Well, in fact, it was just an accident. It was really just an accident. Ivory Jiang swears to God, if it was intentional, then I, Schmidt, the Red Skull, would be hit by a car when I went out, hit by someone while walking, or struck by lightning if nothing happened! Ahem, it seems, something is wrong. Swear on someone else’s Red Skull? Niubi, the eldest brother Niubi, the eldest brother drinks tea and passes the paper to the boss!

Until Jonathan came back, he didn’t see anything strange. Instead, he saw his wife’s radiant face, and thought she was extremely happy because she got the child! Jiang Yifu patted this honest man on the shoulder,”Jonathan works hard and makes money to support the family. It’s getting late. I’ll leave first. No need to send him off. Martha, I’m leaving!””

“Okay, thank you, boss. Take your time, boss! Let me see you off, the road on this farm is not easy.” Jonathan, who was not sure why, was still saying hello enthusiastically, as if he didn’t even notice the green hat on his head.

Martha was very angry. This young boss turned out to be a shameless person. The bastard wanted to expose him, but for some reason, he seemed to have chosen to hide it out of concern for her husband’s feelings. Is

Jiang Yifu in a good mood? Superman Clark, just play here with peace of mind. Hehe, the task now is Work hard to grow up, then bask in the sun more and become a super thug!

Open a portal and return to the Kryptonian spaceship in the Himalayas.

Only three women, two older and one younger, are drinking coffee and eating cakes at the table.

, obviously beginning to slowly adapt to the life in the atrium, and the spacecraft began to be filled with oxygen.

The air that Kryptonians breathe is different from that in the atrium, and they will definitely be very uncomfortable when they first come here.

People like General Zod are awesome.

It makes me want to vomit.

It shows that the air in the atrium is not very friendly to Kryptonians.

“Master Ivor! You came! Let me introduce to you, this is Carla, the daughter of my sister Aurora. Carla, this is Master Jiang Yifu who will be responsible for our life in the atrium in the future!”As the eldest sister, Raul still greeted him very politely. He could only be polite to avoid being targeted or being criticized.

Cara had long golden hair and looked a little puzzled and confused. Look at it. Looking at Jiang Yifu, it seems that the other party is nothing special!”Hey, are you a magician? You’re awesome, aren’t you? If you want me to listen to you, then let’s have a fight. If you win, I will listen to you!”

“Kara, don’t be ridiculous, Master Ivo, this child’s temper is like this, please don’t be offended!

“Aurora apologized unexpectedly, but did not stop the other party.

It seemed that she also wanted to test it intentionally.

Kryptonians rarely make friends except to obey their superiors.

If you want to make friends, you need the other party to have enough Your strength, your ability to drink is so bad, who will drink with you? Ahem, I said it wrong, your strength is so bad, who will be friends with you!

Jiang Yifu nodded, as expected, Superwoman is very irritable, and will attack if she disagrees with you.

The kind of violent woman who can take action but never compete, a bit like Kathrina.

“Okay, I can give you a chance, I just want to see the real Kryptonian fighting skills.

If you win, I can give you the freedom to do what you want without endangering the safety of the atrium.

Haha, what if you lose? Kara held her head up proudly like a victorious rooster,”That’s impossible.

Even if I lose, then I will do whatever you want me to do!

” Jiang

Yifu flashed a hint of pride,”Okay, this is what you said. What do you want to compare?” Kara bumped her fist. She has standard general-type genes, and her fighting power and physical fitness are among the best. Of course, her fighting skills are extremely inferior.”Of course it’s fists. Let’s have a fight. I’ll tell you if you win!” Jiang

Yifu nodded,”Okay, this is not suitable. I will take you to the place where you will live first.””After saying that, with a wave of his hand, a higher level of space teleportation magic wrapped the four people together with the spaceship, and then appeared in a large simple warehouse.

Ophelia was still busy dealing with other things, and only Super Queen Katharine and Wonder Woman Diana happened to be nearby.”Husband, are these the new guests that sister Ophelia said? They are not very good.”The indifferent attitude of course belongs to Kathrina. She has a cool personality and doesn’t hide too many thoughts, which makes people like her even more.

“Haha, yes, wait a minute, I want to have a fight with this Miss Carla, and then we’ll talk about it after the fight.

“Jiang Yifu introduced himself to his two wives, and then took Kara to the quiet valley.

The golden sun shone on the earth from the sky.

Kara bathed in the sunlight and felt that all the cells in his body were activated.

A brand new power emerged from her heart.

She clenched her fists and she could feel a steady stream of power being generated!

This is the so-called power of the sun.

It’s incredible!

“Iver, are you scared? There’s no way you can beat me, be careful you get beaten up by me!

Jiang Yifu hadn’t spoken yet, Kathrina felt unhappy and said to Diana,”This woman is so annoying and arrogant. I really want to beat her up for talking to our husband like this.”

Diana was a little embarrassed. She and Jiang Yifu were innocent. They had no relationship at all. They just had a little affection.”I have nothing to do with Yifu. Don’t misunderstand me. The woman’s power is increasing, and it seems that she has become stronger since she was exposed to the sun just now. The Kryptonians are indeed a fanatical fighting race!”

Kathrina joked,”Huh, I don’t believe it. My husband won’t bring an unimportant woman home. You definitely won’t be able to run away. Don’t you want a strong man? Not worthy of us! You are a woman of so-so strength, you are just okay, you can barely be my sister! Don’t worry, my husband is not a simple magician, he is also very powerful. If anyone thinks he is a weak magician, just wait to be beaten half to death!”

Jiang Yifu looked solemn. Although Kara was exposed to the golden sun for the first time, her good genes determine how much she can accept and grow. She can’t fly now, but it will be hard to say in the future! It’s interesting, wife. Of course, the stronger the better, the happiest thing is to eat soft food or something! Ahem, but the problem now is to defeat the opponent first!

Kara breathed out gently, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, wearing a Kryptonian Wearing a tight-fitting combat suit and stamping his feet, the man flew out like an arrow equipped with a motor! The speed left shadows in the air, and a hurricane was blown up on the ground. The steel-pink fist hit the man fiercely. Swing it out hard. If this punch hits, then you will probably die!

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