"Of course!"

Leo recovered and jumped off the chair.

"Then you have to change your clothes first, you can't enter the venue now!"

Tony glanced at Leo who was only wearing short sleeves.

"Have you grown taller recently? Why do you still look so short, but that dress should be enough to put it in your room."

Leo looked at the three small suits of different colors in the closet, and took out a black set. After putting it on, it fit unexpectedly.

Tony also put on a black suit, blew his hair by the way, and wore his signature mustache, and walked to the garage.

I drove a brand new concept supercar from Audi and drove fast towards the city.

Leo sat in the co-pilot safely and tugged at his clothes, "Mr. Stark, did you customize it for me?"

"Any questions?"

"No, thank you very much!"

"I'm afraid I'm just embarrassing you!" Tony said indifferently, looking straight ahead.

"Mr. Stark, can you do me a favor?"

"You'd better hurry up while I'm still patient."

"Delete all my information on the Internet, especially Aunt Jenny and Uncle George, I don't want to see that I have anything to do with them!"

"What do you mean?" Tony frowned.

"I mean, I'm afraid that if I get revenge by others, it will easily affect them. They are the two people I care about the most in this world, and I don't want them to be hurt." Leo said while looking at the scenery outside the window.

"Will there be any accident?"

"I don't know, but I am so small. Although I will try to hide it, it is easy to expose, so I want to delete my information. Even if I expose it, my aunt and the others are still safe."

"Okay." Tony thought for a while, and said to Jarvis through his earphones, "Jarvis, remove Leo's news about his relatives on the Internet."

"Okay, sir, in-depth information removal is expected to take thirty-two minutes."

Leo knew that there were some hidden dangers, but it should also eliminate some hidden dangers.

In the face of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is basically occupied by Hydra, Leo will not make any big moves for the time being, and will only cover up as much as possible, "I'm still just a child."

Maybe one day, when I can protect my relatives well, I can let go of my hands and feet and work hard.

Twenty minutes later, the supercar parked at the main entrance of the venue, threw the key to the valet parking security guard, and walked towards the gate.

Leo also got out of the car, opened some distance, and did not follow closely.

Tony Stark's arrival caused a huge commotion, and there were even cheers and screams.

All the guests gathered around, and one of the big-breasted girls stepped forward.

"Hey, Tony, remember me?"

"Of course I don't remember."

Tony walked over without even looking at her.

He patted an old man with gray hair on the shoulder and said hello.

Tony was far away when the stylish old man with the two blond beauties in his arms turned around.

But Leo stepped forward and said, "How are you, old man!"

He was wearing a burgundy coat and burgundy glasses, just like when Tony came out of Las Vegas.

Holding a pipe in his hand, he lowered his head to look at Leo quite energetically.

"Oh, a child!"

Leo looked at the familiar figure in front of him and laughed.

One person every Marvel fan knows, Stan Lee.

Leo didn't see any change in his expression, as if he didn't know who he was.

What Jin Eye saw was just an ordinary old man.

It was not the observer that Leo imagined, so there was an inexplicable thought surrounding him.

Leo left quickly, and Stan Lee turned back strangely and continued, "Strange child." He put his arms around the waists of the two beauties again.


At this time, Obadi was being interviewed by reporters, and Tony walked straight over, "If the host doesn't come, what kind of party is the guest coming?"

Obadi laughed awkwardly, "Look at you, hey, I really didn't expect it"

Tony also seemed to feel that the time was out of place, "See you inside."

"Listen, don't worry about the company, okay? I've got the board done." He stopped Tony and said.

"Understood, I just held back for too long, I just came out to breathe." Tony walked to the venue and left.

Obadeh, who was still being interviewed at the door, looked at Tony's back, and his smile disappeared. He didn't know what he was thinking. He seemed to be worried that Tony would say something he shouldn't say.

When I turned around, I suddenly found Leo who was looking at him beside him. Obadeh's face showed a habitual smile again, and he wanted to say something to Leo.

"I'm going to Mr. Stark." Leo quickly walked away.

Obadiah's face darkened.

In the venue, the party had just started, there were people everywhere, and Tony ran to the bar first.

"Have a scotch."

Agent Coulson, who had been waiting by his side, saw Tony coming, "Mr. Stark?"

"You are?"

"Agent Coulson."

"Oh, you're the one..."

"The Department of Homeland Strategic Attack and Logistics Support." Coulson eased Tony's embarrassing situation.

"God, you really need to change your name."

"Yes, I've always heard people say that." There was always a sincere smile on his face, "I know you are suffering during this time, but we need you, give us a report, we still have a lot of questions, and some Details you may forget after a while..."

Tony, who was absent-minded, saw a familiar back, and his eyes were a little lost.

"So why don't we settle this first, how about we meet at Stark Industries at 7pm on the 24th?"

Tony just wanted to end it quickly, but he couldn't leave directly. He stretched out his hand, still staring at Pepper's figure.

"Let's settle it, you're right, then, I'll go to my assistant to settle this matter."

Tony said a word and walked towards Pepper, who was wearing a halter.

Pepper looked at Tony in surprise, "How did you get here?"

"Come and hide from that government agent."

"Come alone?"

"Leo is here too."

"You brought Leo too? Where is he?" Pepper asked.

Tony glanced back, "He's playing games with that agent, where did your dress come from?"

Pepper also saw Leo's figure, "Oh, this is my birthday present."

"really not bad."

"Actually, you bought it for me."

"My taste is really good." Tony boasted.

"Yeah!" Pepper agreed.

"Do you want to dance?"

"Oh, no."

"Don't do that, come on."

"No, thanks."

Tony still pulled Pepper to the center of the dance floor and shook Pepper's hand.


On the other side, Leo also sat on the bar, "Have a glass of milk, thank you."

"Uh, sorry, no."

"Is there anything I can drink then?"

"Only ice water."

Leo looked at the white water with three pieces of ice floating in his hand and was speechless, "Who stipulates that only drinking can be drunk in the United States on 21st, it's really boring!"

Coulson saw Leo, his eyes lit up, and he walked over.

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