I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 80 Beggar Gang Undercover, Destiny Confusion

"Clean the battlefield and count casualties!"

Shen Lian took a few pills, and his injuries were slightly relieved, and he immediately ordered the police to clear the battlefield.

With Nie Xiaofeng's death, no matter whether they were masters of the Destiny Sect or elites of the Feidao Sect, those who stayed at the main helm would either be killed or captured alive.

The killer puts profit first, and the Destiny Sect is a place where people eat people, so don't expect any loyalty.

Shen Lian held up the bloody Guwen gun and gestured to several stewards, and then they knelt down to ask for surrender, identified the corpses, and confirmed the list.

If there is something missing, or if some master is disguised, they will point it out immediately.

He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

If you don't make some merit at this time, you will definitely be decapitated. Everyone wants to save their lives. It is better to send others to the guillotine than to die yourself.

Cooperation may be a way to survive.

If you resist stubbornly, you will definitely die!

Huo Tianqing was left to count the casualties, while Shen Lian took people to count the harvest. There was nothing to say about gold, silver and jewelry, so they were registered and sent to the treasury.

A panacea, take it out and heal your wounds.

Shen Lian and Nie Xiaofeng exchanged injuries for injuries. Zhang Danfeng received a fatal kick from Nie Xiaofeng. Huo Tianqing desperately competed with Nie Xiaofeng to gain vitality, and both of them suffered serious injuries.

The elixirs in Feidaomen's inventory provided a lot of help and saved them some trouble.

The original martial arts secrets that were found were naturally sent to the palace arsenal, but during this period, Shen Lian and others could look at them at will and copy them.

Of course, this is not necessary.

Shen Lian has two masters. The martial arts taught by Guo Bujing emphasizes fierceness and straightness. The requirements for moves are not high, just powerful and heavy attacks.

Most of the martial arts taught by Wei Qingqingqing are martial arts concepts and encourage disciples to innovate themselves.

He even left admonitions.

If a martial art is passed on to others, you must not use it yourself, otherwise there will be backlash.

Because of this, Shen Lian has never had Jiumozhi's hobbies. It took him so long to get the treasure map of Tianchi Weixia that he didn't bother to go to Tianshan Mountain to search for magical powers.

Huo Tianqing has the inheritance of Tianqin Sect.

Although Huo Tianqing's martial arts is very good, there is still a long way to go before Old Man Tianqin. What he is doing now is chasing his father, rather than greedy for more.

Li Xunhuan and Zhang Danfeng, both of them are peerless geniuses. What they need is self-understanding.

It doesn't matter if they read the secrets, they may be able to understand the essence by drawing parallels, copy the secrets and study them day and night, unless their brains are kicked by donkeys.

Especially Li Xunhuan.

If he studied martial arts secrets every day, Lao Li Tanhua would definitely fight Shen Lian with a walking stick.

As for the Fushou ointment refined by Nie Xiaofeng, it would cause endless troubles, so Shen Lian would not keep it, mix it with poison, and then use quicklime to treat it.

The related elixirs and secret techniques, as well as Nie Xiaofeng's body, were all burned to the ground.

Nie Xiaofeng was suspicious by nature and had no trust in outsiders. She always carried the prescription pills with her. She left no relevant records of her residence in the Tianming Sect.

There may be some residue left in some places, but those carried by Nie Xiaofeng have all been cleared away, and the rest will be destroyed when there is a chance.

Nie Xiaofeng's disciples, such as Pu Hongcai and Yun Menglian, were all killed by Huo Tianqing, but Mei Jiangxue was not here. Shen Lian asked curiously and learned that Mei Jiangxue was actually in the Western Region and had joined the Western Region Demon Sect.

Nie Xiaofeng's mother, Nie Meiniang, is one of the four princesses of the Demon Cult in the Western Regions. Although decades have passed, the four princesses have changed, but they still have some connections.

The Destiny Sect's actions in the Central Plains are extremely dangerous, especially since there have been many big actions recently.

For the safety of his daughter, Nie Xiaofeng used some connections to send Mei Jiangxue to the Demonic Cult of the Western Regions.

Mei Jiangxue's talent is higher than Nie Xiaofeng's, and her foundation is very solid. Such a high talent is enough for the leader of the Demon Cult to take a high look at her and even accept her as his disciple.

Even if you don't accept a disciple, you will still receive preferential treatment.

With the Demonic Sect of the Western Region as a big backer, as long as he doesn't cause trouble, he can at least save his life.

Nie Xiaofeng has a snake-like heart and does all kinds of bad things, but she still has a bit of a scornful attitude. These arrangements she made for Mei Jiangxue may be her last good thoughts.

"You just said that the Destiny Sect is taking a big action. What exactly is it? Even the leader, Nie Xiaofeng, feels the danger. Please explain it carefully!"

Shen Lian took out a jade bottle and shook it gently in front of the steward: "This is the poison I found on Nie Xiaofeng's body, it's called Seven Pains and Seven Itches Life and Death Ointment.

After it is infected on the body, you will first feel the pain that goes deep into the internal organs, and then the numbness and itching that goes straight to the muscles and bone marrow. It hurts and itches, itches and hurts.

When it hurts, I want to kill myself with a knife.

When it's itchy, I want to scratch my skull.

The Seven Pains and Seven Itches Life and Death Ointment means that there are seven kinds of pain, seven kinds of numbness and itching, and a total of forty-nine combinations can be arranged. You can't live or die.

Forty-nine days constitute a cycle of reincarnation. It is said that the most powerful person lasted three reincarnations, then scratched his own head and died in a miserable way. "

Hearing this description, not to mention the trembling stewards, even Li Xunhuan and Zhang Danfeng couldn't help but shudder, thinking that this thing was too vicious.

"Shen... Shen Captou, the young one was originally the manager of the Feidao Sect. He just joined the Tianming Cult. He doesn't know much about it. How do he know this?"

"you do not know?"

"The villain really doesn't know."

"Then find someone who knows. If you can't find that person, drink this stuff!"

"Yes, yes, I will go look for you now."

The steward hurriedly ran out and quickly identified the disciples of the Tianming Sect, hoping to find a high-level figure.

Li Xunhuan asked in a low voice: "Brother Shen, is there really such a powerful poison in the world? Although the Destiny Sect is an evil heretic, this thing is too vicious."

Shen Lian casually threw the bottle to Li Xunhuan.

"I made it up. There is no life-and-death ointment for seven pains and seven itches in the world. It's just nonsense to scare people."

"I can rest assured that."

"But there is something even more powerful than this. It is the unique skill of the Tianshan Child Elder in the Lingjiu Palace, which is called the 'Life and Death Talisman'.

The effect of the life and death talisman is exactly the same as what I just said, it is painful, itchy, and miserable, but the reincarnation time of the life and death talisman is ninety-nine and eighty-one days.

Over and over again, endlessly.

You can't live, you can't die. "

Zhang Danfeng said: "What a cruel poison."

"It's not poison, it's martial arts. Poison costs money. The more vicious the poison, the higher the cost of refining it. However, the life and death talisman does not cost money."

"Is the Tianshan Child Elder a demon from the Demon Cult?"

"Of course not. As far as I know, Tianshan Child Elder comes from a well-known and upright family, but she just suffered from love and became obsessed with practicing martial arts, which made her surly and cruel."

Shen Lian took a sip of tea and said, "Tianshan Child Mother never leaves Tianshan. Most of those subdued by the Talisman of Life and Death are evil heretics, and they can be considered as doing some good deeds."


Li Xunhuan didn't care much about this.

Zhang Danfeng was thoughtful.

Where is Huo Tianqing?

Huo Tianqing was busy counting the seizures.

As Yan Tieshan's housekeeper, Huo Tianqing is best at counting gold, silver and jewelry, so even if he is injured, he can only be allowed to work overtime despite his injuries.

There is no overtime pay.

There is no salary either.

Shen Lian really felt that he should be hung on the light pole at the door.

Together with Li Xunhuan.

Originally, this was his business. He had experience in handling these matters, had the ability, and had the connections in this area. The key was that he was not injured.

But Li Xunhuan chose to be lazy, drinking from Shen Lian's remaining clear stream and listening to Shen Lian's nonsense.

At night, Huo Tianqing worked overtime to compile a detailed list, and the top executives of the Destiny Sect were dug out.

That was one of Nie Xiaofeng's maids.

Although he seems to be inconspicuous, he is actually Shan Yuru's undercover agent and knows many secrets of the Destiny Sect.

The interrogation takes place in the dungeon of the Flying Knife Gate.

Although Feidaomen is a killer organization, in order to train its disciples, it runs a brothel. Naturally, it has a secret room for training singers and a prison for forcing girls into prostitution.

——That is the cruelest hell!

"Don't be afraid. I'm a detective. My responsibility is to catch thieves. I'm not an executioner and I'm not responsible for punishment. As long as you confess obediently, I won't embarrass you."

Shen Lian tried his best to maintain a gentle posture.

However, he was in a prison, with a lamp like a bean, and the green light reflected Shen Lian's gloomy eyes, emitting a faint cold light, like a tiger staring at its prey.

Having been undercover under Nie Xiaofeng so far, his psychological quality is naturally excellent, but facing Shen Lian's pressure, he is still a little frightened, like a frightened little rabbit.

A frightened bunny is no big deal.

The important thing is that if she doesn't confess, the cruel torture tools here will turn her into a roast rabbit on the plate.

“I don’t like torture to extract confessions, because I think most of what is revealed through torture is lies, and even if there are no lies, there must be some concealment.

Especially for an undercover agent like you, you will observe the words while confessing. What you confess is all what I want to hear, so as to mislead my thinking.

This is a very smart approach, but also a very stupid approach, because the current situation is

——I am Daozu, you are fish and meat!

First, tell me your name. "

"Lan Xiang."

"Good name. Now tell me how Shan Yuru contacted you and what information have you obtained?"



Shen Lian slammed the table, and then let out a roar with the smell of blood, like a lion, tiger, wolf, or leopard that chooses people to eat, and the evil spirit is almost solidified.

Liumen is not a kind yamen. Even the most easy-going Zhui Feng and the kindest Cheng Xiaodie still use punishment when it is time to use it.

Shen Lian is an exception.

He is ruthless when capturing thieves, and rarely uses torture during interrogation, preferring to play psychological warfare.

Shen Lian can use the environment, language, mood and other conditions to crush people's resistance, and then use the strongest shout to break through the opponent's defense with one blow.

For this reason, Shen Lian specially practiced some spiritual methods, which can condense the evil spirit into spiritual shock.

The icy instruments of torture that flashed with cold light, the eyes of tigers and wolves that prey on people, the evil aura like evil spirits from the underworld, plus the soul-stirring roars of ligers and tigers.

Lan Xiang was immediately frightened. She looked at Shen Lian with fear in her eyes and began to confess tremblingly.

"The leader...the leader never contacts me. Instead, after I have the information, I spread the information through a special method, and the leader will naturally learn about it."

"Oh? What special way?"

"Beggars... Beggars' Gang... There is an undercover agent of the leader among the top leaders of the Beggars' Gang. I don't know who it is! I really don't know who it is! Mr. Shen, please don't kill me!"

"Don't worry, if you say you know who it is, you're lying. I'm sure you don't know."

Shen Lian snapped his fingers, and Huo Tianqing brought over a pot of hot tea: "Drink some tea, we have reached a cooperation now, why do you have to hold on?

According to the rules of the Destiny Sect, is there any difference between confessing one sentence and confessing a hundred sentences?

Shan Yuru will definitely not let you go. She will deal with the traitors in the cruelest way. Your only chance to survive is to cooperate well with me.

If I can kill Shan Yuru, you can live in peace, wouldn't it be great? "

Lan Xiang took a sip of hot water and felt extremely cold, and couldn't help but shiver.

But just now he was frightened by Shen Lian, and he broke out in a cold sweat. He was too nervous just now and didn't notice it. Now that he regained his senses, he felt the cold wind and the biting cold wind.

Huo Tianqing handed over a cloak, and Shen Lian motioned to Lan Xiang to put it on, and then asked: "Now to answer my original question, what actions is the Destiny Sect taking?"

Lan Xiang smiled bitterly and said: "I only know about the three leaders of this action. The three leaders will assassinate Qin King Zhu Xi, but they will not actually kill him."

"No wonder you came to Guanzhong and conquered the assassin sect Feidaomen. Are there any other details?"

"King Qin cannot die, the princess must die!"

"Go on."

"I only know this much, I...I also overheard something. King Qin seems to have a force in his hands, which is composed of master warriors from all walks of life.

Five years ago, Queen Ma fell seriously ill and King Qin returned to the capital for a visit, and these masters followed her there.

It is said that when they were in the capital, they had a conflict with King Zhu Fan of Jin and lost several people. King Qin had a big quarrel with King Jin over this and almost disturbed the queen.

His Majesty the Emperor was furious. Even with His Highness the Crown Prince's mediation, he still severely punished the two princes. Most of their power was wiped out by the Jin Yiwei.

However, according to the clues we found, King Qin's team was not lost, but was scattered everywhere.

The King of Jin also had a small team, but unfortunately they did not escape fast enough, and only one person survived. It is said that that person was named Yang Jie, known as the 'Pluto'. "

Again, if you often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet? Since your shoes are wet, why not wash your feet.

In order to survive, Lan Xiang kept nothing secret and told Shen Lian all the information she had learned over the years.

There are some things that Shen Lian knows, such as the conflict between Zhu Xi and Zhu Fan, and there are some things that Shen Lian doesn't know, such as the team of experts under their command.

This thing is very interesting!

The fight happened five years ago.

There was only one person left under Zhu Fan.

Zhu Ping's masters faked their own deaths and escaped.

Why did he fake his own death and escape five years ago? This thing seemed so familiar, as if he had just encountered it.


It’s so interesting!

There is also the assassination of Zhu Xi. The secrets contained in this are definitely not as simple as whether to kill or not.

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