Suri's hotel is about 40 kilometers away from Sanji District.

Before the end of the world, this journey would have been easily reached in about two hours.

Therefore, Suri originally expected that even in apocalyptic circumstances and poor road conditions, they would be able to reach their destination before evening.

However, the actual situation was far more complicated than he imagined.

While driving, everyone found that they had to slow down and proceed with caution.

First of all, there are many obstacles on the westward road, whether it is vehicles crossing the middle of the road or the damaged road surface, making it extremely difficult to pass.

They had to get out of their cars several times to clear roadblocks before they could move on.

What's even more troublesome is that the sound of the vehicle's engine continues to attract the surrounding eaters.

When they had driven about five kilometers, they were attacked by the first wave of eaters.

Faced with this situation, Suri had to order the car to stop and fight.

Lu Hongqi and his men were responsible for finding hidden shooting positions in the surrounding area to form the first line of defense.

Suri and others stayed by the jeep, using RPG rocket launchers to provide heavy fire support while dealing with the crisis of breaking through the first line of defense.

Everyone had a clear division of labor, cooperated with each other tacitly, and launched resistance actions in an orderly manner.

At this moment, Su Rui felt deeply that Professor Liu's original trading opinion was correct.

It is indeed very cost-effective to exchange some food for such fighting power.

The power of thermal weapons soon became apparent, and the group of eaters that had just appeared were quickly knocked down under their firepower.

However, just as they were preparing to evacuate, a group of more troublesome eating beasts suddenly appeared.

This is also Suri's first encounter with the eating beasts, a group of unusually large rats that are almost the same size as pre-apocalyptic Tibetan mastiffs.

These eating beasts move quickly and have rough skin and thick flesh. They are not afraid of being fired by submachine guns because bullets cannot penetrate their skin at all.

Except for the occasional hit in the eye, they are put down.

And while they were eating the corpse of the eater, they were carrying bullets and rushing towards Suri's convoy crazily.

The women in Suri were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

They were already afraid of rats, not to mention the huge rats in front of them, which almost scared them to the point of peeing.

Even Wu Meng and Liu Feifei, who had experienced battles, could not help but tremble all over and turned pale when facing these hordes of giant rats.

However, Lu Hongqi and his younger brothers seemed to have been prepared for such a scene.

They quickly put down their thermal weapons, drew out their machetes, and prepared to engage in close combat with these giant rats.

Lu Hongqi took the lead and bravely rushed towards the rats.

He raised the knife and chopped down a giant rat to the ground in an instant, and then chopped the second one to the ground.

Other younger brothers also followed suit, showing amazing fighting abilities.

The originally ferocious rats turned out to be extremely fragile under their violent attacks.

After cutting down more than a dozen giant rats, the remaining rats seemed to be frightened and fled in all directions, quickly fleeing the scene.

After they were safe, Su Rui curiously called Lu Hongqi over and asked, "Are these rats eating animals? Why can't we kill them with guns, but you can chop them with knives? And they dispersed so quickly?"

Lu Hongqi wiped the sweat from his forehead and explained: "Yes, these giant rats are eating animals. I have dealt with them a lot, and I know their situation fairly well. Most of their skins have evolved. Hard enough to resist bullet penetration."

Su Rui showed a confused expression: "Isn't this...unreasonable? Bullets can't penetrate, and then a knife can?"

Professor Liu added on the side: "At the research institute, my colleagues studied the skin of eating beasts and found that their evolved skin has high hardness but low toughness. Therefore, when fighting eating beasts, cold weapons are more effective than hot weapons. ”

Lu Hongqi continued: "Major Liu is right. Another characteristic of rat groups is that they bully the weak and fear the strong. As long as we cause greater damage to them in a short period of time, we can scare them away."

Suri said thoughtfully: "You mean, the rats' intelligence did not deteriorate after transformation like humans did when they became eaters?"

Professor Liu explained: "Well, that's right. After most animals were transformed into eating beasts under the influence of the red mist, their intelligence not only did not deteriorate, but was enhanced. At present, only humans have lost their minds after transformation , turned into a walking zombie that only knows how to eat. Therefore, although the group of giant rats has been temporarily dispersed by us, it is likely that they will continue to follow us in the dark. "

Suri glanced at the crisis-ridden surroundings, and for the first time he had such an understanding of the eating beast. We also understand better why humans with thermal weapons are still unable to fight against the apocalypse.

It turns out that all species have been strengthened, and humans have not only lost their position at the top of the food chain, but may even be close to the bottom.

And from this point of view, Director Luo did have some skills in being able to clean up the area around the patrol bureau so safely.

The convoy set off again, but this time Suri deliberately slowed down the convoy to make as little noise as possible so as not to attract unnecessary attention.

However, despite all the attention, the results were not significant.

As the convoy gradually approached Block 13, they encountered more and more groups of eaters.

After the convoy cleared several waves of eaters and repelled the surprise attack of giant rats, it came to a T-intersection.

But just as he was about to turn, Li Hongqi's younger brother in charge of investigation hurried back on a motorcycle.

He reported to Li Hongqi and Su Rui: "Leader, Brother Lu, the road ahead is impassable. I saw a group of eaters gathered together so densely that I couldn't see the edge at a glance. It was estimated that there were thousands of them. It seemed that There was a siege going on somewhere, and in the center of the siege, I heard gunshots, and it looked very dangerous.”

Suri frowned and quickly took out the map to study it carefully.

He looked at it and realized that if he bypassed the group of eaters here, it would mean walking an extra five kilometers.

This puts them at risk of not reaching their destination before dark.

Professor Liu also got out of the car and came to Su Rui's side to check the map together.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, he asked, "Suri, are you going to go around it?"

Suri nodded.

However, Li Hongqi said worriedly: "According to my experience, even if we avoid here, there may be the same dangers on other roads. Perhaps we can consider abandoning the vehicle and walking through it. This way, the target is small and we may be able to avoid it." This group of eaters.”

Suri directly rejected the proposal: "No, most of us here are women, and they are not equipped to deal with emergencies."

Professor Liu put forward a more radical suggestion: “Perhaps, we can choose to fight hard.

Since there are gunshots inside the encirclement, we can use thermal weapons to attack, and cooperate with the people inside, and we may be able to eliminate this group of eaters in one fell swoop. "

But Suri still shook his head: "It's too risky to do this, and it can easily lead to bigger troubles. I decided to go around them, speed up, grab some time, and cover the extra distance as soon as possible."

His decision was an order, and although everyone had different opinions, they ultimately followed his arrangement.

So, under the command of Suri, the convoy chose another path and continued moving forward.

However, not long after the motorcade drove, Li Hongqi's younger brother came back speeding on a motorcycle again, with panic written on his face.

He reported in a panic: "Chief, Brother Lu, this road is dead! I saw a team of about a hundred people, many of whom were old, weak, women and children. They were using guns to fight against the eating beasts. There were giant eating beasts. Rats, and some mutated butterflies, most of which are one meter long, but one of them is particularly huge, almost five meters long. It is obviously an intermediate-level eating beast, and it can still fly. "

Intermediate food beast?

Can fly?

Upon hearing the news, Su Rui and Lu Hongqi both frowned involuntarily, feeling the danger ahead.

Suri stared at the map, lost in thought again.

If this road doesn't work, then they are really in trouble.

Now how to do?

There are only two roads to choose from, one is where the eating beasts gather, and the other is the road where the eating beasts wreak havoc.

No matter which one you choose, it's fraught with huge risks.

Then... go back and take a detour from a farther place.

But this way, it would be impossible to reach the military shelter before dark. As for whether there will be other potential dangers, it is an unknown variable.

At this time, Wu Meng's face had turned pale, and she suggested retreating in a trembling voice: "Student Su Rui, why don't we go back to the hotel first? At least it's safe there for now..."

Her words were immediately echoed by the other women in the car.

The elder sister of the twins said even more anxiously: "I have learned about the strength of the intermediate-level eating beasts in the B battlefield. It is not something we can fight against. Let's go back first..."

Suri took a deep breath, but did not respond immediately.

He knew very well that although they got some food from the patrol bureau, that little reserve could not support them to stay in the hotel for a long time.

Going back is just a temporary escape. One day we will still have to face the current predicament.

And just when he didn't know how to make a choice, a new situation arose.

"Da da da……"

A burst of gunfire suddenly came from not far away, and the direction was exactly the way they came.

Su Rui, Professor Liu, and Li Hongqi were startled at the same time, with an ominous premonition rising in their hearts.

The worst-case scenario seems to have occurred!

They were attacked from three sides and had no way out!

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