And At the moment Luke was still in the bar talking with Lupin about protecting Hermione secretly.

"That's the way it is. I hope you can protect her secretly for a year. She will be safe when she comes to Hogwarts next year. I can provide you with a salary. You will leave temporarily on the night of the full moon."

"Since you know, aren't you afraid of me?" Lupin has received too many cold words for so many years, and he naturally knows the image in the heart of the werewolf when he meets necromancer again.

"Werewolves also have to distinguish who they are. Since you can restrain yourself for so many years, why can't I believe you? If Fenrir Greyback I would definitely not treat him like this, and he might be one of the suspects. 1. I met him when I was 9 years old, but he was in human form at the time and was scared off by my spellcasting mode."

"What! Damn Greyback!" Lupin gritted his teeth, and he was very excited to hear his enemy's name.

"I know he caused you to be what you are now, don't worry, if I see him again, he will not run away this time." A trace of killing intent flashed in Luke's eyes.

"I plan to set up a foundation in the future to help necromancers in difficulties, kind werewolves and some people in need. I definitely hope to create some job opportunities for them, rather than just help some money. If you have Interest, I also hope you can join in. However, it will take a while, but I will definitely take care of this matter."

Lupin was a little excited and didn't know what to say.

Luke took out some Garon and gave it to him, "You need to hold these first, you have to blend them into the Muggle, you are too noticeable now, I will go there in a few days, when the time comes I'm giving you some, including Muggle currency."

"That's enough," Lupin said gratefully.

"If you have more, you can save it. Haven't you thought about having children in the future?" Luke said with a smile.

"Are you really only 11 years old?" If he didn't know in advance, he would not believe that Luke was only 11 years old.

"Definitely, it's true, I just started school." Luke almost took out his passport. (There is no ID card in the UK)

"Well, I still have things, you can eat slowly."

Luke came out of the three broomstick bars and did not return to school. He went to the Devis Bans magic shop and bought two sight glasses. What he didn't expect was that he had all the materials that were missing to make the flying broomsticks. I thought I had to make a reservation or go to Diagon Alley. Uh, no, Phoenix Feather is still missing, so I need to find Fox.

Before leaving Hogsmeade, he went to the Honey Duke and Fengya necromancer clothing store, bought a lot of candies for Anna, and made two sets of necromancer robes for himself. The necromancer robes from his last Flight class no longer exist. To avoid embarrassing things from happening, so do one more set.

Back at Hogwarts, Luke once again came to the Room of Requirement and found that Qiu Zhang and Penello were both practicing mental training methods in it.

"Why didn't you go to the classroom to practice?" Luke asked. As expected, both of them are Ravenclaw, and they are really hardworking.

"I think everyone is trying hard to perceive mental power, and I am afraid that practicing inside will make them feel pressured." Penello said.

Luke hasn't been at Hogwarts for a day, and he doesn't know who is going to practice today.

"I didn't think of this. Then I will buy some equipment next time, so it doesn't matter if you don't practice in the classroom."

"Luke, I think you should organize these little necromancers, and Qiu Zhang also agrees with me." Penello still decided to tell Luke his thoughts, "Everyone can get together because of you, but now It's just a loose gathering. If you leave, no one can gather these people. Now that we have a good start, why not let these people form a group so that members can help each other, everyone will More cohesiveness and sense of honor."

"Yes, I also agree with Penello's idea. If you are not there, everyone may return to a small group in the academy." Qiu Zhang was born in a necromancer family, and he has been in touch with him since he was a child. He also knows the importance of contacts, not to mention the first batch. The little necromancer who has received Luke's mental training method, if everyone relies on this method to become famous, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is Luke's student.

Luke didn't speak, and fell into thinking. Although he announced this set of theories in order to enhance the necromancer's world strength, he did not think about establishing his own small group.

However, the words of Penello and Qiu Zhang just woke him up. Even if he has a good relationship with these little necromancers, it is impossible to guarantee the same between other people, but the situation of becoming a group will be very different.

"You're right, the advantages of the group are indeed very large, and there may be unexpected gains in the future." I don't know if I established the organization first, and whether Dumbledore's army will exist in the future, Luke thought.

"Since it is an organization, we must have a name, some rules and regulations, and even penalties." Penello said.

Luke looked at Penello in surprise.

"Why, what's wrong?" Penello found Luke staring at her and asked.

"I just think that if you have this kind of talent, it should be no problem in Slytherin." Luke said with a smile.

Penello gave him a blank look.

"In this case, we might as well call the Freemason F.A.M, which means we are in the same boat. The rules and regulations need to be completed by everyone." Luke said his proposal. (There is no such organization of ordinary people in this universe.)

"Actually, I have some ideas, so let me put together a rule first, and we will discuss it together when it's finished." Penello said.

"It's best if you have an idea. Then I will ask other people tomorrow to see what everyone means. If they all agree, then they can discuss it together." Luke felt that the discussion with only three people might not be considered comprehensive.

"Great, I think we will be the most powerful club at Hogwarts in the future." Qiu Zhang is full of longing for the development of the club in the future.

The next day, when Luke was doing daily swimming training, the mermaid Hyman told him a news that all mermaid representatives from other waters would arrive before the end of the month. He also stated his plan, hoping to hold an event in the Great Lakes, and the number of people watching at the same time may increase. Hyman readily agreed and said that he would make some preparations in advance to improve the water quality of the Great Lakes and make the underwater clarity higher.

After completing the training, Luke came to the mental training classroom. The scene surprised him. Everyone was there except Penello and Qiu Zhang, who had successfully felt the mental power.

"The big house is there, George, Fred, you two didn't actually go to play." Luke said in surprise.

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