Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 89 Rumors

Madara Uchiha is dead.

This should have been an earth-shattering event, but since only three people knew it, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing any splashes.

Of course, it's not accurate to say this. After all, apart from Fuyue, the other two are clones and the other is the product of Yin-Yang escape, which cannot be attributed to the category of human beings.

"Next, what are we going to do?"

After leaving the cave, Bai Jue looked at Fuyue and asked, "Are you looking for Nagato?"

"Not urgent."

Standing in the sun, Fuyue seemed to feel a little dazzling, he stretched out his hand to cover it, and then said slowly: "Now Nagato is only ten years old, it is useless to find him, and my strength is still too weak, my body has not fully recovered, I haven’t mastered the yin-yang escape yet, so let’s take it easy…”

"Okay, but that can wait... eh?"

Before the words were finished, Bai Jue's expression became strange.

Because it saw that Fuyue stretched out his palm facing upwards, and without warning, a twisting tree root emerged, and it was Mudun.

"You bastard... that's alright." Bai Jue looked at Fuyue, who was already able to use the wooden escape, with a look of surprise.

Madarai explained the principle of yin and yang escape, but he didn't expect Fuyue to be able to use wood escape here. He is really an incredible guy.

Hei Jue remained silent, but his expression was complicated.

He found that the descendants of Indra seemed to be able to easily grasp the power of Asura.

Whether it is Madara or Fuyue.

"As expected of a descendant of Yu Yi."

Thinking of this black absolutely makes me a little self-sufficient.

They were both born to the same mother, not to mention Yui and Yumura. Even the offspring of others can master part of their mother's power, but as an old and young, they don't even have a normal body.


Why is there such a big gap between people? !

If saving Kaguya is the greatest wish of Hei Jue for thousands of years,

So longing for a body is the spiritual pillar that has always supported him to persevere.

It longs for turbulent maternal love, and it also longs for a body of its own.

Not to mention the careful thought of the thousand-year-old giant baby Hei Jue, here Fuyue gradually increased the chakra after using the wooden escape, and tried to use stronger ninjutsu.


With a light sound, the sharply twisted tree roots cracked and fell to the ground.

Fuyue looked at the fallen tree roots and branches, and sighed: "No, it's far from the wooden tunnel described by my father."

Bai Jue comforted: "It doesn't matter, there is a gap between people, Madara also said that only the first Hokage in the world can be compared with him.

So you don't have to be discouraged, even if you can't use the wood to conquer the world like the original Hokage, it's still good to engage in greenery. "

"You guy... you can really comfort people."

"You're welcome, it's my duty."


Fuyue rolled his eyes and used the wooden dung once again.

After repeating this a few times, he lost interest.

Seeing Fuyue gloomy, Bai Jue, as the little prince who warmed up the field, turned on the chat mode again, and asked with a grin, "Fuyue, you said shit..."

But before it finished speaking, Fuyue interrupted: "Didn't I already tell you last time?"

"I know, but I really want to experience it for myself."

Fuyue nodded, "It's simple, I've heard of a ninjutsu called Millennium Killing, just find a stick and slap it on the butt... In fact, it feels the same as a bowel movement."

Bai Jue showed a puzzled expression: "Are you sure you're not lying to me? I do intelligence work all the year round, why haven't I heard of this kind of ninjutsu?"

Fuyue just wanted to explain, but then fell silent, because he just remembered that the Millennium Kill was mentioned by Uchiha Chen before.

Not paying attention to Fuyue's expression, Bai Jue really seriously thought about this possibility.

"You don't really want to try, do you?" Hei Jue, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

Bai Jue woke up from his contemplation and said excitedly, "Of course, are you looking forward to it too?"

Waiting for you ghost!

Hei Jue's face suddenly turned black, although he was too dark to see. He now regrets clinging to Bai Jue.

The three of them had their own thoughts and sat on the ground like this, watching the sun slowly set and the moon slowly rising, but they didn't speak again.

Seemingly finally wanting to understand something, Fuyue stood up and gave his first order: "To completely block the underground space."

Bai Jue returned to his senses, nodded and said, "No problem, I will also leave some clones here, so that others will not find Ban's body."


Fuyue was silent again.

Bai Jue and Hei Jue didn't rush him, they still waited patiently.

After a while, Fuyue murmured, "It's time to go back."

Bai Jue was surprised: "Do you want to go back to Konoha?"

"It's not me, it's you."

"What's the meaning?"

"I heard Madara say that you can become someone else's?"

"That's it, except that the strength will be much weaker, there is no difference in other aspects, no one can tell the difference."

"That's okay, you will split up a stand-in later to become my appearance and go to Konoha."


Looking at Bai Jue's puzzled appearance, Fuyue Yu explained: "Although I don't care about the position of Uchiha's patriarch, mastering it will be of great help for the future hunting of the Nine Tails, and no matter how bad it is, it can secretly weaken Konoha. the power of.

And Uchiha Chen wants to be the patriarch, as long as I'm still alive, I'll never want to do it! "

"Then will you go back to Konoha?"

Fuyue was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Maybe, maybe not, I don't know. But before that, you were Uchiha Fuyue."


At this time, Konoha Hidden Village, Hokage Office.

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan sat on the chair a little irritably, and along with his sigh, a cloud of smoke came out of the pipe and drifted out of the window.

Before, Shinnosuke came to the news that Chen did not know who to fight and was seriously injured.

Through the description of the battlefield, the first reaction of the three generations of Hokage guessed Uchiha Mountain.

He knew that Uchihashan secretly left Konoha. He initially thought he was just going out to find Fuyue, but he did not expect to attack Chen.

The most important thing is that Chen survived... which means that Uchihasan is dead.

It would be fine if a ninja dies casually, but within a year, the Uchiha clan has successively killed the young patriarch and the patriarch, who can stand it?

Thinking of this, the three generations of Hokage even had a headache.

It is politically correct to suppress the Uchiha clan, but it is not suppressed in this way.

You know, stability is above everything else.

Originally, Fuyue died, and the three generations of Hokage were secretly rejoicing. With Chen's prestige, he could easily take over the Uchiha family from the old Uchiha Mountain.

The three generations of Hokage can completely train the teenager into a second mirror.

The abacus is beating, but who knows what this will turn out to be?

The public opinion of the outer village will not be discussed, and the top priority is how to appease the Uchiha family. If you really want to make trouble, maybe it will become the fuse of the third ninja war.

Sarutobi's beheading hurts.

But a headache is a headache, and Chen must be protected.

This is actually very easy to handle, because no one saw Chen kill Uchihasan, and several people in Anbu also issued a seal order, and nothing would be spread.

But the key now is that the disappearance of Uchiha Mountain will always be out of the question. How to appease the Uchiha family and how to make Chen the patriarch is the top priority.

"We can only wait for Chen to recover and recall him from the Daming Mansion."

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

After pushing the door open, a brown-haired Anbu ninja wearing a fox mask walked in, then half-knelt on the ground.

Sandai Hokage coughed and said with a smile: "Rope tree, get up, how many times have I said it, you don't have to be so polite when we were just the two of us... Aren't you and Minato monitoring the street, why are you coming to me now?"

Rope tree stood up, there was no expression under the mask, but his tone was hurried: "Uncle Hokage, when Minato and I were patrolling recently, we heard some bad rumors."

"What rumors..." Sarutobi Hizan had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Someone is rumored that Konoha Leiguang killed Uchiha Fugaku and Uchihasan in order to become the Uchiha Patriarch..."


Three Hokage stood up angrily.

"Mad, who did it?!"


(one chapter today)

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