not a special situation. Indeed, no one will go out easily unless there is no food.

The three of them went down to the second floor. When they reached the fifth floor, they knocked on Zhu Xiong's door.

The door clicked open. Zhu Xiong was already prepared. He was wearing a camouflage jacket, a large backpack, and a crowbar in his hand. Behind him was the corpse of the apostle he contracted yesterday.

The flesh corpse also held two iron pipes in its hands, standing solemnly like a bodyguard, with its gaping sharp teeth and terrifying mouth.

"Brother, you are willing to take me with you. Thank you very much."

Su Han shook his head slightly and said: "It's all for survival. Let's go down from the fourth floor. It's best to clean up to the first floor today, and then take a look and make plans."


The four of them released the apostles together, with the rot-skinned rat at the first position, followed by the four-armed corpse, then the four people, and finally the apostle corpses of Gan Xinglei and Zhu Xiong.

When everyone went down to the fourth floor, there was movement from the Fuskin Rat. Yan Meiyu said warily: "There seems to be something."

As soon as the sound fell, dense footsteps were heard in the corridor.


The rot-skin rat's body was exposed, and four or five corpses immediately pounced on the rot-skin rat.

The rot-skin rat moved quickly, jumping towards the face of the corpse at the front at an extremely fast speed, and then immediately prepared to bite it.

However, as soon as it broke a hole, a big hand suddenly grabbed its body and knocked it away hard.

The four-armed flesh corpse came over at this time, strode forward, and knocked the flesh corpse over with a heavy punch, causing blood to flow everywhere.

Then one arm extended its sharp claws and grabbed directly at the head of the second corpse.

The fleshy corpse was so flexible that it turned its head to dodge, and its claws landed on the shoulder, cutting off the arm in an instant, causing blood to flow profusely.

At this time, the remaining three corpses had already arrived in front of him. The two big hands on the shoulders of the four-armed corpse suddenly clamped the necks of the two corpses like the jaws of a python, and lifted them up and pressed them against the wall like driving piles. on, making a muffled sound.

The two big hands under his ribs were free, and the five sharp claws gathered like knives and were aimed at the corpse's head.

"Wait! It's a misunderstanding! We are survivors too, not monsters."

The man's shouts reached Su Han's ears. Under the control of his mind, the movements of the four-armed flesh corpse changed slightly, and the converging claws opened loudly. He held the flesh corpse's head emptyly and scratched its skin with the sharp blade.

As long as you hold it hard, there will be no change in the outcome - your head will blossom.

Su Han looked to the side of the corridor. Six or seven people came out of a room. The leader was a man with a straight head and a straight body.

Behind him was a tall, thin man with dark skin and yellow highlights. He was about twenty-five or six years old. He had slightly sunken eyes and a cold look in his eyes. His expression soon changed.

After the two, there were five more people, two of whom were dressed in security uniforms and the other two were dressed in long-sleeved jackets and looked nervous.

"who are you?"

Su Han's eyes were calm and he held a crowbar in his hand. Yan Meiyu, Gan Xinglei and Zhu Xiong were already standing behind him, all with weapons in hand and alert eyes.

The three apostles guarded the four-armed corpse. The apostle corpses of Zhu Xiong and Gan Xinglei held weapons and held down the corpse that had been knocked down by the four-armed corpse.

Cheng Zhenyong and his party were shocked when they saw it, because the four-armed flesh corpse was too tall, and it was unexpected to defeat their apostle cleanly in just a moment.

"Handsome guy, I'm really sorry. We searched for supplies and thought it was a corpse monster, so we let the apostles rush out first. The flood flooded the Dragon King Temple. It was really a misunderstanding."

He pointed to the security team member behind him and said: "I am Cheng Zhenyong, the captain of the property security team. I don't see you often, but my two brothers often rotate at import and export, so I should look familiar to you."

Su Han looked at the two of them. Although he didn't know their names, they were indeed familiar faces. They were one of the community security guards.

Knowing is knowing, but it may not be so easy to let down your guard in the apocalypse.

"Did you come up from the first floor?"

"Yes." Cheng Zhenyong nodded and said, "What's your surname, handsome guy? Is he also a resident here?"

"Su Han"

"Brother Su Han"

Cheng Zhenyong felt relieved when he saw that Su Han was not completely irresistible: "Can you let the apostle go first, and then I can tell you about the situation on the first floor? There are not many people there, and we all huddle together to keep warm. "

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