"..." After a while, Rhodes found that he did not feel any impact, and slowly opened his eyes.

In front of him was a shielding field displayed through the developing device. Its brightness was much dimmer than before the impact. It seemed that a lot of energy was consumed to resist the impact.

The poor big tree chosen as the target has been shattered by the shielding field, and does not break like a normal impact.

Rhodes carefully shifted into reverse gear and reversed the car. The car could still move and was very smooth. Recalling that he didn't feel any impact in the collision just now, Rhodes looked at Mark and showed a meaningful smile. .

Chapter 87

"What are you two doing here?" Tony stood by the car window and asked, looking at Rod and Mark in the car with confusion.

"You're awake Tony!" Rhodes turned around and saw Tony standing next to the car. He immediately opened the door and got out of the car and gave Tony a big hug.

Tony struggled to push Rhodes away, "I'm not in the habit of hugging men, go ahead. It's just low blood sugar caused by my irregular diet. For this small problem, Mark's nutritional sleep cabin is still very effective. of."

Seeing that Tony was still trying his best to hide his physical condition, Rhodes put his hands on his shoulders, looked into Tony's eyes and said seriously: "Stop lying to me, Tony. Mark has already told you everything about your condition. I'm sorry, palladium poisoning is not a minor problem like hypoglycemia. An injection of glucose will solve the problem. I just want you to know that if there is a need, then my friend is at least worth relying on. "

"I knew that Mark's big mouth couldn't hold the door. All my secrets were revealed from the mouth of this 09 brat." Tony said and gave Mark a hard look, "But you don't have to go too far. I'm worried. With the nutrient hibernation chamber Mark gave me, palladium poisoning will not threaten my life. After the repair was completed, I measured the toxin level in my blood and it was completely cleared.

Moreover, I have gained a lot of inspiration from reading the manuscripts left by my father in the past few days. I believe that I will soon be able to create a new element to replace palladium. I am a genius, so this difficulty will not trouble me. "

Rhodes: "I hope so. But before that, you have to solve the problem at hand first. Regarding the military committee, Mark gave a best-of-both-worlds solution. I think you should listen to it. "

"Oh! The idea that Mark came up with? It seems that the politicians in the Military Commission have to be prepared to bleed a lot." Before hearing what Mark's plan was, Tony had already guessed that he was being targeted by Mark. The party will definitely be in bad luck.

Sure enough, after listening to Rod's description of Mark, Tony was overjoyed, "That's great, hahaha! Mark, you are indeed the number one profiteer in the world in my mind. Rod, just a moment Just put on the Mark II suit and go back with Mark's shielding field generator. I want to see if the politicians on the military committee will fall into this trap."

Next, according to Mark's plan, Tony opened the Mark II authorization to Rhodes, allowing him to return to the military base with the shielding field generator.

The plan progressed very smoothly. After seeing the Mark II and the shielding field generator that Rhodes brought back, the greedy politicians of the Military Commission seemed to have foreseen the huge political achievements they could bring to themselves, so they did not add any The thinking hotel fell into the trap prepared by Mark.

Soon the military commission dropped the charges against Tony. On the other hand, the reputation of the Stark Expo was also gradually fermenting. The novel ideas and inventions brought by the exposition refreshed and fascinated all visitors, making Stark Industrial stock prices have been rising for several days.

Coupled with Pepper's resolute and efficient management methods, a crisis that was still brewing was eliminated invisible.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

In Stark Manor, as Mark and Pepper sang happy birthday, Tony blew out the candles on the cake and made his forty-second birthday wish.

Tony did not hold a big birthday party this year, nor did he put on a steel suit and fight with war machines. He just celebrated this special day warmly with his most important people.

Although this palladium poisoning crisis did not really put his life in danger, it made him understand more what he should cherish. At the moment when he made a wish, Tony felt that this might be his forty-two years. The richest moment in life.

"Happy birthday, Tony! This is my gift to you-" Pepper handed a beautifully wrapped gift box to Tony.

The dark blue wrapping paper was tied with a pink ribbon, and hanging on the ribbon was a small card that read [Pepper Potts wishes Tony Stark a happy birthday].

Tony opened the gift and saw a beautiful pure white ceramic cup placed inside.

"I suddenly fell in love with chlorophyll drinks before I met you, so I made this ceramic cup with my own hands. You can use it to hold your favorite drinks in the future."

"Thank you, I like it very much!" Although the gift is not expensive, it is a gift that Pepper carefully observed Tony's living habits and made with his own hands. For Tony, this is more precious than any expensive gift.

"My gift is relatively simple -" Mark raised his hand and looked at his watch as he spoke, "It's almost 700 hours, and the gift should have arrived. Come out with me and look up at the sky..."

Click, click, click - In the dark night sky, the sound of a propeller turning reached Tony's ears.

Soon, a helicopter actually fell from the sky and landed on the tarmac of the manor.

It was an orange and white twin-rotor helicopter. Feeling the airflow it brought when it landed, Tony knew that its horsepower and speed would definitely not be weak.

"This is my birthday gift to you. Knowing that you like Transformers, I specially designed and manufactured this helicopter Transformers for you. Its name is Tornado. The wings on the propeller can turn into double knives and become his weapons. However, it carries a large number of floating gun units on both sides of the fuselage, which can be said to be the most powerful Transformer with the most powerful attack power and mobility I have ever built.”

After Tony looked at the tornado carefully, he turned around and looked at Mark seriously and said: "Actually, I feel that since I escaped from the Ten Rings Gang on July 16 last year, I have been reborn. .

So - I want to have another birthday on that day, what do you say? "

"roll--!" # .

Chapter 88

"Hey, Colson, what's the matter with calling me?" Mark, who received Colson's call on the helicopter, asked.

Coulson hasn't contacted him for a long time since he last helped SHIELD solve the power problem of the Helicarrier.

"Greetings, Mark. I hear it's very noisy around you right now. Can you answer the phone?"

"No problem. Tony just received the helicopter I gave him as a birthday gift, so he dragged me and Pepper up for a test flight. If you have anything to say, just tell me, I can hear you clearly."

"Okay, Mr. Director, I hope he can arrange a meeting with you and your father, Tony Stark, tomorrow. I don't know if it's convenient."

"I have no problem with this, but I have to ask Tony if he has time. I'll get back to you later, Coulson."

"Okay, I won't interrupt you now. I'll contact you later."

The next day [RandysDonuts] donut shop.

"Are you here to discuss your Super Boy group again? To be honest, I'm not interested."

In a booth by the window in the store, Tony and Fury were across the table from each other, and Mark was sitting next to Tony.

"I remember that you guys like to do everything by yourself. The difference is that you make a mess, but Mark can solve things perfectly. Isn't this ironic? How is the research on the preparation of new elements? Are there any results? ?”

Hearing Nick Fury mention the new elements, Tony looked at him with wide eyes, showing great surprise, "How did you know that I was looking for new elements?"

After finishing speaking, Tony looked at Mark with his big Kazlan eyes and said, "Did you even tell him?" It was obvious that he was suspicious of Mark's big mouth.

Mark looked innocent and replied: "It's really not me. When have I disclosed information about you to people who have a normal relationship with you? I was selective, okay!"

"Mark didn't reveal your matter, but I--" This is when a red-haired beauty with a slim figure wearing a black tights walked over from behind the father and son, and then said to Fury: "I cleared the entire area, but it's best not to spend too much time on it."

Seeing this person's face, Tony suddenly said angrily: "You are fired, Miss Natalie!"

Fury made room for the person to sit next to him, and then introduced: "Tony, this is Natasha Romanoff, a level seven agent of SHIELD."

"Hahaha——" Just when Tony was shocked by the truth of the matter, Mark next to him broke the serious atmosphere, "Dad, you didn't realize that there was an agent lurking next to you, did you? I laughed to death. Yeah, I'm much better than you, I noticed Agent Melinda next to me sent by SHIELD on the first day."

Although Mark recognized Melinda and Natasha because of the prophetic advantage of the time-travelling reborn person, Mark would not relent if he had the opportunity to laugh at Tony.

But Fury and Natasha on the side were really shocked. They didn't expect that Melinda May, one of the most elite and top agents of SHIELD, would be killed on the first day of lurking. The surveillance target was discovered.

If she were not facing a law-abiding and kind-hearted child like Mark, but a vicious criminal, Melinda might be in danger.

"I'm very sorry, you two. But I don't have any malicious intentions in sending people to monitor you. I just want to protect you and at the same time observe whether you have the qualifications to join the Avengers Project.

And if it hadn't been like this, I wouldn't have known that Tony you were already sick, let alone Mark, that you still had so many good things hidden in your hands that you hadn't taken out. It seems that the price of our last transaction did not satisfy you. "

"I'm not sick, it's just palladium poisoning." Tony said stiffly.

"Really? If it weren't for the help of Mark's nutritional dormancy cabin, would you still be so alive and kicking now?"

"But I have found a clue. I have looked through Howard's previous manuscripts. I believe that I will soon be able to find a new element to replace palladium."

"Maybe I have something that can help you..."

Three minutes later——

Nick: "'Thank you both for coming today. This conversation was very pleasant. Mark remembers the transaction between us. If you have time, come back with your invention list. This time I will open the highest authority technical information for you to choose from.

Before I leave, I also want to ask, how on earth did you determine Agent Melinda's identity when you first met her? "

Mark raised his eyebrows, thoughts flashed in his mind, and he justified himself and said: "Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully that in order to protect... etc., I made up my words.

Ahem - that's it. I previously developed an emotion perception system for Dabai. Through the algorithm derivation and reverse reasoning of this system, I developed a system called Sibila, which can capture human faces through surveillance cameras. information to determine the threat value this person poses to me and the corresponding (Zhao's) emotions.

When Melinda came for the interview for the first time, not only did the applicant show no respect for me as my future boss, but her threat level even exceeded that of the adult men in our company.

Such women usually have unusual jobs, and I have only experienced Melinda's temperament in Coulson, so I already knew she was an agent from the first meeting.

However, after I just confirmed that Agent Romanoff is an agent of SHIELD, and combined with the similar joining time of the two, I am sure that Melinda is also a person sent by your SHIELD. "

Bang bang bang——!

"Brilliant!" Nick Fury applauded Mark's reasoning. "It seems that our agents need to continue to improve, otherwise they will be replaced by advanced technology."

Chapter 89

"Meet again, Tony, and Mark." Stark Manor, Nick Fury visited this place again.

But unlike the last time he sneaked in in the dark, Fury had sworn from that day that he would only enter this place openly in broad daylight. Thinking of the last time he was tied up by Mark, Fury was still deeply impressed.

"Mr. Director, after you finish talking to dad, do you have time to talk to me about our deal? 'Baby,' I'm ready." Mark held each other's hands and rubbed their palms together. Money shines in his eyes.

Fury: "No problem. I think compared to the deal with you, it doesn't hurt to delay other things."

"Then let's talk first. I'll take the physical object to the laboratory in the underground garage first." Mark turned and left. At the same time, tens of thousands of miniature magnetic axis robots began to move under his control.

Fury is very eye-catching about Mark's talents and skills. If Tony's inventions make people feel like he is a dreamer, then Mark is more like a doer. For agents like them, whose heads are tied to their belts, , nothing is more attractive than Mark’s invention.

But back to business, we still have to solve Tony's problem first, "Tony, do you know that the thing on your chest is made based on unfinished technology?"

Tony: "I already know this. I also found some clues from the research manuscript left by Howard. He should have discovered a new element that is efficient, clean, non-toxic and harmless, but it is restricted. Due to technical limitations at the time, there was no way to complete the preparation of new elements, so palladium metal was used as a substitute.

I miniaturized this unfinished technology and greatly improved its operation efficiency, and then applied it to myself, but ended up getting myself into trouble. Unfortunately, I could not find the molecular structure of this new element in his manuscript. "

Fury: "Yes, your father said that the Ark Reactor is just a springboard for greater technology. He was preparing to launch an energy competition that would leave all opponents behind. He found a clue to a super-energy nuclear reactor. It will look like a 3A battery in front of it."

Tony: "I think Anton Vanke is also involved in this project, right?"

Fury: "Yeah, Anton Vanko thought it would make him a lot of money, and your father found out and deported him. When he found out he was useless, he exiled him to Siberia, where he lived an alcoholic life for 20 years A cynical life.

This is not very good for the growth of young children, and what you met in Monaco is its son. "

Tony: "Then how can we achieve this kind of super power?"

Fury: "Your father said that the only way to complete this plan is to rely on your wisdom and resources."

"This is impossible." Tony firmly denied: "My father has never affirmed me. He is very cold and calculating. He has never said that he loves me or likes me. It is hard for me to believe that he would say that about me. To be able to complete this great plan of his.”

"That's not the case." Fury's response was equally firm.

"Really? It seems like you're forcing me to get to know my father better." Tony wondered.

"In fact, yes, he is one of the earliest founding members of SHIELD." After speaking, Fury stood up, and his agents moved a box in front of Tony.

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