Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 41·Ninth Night·Hellfire

"The follow-up troops are coming!" Xia's warning came again in the communication channel.

Evacuation is impossible, and head-on confrontation is even less possible. Blowing this place down is the only way, but if you want to do it, you have to buy some time.

Time - only by fighting and working hard can we buy time.

——Only me comes!

"Xia! Blast this place down!"

Jiang Yu gritted her teeth and suddenly stopped retreating. Accumulating power again, the extended and released wide-area EMP once again exploded a series of electric sparks on the attackers' troops that he couldn't see. After all, military equipment is more durable and durable than sophisticated scientific research facilities. However, the successive EMP impacts will eventually cause a certain degree of loss in their combat effectiveness.

But the attackers never stopped attacking.

‘Bang—bang—! ’ Explosions, chain explosions. The annihilation of the first wave of armed forces provided a warning. The result is that subsequent troops choose to use grenades to clear the way. The large exploding fragments raised thick smoke in the darkness. While blocking the field of view, it is accompanied by the movement of armored units.

"Zhan Lan! Get rid of those fires!"

The power of telekinesis suddenly kicked off, and Zhan Lan's face turned pale under his helmet. However, the burning oil rose in large areas under the support of telekinesis. They were crumpled into a ball and then thrown into the direction covered by smoke around the corner.

Behind the smoke screen, the screams of people being set on fire were heard.

Jiang Yu took a big step and picked up Zhan Lan, who was a little exhausted due to the power of telekinesis. Just as he blocked her behind him, a series of inaccurate barrages were fired from the smoke screen - they were not ordinary bullets, but 25mm infantry fighting vehicle cannons. The side protection of the Thunder Cloud Armor was immediately blasted with several dents, and if it hit other reincarnators, the result would only be to die in pieces on the spot!

A long shot...but here's the good news. Because the opponent's shots are inaccurate, this means that the night vision sighting system inside the opponent's armored vehicle has been destroyed and killed by the wide-area EMP impact.

‘Buzz——’ Thunder pulse, charging for one second.

Dazzling firelight burst out, accompanied by Jiang Yu's roar in the communication channel.

"how much longer!"

"Right away!" It was not Xia who answered, but Zheng Zha. In this situation, he was looking for death if he rushed forward in close combat. Under Xia's instructions, he swung the thermal ax on the load-bearing pillar near the gate.

Zhang Jie came and picked up the weak Zhan Lan. Mou Gang also set up a corresponding machine gun. Barrages were still being fired amidst the smoke and fire around the corner. And he raised his machine cannon and cooperated with Jiang Yu to sweep away randomly.

Suppressive fire!

This may have bought a few more seconds.

There were screams and wails coming from the end of the corner. The barrage projection is also sparse.


A loud bang!

‘Boom—’ The burning wreckage of the infantry fighting vehicle that was destroyed by the thunder pulse cannon was slammed into the corner. A huge thing in the shadow appeared behind the smoke screen, and when it appeared, every cell in Jiang Yu's body couldn't help but scream in terror.

Omens of death are coming like a tidal wave.

But Jiang Yu, who had opened the genetic lock, was not very panicked.

——Is it the heavy machine gun of the infantry fighting vehicle again... Huh, I have a good one here. I've been waiting for you to send me off!

He had expected it - he could tell with his fingernails that the attackers must still have a considerable amount of armored firepower. Therefore, it took less than two seconds after destroying the armored vehicle. He transferred the task of delivering firepower to the secondary weapon on his left arm. And when Mou Gang's cannon barrage unfolded, he had time to accumulate strength for the thunder and lightning pulse.

He takes a quick step.

The blue thunder and lightning was activated one step ahead of the giant thing in the shadow. However, in the crawling blue light, Jiang Yu was horrified to see the full picture of the shadow thing——

Tracks, reactive armor, coaxial machine guns, and the huge, square turret with a long muzzle.

This is - a main battle tank! ?


The lightning struck the tank, burning out the sights and detonating the reactive armor. Half of the tank became charred and broken in an instant, and even several human-shaped barbecues were created inside. However, the other side that is intact still has some operational power!

120mm, 44x caliber, M256 smoothbore gun, fire.

How insignificant life is - Jiang Yu saw it again at this moment. He watched with his own eyes as the inner workings of the artillery fired and burst into flames. The moment before the cannonball was fired, he knew that the barrel of the cannon was pointed in the direction of his head.

Thoughts are almost blank.


I'm going to die soon.

I actually... actually wanted to be so understated, like a sidekick, like a bastard, and died like a fish.

Not acceptable.


Even if I die... I can't remain anonymous like this!

His thinking became extremely fast at this moment. Instead of recalling the past, he desperately calculated and measured feasible escape directions. The circulation of true energy in the body that had been accelerated before further increased dramatically. The dancing electric light tugged at the metal exterior that covered the whole body.

A little lower.

Lower your body and armor a little lower.

Use your will to drive your body.

Drive steel.

Driving spirit.

The peak of mental power is achieved. The heavy military equipment, which was originally as stable as a mountain, tilted to one side.

‘Zheng—’ broken and trembling. The steel warhead grazed the top cover of the armor. Some external mechanical parts were torn apart by the bullet wind. And this supposedly fatal blow did not reach the correct end point after all.

‘Boom—! ’ The explosion came from a dozen meters behind, and it was a high-explosive bomb. Powerful shock waves hit in all directions, and the Thundercloud Armor, which was already tilted to one side, was almost knocked to the ground by the strong wind.

"Ayu!" came a voice, anxious and fearful. Jiang Yu did not hesitate and stepped back. The armor's departure was accompanied by several steel footprints pressed to the ground.

The big bang is coming.

A massive explosion that destroys the main entrance and thwarts the attackers.

In a terrible explosion. Load-bearing columns burst and collapsed. A large number of gravel blocks fell down. Relying on high-power explosives, the Samsaras created a sizable landslide at the entrance of the base.

The items prepared in advance came in handy - since external attacks were taken into consideration, and a plan to make an acid-etched tunnel from the underground was specially prepared for escape, it was naturally necessary to block possible 'pursuers' from the retreat. Preparatory strategy. It's just that in order to complete this strategy, it took a little more time for field measurement.

Gravel rolling.

With a 'pop-' sound, the searchlight on the side of the Leiyun armor turned on. The lighting covered the surrounding darkness.

Xia came to the side of the armor in one stride, stretched out her hand, and the hand that touched the armor plate trembled a little.

"I'm fine." Jiang Yu breathed out heavily. "Go and see if the landslide is blocking them."

Xia nodded vigorously, ran to the edge of the collapse, put her ears on the stone surface and listened - she calculated the blasting point, and with Zheng Zha's cooperation, started to create a collapse of the load-bearing column. She should be confident in her craftsmanship, but she is more willing to hear Jiang Yu's voice and obey Jiang Yu's orders.

She stood up after listening for a few seconds and gave the results.

"The cave-in is about fifteen meters. They won't be able to break in in a short time."

The others also breathed a sigh of relief, stretched their muscles and nerves. Wipe away the sweat that has unknowingly covered your head and hands.

"Damn it." Zheng Zha cursed in a low voice: "Main battle tank! Can these people do this? They are just dealing with an ordinary scientific research base, how can there be such a thing!?"

Tanks, not to mention how such a large armored vehicle can be transported in. Maybe some kind of secret reserve. Perhaps it's the even more outrageous armored airdrop. But in any case, just 'existence' itself means a lot - a simple fight within the company does not require this kind of firepower!

"It's America." Zhang Jie said, holding an identity plate grabbed from the corpse tightly in his hand. "America's Active Duty Army, and Special Operations Forces."

"Delta?" Jiang Yu asked, with a hint of crisis still lingering in his heart.

"It's possible that I don't recognize the name of this force. It may be the overhead force of this world. Sorry, it's all to help me get the T original solution..."

‘Boom——’ From far away, the roar of collapse was heard. From the ceiling, a fine piece of smoke fell.

"It's not safe here. Let's go back and build a new line of defense." Jiang Yu said as he drove the Thunder Cloud Armor forward deep into the base. "The decision to attack here is a decision made by our entire team. Now none of us can leave here before everything is over, and the responsibility needs to be shouldered together."

The heart is beating rapidly. After breaking through the peak of mental power. He felt that his body seemed to become much more transparent. The opening depth and maintenance time of the genetic lock seem to have increased. He vaguely sensed the second level of genetic shackles after the first level. Perhaps the reduction in potential caused by the use of T original solution had been completely erased.

Zhang Jie didn't answer, but just smiled with a bitter expression.

Jiang Yu didn't continue to force him - there was no need. Beside him, Zheng Zha, who should have interrupted at this moment to open up the atmosphere, wrinkled his nose in confusion.

Jiang Yu didn't notice this angle - Xia followed him on the other side, waiting every step of the way.

The reincarnators walked quickly in silence for two minutes until they reached an underground hall. The terrain here is difficult and is very suitable for blocking the way in or out.

"Zhan Lan, how is your body recovering? Do you have any comments?" Jiang Yu asked as he asked. While lifting heavy objects to fill the structure of the second line of defense - he planned to build a semi-open temporary bunker. Some kind of inexplicable premonition made him feel that he needed to defend the depths of the base behind him.


According to the plot, Tracker Matt should also be sleeping in Umbrella's base - but the Lord God did not ask the reincarnators for a mission about Matt. And this means that Matt may not be at this base. However, even if there is no Matt, there are no other biological monsters.

In the original infinite world line, the mercenary captain rescued by Zheng Zha will also be transformed into a tracker, and will be stronger than Matt's version. So, will placed deep in this base?


"I'm fine." Zhan Lan's reply interrupted his thinking. Jiang Yu tilted his head. Listening to Zhan Lan's voice, he felt that he had enough energy.

Then, he heard Zheng Zha suddenly stop.

"I seem to smell a fresh smell of blood..." There was some uncertainty in Zheng Zha's voice. He might have thought it was the blood left over from the previous cleaning of the base.

And the next moment——

‘Push——’ Mou Gang grunted and fell towards the ground.

"He's injured!" Zhang Jie immediately supported him, and the next moment, dark red blood dripped from behind Mou Gang.

It's that high-explosive bomb!

Mou Gang stood up to set up a fire line, and the detonation point of the high-explosive bomb was not far behind him and Jiang Yu! Didn't he feel it himself? ?

"Stop his bleeding quickly! Do the operation!" Jiang Yu subconsciously raised her hand. Pulling out the shrapnel and stopping the bleeding should be a quick fix for Kasumi.

His hand stopped in the air.

The searchlight mounted on the Thunder Cloud Armor clearly scanned the silhouette of a rapidly passing shadow in his just action!

Huge and ferocious.

"what is that!?"

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