Lu Chaoyang took Guo Zi to the front to see the situation and came back with a bad expression, "It must be man-made. The purpose is to block us. The road is destroyed. We can only walk there. The delay is at least half an hour, which is enough for the other party to escape. .”

Ao Chengyi raised his eyebrows lightly, "It seems that he has been staring at us since we left City H, flying a helicopter."


Ao Chengyi only took out two helicopters. If there are too many helicopters, the target is big and difficult to control. He and Feng Tao will drive one, and the friends will ride separately, just squeeze in.

The sudden appearance of two behemoths shocked the crowd who were furious because the road was destroyed.

The two helicopters took off calmly and left under the surprised attention of everyone.

The people in the dark cursed, took out the wireless communicator, and "intercepted in the air." All they needed to do was intercept and buy time to get rid of the child. It was none of their business what these people wanted to do. They would leave as soon as they got the supplies. If you want to kill, go to the laboratory.

Two electric whips struck across the sky, with a "click", illuminating half the sky.

The two helicopters quickly turned 180 degrees to avoid it, and the vines below were winding up, trying to wrap around the tail of the helicopter.


"呖" The huge black shadow spread its wings and spewed out a fire dragon along the vines. The vines instantly turned into carbon ashes.

When the thunder and lightning came again, it was directly sucked away by Han Jia.

A hurricane rolled up the yellow sand, soaring into the sky, the big team frowned, and the wind ability level must be at least level 4 or above. A team of human traffickers who stole children came out in large numbers. Fortunately, they did not rashly let Le Bao lead Cheng The smart guy broke through, or he would regret it to death.

"Rush over." Ao Chengyi said coldly.

Lan Shiruo greeted her friends, "Jiajia, Fengzhu, Zhang Yun built an ice wall to protect the fuselage, others hold on tight, hold the child tightly."

The two helicopters swayed in the hurricane vortex, and the sound of the fuselage being pulled and cracked could be heard. Ao Chengyi and Feng Tao gritted their teeth and tried to maintain balance.

In just ten seconds, it was as long as a century. The moment he rushed out of the hurricane vortex, everyone felt a sense of weightlessness. The tail of the helicopter driven by Ao Chengyi was broken, and it was falling down swaying left and right.

"Vine, wrap it around." The vine stretched rapidly, wrapped around Feng Tao's fuselage, and hung firmly underneath.

Feng Tao's helicopter fuselage was also slightly damaged, but fortunately it was still able to fly, but it was hung with a burden. It's as exciting as riding a roller coaster, making you want to vomit.

The person in the dark couldn't help but curse again, so he didn't die.

The blow of the wind ability just now is already at full strength, and it can no longer be used continuously, "Guns intercept."

Eight directions fired at the two helicopters, hitting the fuselage with "bang bang", causing countless sparks to collide.

Ao Chengyi frowned, "They are trying to delay time, don't worry about it, Taozi will fly directly, and the others will fight back."


The men directly carried the cannons and fired in the direction where they were firing cold guns, regardless of whether you have innocent people or not, closed your eyes and gave a bang, a flaming mushroom cloud shot up into the sky, and the people on the ground ran wildly again, screaming everywhere .

Those who want to stop them in the dark are destined to die.

Feng Tao drove the helicopter forward at high speed. Although it was much slower than normal flight, it was still fast compared to the speed of the car, and the big team had no trouble changing cars.

In mid-air, when the city tower could be seen, there was a truck with a carriage lined up to enter the city. Lan Shiruo had a hunch that Le Bao must be inside. "Quick, go down and stop it."

Helicopters don't fly very high, they are those with high skills and boldness, they descend directly by rope, a few cubs are carried on the backs of men, and the helicopters let them destroy themselves.

Seeing this scene, the guards in City K raised their megaphones and wondered if they should continue to use them. Forget it, as long as you don't fly within the range of K city.

The "Boom" helicopter turned into scrap metal in the flames.

Everyone at the gate of the city was startled, and the two men who grabbed Lebao had gloomy faces, "Let's go." Hastily completed the formalities for entering the city, and sneaked into the city in a hurry.

The big team was a step late, and it was impossible to jump in the queue, so they had to wait anxiously behind the queue.

After entering the city, the van was completely lost.

Lan Shiruo consciously went to the space to read, and Le Bao had no new news, so he should be under strict supervision, and there was no way to pass it on. They had to find clues by themselves. Find a secluded place to release the general in a low-key way, leaving a little breath in the place where the carriage stayed just now.

Then followed the general in a hurry in the city, and lost his breath in a secluded alleyway.

There were people passing by in twos and threes in the lane, but they were not suspicious persons.

When the big team was at a loss, Fang Tongtong suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he stuck to a pillar in the corner, pulling his clothes in his hands. He was small and weak, so he didn't pull it, but the big team clearly saw someone hiding there.

The general followed Fang Tongtong closely, with the tip of his nose twitching, he pounced from the void, and pulled out a white fox. No matter how much the fox hides, the smell on his body can never escape the nose of the mastiff, and he wants to slip away under the nose of the mastiff, dreaming .

The white fox screamed, and the thick light green smoke began to spread, and the little friend's mind gradually became dizzy.

"Hold your breath," Lan Shiruo shouted.

When Lan Shiruo yelled, the little friend instantly woke up.

Opening Xiangzi's eyes wide, he was so angry that Cheng Di showed his claws and tore the white fox to pieces.

Lan Shiruo opened her mouth, she was a step late, the fox fur is quite good, it's a pity.

The two invisible people were exposed by Fang Tongtong, and they wanted to use the white fox to escape quickly, but they didn't expect that the white fox hadn't won the battle, did not buy them time, and stretched out his hand to grab Fang Tongtong who had not had time to run away as hostages.

The vines rushed over quickly and pulled the person away. The plan of the two fell through and they became invisible again.

How could the little friend give them a chance, Ao Chengyi directly pulled out a circle of fire wall, trapped the two of them inside, unless they can penetrate the ground, otherwise they don't even think about running away.

The circle of fire became smaller and smaller, the scorching temperature, coupled with the scorching sun in the sky, made the bones feel scorching.

The two hopped around in the circle, yelling, "The hero has mercy on me, I have admitted the wrong person" and the like, their feet were not idle, they swayed all over the circle, but they couldn't rush out. They are the invisible abilities of the team, and they all do the work that invisible people are good at, such as stealing, running, and there are special people to do it after breaking and cleaning up. They are not good at fighting at all, and they will be trapped and helpless.

People wandering around in twos and threes who couldn't make it out of this alley no matter what, saw that something was wrong and rushed over.

The big team counterattacked in an instant. These people have problems at first glance, and the small partners are not stupid.

Loitering people are not stupid, they don’t look for people who look vicious and have a special face for doing bad things to confuse others, they specifically look for vulnerable groups such as the elderly, children and women as eyeliners, and occasionally let a few tall men pass by to act as a facade .

Once these people changed their faces, they were all masters.

Wandering around in twos and threes, I didn't realize it, but when they gathered in one place, there were as many as forty or fifty people.

Old people and children can be blown by the wind when they walk, and when they fight, they are more fierce than anyone else.

They all knew to pick their opponents, and Lan Shiruo, the women and the cubs were the first choice.

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