Gui Ding didn't know that it was because he looked at the woman more and fantasized about some scenes, which led to the disaster of destroying the group. He just thought that his attitude was not correct, so he hurriedly begged for mercy, "Okay, good man, spare your life, we know pfft" spewed out a mouthful of old blood , die with peace.

Lu Chaoyang curled his lips, he didn't like to listen to begging for mercy.

When the other people saw this, they were so scared that they shitted and ran away. Lu Chaoyang shuttled through the crowd, harvesting lives one by one. The person who was injured by the water column was very lucky, but fortunately he didn't go up, so he ran away quickly.

Can you escape? A vine directly pierced his heart, and he looked down at the bloody emerald green, and fell down in regret.

"Tsk tsk, the fox is too cruel. He is not guilty of death, but he actually wiped out other people, you beast." Ding Jiajia taunted ruthlessly.

Lu Huhu smiled, "Are you sure?"

What are you sure about? Lao Ding was a little confused for a while.

Duan Jianghe put his hands in his pockets, gloating, "Are you sure he is a beast? If he is a beast, he will be killed."

Ding Jiajia bared her teeth and put her arms around Lu Huli's shoulders, "Oh, brother Lu, I'm just joking, don't be so stingy." With small fists, he hit his chest.

Vomit my buddy vomited.

Lu Chaoyang kicked over, and Ding Jiajia flew into the pile of carrion corpses, smashing the carrion brother into a coma.

Feng Tao was furious, "Ding Jiajia, you sissy, dare to snatch Lao Tzu's opponent and kill you."

Then, poor old Ding was thrown back again.

Friends, turn around and enter the hotel with a sympathetic face.

Isn't Ding Jiajia, who is lying on the ground mourning, going to give him a hand?

Fat Mouse stepped on it and passed by.

Master Mastiff stepped on it and passed by.

Uncle Ying, who rarely walks on land, stepped on it and passed by.

Ding Jiajia is dead.

Miao Miao's eyes hurt from seeing it, and she kicked, "You two, don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, hurry up and help."

Ding Jiajia was angry, a group of inhuman animals.

Feng Tao chopped up the rotting corpses that had been attracted, and Ao Chengyi piled them up with the team that had just been wiped out, and set them on fire. The big team stayed in the small hotel, closed the door, cleaned up the inside, began to wash, cook, and rest.

After spending the night safely, they continued to search in the city at dawn the next day. They kept a low profile and put away the scooter.

This city is very big, and Brother Mouse led the way, which saved a lot of time, but I still searched for three days, killed the carrion corpses in the city for three days, and encountered several conflicting teams. Fortunately, everyone just watched Hate each other, not to the point of endless death, in the end they all ended peacefully.

I searched almost half of the city in three days, sometimes walking, sometimes riding a scooter, but nothing was gained. The only fortunate thing is that others didn't gain anything either.

It's another new day, and my friend passes by a magnificent office building, where the leader of the former safe zone works. I don't know what happened, it's very lively.

Did you find someone?

My friend is not calm anymore, it will be very troublesome to be preempted by others, "Qingquan, let Sister Spider go and have a look, it is small, pay attention to safety."

"Well," Han Qingquan nodded, and the spider sister ran along the backlit corner of the wall with eight legs quickly, and ran in. The speed of the spider itself is still very fast, and with the mutation, it is difficult for people who are not paying attention to find and catch it.

In the office building, everyone was desperately crowding towards the basement. The basement here is very remote, and it was occupied by many rotting corpses before, but it was not discovered by anyone. I don't know who is so lucky.

Sister Spider didn't need to squeeze, just climbed up to the ceiling and passed. The outside of the basement is crowded, and the inside is full of swords and swords. The three men are full of anger, holding up weapons to fight against enemies in all directions. The picture looks a little weak.

In the eyes of the enemy, they are not a threat, but between the enemy and the enemy. There are many monks and few flesh, and no one wants to take advantage of the other, so no one wants to make a move first and let others take advantage of it. The big guys are all deadlocked together.

Not for anything else, just because there are a lot of supplies that couldn't be taken away.

Sister Spider sent back the news, and the little friend raised her eyebrows, so it's fine if it's not the old professor. As for the supplies, the little friend looked at Lan Shiruo, and it didn't matter if he wanted to grab it or not.

If Lan Shi proposes to rob, there will be many people to support in the future, and one rice is not too little.

All right, grab it, just how to grab it? There are so many people that you can't squeeze in.

Ao Chengyi smiled, "I'll just go in, Taozi, put more fog."

The little friend bared his teeth, the big brother was really bad, they liked it.

The fog was everywhere, getting thicker and thicker, to the point where you couldn't see your fingers. Everyone was so frightened that they stayed where they were and didn't dare to move. Some people were still calling for warning.

Although Ao Chengyi was tall and powerful, he was extremely flexible in moving through the crowd. When others were at a loss and panicked, he took away everything and found out through the thick fog that he was an acquaintance.

Turning around, striding away, the thick fog dissipated.

A strange fog attack that was unexpected did not allow people to discuss it for long, because everything was gone, nothing was gone.

The big team has been far away from the office building, resisting the urge to look up to the sky and laugh, and ask what Big Brother has? Aren't those people's faces particularly exciting? Will we be able to do the same in the future?

Ao Chengyi rolled his eyes, "The one who discovered the thing is someone we know."

"Oh, who?" The little friend was curious.

"When I met Rong Dazhi, there were a few good ethnic minority men. I saw three of them guarding there, and the others were missing, but they were indeed the ones who discovered the thing first, but they were taken away before they had time to take it away. Found it, ready to grab it."

"Shall we return it to them?" It's not easy to deal with things from acquaintances, He Lian thinks those guys are pretty good.

The friends don't want to pay back, and the acquaintances are just a one-sided relationship, each according to its own ability. But in the end, the big brother and big sister have the final say.

Lan Shiruo raised her eyebrows, "Those people are really good. Let's see and decide whether to return it or not. Let's get down to business first, and they won't leave for a while."

According to this meaning, the elder sister is ready to abduct people again, carefully recalling a few men, they are still moral and can accept them.

What happened in the office building was just an episode involving a small number of people in the whole city, and the search for the old professor was the main theme.

Every corner of the city has been searched back and forth several times, but still to no avail. The big team can't waste time on it without limit, and finally decided to look for another day and leave if they can't find it. Fate cannot be forced, although it is a pity, but people are too obsessed, and it is easy to go astray.

It's already halfway through today, my friends didn't rush to find someone at noon, and found a place to rest and eat.

In order to be low-key, I didn't open the fire, and I ate homemade sandwiches, with meat, vegetables and eggs, which were full and tasted very good.

Who would have thought that such a low-key person could still be watched by people? Seventy or eighty men and women, dressed in either shabby or dirty clothes, with disheveled faces, stared at the sandwich in the hands of their friends with green eyes. They saw it. There is meat, meat.

Subconsciously licking his lips, the opponent only has a dozen people, and he is more than 80, so he definitely has a chance of winning.

The leading middle-aged man swallowed his saliva, and took a step forward, "Guys, we have encountered a little difficulty, and our money is a little tight. Please help me a little bit, and I will definitely pay you back in the future."

The little friends are happy, ask them to borrow things forcibly.

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