League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 499: With me, I can't lose

"Congratulations to RNG, they won again, leading 2-0!" Doll blushed excitedly at this time, but there was no camera of the commentary, so no one could see it.

"Three match points!" I remember shouting, "They're so close to their second consecutive championship!"

The cheers of nearly 20,000 spectators in the venue swept the audience and reverberated in this indoor venue!

Jiang Qiu was very excited while sitting in the auditorium, but the person most worthy of sharing her happiness was on the stage, so she could only hug Jiang Ting next to her, and the two girls were also cheering loudly!

In the live broadcast room of the domestic shark platform, the popularity has already exceeded 300 million, and it has gone straight to 400 million. Although I don't know the real number, this is obviously a terrifying number!

【Invincible! What a cruel moon! 】

[This has killed Xiaohu and Brother Ka crazy! 】

[Brother Little Tiger Coffee: Brother Uzi Yuanzi, you two should rest, the FMVP is ours! 】


At this time, in the RNG soundproof room, the players let out a long sigh of relief, and their expressions were visibly relaxed.

"NICE! There's one game left!" Li Yuanhao stood up and shouted, his face flushed and very excited, "Second consecutive championship!"

Chen Yuan glanced at the past. Li Yuanhao, who had just had a C, had messy hair and seemed to be ten years older. Obviously, he used some sorcery to consume ten years of life to bring himself back to the peak or something...

"Let's go! Go back to the lounge!" Chen Yuan greeted his brothers to leave the soundproof room, and he also glanced at the FPX team members not far from the next door.

Xiaotian seems to be quite decadent and his face is very abnormal. Obviously, the 0-2 start has seriously affected his mentality.

This is also understandable.

After all, this is not a training match, but the final of the S match.

Losing here means that a whole year of hard work is in vain, and the pressure is too great.

But of course Chen Yuan was happy to see this scene, he didn't think too much and walked back to the lounge.

"In the next round, the situation is very unfavorable for FPX!" Doll was still sighing, "The next round is still RNG. If they choose the blue side, then FPX's BP will be difficult to do!"

Xiaofa, Jiaoyue, Blind Monk, Kai'Sa, and even Vampires are all characters to be considered by FPX.

"This is RNG's hero pool!" I remember sighing, "Actually, they have been targeted a lot by the designers, but as their opponents, bans are still not enough!"

"The next FPX has already walked on the cliff, and there is no room for any mistakes. I hope they can make adjustments next!"


In the lounge, the FPX generals didn't say a word after they came back, and only the coach of the warhorse stood at the forefront chattering.

In fact, at such a time, one person needs to stand up and scold the disadvantaged players.

But the war horse coach is of a milder type, and it is difficult for him to scold as loudly as White Crescent or Abu.

"Don't be bitter!" the war horse coach shouted, "Although the chances are slim, we still have a chance to win!"

"It's my fault to take the match." The coach took the initiative to take the blame, "I didn't do a good job in BP, I forgot to consider the point of Jiaoyue Yasuo..."

"No, it's my fault." Jin Gong took the initiative to stand up, "It's my problem, I shouldn't be killed alone."

When Doinb heard this, he couldn't help but patted his face hard, "It's okay, there's still a chance, the boss is because I didn't command well, we still have a life!"

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong also shouted cheers one after another, but the mentality of the two of them has not changed much, and they are still relatively peaceful.

However, Xiaotian was still sitting in the chair, his expression was a little gloomy.

"Xiaotian, come on, let's fight!" Doinb took the initiative to take a photo, hoping to get his teammates out of the pressure.

"Okay, okay." Gao Tianliang couldn't help but let out a wry smile, stood up, folded their hands together, and pressed them down hard.

"come on!"


In the RNG lounge, Chen Yuan had just returned from the bathroom, his hands were wet, he took a look at the big screen in the lounge, which just happened to show the MVP candidate of the game.

There is no doubt that the MVP here was awarded to Karsa, who has a nearly 100% participation rate and Bobo's perfect start.

The Moon Goddess knelt on one knee beside Karsa, with a 4-2-13 record, a 94.4% participation rate, and a 26% injury ratio. Although it was a damage outfit, it played a high amount of injury. Of course, there is an important connection with him on many occasions.

Karsa is there in every wave of fights. If it wasn't for Xiaohu's solo kill in the top lane, then Karsa's team participation rate should be 100% of the dominance level!

"Amazing!" Chen Yuan, who already had an MVP in his hand, patted Karsa on the shoulder, "Come on! Maybe you can grab me an FMVP?"

"Outrageous!" Xiaohu couldn't help muttering, "I've dealt such high damage anyway, why not give it to me?"

"Are you worthy too?" Chen Yuan said cheerfully: "Our three outputs are about the same, so even if you don't give it to the jungler, you should give it to me, I'm the one with the rhythm!"

Brother Feng came over at this moment and interrupted everyone's bragging.

"Everyone's performance in these two games is very good, and now there is only one small game away from the final championship.!"

"At the same time, I also want to remind you that you are 15-0 away from winning the championship, and there is one last small game left!"

Chen Yuan was stunned when he heard this.

Total victory!

They have been winning Worlds this year. Before they knew it, they were already 14-0.

"I didn't intend to say it, because I thought it might put pressure on you, but now the situation is different, the right pressure is the motivation!"

Brother Feng said loudly: "The last level, I hope you can keep it well and draw a successful end to this year!"

The crowd responded.

Winning the championship, this is an achievement that no one has achieved before their RNG.

At the door, no one wants to go wrong.

"We will choose the side in the next game. The BP has a great advantage, and the opponent has already lost two games in a row. There should be a lot of pressure on the Ban position. We just need to adjust a little..."

The rest time of the World Championship was very long, enough for Brother Feng to explain all the details, and everyone nodded after the discussion.

"Go get a cup of water on the stage." Brother Feng said with a smile, "After this game, you may not have time to drink water."

The team members looked at each other and laughed.

"Rush rush!"


Everyone in the lounge was escorted to the end of the passage as usual, watching their players on the stage and enjoying the cheers.

It was two to zero, and basically all the audience had already seen the title of the champion and cheered for RNG!

Chen Yuan saw the darkness under his feet, and the bright stars above his head.

The spotlights at the top of the closed venue converged on the heads of the crowd, and countless glory seemed to be crowning them.

Everyone pushed the door into the soundproof room, the door was closed, and all the outside noise was blocked.

"Please check the equipment and let me know after confirming that it is correct." The referee lady gave instructions. The team members had nothing to check, so they all said they were ready.

"Then, let's get started!"

The blue top laner Xiaohu clicked to start the game, and the BP of the third round appeared on the screen of the audience!


"The BP of the third round has begun!" Doll shouted loudly, "RNG has the priority to choose the side, they actively choose the blue side, and come up to directly ban the Titan!"

"RNG is a one-ban Titan in three rounds. Obviously they have mastered the fate of FPX!" I remember exclaiming: "FPX's Titan middle-auxiliary swing is a major killer of their BP, and the IG in the semi-finals ate it. A lot of pain!"

Doinb can only shake his head helplessly. RNG's players are too strong, and BP can't be done at all.

For example, this year's Kai'Sa and Xia, the two T0-level ADs, generally either release all or all bans. If one is released, it is basically for the blue Fang Shuang, and the bottom road takes off directly.

FPX has no choice but to choose to play all, because they no longer have a ban position to give to AD.

The war horse coach thought again and again, but decided to send Kiana to the ban position first.

"Second hand, RNG held down the blind monk that Xiaotian was very good at, while the FPXban on the other side dropped the evil little mage!"

"The third-hand ban on RNG's side... They gave Xayah directly!" Doll shouted, "There is only one Kai'Sa left outside, does FPX want to ban?"

On the other hand, the coach of the warhorse smiled helplessly when he saw this scene.

Their third-hand ban must be given to Yasuo. Everyone knows this. The combination of RNG's bright moon Yasuo almost directly destroyed the FPX defense line with the power of the two.

But in this way, there are flaws.

There are two T0ADs outside, RNG bans one in the third hand, and FPX is unable to ban the other, so RNG can naturally grab it.

"It's better to ban Yasuo." The warhorse frowned and said, "There is no way, Kai'Sa can only let it go."

"It's okay." Liu Qingsong's tone was still quite calm, "Ka'Sa is weak in the lane, so that's a good thing, we can take Counter."

In the first two games, RNG was the back-hander of the Cold Ice Counter, and Lin Weixiang was beaten to death in the two matches. This game has the Counter position, and the situation may be different.

After confirming Yasuo's ban position, the first floor of RNG did not hesitate to lock Kai'Sa directly. Brother Feng didn't want to leave space for FPX to think.

"Then what do you want to choose?" the warhorse asked: "Go ahead and grab it."

"VN." Da Cai said, "I have confidence!"

The current version is slow after all. VN is a hero, FPX won it in the group stage, and it is a good choice when Kashaxia does not have it. In the later stage, the carry ability can be ranked among the best in all AD.

And VN is not at a loss against Kai'Sa.

"FPX chose the combination of VN and Thresh, and they didn't plan to give up the bot lane!"

"Then what is RNG going to use to assist..."

I remember that I originally wanted to analyze the hero Counter Thresh, but I didn't expect RNG to lock quickly.

They first locked on a relatively normal Xin Zhao jungler, and then the next second, an old white fox appeared in the selection box, once again stunned everyone's attention.


"This!" I remember being speechless, "How many tricks does RNG have yet to release? Is this Kieran a mid laner or a support?"

I still remember in S6, SKT played against ROX, in the fifth game that decided life and death.

Faker just took out a single hand, Kieran, and moved the support hero to the position of the mid-laner. Using a one-handed resurrection and accelerated pull, he took on the **** attack of the Tigers and finally won the game!

Now that RNG has come up with this legendary hero again, the three commentators are even a little hesitant.

However, this is what RNG wants, and Shi Senming is smiling in the player seat!

The coach of the war horse is dizzy, what kind of plane are you RNG doing?

He hasn't seen Kieran a few times in a professional game in his life, how do you want me to defend?

"Give me Rambo, give me Rambo!" Doinb shouted, "It doesn't matter, we can choose our own, as long as we play our roaming rhythm, they are the same as any hero!"

"FPX selected Rambo and entered the second round of BP!" Doll couldn't help rubbing his hands when he said this, "Oh, I'm starting to get nervous!"

"That's right! I'm also nervous about this Kieran!" I remember saying loudly, "RNG didn't choose any normal heroes in these three games!"

Several people are chatting, and both sides have completed a ban.

RNG bans the barrel for the fourth hand, and FPX retaliates with the vampire.

BP continues.

"In the last move, RNG chose to ban Olaf and play the jungle with two bans, while FPX on the other side banned Lucian and placed two bans, giving Xiaohu enough respect!"

Basically, as soon as this Lucian is banned, it means that FPX wants to give Jingong the captain again.

As expected, the hero on the fourth floor instantly lit up a captain and locked it first.

"Kainan!" Xiaohu didn't hesitate to lock on the Thunderbolt and continue to counter.

This hero is actually not too good at fighting captains, but the victory is more fierce in the later teamfights.

Brother Feng nodded, "The last hand..."

"Evil Fairy!" Chen Yuan blurted out, "Give me Demon Fairy!"

Locking on the enchantress also means that they have to shake Kiran to support.

Enchantress is one of his most confident heroes.

If they won the championship today, then the only option for his second championship skin is Enchantress!

The choice of confidence, over the version.

And the monster girl beats Rambo, a stupid idiot who doesn't move very well, and Brother Feng has no objection.

On the other hand, FPX locked the excavator of Counter Zhao Xin with the last hand, and the lineup of the two sides was confirmed!

Blue side RNG: top laner Kenan, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Bewitching, bottom lane Kasha and Kieran.

Red side FPX: top lane captain, jungler excavator, mid laner Rambo, bottom lane VN and Thresh.

Rune debugging session~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The warhorse coach is still admonishing the players, "In this game, there is not much pressure on the bot lane, we are the advantage, Xiaotian can try his best to focus on the upper half, and Doinb Let’s target Kenan more together.”

"As long as Kenan can be captured, there will be no way to get VN in the dough battle."

Xiaotian and Doinb nodded in response, their eyes full of solemnity.


"Pay attention to the rhythm of the game." Brother Feng is also doing his final blessing. "Although there is a VN on the opposite side, no one can guarantee it. We are not very afraid in the later stage."

"Chen Yuan's mission in the middle is a bit more important. The enchantress doesn't have the ability to push the lane in the early stage. Try to fight as much as possible in the lane, but it is very likely that you will be caught. Karsa pay attention to anti-squatting..."

"Aiya!" Chen Yuan said carelessly: "Don't worry, Brother Feng, your BP is doing very well, wait for our good news!"

Brother Feng smiled, "I hope I can hold the national flag in my hand when I come to power next time."

"Definitely!" Chen Yuan promised, "With me, I can't lose!"

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