Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

: Chapter One.The Man Who Came with Zi Zhi Tong Jian

   "Brother, brother! Wake up, get up and play!"

   The familiar voice suddenly appeared, pulling Su Cheng back to reality from his sleep.

   "It's Alan." Su Cheng slowly opened his eyes and looked at a small and lovely girl with short brown hair and turquoise eyes standing next to him.

   "Really," Alan looked at it and curled his lips with dissatisfaction. "You read a book and saw you fell asleep again. Really, I really don't understand you. What's the use of reading so many books."

   Su Cheng smiled wryly: "Ahaha, you guessed it again."

   As Alan said earlier, Su Cheng was sitting at the table reading a book before, watching the sleepiness gradually grow, and then fell asleep directly on the table.

   Alan picked up the book on the table, looked at the cover, and showed a look of disgust: "Wow...Are you looking at the book of history called "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" again..."

"It's not a heavenly book." Su Cheng snatched the book from Alan's hands. "You just don't understand the words on it. How? Do you want to learn the words from my hometown with me? If you learn the words from my hometown, You can read this book, too."

"Don't grin!" Alan said grimly, "Those words like squares are hard to die, so don't learn! Quick, quick, quick, don't sit down, the weather is good today, let's go out and play together! "

   Su Cheng raised his head and looked out the window, and found that the weather today is indeed very good. These days, I have been bored in the room reading books. Su Cheng has already felt that his whole person is a little bit moldy.

   So Su Cheng nodded readily: "Okay, let's go."

   After that, Su Cheng stood up and walked out with Alan.

   Alan's height is not high, just higher than Su Cheng's waist. The two walked side by side, with a sense of joy.

   "Brother, what's the matter? Why are you upset? If you have any problems, you can talk to me or Kylor."

   "Huh? It's nothing, but it suddenly occurred to me that I have lived in Mr. Falk's place for 3 years, and I sighed that time flies a little bit faster."

   Three years ago, when Su Cheng was 14 years old, when he woke up, he found that he had traveled into a different world.

   Let’s cross if you cross. When someone crosses, somehow they can bring some golden fingers to cross over.

   For example, some people carry some magical abilities when they travel through the past. For example, when a celebrity travels, he has the ability to go back indefinitely.

  Some people can bring some magical items when they cross. For example, when someone travels, they can bring a banquet goddess.

   And what about Su Cheng crossing?

   When he crossed over, he found a backpack next to him.

   Su Cheng thought that this bag must be his golden finger, so he opened the backpack happily.

   Then found that there were 20 books neatly stacked inside.

   is a complete set of "Tong Jian for Zi Zhi".

   and there is still a vernacular translation.

   Su Cheng was forced to collapse on the spot.

  My golden finger is the full set of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"? ! what's the function? !

   Although I think this set of books is useless at all, Su Cheng still brought them all. And began to look around the situation in this other world.

  While walking around in this other world, Su Cheng discovered that he could understand what people in this other world were saying, and could see the words of this other world.

  Although people in this different world speak like English and French, they are not in any language; they write like English and French, but they are not in any language. But Su Cheng can understand and understand.

   But there is still no use for eggs!

   is penniless. Although he can chat and laugh with the owner of the bakery, he still has no way to buy bread.

  Go hunting game?

   expecting a 14-year-old kid who grew up in a city and didn't go to high school to hunt game, must have a brain disease.

   Just when Su Cheng fell on the side of the road and was about to starve to death, a large businessman passing by rescued Su Cheng.

   The name of this big businessman is Falk Windsor. His greatest hobby is listening to stories. In his spare time, Falk will invite some bards to come and tell him some wonderful stories from all over the world.

   After Su Cheng was saved, in order to repay Falk’s kindness, he planned to tell him a story.

   wears a full set of Zizhi Tongjian, and the most indispensable thing is all kinds of stories.

   Knowing that Su Cheng was going to tell him a story, Falk happily agreed. So Su Cheng told him the story of Lu Buwei, a famous business giant.

   Falk listened with gusto, and patted his thigh happily after listening, and said, "Cheng, you will live with me from now on!"

Falk also has a quirk, that is, he likes to "collect" people with all kinds of talents. When Falk meets a person with a strange talent, he will invite this person to live with him and raise him with food and drink. He, and he doesn't usually have anything to do.

   In Su Cheng's view, this is a bit like a doorman in the Spring and Autumn Period.

   Falk now has nearly 50 "door visitors".

   And this time, Falk took a fancy to Su Cheng's "storytelling" ability and planned to let him live in his house.

   Su Cheng, who was worrying about how to live, nodded hurriedly and agreed.

   Therefore, Su Cheng lived with Falk and lived a life “brought by” by Falk.

   After arriving at Falk’s mansion, Su Cheng has only one job: telling stories to Falk.

   Falk listens to a story on average a day. Sometimes when he goes out to do long-distance trade, he doesn't have to work, so Su Cheng still has a lot of free time every day.

   In order to pass the time, Su Cheng reads the book every day, watching the full set of "Tong Jian for Zi Zhi".

   So, UU reading www. Su Cheng's daily routine is: eating, sleeping, going to the toilet, telling stories (sometimes not used), and watching "Zi Zhi Tong Jian".

  On average, I read books for 10 to 12 hours a day.

   Unknowingly, Su Cheng is 17 years old, has lived in Falk for 3 years, and has also read the "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" for 3 years!

   I have watched "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" almost five times. Looking further, there is hope to break the record of a certain great man watching it 17 times.

   Alan is the first friend Su Cheng met after living in Falk’s mansion, and he was also the first friend he came to this other world.

   Alan is 3 years younger than Su Cheng. Like Su Cheng, because of his unique talents, Falk invited him to live in his house. She and Su Cheng lived in almost at the same time. Half a month after she lived in Falk’s mansion, Su Cheng moved in.

   Alan also likes to listen to stories, so after knowing that Su Cheng is a person who is very good at telling stories and has many peculiar novel stories to tell, she has been pestering Su Cheng and asked Su Cheng to tell her stories.

After coming and going, Su Cheng and Alan gradually got acquainted with each other, and their relationship got better and better. Later, I don’t know when, Alan directly called Su Cheng "brother", although he was not used to Alan’s name at the beginning. , But Su Cheng also gradually got used to it, and slowly regarded Alan as his sister.

Although I came to this strange foreign world inexplicably, I always cried in the bed because I missed my parents and home. In a stable life, there is also Alan who is like a friend and relative.

   I might just spend my whole life in this other world in this ordinary way. Su Cheng sometimes thinks so.

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