Love at First Sight With Doctor He

Chapter 553 Rong Jinghan

Chapter 554

"But, others say that a sister is like a mother. Something happened to her aunt and uncle, and you are the only relative she has."

"And she is just a little arrogant. In fact, she doesn't hate you at all. She is just tough-talking. When I was a child, I heard her ask about you because your mother always told her that she also has a very good sister. , so she always wants to see you."

Wen Xi thought of Rong Xin's tearful eyes, and for some reason, he suddenly wanted to take a look.

After checking the time, she said, "Take me there."

"Okay! Thank you sister!"

Wen Xi followed him into a bar.

There were many luxury cars parked in front of the bar. It seemed that the people who came were either rich or powerful.

Xue Liang led her in, attracting a lot of attention along the way.

She touched the mask and found it hadn't fallen off.

As soon as she walked in, Xue Liang pointed to a certain spot on the dance floor and said to her, "That's the one wearing yellow clothes, ah, it seems like there was some dispute!"

Wen Xi looked over and saw Long Qingyao pouring a glass of wine on a man's head. After pouring the wine, he threw the glass aside, put his hands on his hips, and pointed at the man's nose to curse.

After Wen Xi came closer, he heard her voice——

"Go home and find a mirror to look at your face! Not to mention carrying my shoes, you are not worthy of even looking at my aunt. If you put your pig's hooves on me again, I will pour sulfuric acid!"

The little girl, who is about twelve years old, has a childish voice, but she is quite angry, and even a bit gangster.

The man who was splashed looked to be in his thirties. At this time, he wiped the wine from his face and smiled evilly, "I heard that your sister is that big star Wen Xi? Tsk, tsk, I wonder if she tastes the same as you Spicy, you’re too young, I can’t bear to eat it, so I’m just looking for your sister to satisfy my craving!”

"Get lost!"

The little girl angrily picked up a wine bottle and slapped the man on the head.

The man dodged, but he also scratched his forehead and bled a little.

Suddenly his eyes were bloodshot with anger, he cursed lowly, and stood up to grab Long Qingyao's neck.

Just as Wen Xi was about to step forward, Youdao's figure was one step ahead of her and grabbed the man's wrist.

The man was about twenty-five or six years old. He wore a pair of glasses, his whole body was elegant and elegant, and his facial features were handsome. A flash of light flashed from his lenses, and a pair of unreadable eyes lifted up and stared at the man.

"Give me some face and forget about this matter."

The man obviously saw his appearance clearly and hesitated to speak. Although he looked unconvinced, he finally cursed twice and walked away.

When passing by Wen Xi, he muttered a curse, "You are just a loser. If you didn't have the support of the Rong family, would I be afraid of you?"

Is he from the Rong family?

The man was wearing a silver suit, full of bookishness, and looked like an intellectual youth from the last century.

He said to Long Qingyao, "Second Aunt is not here, so don't give up on yourself."

"Is it none of your business? Does your Rong family have a place for me? My surname is Long Qingyao, not Rong. Even if I am managed by the Rong family, it is not your turn for an outsider to interfere. You are just an adopted son. Don’t take yourself seriously!”

After saying the cruel words, the little girl turned around.

At one glance, he met Wen Xi's eyes, and his expression obviously changed.

Xue Liang stepped forward and spoke, "Sister Long, Sister Wen Xi came over immediately when she heard something happened to you. She was very worried about you."

Long Qingyao's face was at a loss for a moment, and then he became cold. He straightened his chin and said to Wen Xi, "It's none of your business, just get as far away as you can! Humph!"

Wen Xi raised his eyebrows and turned around calmly.

"Hey! Where are you going!" Long Qingyao was anxious, strode in front of her, looked up and stared at her.

Wen Xi smiled and said, "Didn't you tell me to get away?"

"Go away if I tell you to. Why, are you my dog? Are you so obedient?"

Wen Xi said quietly, "You have caused trouble, and I won't leave, waiting to wipe your ass?"

Long Qingyao was furious, "You want to take care of things, but I'm not happy for you to take care of them. You have nothing to do with me in the first place, let's go, let's go!"

She hummed twice and strode towards the dance floor.

"Long sister, you misunderstood your sister!" Xue Liang chased after her to advise her.

Wen Xi withdrew his gaze and was about to leave when a hand suddenly touched his shoulder.

Looking sideways, he saw that the other party had already withdrawn his hand.

Rong Jinghan pushed up his glasses, walked up to her, lowered his head and showed a friendly smile, "I've heard about you often. This is our first meeting. I'm Rong Jinghan. In terms of seniority, you should call me Called cousin, but we are not related by blood, so it’s okay not to call him."

He smiled, "The second aunt is missing and the second uncle is seriously injured. I will take the responsibility of taking care of Yaoyao. She is relatively familiar with me. Although you are my sister and have had little contact with her before, it is better to take your time."

Wen Xi looked at this gentleman's gentle face and remembered what happened five or six years later.

In another world, this man pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger to eat up the Rong family. Later, he changed his surname to Lu, and he also wanted to change the Rong family name to the Lu family name.

Six years later, Long Qingyao was only 18 years old, and he was keeping him as a pet.

At that time, Rong Xin hadn't appeared yet, and Long Qingyao's father was still nursing him in the hospital bed, unable to resist him.

Wen Xi's eyes were slightly cold, "No need, since I am my mother's person, I will naturally contribute."

She walked into the dance floor, said something in Long Qingyao's ear, and walked out.

After that, Long Qingyao cursed and followed her. Although his expression was foul, he followed closely.

Rong Jinghan adjusted his glasses and raised a smile on his thin lips.

Wen Xi unlocked the car and got into the car. Long Qingyao chased after her, holding her with both hands, "Wen Xi! Do you know who can save my dad?"

Wen Xi got into the driver's seat and said, "I don't know."

Long Qingyao's face twisted, "You lied to me!"

Her mouth dropped, and tears burst out of the corners of her eyes. She wiped them away bitterly and turned away.

"I will definitely find a way to save my dad!"

"It's up to you to hang out in the bar?"

Wen Xi's sarcasm made her stop.

"So what, there are so many people in the bar, there is always someone with good connections and acquaintance with many people!"

"You, a twelve-year-old girl, can only attract lustful people. If you want to rely on them to save you, you might as well ask the doctors in the hospital."

"You know nothing!" Long Qingyao turned around to face Wen Xi, the corners of her eyes could no longer stop, "My mother died overnight, my father is about to die, and I will be an orphan if I don't think of a way! You At least you still have a dad, and your dad is still alive and well at least!"

Perhaps feeling that she was crying was embarrassing, she cursed in a low voice and wiped it quickly with the back of her hand.

"Why don't you cry? Keep going." Wen Xi said.

"I won't cry for you! You bite me!"

"If you don't bite, it's too dirty." Wen Xi said calmly, "If you don't get in the car, I'm leaving. I don't have time to waste with you."

With that said, she made a move to pull the car door.

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