Nami watched the three of them play around and said, "Stop playing, see if there's any way to the waterfall." The

Merry whirled on and on, and in a short time came to a huge doorway with a plaque that read, "Gate of Heaven."

Usopp said, "Heaven's Gate, this name is unlucky!

Sanji took a puff of his cigarette and said, "That's not for sure, maybe we're already dead!"

Zoro said, "It's possible, then it's not hard to understand how strange this world is."

Chopper listened to it and really believed it, his face changed, and he said, "Are we really dead?"

Luffy said excitedly, "It's so fun! This is the Kingdom of Heaven!"

At this time, the Merry came to the door, and an old woman with wings came out of the shore, and

Usopp shouted, "Look, someone is coming out over there."

Chopper looked at the old woman and said, "Look, she has wings on her back!"

Luffy was surprised, "Is she an angel, she looks like a sour plum." Then

the old woman spoke, "I am the watchman of the Gates of Heaven, Amazon. Are you here for sightseeing, or are you here to fight?

Luffy said, "We're going to Sky Island, and there's Sky Island on the other side of this gate, right

?" Sanji asked, "And what do you mean by fighting?"

The old woman said, "It doesn't matter which one it is, if you want to go to the upper floor, please pay the entry fee first, 1 billion Ik per person, this is the law."

Usopp stammered in fright, "10...... 1 billion ...... Ike.

Sanji said, "It's this kind of money called Ike again."

Chopper was surprised and said, "No matter how you calculate it, just 1 billion should be very expensive."

Usopp said, "How can you need so much money to enter the country, this old woman is clearly a pit money...... "Usopp finished speaking, and Nami covered her hands to death.

Nami said, "What would happen if we didn't have any money for the entrance fee?" The

old woman said, "You can still go in, but it's okay not to go in, I'm not a guard or a guard, I just want to ask what you mean."

Lin Mo hurriedly said, "How much does it cost to change to Bailey?Can we pay with Bailey?"

Usopp said, "Lin Mo, what are you doing, we can enter without spending money."

Luffy said, "Then I'll go, we're going to Sky Island."

Usopp said, "We don't have the money to let us in."

Lin Mo said, "Old woman, don't listen to them, we have Bailey, if you can......" Nami's eyes lit up when she heard that she could save 1 billion Ik per person, and when she heard Lin Mo say that she wanted to spend Bailey, she immediately covered Lin Mo's mouth and said, "We don't have Ike, can we really go

?" The old woman said, "Do you want to use Bailey to pay the national fee?"

Usopp also helped Nami grab Lin Mo and said. No, we don't have a lot of Bailey?" the

old woman said, "Okay, are all eight of us going to enter?"

Luffy said, "yes, but how are we going to get to Sky Island." "

Suddenly, the Merry was grabbed by a pair of giant pincers.

At this time, Lin Mo gave up and stopped struggling, and Nami and Usopp also let go of their hands and looked at a pair of giant pincers in surprise.

Luffy asked, "What is this?" said

the old woman, "That's the White Sea's famous express shrimp." The

next moment, the giant shrimp rushed towards the waterfall with the Merry.

Lin Mo looked at Nami and Usopp and said, "What are you stopping me for

?" Nami raised her hand and gave Lin Mo a punch, and said, "You can save it, why do you want to spend Bailey, you are not a home

?" Lin Mo thought to himself, "Don't you know, free is the most expensive truth?" I was still thinking about visiting the empty island, but I definitely don't have time to go shopping now. So he said, "I hope you don't regret it for a while!"

Nami was about to ask again, but the express shrimp suddenly accelerated, and Nami hurriedly grabbed the edge of the boat to stabilize her body.

Soon, everyone looked at the empty island in front of them, like houses with their own characteristics on the white clouds floating in the sky in a dream, and there were giant vines and plants connecting each white cloud.

Robin said, "That plaque just now says this kingdom of the gods."

Nami said, "yes, it's the same name as the place on the map that Luffy picked up." "

Lin Mo is very helpless now, it's very beautiful to see the empty island in the animation, and it's even more beautiful when you come here from a distance, although I know that with Luffy's ability to cause trouble, he must be fighting Anilu, but Lin Mo still wants to delay a little time and enjoy the scenery of the sky island.

Nami saw Lin Mo's expression at this time, and suddenly thought of what Lin Mo said before, and asked, "Lin Mo, what do you mean by what you just arrived, why do you have to pay." And said I don't regret it.

Lin Mo said helplessly, "Why don't you want to think about it, you have to charge so much entry fees, but it's okay not to pay, and don't say the consequences of not paying, isn't it strange?

Robin also nodded and said, "yes, it seems to be guiding you to come up without spending money."

Nami said impatiently, "Lin Mo, don't be verbose, tell me what the old woman said."

Lin Mo said, "Okay, what she said is that Amazon, the watchman of the Gate of Heaven, has told the Almighty God and all the gods that there are 8 illegal entrants in the Kingdom of God who have invaded, please grant them the sanction of heaven."

Usopp and Nami showed frightened expressions at the same time

, and Usopp said, "God's punishment! Illegal invasion, doesn't it mean that it's okay not to pay the money?" Nami said to Usopp, "It's not that you said we don't have any money, what are we going to do now!" Usopp also complained, "It's not that you stopped

Lin Mo!" Nami suddenly cried and said, "It's not that as soon as I heard that Lin Mo was going to spend a lot of money, the body did it by itself!".

Sanji ignored the two, took a puff of cigarette and said, "Is there really a god in this world?"

Sanji immediately said, "Green algae head, you don't talk too much, if you really have a god, you will die!"

Zoro immediately fought back and said, "Idiot eyebrows, do you think I'm you, you guy who can't walk when you see a woman."

Lin Mo looked at these two guys who looked at each other more and more unpleasantly, and there was no way.

Robin then spoke, "The people of the Sky Island call this the kingdom of gods, and I think there is a ruler or a king here, but you can be called a god." "

It's not Robin, with a little bit of information, he rationally analyzes and comes to the same conclusion as the facts.

Luffy said indifferently, "It doesn't matter what kind of god he is, we're not here to fight, if he comes to trouble us, I'll fly him."

Lin Mo said, "What Robin said is very reasonable, it is likely that the people of the Sky Island call the administrator a god, so there is no need to be so afraid."

After listening to Robin's analysis, Usopp had also calmed down, and began to say in a trembling voice, "What kind of neural tube, let the horse come! I, Usopp, am a man who can fight against God

!" and Chopper immediately believed Usopp's words, and said with a look of adoration, "Usopp is so powerful!"

And after Nami returned to normal, her eyes immediately lit up and asked Lin Mo, "You said you were going to pay, do you have any money?"

Lin Mo thought that Nami would definitely be squeezed dry if Nami knew how much money she had, so she said, "There used to be a little, but I bought a lot of plant seeds on the last island, so there are not many left.

Nami asked, "How much more, and now there are 50,000 Baileys on board." Of course, Nami was talking about sharing, not her own little coffers, and she was very clear about this kind of thing.

Luffy said seriously, "Why are we so poor, as the captain, I won't talk about

you this time, you really can't do it, you have to think about how to spend it!" Sanji was angry at this time, and said, "It's all used for your food expenses, you guy who steals food all day long!"

Luffy looked surprised when he heard this, how much he had eaten.

Lin Mo knew that Nami couldn't solve the problem without any money, so he took out a small bag of gems and said, "These gems are almost 1 million Bailey, Nami, you can take it!"

Before Lin Mo finished speaking, the gems were already in Nami's hands, and Nami's actions were the fastest when she collected the money.

At this time, Meihao has come to the shore of the empty island.

Luffy jumped off the Merry first, not afraid of falling into the sea at all, obviously a Devil Fruit ability, but he didn't think that he would sink at all.

Lin Mo thought to himself, "If Luffy doesn't have the aura of the protagonist, how many lives does he need to be able to resist such a death-killing game!".

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