In a small city in Latvinia, the rebel soldiers are holding assault rifles to block the soldiers of the Viper Gang. These mercenaries transformed from the Hydra branch are all elites who have fought in many battles, and they automatically find bunkers to fight. fight back. Fighting to unify Latvinia for their Queen Ophelia!

The old-fashioned tank pointed its gun barrel at the advancing Viper Gang soldiers. The rebel soldiers hiding in the tank laughed ferociously, as if they had seen the tragic scene of their opponents’ limbs being separated by the shells.

At this time, a black figure shuttled across the battlefield, and the sharp sword in his hand scratched the neck of each rebel soldier. It was not until five seconds later that a thin mark appeared on the neck, and blood sprayed directly into the air like a fountain. Likewise, this way of death is the most painful and cruel!

The black figure was moving very fast, and his specific appearance could not be seen at all. He could only see a jet of black lightning passing through. Bang! The huge tank flew up and was knocked away by a slender female warrior! The rolling tank drew a beautiful arc in the air and directly crushed the defensive fortress beside the trench!

This female warrior is clearly the violent super queen Kathrina!

The dark protective silver bracelets on both hands clashed with each other,”Divine Power Shock Wave!

” Buzz!

An invisible ripple came out in a direction and directly bombarded the tank at an extremely fast speed.

The violent force tore the solid tank into pieces.

The shells inside were violently squeezed and exploded due to the high temperature air pressure..

It directly knocked away all the rebel soldiers within a radius of fifteen meters, and they died in mid-air!

“Haha, pain is only interesting when fighting on the battlefield!”Super Queen Kathrina has recovered from being a violent queen. Her beautiful face is full of joy. This violent fighting method can improve her strength. The more powerful the war, her strength will also change.” powerful

“That’s enough, Kathrina, don’t hurt the innocent!”Diana, another female warrior in dark gold armor, held up her shield to block the opponent’s heavy machine gun fire. The bullets with high impact hit the shield and made a crisp sound.

Kathrina said jokingly,”Diana, On the battlefield, there is nothing innocent. They all deserve to be killed. You can’t be so merciful. If you want to end the war as soon as possible, you must kill them all. Don’t forget, these beasts didn’t do anything good!”

Diana was silent. Indeed, during this period of time in Roto, we could see civilians living safely. Although they were a little poorer, they were still living a good and safe life. But in cities other than Roto, there was no chance. Unprovoked killings, robberies, rape of women and other beastly behaviors happened. She really couldn’t imagine why humans would be like this. It was different from what she thought.

Killing to stop killing was Ophelia’s decision.

At first, Diana disagreed and even scolded her.

Later, after being taken around Latvinia, she realized that she was too naive.

A kind help would make people think she was a fat dog.

Sheep can be bullied at will!

So Diana got angry and killed people in anger for the first time.

She also felt that these humans were not worthy of help and were not as good as Jiang Yifu.

At least the other person was a real villain and did pretty good things.

Compared with that Compared with a group of scum, the other party is a saint!

“Huh, let’s end this war as soon as possible!”Diana also refused to admit defeat. In theory, her backup should be Kathrina’s aunt, but the other party refused to admit it, and even said that they were sisters because they were with the same man. What Diana said He was speechless. He had a crush on Jiang Yifu, but it wasn’t to the point where he was in love with her to the death!

“Bibi, whoever kills more people, kind princess! hehe!”Kathrina stomped her feet again, and her whole body flew out like a cannonball, entering the trenches of the rebels and killing them.

Diana sighed, and the shield flashed with a trace of divine power. The impact of countless bullets just now was completely destroyed. The shield was absorbed, and the protective silver bracelet hit the shield vigorously. Buzz, a ripple similar to a divine shock wave spread again. The resistance soldiers affected by the ripple were stunned, and their internal organs were crushed into powder. On the surface, It’s okay to wake up. In fact, the dead can’t die anymore!

Watching the battle behind them are Ophelia and Jiang Yifu who just arrived.”Husband, haha, you see, Diana has started to get used to it. Are you satisfied now?”! You have brought trouble to a good Princess of Paradise Island. Haha, if they fight in the future, you will feel uncomfortable!”

With long dark green hair and two attractive blushes on her fair face, Ophelia exudes a mature style, just like a newly married young woman, but she also has a strong queen.

, people can’t help but look at her more.

Beautiful women are easy to attract attention, let alone a beautiful woman with temperament!

Jiang Yifu was very happy.

His wives include gentle and virtuous women, as well as super strong women.

A vixen with a strong temperament and an even more charming and alluring vixen.

Ahem, think about how awesome I am.

I can actually pick up so many women, and I can still get along with them peacefully without getting into fights.

If there is a Nobel Prize for polygamy, it will definitely be very good.

I am the only one!

“Ahem, no, the main thing is for your help, my wife.

I don’t want a wife who talks about saving the world every day and then puts her family in danger.

I just want you to be happy and have dreams that you can pursue, but the prerequisite is that you are healthy!

What seemed to be a sigh made Ophelia’s eyes a little wet.

It is such a man who will always take care of herself, so she can’t help but fall in love with him!

Maybe this is what her mother said when she was a child.

, you can be a good man worthy of being entrusted to you for the rest of your life!

“If you hate it, woo woo, you will make me cry.

I am the queen!

” I can’t make people cry, haha, husband, thank you for your continued help and support.

Wait for me, wait for me to defeat Latvinia, and I will give you a baby, okay? I am so envious of Sarah that I can help you give birth to a lovely girl!

Behind Ophelia are the two female warriors she brought here, a white female warrior and a black female warrior. They are both tall and can be regarded as confidants. Um, why do they look familiar! The look in Jiang Yifu’s eyes was also strange, with a little admiration in it.

“Well, don’t be too tired. Although your physique has become stronger now, don’t overdraw. Isn’t there someone to help you now? Train everything properly, then delegate power and focus on the core departments yourself. Don’t be like Zhuge Liang. , I will be exhausted by then!”Jiang Yifu said slowly, he didn’t build the Red Room just for Dottie. Bah, who would believe it if he said it wasn’t for the two generations of black widows? Liar!

Ophelia smiled sweetly,”I know. Well, husband, you are the best to others!”Then the sweet smile suddenly disappeared, and in the blink of an eye she turned into a cold queen, picked up the walkie-talkie and said,”Give me the order to resolve the battle within two hours. What a bunch of trash, worse than a bitch!””The powerful aura is comparable to that of the Great Demon King. It’s really a bit disorienting!

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