"Dear, come out and take a look!" Betty hid in the cockpit of the Harem and dared not go out, so she had to call her man out.

"Okay!" After Zhou Ye replied, he put on his clothes and walked out of the car. As soon as he got out of the car, the crows screamed as if they had a goal, and rushed towards Zhou Ye...

"Oh, we're here!" Zhou Ye was not nervous, he waved it casually. The crows flying in the air were like being slapped by an invisible giant hand. They fell like rain, and many fell to their deaths. , those who didn't fall to death can't fly again...

"It's really bad luck, crows appeared early in the morning!" Zhou Ye reluctantly woke the girls up and asked them to drive away from here.

The girls hurriedly started the car again and formed a convoy to leave the place where the crows gathered.

Seeing the crow, Zhou Ye knew that he had found the right place, so he directly asked the girls to find a place with slightly lower terrain to settle down here, and he flew up and down in mid-air to find the location of the Las Vegas base. ...

Soon, Zhou Ye, who was in mid-air, found the location of the base. There was no way to find it.

Pile of zombies surrounded an open space, the open space was surrounded by barbed wire, and in the middle was an inconspicuous hut, which was simply a bright target.

Zhou Ye didn't go back to call Alice and the others. He could empty the base by himself. Why would he go out and call Alice and the others? Do more.

Zhou Ye slammed into it with a slam, but when he was about to enter the wooden house, suddenly there was a peculiar rotor sound from a helicopter in the distance.

Zhou Ye hurriedly hid to the side, and soon, the helicopter stopped in the open space, and a woman in a red cheongsam stepped down from the helicopter, which surprised Zhou Ye...Isn't this King Ada? Shouldn't she have appeared in the fifth installment?

This stuff completely ignores the fact that this is a real world, not a movie.

But Bingbing's Ada Wang Zhouye still likes it very much, which is a pleasant surprise.

Waiting for King Ada to walk into the room without any precautions, Zhou Ye knocked her unconscious directly behind her. Zhou Ye remembered that King Ada was affiliated to Weska in the movie. In fact, Weska was Wesker. The two were one person. At present, the two were hostile. Zhou Ye didn't mind taking a trophy to clean up the base. .

Walking to the edge of the table, the table opened directly.

"Yo, is this Empress Bai welcoming me?" Zhou Ye walked up to the elevator with a smile. He wasn't worried at all that he would be designed, or rather, he wasn't worried at all that it was a trap. How can no one take care of him without using a nuclear bomb? Even if it is a timed nuclear bomb, he can go to another world at a critical moment, and what can he do to him?

At this moment, the elevator stopped, and Zhou Ye walked out of the elevator directly. Below was the brightly lit passage. Zhou Ye relied on his superhuman perception system to clean up those employees room by room, of course, in order not to soil himself in the future. The base, Zhou Ye just made their hearts stop, and it didn't make it too bloody...

It wasn't until Zhou Ye came to a place that looked like the main computer room and killed the people inside. Suddenly, the computer screen lit up, and a little loli in white clothes that looked exactly like the red queen appeared on the screen. .

"Mysterious Oriental, hello!"

"Hello Queen!" Zhou Ye said with a smile.

"you know me?"

"Well, I took your sister!"

"Well, because of this, I have to take over the hive in Raccoon City!" Queen Bai's voice was full of dissatisfaction.

"Why are you helping me like this?" Zhou Ye was curious as to why Bai Hou wanted to help himself.

"Because a video was uploaded in my program, it caused me some logical confusion!" Bai Hou said and played him a video directly.

It was a video of an internal meeting of Umbrella executives seventeen months before the t-virus outbreak in Raccoon City began.

In the video, Dr. Isaacs talked about the virus eradication plan for the future of mankind at the meeting... and now they have done it, the t virus has spread all over the world.

"His actions have killed more than six billion names, and I can't stop him because I can't hurt Umbrella employees, but you can stop him!"

"Why does this video confuse your logic?" Zhou Ye asked.

"My core procedure is that it is not allowed to harm the employees of the umbrella, and the other core procedure is that no human beings can be harmed. Now these two core procedures are in conflict!"

"Okay, I see!" Zhou Ye said, "Then what do you want me to do?"

"I hope you come to the underground of the hive in Raccoon City and get the antidote for the t-virus in Isaacs' hands. Just smash it in the outside environment to kill all the t-viruses in the world."

"Okay, I see!" Zhou Ye nodded and said, "I will go!"

"Also, the woman behind you is a plan by a clone of Dr. Isaacs to get your DNA!"

"It's alright, these are all trivial matters!" Zhou Ye said with a smile, "How about you give me a 3D map of this base? I really don't want to go back and forth!"

"Okay!" After Bai Hou finished speaking, a three-dimensional view of the entire base was displayed directly on the computer.

Zhou Ye quickly read it again, then patted King Ada's dolphin on his shoulder and said, "Don't pretend to be dizzy, beauty, you

The heartbeat completely reveals your state! "

"Then don't you put me down, you damned fellow!" King Ada couldn't help saying.

"How could it be so easy to let you go? You heard it just now. Your goal is my DNA. Now we are in a state of hostility, and you are now my trophy!"

"Bastard!" King Ada kept struggling, but it was clear that her beatings were completely useless to Zhou Ye...

Zhou Ye just carried King Ada like this, cleaning up the employees of the Umbrella Company in the entire base...

In less than half an hour, Zhou Ye had cleared the entire base, including the clone of Dr. Isaacs.

After finding a room that looked very high-end, Zhou Ye started to enjoy his trophies directly... and gave her the most serious psychological suggestion... never to be judged.

Of course, he didn't find White Queen's motherboard either, because White Queen was taken to Raccoon City. Who asked Zhou Ye to take away the Red Queen's motherboard, making it useless for the time being, so they could only use the White Queen take it to replace...

Chapter 83

Zhou Ye flew into the air with King Ada who was biting him twice to relieve his hatred. King Ada really wanted to bite him to death. Although he was a commercial spy, he had not been trained to seduce him. own extraordinary skills to obtain those information.

The little suckling pig that he had kept for more than 20 years was eaten by this guy like Zhou Ye. Thinking of the tickling of the teeth that King Ada hated.

Zhou Ye flew directly to the convoy and told the girls the information he had obtained from Queen Bai.

When they were filled with righteous indignation, they did not forget to denounce the fact that Zhou Ye brought back a girl after going out for a while. Zhou Ye said that this was his trophy... But the girls were not satisfied with Zhou Ye's explanation. Ye can only sleep with them...

Put them in the car and didn't get off for a day...

The little girls have long been used to this scene. Last week, Ye was a lot of girls in sleeping clothes. Of course, this time there was nothing more than one more King Ada.

It's a pity that one more King Ada doesn't help, not to mention that King Ada has just broken the wall in front of him, and in desperation, he can only dedicate his back and the top...

The same is true for other women. After being put into bed, they all became honest. (In fact, it was directly dry to the point of dizziness!)

By the time the girls appeared again, it was already evening. The girls looked at the curious eyes of those little lolitas, and they were simply ashamed and angry...

One by one, they took a bite out of Zhou Ye. Zhou Ye, who didn't feel anything, didn't care at all. He couldn't take all the advantages by himself, could he?

After everyone's discussion, they decided to let Zhou Ye go to Raccoon City quickly and get the antidote for the t virus into the air...

Zhou Ye thought about it and felt that it would be better to go there overnight, so Zhou Ye rushed to Raccoon City at his fastest speed in less than an hour...

And found the hidden part in the underground of the hive.

But what I have to say is that because I want to be unnoticeable, there are no guards under the hive in Raccoon City at all, and Bai Wei is in charge of the entire hive's external defense system.

But in the case of Bai Hou's betrayal of the umbrella company, these umbrella executives who refrigerated their bodies here really died quietly.

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