Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Extra chapter·Prequel Part 1·A Karya falls from the sky

Many years later, facing the surging void creatures, the ascended Martial Queen Setaka will definitely recall the distant afternoon when Horok took her to meet Kalya.

At that time, Shurima was a small tribe of more than 20 people, each armed with a gun and a stick, fighting for hire, bravely taking the lead, fighting among the dotted oases. The vegetation in the oases was lush and lush, just like the prosperous Shurima later. Shurima.

When Setaka first met Kalya, he was wearing a large and tattered gray-black hooded robe with a belt. He was exposed due to rolling down the gravel hills of the Gobi. His skin was covered with scars.

But even so, he is the man with the most delicate skin that Setaka has ever seen - to be precise, the scope here may not be limited to men.

He seems to always have long clothes that can block the sun, otherwise he would not have such fair skin; he never seems to do heavy work, because there are no calluses on his hands and feet, and in the desert, he can Only the sons of priests or leaders of large tribes had such conditions.

Realizing this, in Setaka's eyes, this guy's originally handsome face suddenly became hateful. Setaka hated those big shots, and also hated the descendants of those big shots, or in other words, they were not from the beginning. People all the way.

Setaka is just the leader of a wandering tribe, and he and his tribe survive by being hired to fight without their lives; but the children of such a big shot can be born in the oasis, and have someone to take care of them from childhood to adulthood, so even Setaka She really liked his black tourmaline eyes, but in the end she just glanced at him sideways.

This kind of thing needs to taste what it’s like to wander in the desert!

Just when Setaka was about to leave, other people from the Shurima tribe gathered around after hearing the news.

For these desert wanderers who work hard for others, a guy who looks like the son of a priest or tribal leader is obviously a very new and rare thing.

Setaka originally wanted to tell the tribesmen that this was nothing to see, but then he thought, maybe it would be good to let them know that those big shots were nothing special, so he told them, "Don't delay your work," and turned around and left the crowd.

Facing such a large group of people, this strange guy with thin skin and tender flesh finally showed a wry smile and couldn't help but whisper a few words, "Karya, Karya".

(Actually, it is said in Chinese "kaner ya, kaner ya", which refers to the embarrassing opportunity caused by bad luck, that is, the embarrassing time after taking a bath.)

Thus, Kalya became his name.


For Kalya, time travel was actually not what he expected.

Especially traveling through an unknown desert and between a group of primitive people who seemed to be still in a primitive society.

This is a small tribal organization. When these tribesmen came to watch Kalya like monkeys, Kalya was also observing them at the same time.

It's a pity that Kalya couldn't understand their language, and he even had a new name for Kalya because of a few whispered helpless complaints - but now that the matter was over, he could only look forward.

First of all, judging from the arrangement of the onlookers, their leader seems to be the woman who was specially attracted and does not look very old, so maybe they are a tribe in a matriarchal society?

Secondly, Kalya discovered that most of the onlookers were young people, but even though they all looked young, their hands and feet were covered with thick calluses, and many of them had scars or even... Disability.

From this point of view, perhaps these people were a group of people who often fought - maybe hunting, maybe fighting with people.

Then, considering that in addition to due curiosity, these people's eyes also flashed with subtle alertness. In addition, although many of them were skinny, they had extremely big bellies, their living conditions were probably very difficult.

Finally, Kalya should be glad that although these people were relatively primitive in civilization, at least they did not have the habit of cannibalism. After satisfying their curiosity, they simply turned around and left and got busy step by step. It seemed that they were going to set up camp here. , for these people, a few minutes of microscopic work seems to be enough to satisfy their curiosity and entertainment needs. They need to seize every minute of work, and the purpose of work is probably to survive.

Looking at the backs of these people leaving and feeling the gradually coldness of the gravel beneath her body, Kalya finally sighed softly.

The desert climate is destined to be hot during the day and cold at night. Just relying on the tattered pajamas on his body, Kalya does not think he can survive the cold night safely.

Moreover, considering that everywhere he looked there was endless yellow sand and that he didn't understand everything when he first arrived, Kalya could only calm down, ignored the physical pain, and began to follow the leader.

This kind of tribe that is struggling to survive probably doesn't have the kindness and energy to save a passerby.

Without their help, Kalya himself would not be able to get out of this desert at all - in order to survive and to get out of this damn desert, Kalya plans to see if he can do something for this tribe in exchange for A refuge.

After all, an adult male with a healthy body, a flexible mind, and a willingness to obey order should be a good labor force in this relatively primitive society, right?


Setaka was very annoyed because this annoying Kalya seemed to be entangled in him and followed him all the time.

Although Setaka stopped several times to ask him to leave, no matter what Setaka said, he just spread his hands and pretended not to understand. Even when Setaka directly insulted him with swear words, he had a look on his face. Confused, he just showed a harmless smile, as if Setaka was saying some friendly greeting.

He didn't seem to understand his own words.

Could it be that this is a person from the other side of the desert?

Setaka has heard stories about the other end of the desert. It is said that as long as you cross the endless Dashai Desert, there will be a river at the other end of the desert. There will be endless oasis and a world without hunger.

Did this guy's fine skin and tender meat come from a world without hunger?

It's a pity that Setaka has no interest in that world, and the Shurima tribe is not qualified to cross the Dashai Desert-their entire tribe only has an old Sklash who was used as a commission as a beast of burden, and more than twenty If an individual's tribe wants to cross the Dashai Desert, it must have at least forty Skalas.

And forty Skalas...that was a number Setaka could not even imagine. If he wanted to feed them, he would need at least a small oasis.

The Shurima tribe now has nothing, let alone the surplus to feed a stranger. However, Setaka has heard about some blood curses, and some people will be cursed after killing them, so she always giggles about this. People can't help it.

Follow...just follow.

However, just when Setaka made up his mind to ignore the stranger, the stranger suddenly became enthusiastic - he actively participated in the establishment of the camp.

Kalya clumsily tried to help, but found herself in no position to help.

Let alone work, he could only barely pick up the tools used by ordinary people, as long as he didn't cause trouble.

Seeing this scene, Setaka couldn't help but sneered, and then shook his head slightly.

It turns out that he is a strong-willed person.

For this kind of stuff, maybe cleaning up the smelly Scarash shit would be a good idea?


Kalya began to doubt life.

Although his body could not be considered strong, he was at least healthy - but when he saw how these people set up tents and wanted to help, he was shocked to find that he could not lift the hammer that fixed the pegs.

how so?

It is obvious that all these children are malnourished, but they can wield a hammer weighing at least 30 kilograms and easily dig metal prongs into the gravel beach...

What shocked Kalya even more was that when these people took out some things that looked a bit like coal and piled them up to make a fire, the way they started the fire was to rub a fire ball.

That's right, make a fireball.

Such a magical and unscientific situation severely impacted Kalya's worldview. He finally realized that he seemed to be in a world with extraordinary power. According to his original world standards, many people here were It's Superman!

And in this extraordinary world, Kalya himself is probably completely unqualified as an adult male labor force...


Judging from the previous performance of this tribal leader, they were unwilling to accept him, and after he had just exposed his "weak" side, the eyes of others looked at him with a hint of contempt, labor in exchange for shelter and Survival seems impossible!

Kalya was a little anxious.

Just when he thought he was finished, the leader of the tribe suddenly waved to him, seemingly gesturing for him to follow.

Kalya, who was a little confused, followed her, and soon saw a huge creature in the shelter.

It was a camel bigger than an elephant - if Kalya hadn't seen those supermen driving iron prongs into stones, he might have had some interest in this guy's body structure, but after seeing those sallow and skinny children After their exaggerated strength, he had a feeling that this should be the case.

Just when Kalya was wondering why the other party brought him here, he saw a few unlucky guys with extremely bad looks shoveling shit behind the "giant camel".

Shit shovel officer?

Kalya wanted to refuse, but unfortunately, he had no choice.

Having just walked all the way from the camp, he has already determined that he can't do any physical work; mental work that does not require physical strength, and he does not know the language here. In this case, it seems that the only dirty work is It's your only way out.

But having said that, this big camel is too smelly. In Kalya’s impression, the excrement of herbivores has no smell. When he was a child, he would go out to pick up cow dung, and he would shovel it when it was wet. It also has a bit of a smell when it comes back, and once it's dried it can usually be used as firewood, but it doesn't have much of a smell.

But the excrement of this big camel... Even because it is fresh, it is too big!

No wonder the guy who just cleaned up had a look of pain on his face and ran away as soon as he got started!

Kalya, who tried hard to hold his breath, picked up the shovel that was a little too heavy for him, and finally got his first job after time travel. Seeing that he really started working as a shovel officer honestly, he originally wanted to see Setaka, who was laughing, opened his eyes in disbelief.

He really does it seriously!

And...why did this guy suddenly start sniffling?

Damn it, does anyone still like this freshly baked stench?

Of course, Kalja was not a perverted odor seeker, but after burying part of Scarash's feces, he was surprised to find that the smell of this stuff gave him a rather familiar feeling in a sense.

Especially after covering his mouth and nose and trying to hold his breath, when the smell was so faint that it was almost undetectable, if Kalya hadn't had a problem with his sense of smell, he should have smelled a faint amber fragrance.

And this flavor comes from a spice with a very poetic name.


The scent of ambergris comes from the intestinal secretions of sperm whales.

When a sperm whale swallows a large mollusk, the mollusk's jaws and radula accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the intestines and causing the intestines to secrete a special waxy substance that wraps up the remains of the food and slowly The ground formed ambergris.

Wet ambergris smells fishy and putrid, but after a long oxidation process in sea water, it naturally saponifies when encountering the salt-alkali in the ocean. After being caught and dried, it will produce a unique, scented scent. The smell of sweet amber - Kalya was lucky enough to see fresh ambergris, and now I think that its smell is very similar to this "big camel".

After realizing this, Kalya had a bold idea, but before putting everything into practice, he needed to clean himself up and ask for some food and drink.

In this way, after burying all the Scarash feces, Kalya found a depression with fine gravel, and while the temperature of the gravel was still relatively high, he quickly took a sand bath.

The fine gravel took away the oil on the surface of his body and greatly reduced the smell on his body. After rubbing his bathrobe in the sand and shaking it off, he found Setaka again. and made a gesture of eating.

Although Setaka was still full of disdain for this pretty boy with a strange smell, considering that he did do a job that no one liked to do, she added a piece of Kalya's to today's dinner. share.

In this way, Kalya ate his first meal in Runeterra in the desert.

A classic dish of the Shurima Desert, Dashai Soup.

Unlike the delicious version that Lux drank, Kalya used a shallow stone bowl and drank a sticky "soup".

Very salty, very strong, and the taste is hard to describe.


It’s a free extra, it doesn’t cost any money anyway, so I’ll just write the author’s words here.

Starting from this volume, I will open a new pit, namely [Extra Chapter·Prequel].

The main content of this series of extras is to tell the story of Kalya's past, talk about Shurima when it was still in the wilderness era, talk about the gradual rise of the Shurima Empire, and talk about Kalya's burning passion. years.

The prequel extras will be released for free. When the series is finished, I will open a separate volume and put these extras together so that readers can read it when the catalog is updated.

But to be honest, this pit is a bit big, and I don’t know when it will be completed.

If you readers are in a about a thousand monthly tickets plus a free extra chapter?

In addition, I would like to thank [Chen Ken for admitting his mistakes and never repenting] for being the leader of the boss! I'll try to write another extra chapter tonight.

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