Mad Doctor

Chapter 976: True Air Scrubbing (Part 2)

Seeing that Ye Wutian suddenly fainted, and the whole person was heavily on her, Li Wan'er knew that her big brother Ye didn't hate her, not regret, but there was an emergency.

"Brother Ye, what's wrong with you? Wake up, wake up." Li Wan'er was so frightened that she cried in an instant. She couldn't care less about being shy or not. She just wanted to wake up Brother Ye quickly. Everything else was not important. Even if Brother Ye really regrets it and really doesn't like her, it doesn't matter.

No matter how Li Wan'er shakes Ye Wutian, Ye Wutian just doesn't wake up, except that there is temperature on his body to prove that he is still alive.

With tears in her eyes, Li Wan'er said in a weeping voice, "Brother Ye, don't scare me, please don't scare me, I will listen to you, and I will listen to you in everything."

Ye Wutian didn't react at all, and Li Wan'er didn't know if he could hear her.

Li Wan'er thought of asking for help, but she quickly rejected the idea. How can they ask for help when the two of them are like this? How can she behave when others see her?

She reassured herself in her heart that if Brother Ye didn't wake up in a few minutes, she would not care about anything else and find someone to help her.

Pushing Ye Wutian continuously, trying to push him away, but Li Wan'er put all her milk power into it, but she couldn't separate her from Big Brother Ye. There seemed to be a suction force between the two, which sucked the two deeply. live.

Growing up, she has never encountered such strange things before. Of course, she has grown up so much, and today is the first time she has handed herself over to a man.

When Li Wan'er was thinking about how to solve the problem, suddenly, she felt a heat current coming from below, and this heat current was coming from Big Brother Ye.


Li Wan'er felt hot, which she had never encountered before.

The heat flow is increasing and the temperature is getting higher and higher. Li Wan'er is worried and fearful. What will happen if this continues? She didn't know, she didn't want to find someone to help at this time.

"Brother Ye, wake up." Li Wan'er shouted, but she hoped that there would be a miracle, and hoped that the mysterious heat flow would stop. If it continued like this, she was worried that she would be killed by the heat.

Ye Wutian still didn't respond.

Li Wan'er slapped Ye Wutian's face desperately, wanting to see Ye Wutian wake up, wanting to solve the crisis in front of her.

The hand touched Ye Wutian's chest, there was a heartbeat, and it was strong, which made Li Wan'er relieved.

what to do? What should she do?

Do you need artificial respiration? Li Wan'er thought that she didn't hesitate when she was at a loss. She kissed Ye Wutian directly and began to do artificial respiration for him, hoping it would work.

The temperature pouring in from below continued unabated. In addition to feeling the heat, Li Wan'er also found that her skin was covered with a layer of gray-black stuff.

Li Wan'er was so anxious that if she really died today, she would not regret it. She could die with her big brother Ye. She was satisfied. The only thing she was worried about was that she died. Grandpa must be very sad.

After working and breathing for Ye Wutian for a long time without any effect, Li Wan'er began to want to give up, tears kept falling, and she was afraid that she was going to die today.

"Brother Ye, I'm sorry, I'm the one responsible for you." Li Wan'er cried, full of guilt towards Ye Wutian, if she hadn't seduced him, this kind of thing would not have happened.

Gritting her teeth, Li Wan'er made a difficult decision to ask for help. Compared with the lives of the two, what was the embarrassment? What's the point of being shy?

Li Waner told herself that she couldn't be so selfish, for Big Brother Ye, for Grandpa, she had to give it a try, even if there was only a first chance.

Her cell phone is in her room, and in her current situation, it is unrealistic to run back to her room to get her cell phone, so she looked around, looking for Ye Wutian's cell phone.

Li Wan'er found that Ye Wutian's phone was on the other side of the bed, which made her secretly happy, and immediately hugged Ye Wutian slowly and turned her head to get the phone.

Li Wan'er didn't dare to move too much. Big Brother Ye's shameful thing was still in her body, it was hot and hot, but she didn't have the leisure to enjoy it, but moved carefully, for fear of hurting Big Brother Ye's shame by using too much force. the bane.

One can imagine how difficult it would be for Li Wan'er to successfully obtain a mobile phone under such a situation.

Finally, it seemed that the phone was about to be successfully obtained, but at this time the accident happened again, and the two fell from the bed to the ground with a bang.

When the two fell, their positions also changed. Just now, Ye Wutian was on the top, but now it's the opposite. He is on the bottom and Li Wan'er is on the top.

Li Wan'er was so frightened that she didn't dare to breathe, she saw Ye Wutian's forehead wrinkled, with a painful expression.

Didn't break it? Li Wan'er was thinking, did Brother Ye frown so much because he fell? It must be painful.

Although Ye Wutian fell in pain, Li Wan'er was also happy. Ye Wutian would frown, indicating that he was conscious and that he was still alive. Thinking of this, Li Wan'er desperately hoped to get the phone soon.

When Li Wan'er reached out to get the phone, she was dumbfounded. She was on the ground and the phone was on the table. There was a certain distance between them, so she couldn't reach the phone.

"Brother Ye, I tried my best." After several consecutive attempts, it ended in failure, and Li Wan'er gave up.

For some reason, Li Wan'er saw that her slender body was slowly inflating like a balloon.

Li Wan'er was so frightened that she couldn't see her soul. She didn't know why this happened, and she couldn't figure it out. There was nothing else but fear.

Li Wan'er didn't dare to think about it, nor did she want to think about what the consequences would be.

"Brother Ye, are we really going to die?" Li Wan'er muttered to herself.

Tears were like a kite with a broken string, she couldn't control herself at all, the only thing she could do was wait to die.

Bowing his head and kissing Ye Wutian, maybe this will be the last kiss. After today, it can only be an extravagant wish to kiss Brother Ye.

Four lips met, Li Wan'er kissed very affectionately. When she started with this man, such a bizarre and unbelievable thing happened, she didn't know what to say, maybe it was her life.

After a light kiss, Li Wan'er was about to leave, but she found that her mouth was slowly exhaling hot air, which was like mist.

What surprised Li Wan'er even more was that all the mist that came out of her mouth was sucked in by Ye Wutian.

What's going on here?

However, although Li Wan'er couldn't figure out what was going on, she knew one thing, that is, as she kept breathing out the mist, her body was no longer so bloated and uncomfortable.

This discovery made Li Wan'er see hope. She didn't know what those misty things were, but they should have been passed over to her from Big Brother Ye's shameful things.

If Brother Ye absorbs these misty things back, will Brother Ye wake up? Thinking of this, Li Wan'er lowered her head and kissed Ye Wutian. She was afraid that the mist would be wasted, so the most direct method was mouth to mouth.

As the fog grew more and more, Li Wan'er became more and more comfortable, light and airy, that wonderful feeling was beyond her words to describe, she really wanted to be like this all the time.

I don't know how much time has passed, Li Wan'er is a little tired lying on Ye Wutian's body, and if it goes on like this, it will be bright, but Big Brother Ye still hasn't woken up.

"Yeah!" Ye Wutian moved and made a small voice.

"Brother Ye, you're awake." Seeing Ye Wutian slowly awakening, Li Wan'er had a feeling of being lost and found, excited, excited, nervous, shy, etc., all kinds of complicated feelings came to her mind. Of course, she cared more about Ye Wutian. No day to wake up.

"It's so comfortable." After moving his eyes a few times, Ye Wutian finally opened his eyes while Li Wan'er was waiting anxiously.

The blushing Li Wan'er Ye Wutian really woke up, under the excitement, she lowered her head and kissed Ye Wutian fiercely.

"Brother Ye, you are really awake, you scared me to death." Li Wan'er cried, the huge psychological pressure made her cry uncontrollably. One of the most frequently asked questions is that she killed Brother Ye.

"Girl, why are you crying?" Ye Wutian asked inexplicably, reaching out to wipe away the tears for Li Wan'er, "Hey! Why are we on the ground?"

Li Wan'er didn't know how to answer.

"What happened just now? How could we be on the ground?" Ye Wutian asked again. Before he fainted, he knew it, but after waking up, he found that he was very comfortable, and that kind of comfort had never happened before.

"Brother Ye, you scared me to death, and I don't know what's going on, how could you faint?" How could Li Wan'er answer what's going on?

"Don't worry, you tell me what happened just now, remember to be detailed." Ye Wutian naturally knew that Xuanyuan Zhenqi had done it, but he didn't know why it happened.

Li Wan'er looked embarrassed, what else did she say at this time? The two stayed in this posture. She was shy and embarrassed.

Ye Wutian didn't seem to see Li Wan'er's shyness, he just wanted to figure out what was going on just now, as long as he figured out this problem, the problem between him and Cheng Kexin could be solved.

"Wash it first? It's so dirty." Li Wan'er whispered.

Ye Wutian Little girl, too tempting, "Okay, let's wash together."

Li Wan'er wanted to object, but Ye Wutian on the other end had already turned over and stood up, picked her up and rushed into the bathroom. In desperation, Li Wan'er could only let Ye Wutian do something wrong to her.

After washing quickly, Ye Wutian quickly rushed into the room with Li Wan'er in his arms. Li Wan'er was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole to burrow in. This bad guy was so crazy. Fortunately, there was no one at home, otherwise how could she live?

The design of the house in the countryside is not like that in the city. Every room has a bathroom and toilet. Her house has only one bathroom. If she wants to enter the bathroom, she has to walk out of the room. She was hugged out of the room by Ye Wutian so naked, how could she not be shy?

After returning to the bed, Ye Wutian swallowed wildly, and the little girl seemed to be beautiful again, her skin was as crystal clear as jade, needless to say, it must be due to Xuanyuan Zhenqi.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, a word flashed in Ye Wutian's mind, infuriating washing, Li Wan'er has changed tremendously, why not himself? He was full of infuriating energy, so comfortable that he just wanted to groan, but now is not the time to do other things, there are more important things to do, this beautiful man is in front of you, are you embarrassed to wilt? ()

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