"Cousin~ I know Hogwarts, not only I know, but my sisters Anna and Hermione know." Lukla called in a long tone, and pointed at Anna and Hermione after speaking.

"Hey, aren't your parents both Muggles, how did you know?" Qiu Zhang was very strange.

"Luke knew about it a long time ago, and took me to Diagon Alley." Hermione said very proudly, and then leaned against Luke.

As soon as Qiu Zhang walked in, Hermione had been observing the girl. She was of Chinese descent like Luke, and was Luke's cousin. The first time I saw it today, and also enrolled this year, Hermione looked thoughtful.

"This little one is my sister Anna, next to Hermione Granger." Luke introduced Qiu Zhang.

"Hate, Luke, you always say I am young." Anna patted Luke unhappy.

When Luke finished speaking, he remembered the knock on the door.


Hermione happened to be close, so she went to open the door, "Hey, there is a little cat!" Then Hermione was about to hug it.

Luke recognized it immediately. It was Professor McGonagall's Animagus hurriedly shouting: "Wait, this is Professor McGonagall's Animagus."

When Qiu Zhang heard the professor, Animagus' eyes lit up.

Anna and Hermione both knew Animagus, and they must have known how Qiu Zhang looked.

The three little girls all ran up to the kitten and watched.

Professor McGonagall was very embarrassed for a moment. The children looked at her as if they had seen something funny. And the other boy recognized her at a glance, and knew her Animagus, obviously it was impossible not to know the magic school.

This made her a little angry, since she knew everything, why did she come over to explain the magic, and she immediately changed back to a human form.

"You are Mr. Kirk who is going to enroll this year. Since you already know, why write to me to explain the magic school." Professor McGonagall thought the boy in front of him was a bit naughty.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall, it's mainly because my sister and friends admire you too much and want to see you very much. That's why I made this decision. I definitely admire you too." Luke said without flushing. Shouted into the room: "Mom and Dad, Professor McGonagall from Hogwarts is here."

Luke invited Professor McGonagall into the room, but Professor McGonagall didn't mean to go in, and asked another question, "How do you recognize me at a glance, and you also know my Animagus."

Uh, Luke wanted to remind Hermione just now, after all, it was no accident, and then she will be the dean of her college.

"Because I saw it from a book." As he said, the book "History of Modern Magic", which was placed on the cabinet using magic power, was the one that Anna asked Luke to learn about the world of necromancer.

Since Luke has separated mental power and magic power for practice, he can now use mental power to control objects, or use magic to control objects, but using mental power to control magic to control objects is the best solution, which greatly reduces mental power It reduces the difficulty of control at the same time as the consumption of magic power, and has obvious improvement in accuracy, speed, and effectiveness.

"Oh! Merlin's beard! Precise, silent, wandless cast." Professor McGonagall was surprised by Luke's performance. She ignored whether the "Modern History of Magic" recorded her Animagus.

"Unbelievable, how did you do it." Qiu Zhang asked. She obviously didn't expect her little cousin to surprise the professor at the school. As for the silent and rodless spellcasting, she only knew that it was difficult, but she didn't know what it meant.

"Luke will have more." Hermione was proud of Luke again.

Professor McGonagall was surprised and found another question, "Wait, are they all your family?" Professor McGonagall wasn't sure if the magic had been exposed in front of the unrelated Muggles.

"You are worried about the "Confidentiality Act", it shouldn't matter. This Anna Kirk is my sister. Next to him is Hermione Granger, who is also a Muggle necromancer, but she won’t be until next year. Will enroll in Hogwarts. As for the last one, my cousin Qiu Zhang, who just arrived at my home today, will enter Hogwarts this year like me.” Luke introduced one by one.

"Luke pay attention to politeness, please come in and talk to the professor." James said, since Luke was conferred the knight, he began to ask Luke to pay more attention to etiquette, and Luke does have a headache sometimes.

"Professor McGonagall, please come in." Luke said.

Professor McGonagall walked into the room and saw that there were so many people in the room.

When Luke saw Professor McGonagall’s appearance, she guessed that she might be worried about exposing the magic again. She directly helped introduce: "These two are my parents, and the two next to him are Qiu Zhang’s parents. This is mine. Grandfather, all three of them are from the necromancer family, so Professor McGonagall doesn’t have to worry about the "Secrecy Act."

Professor McGonagall suddenly felt very tired today, and said to Luke’s parents: “Hello, I’m Professor Minerva McGonagall from Hogwarts. The purpose of this visit was to help you answer your questions and introduce the magic school’s staff. , But now it seems that I don’t need to explain, so I won’t stay here anymore. I still need to rush to other Muggle necromancer’s families. As for Mr. Kirk..."

Professor McGonagall paused for a while and continued: "I will report to President Dumbledore separately on your ability of Mr. Kirk. As for how you learned about the world of necromancer and discovered other Muggle necromancers, I hope that you will be able to Help me answer."

"I'm sorry to let you run for nothing." Father James said apologetically.

"No, although this trip is a bit absurd, it is not without surprises, Mr. Kirk, since you have already been to Diagon Alley, I don’t think I need to repeat it to you, so do you know how to get to Hogwarts? ?" Professor McGonagall said.

"Clear, Professor McGonagall, platform nine and three-quarters of King's Cross." Luke replied.

"Very well, Mr. Kirk, see you at Hogwarts on September 1." Professor McGonagall immediately apparated and disappeared.

"Luke, is this Apparition?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Yes." Luke said.

Luke, the spell of Apparition, did not find any related books in the Lihen Bookstore, so he has not been able to learn it.

The Zhangs obviously also saw Luke's silent hand cast without a rod, and were equally surprised. "Uncle Zhang always said that his grandson is a genius, but he didn't expect it to be true." Qiu Zhang's mother exclaimed.

"Right, I said it earlier, but none of you believe it." Grandfather Zhang Hong said very proudly.

"Auntie, when I met for the first time, I have a few pills of Xuefu Dan made by me for you. Taking one will make the skin white and smooth for 1 year."

Luke thinks it's not surprising that there are many people, after all, he is a member of his grandfather's family.

Although Qiu Zhang's mother was also surprised at Luke's ability to refine potions and potions, it was not suitable as a gift for the elders to meet for the first time.

"This is not appropriate. The first time we met should be our elders giving you gifts."

Hermione didn't know much about Eastern etiquette, so she was a little confused about Luke's behavior, and looked at Qiu Zhang who was standing next to her.

"Auntie, you are too polite, if you can send me some books about spells in the future." Luke said.

Grandpa also said: "You can accept it if you give it to the younger generation. It's not an outsider."

Qiu Zhang's father said: "Accept it, it's all your own family members, Qiu, since you are your sister, you have to take care of your cousin when you go to school, you know?"

"I see, Dad." Qiu Zhang replied, but her eyes looked at Luke with a strange light.

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