Jiang Yifu was overjoyed,”Hey, that’s so good. Can’t it be used to expand the source of one’s own magic power? By continuing to expand the source of magic power, one can cast more magic, seven times a night!” Cough! Hey, what the hell! That’s wrong. To put it simply, isn’t it just to increase the upper limit of mana!

The pure energy is absorbed by the body through guidance, and the blue energy factor penetrates into the body, mixing with the orange-red magic source.

The current source of magic power is a small bungalow with several floors.

After the Rubik’s Cube energy is added, it begins to become active quickly.

Floors are constantly added to the highest building.

With each additional floor, the storage capacity of magic power will increase.

Twenty percent.

If there was no outside intervention, it would have taken several months to complete, but now it was completed in just a few minutes!

This Rubik’s Cube is so amazing!

Jiang Yifu still feels that he is very smart.

This is not just a guide, but by creating a magic flame to heat the Rubik’s Cube, and letting the Rubik’s Cube naturally overflow energy for him to absorb.

This is the same method as Dr.

Zola’s method of extracting energy.

As the energy continuously overflows, Jiang Yifu directly absorbs it, assimilates the energy with magic power, and then expands the source of magic power.

Well, if nothing else happens, it probably won’t take half a day for his magic power to reach its highest point.

When the time comes, you can use advanced magic at will without even taking a breath.

The energy inside the heated Rubik’s Cube began to roll, and the surrounding space became slightly distorted.

The originally calm space began to fluctuate, and the space elements began to tremble.

This made Jiang Yifu very curious.

This is a brand-new arrangement and combination of spatial elements.

Is it a new kind of magic? As an expert in space magic, he does know that there are many kinds of teleportation magic alone, such as short-distance, medium-distance, long-distance, cross-dimensional, and so on.

Who can do teleportation magic? If someone can surpass him in terms of attainments, then perhaps only Gu Yi is the only one.

The chaotic space elements seemed like a piece of scattered sand, but they seemed to be arranged in a specific order, as if it was a particularly advanced mysterious teleportation magic. This kind of magic is not a simple space magic. It seems to be very special. It can absorb energy from the surroundings to supplement its own consumption.

Jiang Yifu hurriedly used his mental power to expand, record the chaotic phenomenon, and store it in his mind, just like a synchronized backup. The difference is that one is automatically backed up by a computer, and the other is manually backed up by the human brain. The surrounding space began to collapse, and the energy surge caused the mountain to tremble.

The Hydra soldiers who were eating in the restaurant quickly hid in bunkers or ran out to an open area. The Red Skull slapped the table,”What’s going on? Is someone attacking? Go and investigate quickly!”

Dr. Zola grabbed the shaking table and looked thoughtfully in the direction of the laboratory.”General, I think it’s the noise coming from the laboratory. The thing you brought back had this kind of movement, but the movement was relatively small at that time.”


Everyone, hurry up and get to the lab!

I have to save the things even if I die!

hurry up!

“The Red Skull suddenly felt a bit like a ghost.

The Cosmic Rubik’s Cube is his foundation.

Without these things, he is no different from the Allies and the German army.

He cannot form a suppressive offensive, so the Rubik’s Cube must not be lost!

He is still in the laboratory at this time.

Jiang Yifu suddenly felt that the Rubik’s Cube was getting brighter and brighter, and a hazy figure seemed to appear,”Oh, what a handsome little guy!

Haha, do you also want to take the space gem as your own? Let me see if you are qualified!

“A pleasant female voice came.

Before Jiang Yifu could react, a flash of light flashed, and the entire laboratory collapsed.

A mountain of several hundred meters broke into pieces, crushing all the Hydra soldiers who were caught off guard.

Collapsed in the mudslide!

And Jiang Yifu seemed to feel that he was in a dazzling light after the light flashed. It seemed to be a time and space tunnel, a bit like a rainbow bridge, surrounded by colorful streamers of light, which could not be seen at all What’s going on outside? Why does a woman’s voice come out of the space gem?

Jiang Yifu is a little puzzled.

Could it be said that the infinite gems are conscious? Is that the goddess of revenge, or something? A very ancient Existence, that is a woman who committed suicide and turned into seven infinite gems because she was too invincible and bored.

Well, why are powerful women so weird? It did n’t take long for Jiang Yifu to escape from the time and space tunnel, and in front of him Ichika then saw a blue planet.

It seemed that there were only five continents connected to each other, and it was surrounded by a blue ocean.

It was a bit different from the earth!

I don’t know where it is? There seems to be gravity here.

From Jiang Iver kept falling as soon as he appeared, feeling like parachuting from an airplane. The wind was howling, and the cold at high altitude was enough to freeze people into ice sculptures. The scene on the land became clearer and clearer, and it seemed to be a planet similar to an atrium. , I just don’t know if there will be such things as magicians, werewolves and vampires.

Once you come, you will be in peace.

Jiang Yifu doesn’t worry about any problems.

If you can come here, you can definitely go back.

I just don’t know what the situation is here.

The more Going down, the scene becomes clearer.

Below is a farm that looks like a suburb, with golden rice fields and green pastures.

The only thing a little strange is that there seem to be two groups of people fighting below.

On one side are exactly the same as humans.

People were attacking with automated gunpowder weapons.

On the other side was a tall humanoid creature wearing metallic armor!

It happened to be the creature seen in the deep-sea base!

“The Void Spirit Clan? Damn it, how come you can meet these psychopaths everywhere!

“That’s a gathering place for lunatics, constantly conducting biological experiments, as if they are looking for something, but they are hidden deep in the atrium.

If they hadn’t met them in Atlantis, they wouldn’t have known there were aliens at all.

Human existence!

“attack! Destroy them! Team 3, prepare electromagnetic pulse weapons, don’t let their spacecraft take off! The first team, alternate cover and attack, catch them alive!”A flat-headed man wearing strange clothes shouted loudly, commanding several small teams to attack the strange aliens!

At this time, a little gray man with only eyes and nose on his face walked out of the bunker, and his little bald head gave out a circle of… The halo of the circle, when the halo affected the dead soldiers, actually made the soldiers who had no signs of life stand up staggeringly again, and walked past the position of the deceased with teeth and claws, as if he was an unconscious zombie!

“Go, what the hell is this! Everyone, pay attention, aim at the resurrected zombies and destroy them! Sniper, aim at that bald gray man and blow him up!”The flat-headed man continued to command. He seemed to be just shocked. His good combat qualities allowed him to continue to command the soldiers to fight the aliens.

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