Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 38: She doesn’t believe in Radha Immortal

The realm of the earth, the Asura Temple.

The temple is dark, with huge pillars standing there. The scratches made by knives and axes highlight the ancient architectural style of the giant pillars. Flames are lit around the temple, and the flames burn, reflecting bright or dark faces.

Many Asura generals gathered here. They may be tall or short, fat or thin, but they all exude a fierce and evil aura.

"Retribution, General Vajra Body has already begun to practice hard and cannot come here!"

Suddenly, Asura soldiers came to report.

Hearing this, [Proman] looked calm and secretly glanced deep into the temple.

There was a high platform standing in the dim temple. The high platform was empty except for a dark throne, but at this moment, the throne was glowing in Proman's eyes.

That's where Kaneme used to be.

"Since the Vajra body is undergoing hard training, there is no need for us to wait for him. Let's discuss the next steps in the earth realm now."

"A country cannot be without a master for a day, the land cannot lose its master, and the asuras also need a king."

"Now it's time to discuss who will be the king!"

Proman raised his finger and glanced at the many Asura generals present.

Many Asura generals such as [Vibrajiti], [Sinshijia], [Durga Ma] and [Namuzhi] all stood in the Asura temple, their faces condensed.

As generals under Jin Mu, they are a little confused now that Jin Mu is dead.

"Where's the mentor?"

Xin Xijia suddenly asked.

Sukara Immortal is the mentor of Asura. For such important events as selecting the new Asura King, Sukara Immortal must be present no matter what.

Hearing this, Proman pretended to be sad and sighed.


"After my mentor was angered by Jin Mu and left, I don't know where he went. I haven't found him yet, but the position of King Asura cannot be left vacant. We can only choose it."

Proman said.

The few people in front of him are the Asura generals who are currently in power. They are powerful and have many supporters.

But [Proman] felt that defeating them was not too difficult.

He just can't defeat the golden eyes, golden bed, and vajra body, but he can still touch these generals with the power of Maya.

As for Kaneme's son.

Kaname's second son [Garonimi] is very ordinary, his military power is mediocre, and he is not worth mentioning at all.

As for the eldest son of Jinmu, it is really funny. He is a baby that Jinmu picked up from the wild. This child was lucky enough to be adopted as a stepson by Jinmu, and he was called "Andaka".

What’s even more ridiculous is that this stepson [Andaka] is still blind!

So what can a blind man do!

Whoever gets the Asura King's turn, it won't be a blind man!

"The teacher is not here, and the golden bed and the vajra body are practicing hard. It is better to wait!"

Vipalajiti suggested.

Does he know how powerful the two brothers Jin Mu and Jin Bed are? Now Jin Bed is still undergoing hard training. Once the hard training is over, he doesn't know what kind of terrifying power he will gain.

"That's too late!"

"Now that the gods have got the nectar, if they are dissatisfied with us starting a war on the Milk Sea and leading the heavenly army to attack, it will be too late to make a choice by then!"

Plowman continued.

[Durga Ma] has blue eyes and golden lines on his forehead.

He waved his hand and snorted coldly: "In this case, the rules of the world are that the strong are respected. Only the strongest can be the Asura King. Whoever wins among us will be the Asura King."

"I agree!"

Na Mouzhi said.


"It's three to two now, so be it!"

With a smile on his face, Proman took big steps and waved his hand to go out.



The entire land was shaken at this moment, and the earth seemed to flip over at this time, sending out terrifying vibrations. At the edge of the land, the plates cracked, scarlet magma burst out, and the scalding heat and sulfur smell spread everywhere.

Endless sand and stones also fell from the temple, smashed to the ground, and shattered into countless powders.

Everyone in the temple was also swaying, swaying from side to side, unable to stabilize their bodies at all.

"The power of penance!"

"This power of ascetic practice that reaches the sky, someone has achieved perfection through hard practice!"

Vipalajiti shook his body and looked outside the temple. There was invisible power shooting out, destroying everything that collided.


Plowman's face twitched.

His eyes were wide and scarlet, and his expression was full of resentment, anger and unwillingness, and was extremely complex. He clenched his hands tightly, sharp nails piercing his palms, and squeezed out two words hoarsely from his throat.

“Golden Bed!!!”

Brahma world.

Blue-white holy light filled the air, and the fragrant air of the lotus floated in it. Goddess Sarasvati sat cross-legged on the lotus with a smile in her eyes, holding a veena in her arms and gently playing the beautiful music of heaven.

Today is another beautiful day!

There's just one person here who's an eyesore.

Brahma sat on the lotus, his snow-white eyebrows slightly raised, his eyes lowered, and fell on a fat and smiling immortal below.

This immortal is as chubby as Maitreya. He wears a bright orange-red robe and a fragrant garland around his neck. He also holds a veena in his arms. He always has a kind and cheerful smile on his chubby face, happy and at ease.

The bewitching fairy!

Wandering Immortal - Narada!

"Praise to Vishnu~"

Narada sage said the mantra, and first praised Vishnu, the Lord he revered, and then he held the veena in his arms, spread his hands and said with a smile. "Father, all the gods in heaven have returned, and the disaster of golden eyes has been eliminated. Can I leave?"

Brahma's expression remained unchanged.

"I know that you can come to the Brahma Realm whenever you want and leave whenever you want. There is nothing that can stop you here."

"But you told Sukara about the nectar before and let Sukara run to the Milky Sea with golden eyes. It was really messy. I hope you can rest in peace for a while, but if it doesn't work, I will keep an eye on you. "

The Way of Brahma.

Narada seduced the thousand sons of the living master [Daksha] and made them all become ascetics and lead a life of renunciation, leaving Daksha with only a bunch of daughters.

Prajapati Daksha was very angry about this and cursed Narada Rishi to never have a fixed abode.

Narada Sage accepted it with a smile and was happy to do so.

He likes to be at ease, and this curse also allows him to travel almost anywhere, making him happier and more convenient to cause trouble. He can run around the three realms at will.

"This is all because of Immortal Sukara. I didn't let him tell Asura about this."

Immortal Narada tilted his head, smiled softly, and spread his hands.


Brahma couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

At this time, the sounds of praise echoed throughout the Brahma world, and the sacred air reverberated in the Brahma world, causing waves in the blue world.

"Praise to Lord Brahma~"

"Praise to Lord Brahma~"

"There are believers who have achieved perfection through penance!"

Amidst these praises, Brahma's face gradually became calmer, and joy rose in his heart. With a smile on his face, golden light emitted from his body, he disappeared into the Brahma world.


Seeing this scene, Immortal Narada's eyes lit up, he put his hands together and said in surprise.

"Praise to Vishnu~"

Then he turned around and left quietly.


"My husband asked you to stay here."

The sweet voice of the goddess Sarasvati sounded behind the sage Narada.

"I'm just going for a walk!"

Immortal Narada turned his head, spread his hands, shrugged, and said with an embarrassed smile.

Goddess Sarasvati smiled and remained silent.

She doesn't believe it!

Narada sage put his hands together, smiled on his face, and looked at the goddess Sarasvati pleadingly.

"Mother, please, you are my biological sister!"

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