After taking a bite of the pie, Zimony asked very cutely, "Really?"

Cocola said with a drunken smile, "You're such an interesting man!"

Nami said, "Hey, Zimony, it was a steamship! But how can that shape sail

?" Zimeone smiled and said, "You haven't seen it, it's a sea train, it's called Puffing Tom, and it's the only place in the world."

Nami wondered, "Smoke Tom?" That's a strange name.

Zimoni took a bite of the coconut pie and said, "It is propelled by steam power and goes along the sea track."

Usopp said suspiciously, "Orbit, orbit here?" and

Zimeone said, "Yes, a little below the water."

Luffy and Usopp curiously ran to the edge of the platform and looked out into the sea.

Usopp said, "There really is a track

!" Luffy said, "It's a pity that the freestyle frog was knocked off!" Zimony said, "You're

talking about Henggang, you can't kill it just now." It annoys us a lot, because it likes to compete with people the most, and always wants to outperform the sea train, so it will appear every once in a while.

Luffy said, "No wonder that guy doesn't dodge, nice guy, it's very persevering!" Zimony

said angrily, "Don't be kidding, it's causing us a lot of trouble! Because it's going to collide with the train, every time it appears, it always brings a lot of trouble to the passengers!"

Luffy thought for a moment and said, "I see, then I won't eat it! I don't eat hard guys!".

After taking a sip of wine, Cocolo said, "So where are you going to go? If you take the sea train from here, St. Baiyang, the capital of the queen of spring, the carnival town of Falt, and the food town of Buchi are all good choices.

"When I was on Nameless Island, the shipwrecked uncles said they came out of the food town of Butch.

After hearing this, Luffy immediately said loudly, "Yes, then let's go to the food town!" As

soon as this guy mentioned eating, he forgot everything else!

Nami slapped him directly on the back of the head, and then said, "If we have a ship, we won't take the sea train, just follow the record pointers."

Zimoni asked curiously, "And where is it pointing now?"

Nami glanced at the record pointer and said, "From here to the east."

"Yes, let's go to Water Seven, where the train just came from." It's called the City of Water, but it's a good place!

" Nami said, "Is there a place to repair ships in the City of Water?"

and Kokoro said, "Do you want to repair ships?"

Luffy said, "So, there must be a super good ship repairer there."

"Of course, it's a gathering place for the world's best shipbuilders.

Luffy said happily, "Let's go there and find a ship repairer to be our partner."

"Then I'll introduce you, wait a minute."

Cokoro shook his body and walked into the house, and after a while, he walked out again with something in his hand, and said to Luffy, "Here's a simple map of the island and a letter of introduction, give it to a man named Iceberg, and ask him to help you repair the ship." The water city is huge, so don't get lost.

Usopp said excitedly, "For our sake, you are such a good person.

Lin Mo suddenly thought, "This letter of introduction is very strange, is Granny Ke Luo really drunk? He didn't believe that Co Luo would casually introduce an unknown pirate directly to Iceberg, could it be that he recognized the straw hat that Luffy was wearing.

Luffy and the others boarded the ship and waved goodbye to Cocoro, who told everyone to be careful of the government's people.

When Nami saw the simple map drawn by Kokoro, she crumpled it up and threw it on the ground.

After picking it up and taking a look, Chopper said in surprise, "Wow! This is on the same level as Luffy!"

Lin Mo stood next to him and looked at the map in Chopper's hand and was speechless, could it be that this mermaid special map.

Luffy and the others were still there discussing the matter of finding a ship repairer.

At this time, Lin Mo found that the herbs that Chopper asked him to transplant were ripe, and immediately said to Chopper, "Chopper, those herbs are ripe

, do you want to pick them now?" When Chopper heard it, he immediately said excitedly, "I'm going to pick them now, Lin Mo, do you keep the seeds of these herbs?"

Lin Mo said, "You can use it with confidence, I keep a lot of seeds."

Chopper then immediately took the herbs and went to the cabin.

Sanji said, "Luffy's search for a ship repairman will be left to me! I'll find you a super beauty to bring back."

At this time, Luffy seemed to have an IQ online, and said, "Idiot, that's a ship repairman, of course I need to find a burly man like a mountain."

Usopp said, "yes, you still have to find a strong one." How do beauties repair ships.

Luffy said, "Be sure to find one that's 5 meters tall." Okay......

" Usopp hurriedly interrupted Luffy and said, "No, it's too big!

"As long as the technology is good, it doesn't matter to anyone, but whether others are willing to ship pirates or not is the key question."

Robin, on the other hand, sat there with his hands on his cheeks, and with a gentle smile on his face, he quietly watched the crowd.

Because she was going to stay in the water capital for a week, Nami gave everyone some money to spend.

And when it was Lin Mo's turn to receive the money, the money was not given! The reason was that Lin Mo had taken out so many treasures for her at one time before, and there must have been a lot of money in his hand, so he didn't want to fight the idea of these small money.

Although Lin Mo had a lot of money, he still protested to Nami, and he stole it from Foxy in this money, but unfortunately the protest was ineffective.

There was no way, Nami guessed that Lin Mo must have a lot of money in his hands, and she knew Lin Mo's character, and she would definitely not be serious with her, so naturally there was no way to get the money.

Luffy shouted at the bow of the boat, "I see the island!" Everyone

looked at the island slowly appearing in the distance, and they were all shocked by its beauty.

From a distance, the water capital looks like a crown encrusted with precious stones, and the fountains and downward waterways gushing from the top reflect the sunlight like crystals, dazzling and dazzling, like a dreamlike city.

Robin looked at the city in front of him and smiled and said, "It's so beautiful

!" Luffy said, "What a big fountain!"

After the Merry approached the water capital, everyone realized that the water capital divided the entire city into different areas from top to bottom, and there were bridges between the houses, and many houses were built on the sea, which looked quite spectacular.

Nami looked at the shore in front of her and said, "Didn't you find

a harbor?" Usopp looked over the shore and said, "The harbor is on the other side!"

and then, prompted by enthusiastic passers-by, she docked the Merry on the shore of a strait not far from the back street.

Everyone came to the shore and put away the sails, ready to admire the water capital, and by the way, find a ship repairman to board the ship.

Nami found that Usopp and Luffy had already run off the ship, and hurriedly shouted at the two, "Wait, Luffy, Usopp, you two go with me, first take the letter of introduction from Granny Cokoro and find a person named Iceberg, ask him to arrange for someone to repair the Merry, and we have to find a place to exchange the treasure for cash."

Chopper also walked out of the cabin at this time, but it was Chopper in human form, and he thought that there must be a bookstore in such a big place, and there must be a lot of medical books, so he was also very excited.

Nami changed into a blue short-sleeved shirt, wore a tie and a short skirt, dressed as a strong woman, and walked away with Luffy and Usopp with gold.

The rest of the people drew lots to decide who would stay to guard the ship, and in the end Zoro stayed, of course, Lin Mo cheated, and he now has a task to complete.

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