
It’s really interesting that a dignified Supreme Mage can disguise himself as a scientist.

You are so powerful, are you still afraid of a little woman like me? Haha, magic and science are two different things.

Are you sure your mind won’t go crazy? who I am? Don’t you know? Haha, I’m right here.

If you want, you can come over!

“The charming woman suddenly gave out a charming smile, the typical one who charms people to death without paying for her life!

She looked confident, not worried at all, and seemed to be eager for the other party to pounce on her.


Jiang Yifu be fooled? Definitely not, he will be fooled. Mao Xian, he knew at first glance that this woman was not simple. He had seen records in Kama Taj’s files, but there were very few stories about this woman. Because the other party did not act like Apocalypse or the Assassin League. Death has always been hidden among mortals, quietly making a fortune.

“Selene the Black Queen? is it you?”Jiang Yifu asked a little uncertainly. The only one in the Hellfire Club who has such strength is the Black Queen. Rumor has it that this woman has lived for more than 10,000 years, longer than the Ancient One, and only Hai. Ra can be compared. He is very powerful and has powerful abilities. I am not sure whether he is a mutant or an evil witch. He knows magic and has special abilities.

“oh? The nickname Black Queen is not bad, haha, but Sebastian calls himself the Black Queen. Are you sure you won’t be jealous?”Selene admitted openly. Judging from her age, Jiang Yifu is simply a young brat! Well, okay, judging from her age, that can indeed be said. Got it

“Haha, don’t use such low-level provoking methods, okay? Selene, why are you here, and what are your intentions? Oh, are you lonely and want to find a man to marry?”After Jiang Yifu confirmed the identity of the other party, he was no longer nervous. He has absolute confidence in the magician.

“Hum, haha, yes, I want to find a man to marry.

Alas, these men are too weak.

It’s rare that someone with more strength comes along.

Haha, Supreme Mage, what a powerful title, marrying you is not a loss of face, what about you, do you want me?”Selene blinked her beautiful eyes.

She was always trying to attract men’s attention.

Generally, people with poor concentration would have been fascinated by it for a long time.

Even if they were asked to jump off the building, they would probably jump from the two hundred without saying a word.

Jump off the high-rise building, this woman is too dangerous!

She is as beautiful as the eldest wife Hela!

“Tsk, I don’t want to have my soul sucked away. You have lived for so long, and I am not here to trouble you. In fact, I want to ask you to join my team. The Atrium is dangerous and needs strong people to protect it!”Jiang Yifu said slowly. He still values high-end combat effectiveness. As for the lower-end cannon fodder like Hydra soldiers, he has no interest in recruiting them. Those characters can kill several with one punch..Selene

‘s charming eyes turned cold, and she said with a sarcastic smile,”Haha, I thought you were an interesting person, but I didn’t expect you to be just as boring and uninteresting as Gu Yi.

It’s really Having similar odors does not mean that one family does not enter the same house.

No matter how enthusiastic you are, go and protect this world, and I won’t accompany you!

“After saying that, it was like using magic to teleport away.

With just a wave of her hand, she found that the space was actually imprisoned!

Her expression changed and she looked at the other party coldly.

It seemed that if something was wrong, she would transform into a terrifying tigress to let the other party know.

What does it mean to be a woman without giving way to a man?

“Don’t leave in a hurry, I haven’t finished speaking yet! Simply doing good deeds is certainly not my style. We are all in business, and what matters is paid help. Haha, Gu Yi did really well in the past, but that style doesn’t suit me. I still like to be paid to protect the world. If you want me to take action, then you can, you have to get some money, well, it’s almost like a mercenary, anyway. The atrium has been destroyed. We are not in a hurry, but naturally some people are.

I have established a media company, and its influence is pretty good now.

If there is any crisis incident, I will announce it through news channels.

When the time comes, people will be anxious to ask us for help.

If they ask for our help, they will naturally make money.

And You don’t have to be controlled by others, so why not come and join me!

This team can give you a lot of what you want!

“Jiang Yifu started to draw the cake.

For a woman who is used to this, she should not be too strong.

She should slowly cook it like a frog boiled in warm water.

When she realizes that something is wrong, she can no longer leave him!

Hehe, this is called Strategic vision and deployment, picking up girls also requires skills! Well, he is indeed a bastard, this routine is really one step after another, social people, admire him!

Black Queen Selene suddenly was not so angry, and her beautiful eyes looked curiously With this trusted Supreme Mage, she has lived for so long, and naturally has her own news channels and followers. She just happened to find it interesting to join the Hellfire Club. Otherwise, with her ability, no one can force her to stay, and she is not afraid It’s true that he died. Anyway, the green plants on the graves of those who dared to try this are already three meters high.

“Haha, you are quite interesting.

Didn’t you join the Hellfire Club? If you have a chance in the future, you still want to pursue me.

Haha, according to rumors, the Supreme Mage is a guy who likes women very much.

I think you don’t look like it!

That’s it for today, I just have something to do, let’s talk about it next time!

“Selene suddenly shattered the mirror space with powerful magic power and returned to the real world.

She didn’t cast any magic and just disappeared!

This ability is similar to a mutant ability, very weird, but the remaining space elements The fluctuations proved that this ability is actually similar to magic.

Jiang Yifu shook his head, returned to his seat and lit a cigarette for himself.

He did not reject the Hellfire Club, because it was a pure money-making club.

Besides, Xiao’s abilities are also good.

Of course, this refers to running a business.

If he puts aside his ridiculous dream of conquering the world, then he can be regarded as a good talent.

Meeting the Black Queen Selene today was a good surprise!

This woman’s The strength is very strong.

If he can regain it, it will really be helpful to him.

Suddenly Jiang Yifu thought for a moment, should Hela also change her clothes? Ahem, the big devil always wears a cloak and soft armor. Not even wearing a bikini. Well, next time I have a chance, I should let Hela try a bikini. My eldest wife is no worse than Selene. She is the most beautiful woman in Asgard after all!

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