In February 1943, the missing Captain Steve was still not found.

When the news reached Queen’s Island, Aunt Sarah cried very sadly.

Even though she was now Ivor’s wife, Steve was still her son no matter what.

His own son unfortunately died in the war.

As a mother, Of course it hurts.

Later, I heard from my little husband that his son was not dead, but just frozen.

With the physique of a super soldier, he could not die at this point, because the final crash site was near the Arctic Ocean, where the temperature is tens of degrees below zero all year round.

Glaciers change frequently, so it is normal to find them missing.

In Prison No.

49, during the battle when Dr.

Zola was captured, Bucky fell off the cliff and finally caught Dr.


However, this guy did not act like a brainwashed devout believer once he was captured.

To commit suicide is to pretend to be suspicious.

In the end, he was put into prison.

Because he was a scientific personnel and had great use value, he lived a good life.

On the contrary, it was Senator Pierce who suggested recruiting these capable Nazi scientists as much as possible.

Although the two had not met, they still had a strange cooperation, two old silver!

Charles, Eric and Steve are also good friends! The moment I found out that my best friend had died, I couldn’t believe it. The day before there were people talking and laughing, but a few days later he was said to have died! Even Planet Media immediately reported the news of Captain Rogers’ tragic death after heroically fighting against the evil Nazi Hydra army, pushing Steve’s reputation to a new level.

“Do you really want to go? Your abilities are not strong yet and need to be developed.”Charles said standing in front of the campus gate, seeming to be trying to save someone.

“Steve is my friend. I have special abilities. I have to work hard once. Isn’t this what you taught me? Don’t give up on any of your companions! Eric held a backpack and seemed to be ready to set off. He seemed to be using his ability to control magnetic fields to find Steve.

Charles was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and seemed to have made up his mind.”Okay, let’s go together.” Go to the Planet Building first, find Lex, and ask him to help look after the school. Then I will go with you. With my ability, I will be more sure of finding him. That guy is so strong, he will definitely not die so easily. It fell!”

“This is the Charles I know! I thought you had lost your temper since you became the principal, but it seems you haven’t changed!”Eric is very happy that his good friend still has a human touch and is not a cold-blooded politician.

“Tsk, I went together because I was worried that you might cause some trouble. That guy Steve broke the appointment, so of course I was going to make trouble for him. I thought it would be so easy to get through, but how could such a good thing happen?”Charles also said with a smile, and drove away immediately without taking any money, and went on a trip! Speaking of having mind control ability, do you need money to go out?

Jiang Yifu lay on the beach of Queen’s Island to sunbathe Looking at the sun, he has no intention of rescuing Steve.

The guy should just let him sleep for a while, as long as he is not dead anyway.

After a while, when he has accumulated enough reputation, he can rescue him.

Steve My husband woke up again after sleeping for seventy years and still has a good reputation.

This is the result of countless years of news propaganda.

Now is not the time.

Well, my conscience is very bad!

On the beach, several little baby girls are playing I am playing on the ground for my own entertainment.

I am a child.

Everything I see is novel and fun.

There are also Aunt Sarah and other women accompanying me.

They are their darlings, of course, all the time.

Looking at it.

Lying on the sun lounger next to Jiang Yifu was a fair-skinned, slender blonde beauty who seemed to be only in her thirties. The magician of Kama Taj would be surprised if she saw it. My jaw dropped. How the hell does this look so much like the Supreme Mage Ancient One!

Well, yes, this is Ancient One.

After being injected with the immortality serum, his body gradually recovered and no longer needed the power of the dark dimension to maintain life.

, and at the same time concentrate on practicing white magic.

The power of white magic without side effects may be a little less than that of black magic, but it is better than safety.

The power of Weishan Emperor’s dimension communicated by white magic can temper itself and be used to achieve the effect of extending life.

It seems that Yes, no one would recognize her when she walks on the street now

“These little guys are very lively and very talented in magic. Ivor, do you plan to teach them magic in the future?”The blond and blue-eyed Gu Yi also wore a pair of big toad glasses, a typical beach girl look.

“It depends on the situation.

From now on, they can be taught what they want to learn and what they want to learn.

Personal interests and hobbies are the most important, and there is no benefit in forcing them to study.

If you don’t want to learn, you won’t be able to teach it no matter how you teach it.

What’s wrong? Are you excited? Do you want to have one too?”Jiang Yifu started teasing Gu Yi as he spoke.

Ahem, really, Gu Yi was the teacher who taught him magic.

He didn’t know any respect at all!

Gu Yi smiled, without refuting or approving. He changed the topic,”Iver, what are you going to do next? You seem to have ignored Kama Taj’s affairs recently. This is not good!”

Jiang Yifu snapped his fingers, and a virtual holographic projection of the Royal Sister appeared,”Meisha, introduce the current situation of Kama Taj to Mrs. Gu Yi, and let her see the high-tech The magic!”

The royal sister of the holographic projection is naturally the artificial intelligence Meisha.

She is very busy now and has to deal with a lot of things.

If it were replaced by a human brain, she would have gone crazy!

As for Meisha, she can handle one thing per second.

Thousands of things and calculation equations, and then she can chat with others calmly, which is very powerful.

This is one of the benefits she also got in the ancient trial last year.

She has become more and more like a person.

The virtual woman with the most powerful brain、、

“OK, Master.

“After that, he called up a series of light screen patterns, all of which were images of Kama Taj.

You can see the situation in every place.

“Kama Taj is currently in good condition, and the magicians inside are all calm.

, there have been three minor conflicts in the past three days.

They were duels caused by disputes over magic theory, and all of them have been suppressed.

In addition, there are thirteen letters to the master, inviting the master to various banquets.

Seven of the letters are from the three major magic families, and the other six letters are from the master’s admirers.

“Okay, thank you for your hard work, Mesa.

How about it, isn’t it amazing!

If Meisha is here, I can know everything that happens in the world even if I don’t go anywhere.

Hey, what is this called? This is called knowing everything about the world without leaving home!

Your husband, I am awesome!

“Jiang Yifu showed off very arrogantly.

He has maintained a great resentment towards artificial intelligence since his rebirth.

Now it has finally been created.

Of course, he must make good use of it and show it off!

Gu Yi looked at it with a smile, He didn’t say anything. In terms of his ability to do things, Jiang Yifu was much better than me. He was organized and had very clear ideas. Maybe this era was his era. It was the era of young people, and she couldn’t keep up. The trend has become so, it is better to retire and become a teacher. When you have time, go to Kamal Taj to teach students. Such an ordinary life is exactly what she wants and dreams of!

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