After a long day of sailing, Yara reappeared in front of Shepard’s eyes, only unlike the last time, this time, he could sail into the port to unload!

With the sound of whistles, the slightly dilapidated port shows its full picture little by little, and in the years of civil war and blockade, this small deep-water harbor has become extremely desolate and dilapidated, the buildings of the pier are mostly dilapidated, the walls are covered with moss, and in the shallow water you can see many stranded ships, hung with barnacles.

The facilities of the port were also incomplete, the cranes rusted as if dyed another color, and there were many corpses hanging on them, and the deaths were extremely miserable, apparently executed.

The Blackfish led the advanced harbor, carrying several hundred supplementary personnel, and freedom had the first priority.

Shepard asked his men to open the hatch, and then began to shout furiously.

“Hurry up, get to the station, if you don’t leave, I’ll be fined!” Immediately one by one, the

crooked Yala people staggered out, and those who walked slowly would be kicked in the ass by the heavily armed armed armed security guards, and there were already guerrillas waiting on the pier to receive these personnel, and to Scheppard’s surprise, there was a pearlescent black noblewoman inside.

“Who is that guy?”

Looking at the black noblewoman who was talking intimately with Morgan, Shepard asked Smith on the side in a low voice, and the latter answered him in the same whisper.

“The boss of the Castillo family! Gabriel’s widow, Yolanda Rogriguez!

Shepard reacted with a sigh, the core of the Castillo family is former President Gabriel Castillo, he and his relatives control the country up and down, and after the uprising, Gabriel’s head was hung on the street lamp, so the power of the family naturally fell into the hands of his wife.

The black noblewoman had been serving years in a labor camp with her son until a guerrilla counterattack loyal to the Castillo family escaped.

At this moment, the black lady is thanking the United States for its assistance and saying that once power is recaptured, any conditions are negotiable.

Morgan, on the other hand, said a bunch of official clichés to the effect of curbing Russian expansion.

After a few pleasantries, Morgan nodded to Smith, and then the two of them followed the soldier named Yolanda Rogliguez with a dozen personal guards into the military vehicle that had been waiting outside, ready to return to the barracks.

Shepard naturally followed behind Smith, who had now changed his outfit, wearing a hooded storm jacket with a dark LBV chest hanger over it, only a magazine containing a rifle in the four pockets of ammunition carriers, the remaining three stuffed with radio and first aid items and a small water bottle, and he did not wear a helmet, but a baseball cap, not even a rifle, and the only weapon was the M1911 pistol on his waist.

As for other company security guards, most of them are dressed this way, the climate in the Caribbean is humid and hot, and heavy helmets are a big burden for security without combat missions, so everyone basically wears either a Benny hat or no helmet, and people like Smith Morgan are dressed in casual clothes. After

unloading its personnel, the Negrofish quickly left the port and returned to the offshore to standby, followed by two freighters full of munitions entering the port to unload, and hundreds of newly armed Zhenyara turned into overseers, driving thousands of civilians to begin carrying supplies from the ship.

As soon as the convoy left the port, it suddenly stopped, and I saw the Yala guard in the lead car punching a dirty old man, apparently this guy had just swooped out of front of the car.

“I’m sorry, we just recovered the city and haven’t cleaned it up yet!”

A Yala officer wearing a red hat was embarrassed to nod and apologize to the American guests in the car, and then got out of the car to deal with the situation, Shepard saw that the guy had his hand on the holster and knew what the guy was going to do, and he immediately shouted to stop the other party.

“I’ll take a look!” Jumping out of the

car, striding forward, the old man was beaten at the moment, covered in dirt, even a few teeth were knocked out, and a few soldiers wanted to do it again, but they were stopped by Shepard.

“What’s the situation?”

“This old man wants some money!”

Seeing the distinguished American guest, the soldier immediately answered truthfully, and then he saw Shepard suddenly burst out.

“If you want food, you deserve it too!”

Shepard kicked the broken bowl held by the old man more than ten meters away with a flying kick, and then grabbed the other party from the ground with a high horse, and then fell to the side of the road.

A few soldiers did not know what the American old man was angry with, but they did not dare to provoke, they could only watch Shepard pull the other party into the alley while pumping each other’s mouths, listening to the miserable shouts of the old man, the soldiers had already guessed the end of the old man.

More than ten seconds later, Shepard, who moved his wrist, strode out of the alley, signaled the convoy to continue to leave, and then jumped into the car casually.

Smith glanced at Shepard, who was pretending to be serious, and then showed a gratifying smile, and Shepard did not hold back after seeing the other party’s smile, and laughed himself.

On the contrary, the co-pilot’s officer Yala was confused by this elusive American guest, and along the way, he could only smile as much as possible to introduce the local customs to the two. And after the convoy left, in the alley where the conflict had just occurred, a

head poked out again, it was the old man who had just been beaten, he first spat bloody spit at the convoy, and then retracted back into the alley, quickly walked around the alley, and after confirming that there was no one behind him, he came to a ruined ruins and got in.

“Damn, these fools, it’s really ruthless!”

The old man cursed with grinning as he took out a handful of bits and pieces of dollar bills from his pocket and squeezed them in his hand, then opened the next room, where there were several heavily armed civilians and a radio on the table.

“Send a report to the command, the Americans have landed!”

“Yes, Captain!”

The operator immediately began to send information, while the others came with medicine boxes to treat the old man’s injuries, and then they saw the banknotes in each other’s hands.

“Where did this come from? Captain, you robbed the Americans?

“What a robbery, there was a rotten kind guy who gave it!”

The old man spat out another mouthful of spit, and then remembered the fierce and vicious Shepard, after the other party dragged him into the alley with scolding all the way, he kicked him on the ass to make him roll quickly, and he didn’t forget to lose his money before leaving, it’s funny to think about it.

“That guy, really treated me like a beggar! Come, everyone has divided this money! ”

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