Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 67: The Green-faced Lord, a wake-up call (please vote for me! Please read more)

The blue light group flashes!

Vishnu connected with the blue light group, turned his palm over, and the blue light floated above his palm.

"It comes from the Golden Bed and the Man-Lion, the anger and arrogance of both!"

"Now that I have taken it out, let it fly to the sun and let the pure light of the stars purify it!"

Vishnu flicked his finger.

This sapphire-like light flashed across the void, flew out of Jirosa, and flew towards the twinkling stars.

The gods suddenly realized.

So the Lord returned and the man-lion woke up, but what happened in the middle?

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

At this time, Shiva, Brahma and the goddess Sarasvati appeared in front of the gods.

"Praise to the heaven!"

"Praise to Brahma!"

"Praise to the goddess Sarashivadi!"

All the gods and immortals bowed their heads and clasped their hands in praise.

Shiva kept silent and walked forward quietly. The gods gave way until Shiva came to the sage [Dhotika].

"Praise to the heaven!"

"Lord, my bones are broken. Please forgive me for not being able to stand up and praise."

The sage Thotika lay on the ground.

He raised his head, clasped his hands, and his eyes were a little lonely, feeling sad that he could not stand up and praise the Lord.


"You were injured while protecting Ji Luo Suo. I will bless you and your bones will be indestructible forever."

Shiva smiled and raised his right hand.

call out!

Rays of golden light were instantly released from Shiva's hands, and suddenly fell on the body of the sage [Doticha].

The golden light blended into the body of the Immortal Thotiche.

Immortal Tuoticha's eyes lit up, he jumped up, lowered his head and stamped his feet in surprise.

"Praise to the heaven!"

The sage Tuoticha said in surprise.

Seeing this scene, Indra's heart moved, he raised his vajra and took a look, and then looked at the sage Dhotika in the distance.

Um? !

Isn’t this Immortal [Toticha] his future weapon, Bone Lord!

Indra blinked.

If he remembered correctly, the future Emperor of Heaven was influenced by the God of Karma and Fruit [Sani] and offended the Priest Immortal.

The priest-priest celestial being no longer serves as the divine mentor.

The son of the craftsman god Bishoukarma, the Wanxiang Immortal, temporarily replaced the position of the god's mentor. However, the Wanxiang Immortal favored the Asuras and secretly handed over the power after the sacrifices of the gods to the Asuras.

This was discovered by Indra.

In a rage, Indra chopped the sage Wanxiang to death with a single blow.

Visukarma was extremely grieved, and in a rage he resurrected the drought demon Vritra. Vritra was already powerful, and after undergoing hard training, he gained great strength, had the power of immortality with weapons, and could be resurrected, etc. A blessing.

Vritra not only defeated the gods, but also tried to devour everything.

In the end, in order to deal with Vritra, the gods asked the sage [Dhotika] to cast the artifact from bones and recast the vajra.

Only then did Vritra be defeated.

"The God of Karma and Fruit [Soni] is the son of the Sun God, that is, the grandson of the Craftsman God Vishukama. The Wanxiang Immortal is the son of the Craftsman God."

"From this point of view, it's obviously Soni's fault. Soni, this wild nephew, killed my uncle!"


"Soni is not the biological son of the Cloud God, but the child of the Cloud God's shadow. He has always been dissatisfied with the Sun God and the Cloud God couple."

"Isn't this all caused by [Soni] deliberately causing trouble?!"

Indra thought more and more.

He shook his head, pushing these thoughts away.

This is all in the future.

Sunny might still be a little kid!

Moreover, he will not cause trouble now. At worst, he will go to practice hard, and the God of Karma and Fruit [Sani] will not be able to do anything to him.

Indra glanced at the sage [Doticha].

He would not let others make such unnecessary sacrifices. Anyway, if something happened, the Three-Phase God would be there to take care of him, so he would still have to run if he should.

Indra was thinking.

The human lion [Nara Sinha] put his hands together, nodded slightly, and saluted the Lords from a distance.

Shiva and Brahma nodded slightly.

Finally, the man-lion slowly turned around, clasped his hands, and looked at Indra.

The poison of Hora Hora has been removed, but his lion face is still blue.

"Praise to the Emperor of Heaven!"

"It was your wisdom and strength that awakened me from my rage and protected the entire world."

"Thank you, great Emperor of Heaven!"

The human lion [Nara Sinha]'s eyes were shining, his hands were clasped together, and he looked at Indra with reverence and gratitude.

"Cough! Cough!"

"You're welcome! This is my responsibility as the Emperor of Heaven!"

Indra coughed twice, patted his chest and said.

This man-lion is pretty good!

He beat the man-lion, and the man-lion came over to thank him, which almost made him feel embarrassed.

Hearing this, Narasimha's slender beard trembled and his face was moved.

"The Emperor of Heaven is so kind!"

Narosinha looked emotional.

He clasped his hands together and saluted Indra again, then turned into a ray of golden light, flew out, and floated into the body of Vishnu, the protector of the world.

The doomsday disaster was resolved, and the gods were happy.

The priest priest listened to the Lord's narration of the previous process with a look of regret on his face. He only regretted that he had no eyes outside his body and could not see the scene just now with his own eyes.

He picked up his pen and wrote on the "Book of the Past of Indra".

[The human-lion Narasimha became angry, and the Emperor of Heaven, with his great wisdom and power, awakened the human-lion from his rage...]

[The human lion and the Emperor of Heaven defeated the Golden Bed, so it can be called [the one who defeated the Golden Bed together], and because the human lion spit out the gods, the lion's face was blue, so it can be called [the Green Faced Lord]. 】

The presiding sage then began to describe Indra.

[The Emperor of Heaven is also the one who joins hands to defeat the golden bed], and because of the great wisdom of the Emperor of Heaven, holding the vajra in his hand, he awakened the furious human lion. 】

[So it can be called...]

The priest-priest immortal was silent for a moment, thinking about what kind of title he should give.

He recalled the marks on the lion's forehead, and suddenly an idea flashed through him.

"I thought of it!"

The priest-priest immortal quickly picked up his pen.

[The Emperor of Heaven scolded the human lion with great wisdom, held the vajra, and struck the human lion on the head, awakening the furious human lion, so it can be called the "knock-on-the-head person". 】

[If you encounter an angry person in future generations, you can use weapons such as sticks, pestles, hammers, etc. to hit their heads and yell at them to awaken their sanity. 】

[This matter was witnessed by the priest, the Immortal, with his own eyes, and there is absolutely nothing false about it. 】

The priest-priest immortal smiled with satisfaction.

the other side.

[Sage Adiri] took his son Soma and came to Vishnu, the protector of the world.


"I'm sorry, I fell into anger before and cursed you!"

Immortal Adiri clasped his hands together, with a look of regret on his face, and knelt down in front of Vishnu.

Vishnu smiled softly.

He raised his hand to support Atili Immortal, and with a warm chuckle, he said: "No need to worry, these are all karmic consequences. Everything in the world has karmic consequences. This is part of the maintenance of the world. I accept your curse." ”

Having said this, Vishnu's smile remained unchanged.

"Now that this disaster has disappeared, my [Pigongzha] is also newly built, so why don't we all come to [Pigongzha] to get together!"

Vishnu opens his hand and invites the gods to gather at [Vikuntha].

And in the starry sky.

Goddess Lakshmi happily plucked the stars.

Suddenly, her beautiful eyes blinked, and her eyes suddenly lit up, and she seemed to catch a glimpse of a sapphire-like bright light from the corner of her eye.


"so beautiful!"

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