As the motorcade drove through the city, Shepard paid special attention to the streets on both sides, this small seaside city was a famous resort five years ago, but now there were hardly shops on the streets, nor many pedestrians, but many soldiers in aid uniforms could be seen robbing and pulling Zhuangding, but these people Shepard did not help, after all, in some ways, he was the culprit of Yara becoming such a culprit.

After driving out of the city and entering the military base, the dead silence just now disappeared instantly, and many women and peddlers can be seen on both sides of the road, which is not surprising, in countries caught in civil war, the rich are often only left with the army, but these women and peddlers are very discerning and did not stick to the car, but many soldiers who were consuming were scared and ran, obviously afraid of being seen by the above. In the camp, the

CIA agents who hit the front station have completed the alert, they will be responsible for the security of the perimeter, as for the internal, it will be handed over to a group of veterans of the company, although these old fritters like to touch fish, drink and play cards, but at critical moments, they are still very useful!

After the black noblewoman entered the barracks, she led everyone into a well-guarded building in the center of the camp, and then the security guards immediately took over the defense, in front of the gate of the small building, into the stairwell behind the small building, the staircase on the second floor, and even the door of the room, until finally, the woman and two officers with the same surname Castillo were left, Morgan Smith and a tall bodyguard beside Shepard and Morgan.

After entering the room, Shepard immediately took the lead and stood behind the door, although this position was not good, but if someone broke through, it was a more favorable counterattack position, and Morgan’s bodyguard had to frown and guard the other side, that is, the position that can be hit as soon as the door is opened.

The two looked at each other, and Shepard could see each other’s helplessness, and he squeezed his eyes at this guy.

The small interaction between the two bodyguards went unnoticed, because after entering the room, the widow of the former president began to put forward conditions, from soldiers to tanks to fighter jets, and even asked the US military to intervene directly, while the two Castillos on the side were constantly helping.

“Yala’s economy is on the verge of collapse, we need a lot of food, fuel, daily necessities in addition to economic aid, if you don’t want to see Russian submarines in Yara, then you must help us!” In the face of the other

party’s request, Morgan started Tai Chi, and the arms and materials he had assisted before were enough to equip three armies, plus a large amount of gasoline and food, which was enough to be benevolent and righteous, and as a result, the other party opened his mouth to ask for more.

“If you want more aid, then you can at least make a practical contribution, such as taking the capital, so that we can account for it on the congressional side!”

“Then I don’t think it will be long before we hear the good news!”

Yolanda Rodriguez is extremely confident, now the Castillo family’s army is all American-style equipment, and has a lot of captured Soviet armored vehicles, coupled with the expanding number of people, in her opinion, it is absolutely no problem to go head-to-head with the government army!

Not only her, but the admiral who commanded the battle at the front was also full of confidence in this capital offensive and defensive battle, along the way, his army encountered only a handful of resistance, only the lightly armed Yala government army could not even delay their advance, and now, they are only thirteen kilometers away from the capital Esperanza, as long as they work hard, then victory will be within reach!

And the self-confidence of the top naturally also affected the grassroots soldiers, most of the troops under the general were strong men from poor mountainous areas, they did not do less in ordinary battles to loot the people and loot the corpses, and now seeing that the capital was within reach, these soldiers who had long wanted to let go and make a fortune immediately gathered enough strength to march towards the capital. As a result, the

Castillan army, which should have maintained a tight offensive formation, was thus pulled into a line on the winding road, the armored vehicles and artillery that should have opened the way in the front were crowded together, and several infantry regiments abandoned the heavy equipment in the rear, ready to outflank the path and go to the capital to rob the special robbery first, and then, on the high ground outside the capital, an infantry company that was advancing first finally hit the iron plate.

“Comrades, today, let’s teach those NATO dogs how to fight!”

Seeing the unsuspecting Castillan army enter the encirclement, the Russian commander who had secretly arrived in Yala, Major Malashenk, immediately ordered to open fire. A

combined force of Cuban and Russian airborne troops annihilated the advancing Castillan army in just one charge, and the commander who led the team did not even react to the enemy who attacked him came from, and then a torrent of steel composed of T55 tanks and BTR armored transporters ruthlessly ran over their corpses.

Even this infantry company did not even get news, so the large group that was on a rapid march not far behind them collided with the tanks so defenselessly.

In less than an hour, the Castillo army attacking Esperanza lost hundreds of people, and the remaining thousands of strong infantry either surrendered or lost their weapons and went into the rainforest, and then suffered the destruction of the armored troops who were still struggling on the dirt roads, although the tanks on both sides were the same, but how could those hastily trained Yala tankers be opponents of the Cuban army, and the crowded roads were more convenient for Cuban tankers to target.

The admiral never dreamed that an hour earlier he was thinking about what it would be like to enter Esperanza and an hour later, his tens of thousands of troops would disappear in front of him.

“Quick, retreat!” Seeing that the

army had collapsed, the admiral immediately ordered the guards to flee with him, and the loyal guards immediately turned their cars around and prepared to escape, and then a Yala tank that also took the road and fled drove up and collided with the admiral’s car solidly. So, the

unfortunate general and his guards received the box lunch in unison, and even the whole corpse could not be saved, whether it was a jeep or a corpse, it was crushed into a pool by the tank.

And the most deadly thing is that with the death of the admiral, the Castillo army in front directly turned into headless flies, and many of the officers who survived only wanted to run away, and did not remember to send a message to the rear at all.

So, when Shepard learned that Castillo’s army had been crushed by the Soviets, the Russian tanks were already less than thirty kilometers away from him!

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