Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

: Prologue: Uniting the Knights and the Union Corps

   The icy wind blowing in the early morning.

   The cold wind in the early morning swept across the sky, and also swept across the side of the soldier in the thick armor on the ground.

   The joint army consisting of the Michael Knights of the Britannia Empire and the Gabriel Knights is gathering here.

   The 300,000 soldiers of the Joint Corps all closed their mouths. Not only were the soldiers silent, but the horses under the hips of the cavalry were as silent as their masters. Except for the occasional sound of the horse's nose, the 300,000 troops were shrouded in silence.

   They are all waiting for someone to arrive.

   is waiting for the arrival of the commander of the Michael Knights, who is also the strongest knight of the Britannia Empire, and the highest commander of the combined corps—Su Cheng.

   Deng Jiaer, the strongest general under Commander Su Cheng, and the deputy commander of the Michael Knights has arrived.

   Deng Jiaer, fully armored, is riding a horse, waiting in front of the 300,000 army.

   Not only Deng Jiaer has come, but Su Cheng's other two confidantes, Alan and Alyssa, have also come.

   Alan, Alyssa, and Deng Jiaer all rode side by side in front of the 300,000 army.

   The three of them are all dignified. Even General Alan, who has always been joking and full of vitality, is now dignified.

   Everyone is silent and waiting.

   The sun finally rose.

   The rising sun scatters the white light, and the silver wave composed of the white light spreads rapidly, the sky gradually brightens, and the black gauze of the sky is slowly removed. In the morning light, the armors, swords and axes of the soldiers gleamed.

   At this moment, a man slowly climbed onto the stone platform in front of the 300,000 army.

   is a young man with black hair and black eyes.

   This young man is wearing a mighty knight's battle armor, a gorgeous cloak is draped outside the battle armor, and his waist is equipped with a sword of exceptional quality, just from the scabbard and hilt.

   The army's sights were all focused on the stone platform, and everyone's breathing couldn't help but become quicker.

   The head of the Michael Knights of the Britannia Empire, the commander of the joint corps, and the strongest knight Su Cheng is here!

   The youngest and fastest to become the highest unified knight, the legendary figure who has completed countless legendary battles is here!

   Looking at Su Cheng who has finally arrived, the tight faces of Deng Jiaer, Alan, and Alyssa finally burst into smiles.

   However, at this time, many people discovered that Su Cheng not only wears an exquisite war sword around his waist.

   In his left hand, he also grasped a sword with a scabbard, hilt, and guard made up of blue and gold.

   The hilt, guard and even scabbard of the sword in Su Cheng's hand are all engraved with exquisite and complicated patterns.

   Many sharp-eyed high-ranking generals showed surprise and disbelief on their faces after seeing the sword in Su Cheng's hand.

   Because they all understood what kind of sword the sword in Su Cheng's hand was.

Su Cheng stepped on the stone steps and slowly ascended the platform with an unhurried pace. Every time Su Cheng stepped on a step, the breathing of the 300,000 soldiers also swiftly. Su Cheng With every sound of footsteps, the heartbeat of the 300,000 soldiers also increased by one point.

   Finally, Su Cheng stood on the stairs.

   He moved his sight, and brought all the 300,000 troops in front of him into his sight.

   "All the soldiers of the Michael Knights and Gabriel Knights!"

   Su Cheng shouted.

  His voice was heard clearly in the ears of the soldiers.

   "I believe you all know why we are gathering here! What are we going to do next!"

"When I usually walk on the street, I can always hear people talking about when the Hundred Years War between our Britannia and Frank empires will be fought. I also hear many pessimistic people think , This Hundred Years War may continue to be fought until it escalates into a Thousand Years War."

"I really want to say to these people loudly: You don't have to worry about when the Hundred Years' War will end! Just today, the 300,000 troops of our Britannia Empire are going to end this century with the Frank Empire. War!"

   Among the 300,000 troops under the stairs, many people's faces are now light red that can only be seen in excitement and excitement.

"Someone once told me,'The general gave the soldiers confidence in victory, and the soldiers also gave the general confidence'! I always felt that this sentence was very right! Not only did the general give the soldiers confidence in victory, the soldiers also It gave the general the confidence to win!"

"Five years ago, I only led the Michael Knights, and successfully repelled the 500,000 invading armies of the Frankish Empire and won the Great Patriotic War! Therefore, this time, I am holding With the faith of victory! Because I am no longer just a Michael Knights! What I have now is the joint army formed by the Michael Knights and the Gabriel Knights! As a reserve team, the Knights of Jier are ready to support us at any time! Not only did I give you the confidence to win, you also gave me the confidence to win! Give me the belief in victory!"

   "It's not just you who give me the belief in victory!"

   After that, Su Cheng raised the sword held in his left hand high. This exquisite and gorgeous sword reflects the dazzling brilliance under the sun's rays.

   "I believe some people already know what this sword is."

   "That's right, this sword is the ‘Imperial Sword’ that symbolizes the national military power of the Britannia Empire, a sword that only His Majesty can hold!"

   After hearing Su Cheng's words, many people began to gasp.

  Because anyone with a little historical knowledge knows that in the nearly 300-year history of the Britannia Empire, there has never been an emperor who handed over his sword to an outsider!

   And now, His Majesty the current Emperor Ilsa actually handed the Emperor Sword to Su Cheng!

   It is self-evident that His Majesty Ilsa has a deep trust in Su Cheng!

"Just now, Your Majesty Ilsa handed over the Emperor Sword to me!" Su Cheng continued to shout, "Your Majesty trusted me so much! Give me such a significant sword! This is the first case in our empire! I really feel very honored and proud!"

"Therefore! After receiving this emperor sword from His Majesty Ilsa, I swear to His Majesty! I will definitely defeat the Frank Empire! Not only will I defeat the Frank Empire, I will also win more than anything in history. The war must be beautiful! In this battle, I will definitely end the Hundred Years War between the Britannia Empire and the Frank Empire!"

   Su Cheng gripped the hilt of the emperor sword with his right hand, and then pulled out the emperor sword with a loud voice, revealing the white body of the sword inside, then raised it high, with the tip of the sword pointed at the sky.

   At the same time, a bracelet on the right wrist-a women's bracelet was revealed.

"It is not only your Majesty who gave me the greatest support, but my friends and generals and cronies all gave me support! With their support! With your help! How could Su Cheng lose to the Frank Empire! !"

"In a few decades you will be glad that you have participated in this great war! By then, when you are sitting by the fireplace! And grandson sitting on your lap asks you to fight against the Frank Empire in the Britannia Empire. What are you doing! You don’t have to tell your grandson that you were farming or digging up dung! Instead, you proudly tell your grandson: I was in the alliance formed by the Knights of Michael and the Knights of Gabriel. In the Corps! Fight side by side with the unified knight Su Cheng! And won the war!!"

"Guys of the Union Corps! Lend me your strength! I want to end the Hundred Years War with you!! The soldiers and people of the Britannia Empire!!! Help me!!! Give me a hand!!! "

   "Ooh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

   The army under Su Cheng issued a battle cry that could shock the earth!

   Morale exploded! !

Every soldier felt that the blood flowing in his body was ignited. UU reading burned all of them to ache, yelling loudly, even if his voice was dumb, it was still dumb. Yelled out of his throat.

   Apart from shouting loudly, they couldn't find any other way to vent their inner surging mood, nor could they find another way to cool the painful blood in their body.

   Su Cheng swung down the raised sword heavily, and shouted:

   "My friends! Let's go on! Set out!!"

Enough to change the world situation, the two sides have invested a total of millions of troops on an unprecedented scale, and determined the fate of the Britannia Empire and the Frank Empire. So far, with the unified knight Su Cheng's "outreach", it officially opened. Curtain!

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