Lord of Souls

Chapter 88 Like

The cigarette burned out slowly.

Bai Tianyu took out two more sticks.

Xia Lin looked sideways and saw that the cigarette box was still half full...

After taking the cigarette, Xia Lin took out the lighter, lit a cigarette for Bai Tianyu, and then lit it for himself.

The lighter works again, it's amazing.

Then Bai Tianyu continued.

"The opening of the two-realm passage happened to be at the stage when New China was just established. I think you know the history of this period. In that era of alternation between the old and the new, a group of great people appeared."

Xia Lin nodded slightly, agreeing with this point of view.

"Mr. Guan Chao is one of the great people... He is strong, talented, charming, understands empathy, and knows dedication. He was once my role model and a kind of sustenance for me as an orphan. .”

"But people will change, and so will social climate."

"Since I went to the Soul World and participated in the war, I have seen too many people and too many things... some things have changed without realizing it."

"Going back to what Anton said just now, he is right. Our Chinese soul masters are the shield and the Great Wall..."

"But the problem is that the shield will break and the Great Wall will collapse. Everything depends on the comparison of strength. Children who have just grown up still have blood in their chests... But after seeing more and knowing more, when you realize that no matter you When nothing you do can change the outcome, that kind of despair will completely swallow you up."

"If, your sacrifice is just in vain."

"What if, your ending is just a number on the battle damage report."

"What you get is nothing compared to what you paid for."

"If you have no bonds here, you are the so-called invincible person..."

"Will you willingly dedicate your own interests and even your own life for the collective benefit?"

"Just like the logic Gu Yunfeng told you, sacrificing the interests of some people for the greater goal... However, you are destined to stand in the position of the victim."

Bai Tianyu paused for a moment and took out two more cigarettes.

Light it, hand one to Xia Lin, and speak.

"Would you like that?"

Xia Lin took the cigarette, remained silent for a long time, and slowly shook his head.

"I do not want to."

"I have to admit that people who are willing to sacrifice and contribute are great. Without them, there would be no peace now."

"I also admit that the word "unwilling" is not in line with mainstream values."

"But I...heh, I'm really not that kind of person, I just don't want to."

After saying that, he looked at Bai Tianyu: "Can I say I don't want to?"

Tian Tianyu smiled: "You can say you don't want to, after all, you are free."

But he changed the topic again.

"But even if you don't want to, there are still people forcing you to do such a thing?"

"I would be very upset."

"If they continue to use the name of morality and justice to force you and tell you, you have to do this. Your personal thoughts are not important. You have to go to the front line and fight until you die! If you don't become a hero, you won't die. Are you not worthy of being a Chinese or even a human being on the battlefield?"

"Then I might have to lift the table..."

Tian Tianyu suddenly smiled: "We are really similar. But you are still better than me at this point."

"Because I didn't lift the table. I'm not very happy, but I did not lift the table..."

He lit two more cigarettes and handed one to Xia Lin.

"Tell me something that I am stronger than you. My strength is stronger than yours. At that time, I did have the ability to lift the table, but I didn't do it."

"Maybe it's a kind of inertia? Can't bear to destroy what I once protected? Who knows."

"Old man Guan Chao, as I said before, he is very interesting."

"He arranged a marriage for me... and I agreed..."

Xia Lin raised his eyebrows: "Marriage!?"

Why don't you lift the table?

Tian Tianyu knew what Xia Lin meant from his tone.

There was a strange light in his eyes, and he smiled and said, "I can't help it, that woman is so beautiful."

Xia Lin: "Huh..."

Sure enough, all men have the same virtues.

"And she has a lot of status. At that time, she was the ruler of the Gulong City State and the eldest daughter of the Tian family, Tian Yingying."

Xia Lin suddenly frowned.

"Yes, you guessed it right, she is Qingqing's sister... Of course, this is not the point. The point is, she is really beautiful, much prettier than Qingqing, very gentle, and very powerful, only a little worse than me. leave."

Tian Tianyu lit another cigarette, but did not give it to Xia Lin. He motioned to Xia Lin to get it for himself, and then continued with hazy eyes.

"The first meeting place was a coffee shop in Bingcheng... During that time, we had a good relationship with Gulong City State, and they also sent people there to inspect and discuss cooperation proposals."

"I will never forget the light makeup and the smell of perfume on Yingying's face that day."

"That was the first time in her life that she wore makeup."

"Do you know what love at first sight is?"

Xia Lin shook his head.

"I didn't know it before, but it became clear at that time. There was such a voice in my heart telling me...this woman is everything to you."

After saying this, Bai Tianyu suddenly stopped talking.

He shook his head, and was silent for a moment as if reminiscing about the past, and then said: "After the blind date, Old Man Guan came to me, and he asked me with a mean smile. He was very dissatisfied with Yingying."

"I said I was very satisfied and wanted her. Yingying might also be interested in me. Anyway, we hit it off right away."

"But there are actually many problems here... For example, we do have a blood feud with Gulong City State... In the previous war, too many people on both sides died."

"I thought this was resistance, but Old Man Guan said this to me..."

"Can you guess what he said?"

Faced with Bai Tianyu's question, Xia Lin simply shook his head.

"Can't guess."

Bai Tianyu smiled and said, "If I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't have guessed it."

"At that time, he said, if I really like Yingying, then go over there and go there anonymously... Don't worry about the affairs of China, go over there and pursue your own happiness."

"At that time, I was the king, the top among the kings... I fought against many strong men and killed many, many soul masters in the soul world. I even had the experience of facing off against legends."

"I risked my life to snatch back the breached two-realm passage from the enemy legend. Twice!"

"The old man said this: Tianyu, your growth and your opportunities are almost all obtained by yourself. After all, there are no resources here. The Chinese country has been kind to you, but you have been born and died countless times, and you have long been I repaid the debt of gratitude.”

"If you choose to pursue your own happiness, no one will match you and make irresponsible remarks! No one is worthy!"

"But you have to promise not to forget the history, culture, and writing of China. In the future, when you go to the soul world to have children, pass these on to your children... They are all bleeding with the blood of our Chinese people. Where can we pass them on? Isn’t it an inheritance?”

"One more thing, if this place really falls in the future...if you can't help, forget it. If you can, help as much as possible. Even if you save some ordinary people, it's good."

Speaking of this, Bai Tianyu suddenly smiled: "Isn't this old man interesting?"

Xia Lin nodded: "It's quite interesting."

"Then do you know how I chose?"

He glanced at Bai Tianyu, and then at Tian Qingqing through the soundproof barrier.

Xia Lin shook his head: "I don't know."

Tian Tianyu put out the cigarette butt and did not light another cigarette. He just said softly: "I spent the best three years of my life in the soul world."

"Then...why are you back?"

Bai Tianyu did not respond to this question.

He reached out and patted Xia Lin's shoulder gently.

"Hua Guo didn't help you much, but at least it didn't let you die at a young age or let you suffer. Is that right?"

Xia Lin nodded simply: "Yes."

He is a time traveler...but his body is indeed the body here.

Although he is a bit poorer, it is not necessary to compare with the poor people in the soul world, but compared with some countries in Africa, this is really enough.

"Then your current contribution to this side is enough to repay this kindness?"

Xia Lin shook his head: "Not enough."

This is also true.

Xia Lin currently has no contribution to this side.

"Are you a person who repays kindness?"

Xia Lin nodded: "I am."

"very good."

Tian Tianyu stood up, straightened his hair a little, and said as he did so.

"I've told you about Guan Chao's attitude, and you probably know my attitude too. You have to make your own way in the future. I just want to say that I didn't harm you, I didn't feel sorry for you, but I treated you right. There are some seemingly "insignificant" favors, and that's right, right?"

Xia Lin nodded.

Bai Tianyu smiled: "That's enough."

"I said some things that made you laugh... When I saw you, I thought of when I was young. This journey to the soul world also made me deeply uneasy. Talking to you about this is just a matter of course. This is my suicide note."

Anyway... I have no relatives, and I have no friends.

Xia Lin pursed her lips unconsciously.

It wasn't until Bai Tianyu turned around that Xia Lin suddenly spoke.

"I want to quit now, is it still too late?"

Bai Tianyu turned his back to Xia Lin and waved his hand: "I've taken away all the benefits. Are you telling me this?"

"Also, let me remind you that I am me, and the country of China is the country of China. Your fourth soul is given to you by me, not by the country of China. Do you know what I mean?"

Xia Lin was silent and nodded.

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