Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 40·Ninth Night·Purgatory

Shock, astonishment, disbelief, relief - different emotions appeared in the minds of reincarnations other than Jiang Yu at the same time. Everyone looked at each other until Jiang Yu, who had been mentally prepared in advance, shouted.

"Find cover first!"

The Thunder Cloud Armor immediately took action, and the power provided by the hydraulic rod allowed Jiang Yu to suddenly drag a broken armored Humvee up from behind the penetrated defense line. The high-frequency sound of metal rubbing against the ground shook the nerves of the companions, and everyone immediately woke up as if from a dream, grabbed heavy objects and piled them at the entrance and exit of the underground passage!

Class B.

A B-level side plot means life and death for everyone. In the Infinite Flow discussion group in his previous life, Jiang Yu worked with many enthusiasts to study the difficulty levels represented by group tasks.

D to DD are the lowest levels of combat. If you want to win such a branch, you only need to use your usual training, and you can easily win without making mistakes.

Levels C to CC are more intense confrontations. If you want to win in such a branch, you need to have a certain degree of understanding of the enemy you are facing, and be prepared with corresponding tactics and weapons. And this kind of battlefield is already a battlefield that requires teamwork to win at a relatively small cost. Even if no one makes a mistake, someone might get hurt.

And further up, there are B and BB. At this stage, what is tested is not only courage, but also determination, fighting spirit, and even luck - the enemy to be faced is literally stronger than the reincarnation, and even vaguely powerful enemies that can cause restraint. If one is unable to break through in battle, even if one does not die, one will suffer terrible losses.

Missing arms and legs is normal, and having a few big holes in the body can also be classified as a lucky landing. If you want to get through this trial unscathed, you have to do whatever you want without cheating.

Of course, for the reincarnators with the gene lock buff on their heads. Cheating is a normal phenomenon and the norm. It can only be said that reincarnators who are unable to make breakthroughs during wartime are not very suitable for the current reincarnation world environment. Whether it is the level of gene locks, fighting skills, willpower, perception, or other messy things, there must always be a breakthrough before you are qualified to continue fighting in this vast world of reincarnation.

And further up, A, or even S. Even if there is no wise plug-in or God-given luck, it is doomed to lose troops, generals, and even a desperate battle situation with heavy casualties.

——Some differences from what I expected... I originally thought that after the end of D after the sewer, the most C and most CC group missions that could be encountered here. I just didn't expect... Ha, this can be considered a judgment that humans are inferior to the Lord God. The previous D mission was actually somewhat difficult. And's Zhang Jie?

——…that’s all. It is also a knife to extend one's head, and it is also a knife to shrink one's head. Sooner or later, no need to hesitate!

'Boom - boom -' Two more Hummers were blocked at the door, and even the large truck from before was moved. Xia took the monomolecule knife given by Zhan Lan, quickly cut off the fuel tank, and threw it as far away from the entrance as possible.

A temporary defense line was completed with the reaction and efforts of the reincarnators within tens of seconds. A new sound came out soon after the explosion in the distance ended, and an unknown combat force was approaching here.

what is it then?

An infantryman? Is it a biochemical beast? Is it an armored unit? Is it the private army from other Umbrella factions, or the force from other American consortiums, or even the federal authorities?

Jiang Yu and Zheng Zha subconsciously glanced at each other in the air. Even through the armor, they could feel the anticipation and excitement in each other's chests - Jiang Yu was like this because he knew how high the upper limit of the reincarnation was. If you don’t take advantage of the early advantage, when the main god’s evaluation has not even had time to be updated, then life will only get worse and worse. As for Zheng Zha, it can only be said that he has war blood flowing in his body.

A born warrior, indeed.

And at the same moment——

‘诱辘—豱辘—’ From the other side of the distant tunnel, a tank filled with smoke was being thrown in this direction.

It's a smoke bomb, and there may be shock bombs and flash bombs hidden in the smoke bomb. They quickly rolled down to the front of the temporary defense line and released strong smoke that blocked the view!

‘Boom—’ Throwing explosives for interference filled the vision of the reincarnators—the shock bombs and flash bombs of this era were not enough to effectively break through Kashezin’s armor. However, the strong smoke cannot be seen through simply relying on the tactical system of Kashezin's helmet.

Thermal vision, ineffective.

However, Zheng Zha's eyes flashed with red light, and he immediately obtained a definite result.

"It's humanoid, soldier! This action posture infantry fighting vehicle!? Lie down——!"

Bradley M3, infantry fighting vehicle. The main weapon is a 25MM chain cannon. And...a twin anti-tank missile launcher!

‘Boom—! ! ! ’

In the smoke, fire burst out. The next moment, four anti-tank missiles burst out of the darkness and plunged into the temporary fortifications that the Samsaras had hurriedly piled up with heavy objects!

There was a burst of fire.

The fortifications directly ahead were blown to pieces. And the reincarnations who lay down in time also fell over. Except for the Thunder Cloud Armor, which had huge self-weight and was not locked by missiles, this temporary defense line collapsed unilaterally!

The power of current weapons is indeed extraordinary. After the anti-tank missiles opened the way, what followed was a barrage bombardment guided by heavy machine guns as tracers.

Infantry fighting vehicles, at least two. Coordinated soldiers, fifty or more.

Jiang Yu suddenly pulled the lever, dodging the machine gun fire and roaring in the channel.

"Kasumi! Cover me!"

An infantry fighting vehicle suddenly misfired, and the machine gunner was shot in the head by Xia through a heavy steel plate. The body fell down. The area covered by this infantry fighting vehicle was exactly where Jiang Yu maneuvered past with the Thunder Cloud Armor. As a result, there was a brief gap in the firepower, and Jiang Yu was able to stand still for a short time.

The third wide-area EMP suddenly launched.

Behind the smoke screen, puffs of electric sparks sputtered everywhere. The result of the destruction of the digital tactical system is that the enemy's soldiers can no longer complete regular infantry-tank coordination. They fell into a brief confusion, and the next moment, the right arm of the Thunder Cloud Armor flashed with blue light.

Accumulate... one second, one and a half seconds!

‘Crack-! ! ! ’

Lightning bursts.

The thunder snakes, crawling in the air like tree roots, illuminated the faces of soldiers who were in panic due to damage to their tactical systems. The next moment, the lightning touched the shell armor of an infantry fighting vehicle.

Magnetic infantry, a general-purpose unit. Especially effective against heavy armor such as tanks and combat vehicles.

'boom--! ’ Every armor gap on the outside of the hit tank burst out with dazzling red light. It only disintegrated in a very brief moment, and after that, there was a blazing fireball that suddenly expanded from the inside of the armor, carrying countless flying shrapnel.

Tesla’s black technology is extraordinary.

The shrapnel splash caused by the explosion easily swept down a large number of soldiers. Immediately afterwards, another infantry fighting vehicle turned its turret and tried to block Jiang Yu's infantry fighting vehicle. An explosion also occurred at the fireman's position.

The enemy's offensive was contained. Jiang Yu stepped forward with her armored feet, aimed at the second infantry fighting vehicle, and was about to release the second charged shot of the thunder pulse cannon - the lightning flashed on the surface of the armor, and blue emerged from the muzzle...

‘Plop—’ Jiang Yu’s heart suddenly jumped heavily.

The genetic lock remains open, and a powerful crisis comes from afar. In his perception, time seemed to slow down at this moment. And to the side, at the corner of the underground road, the smoke screen covering there actually dispersed a little.

The third M3 infantry fighting vehicle appeared behind the corner. The EMP destroyed its external sighting system. But the twin-linked TOW anti-tank missile completed its turn amid the sputtering of electric sparks.

Turn towards yourself.

The terminal has locked itself. And the orange-red tail flame appeared at the tail of the missile!

——I’ll do it——

Jiang Yu's eyes widened. The speed of the lightning energy in the body increased rapidly, and the lightning pulse that originally took one and a half seconds to complete the charge was reduced to one second at this moment.

Pulse muzzle, slightly tilted. He was 70% sure that he could block the trajectory of this anti-tank missile.


'boom--! ’ There was an explosion and a flash of fire.

Sniper support from Kasumi exploded the missile on the launcher at this critical moment.

A figure galloped past.

‘Drink——! ’

It's Zheng Zha.

Zheng Zha dragged the thermal battle ax and rushed directly to the front of the chariot under the action of the overloaded propeller. With a blast of heat energy, the top cover of the tank was directly cut off and exploded by the super-era material combined with the huge force.

Death was one step slower than Jiang Yu - more than one step slower.

He reacted immediately, and the charged thunder pulse cannon hit the originally planned tank target with one strike. When the second armor-piercing fireball rose, Mou Gang, Zhan Lan and others who were lying down also opened fire one after another, using the most skillfully coordinated rifle grenades to fire indiscriminately at the crowd.

Did you keep it? perhaps. The reincarnators did hold on for a few minutes.

Without the cover of infantry fighting vehicles, armed soldiers of unknown origin were directly reduced to pieces by the grenade bombardment, with broken arms and limbs scattered everywhere.

It's like purgatory.

And the reincarnators didn't even have time to take a breath.

Because at the next moment, Zheng Zha, who had smashed the infantry fighting vehicle at the corner, rolled and crawled away. And the wreckage of the chariot behind him was clearly another violent explosion!

"Damn it! There are a lot of people behind you!" Zheng Zha scurried away with his head in his arms.

"Boom -" There was an explosion, and the fuel tank that had just been thrown down not long ago exploded into balls of hot and bright fire.

Darkness is no longer an ally.

This is no longer a favorable battlefield.

"Retreat! Let's go behind the gate! Xia, see if we can blow this place up!" Jiang Yu made a decision. He switched the thunder pulse cannon to continuous fire mode, and fired a large area while retreating around the corner. Blind lightning.

Reincarnators, fight and then retreat.

At the same moment, in the depths of the research center, the huge truck that Yuxia monitored on the first day of arrival was transported from the outside, carrying unknown 'cargo', and the 'container' inside it ', suddenly shook violently.

This is not the end, nor is it the midfield.

This isn't even the beginning...!

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