In the subsequent exchanges, Coulson finally learned part of the truth from Leo through unremitting questioning.

"This kind of thing requires a lot of talent."

Whoever you want to be unable to do it will definitely not be able to do it."

"After all, not everyone is as talented as me." refers to cheating"

"The ability to cultivate both magic and martial arts is something that ordinary people simply cannot do!" refers to cheating"

"When I was learning Transfiguration, I learned it in five seconds!" refers to cheating"

"Just as fast as I learned the art of dancing."

It's still a fucking cheat.

Coulson naturally won't refute Leo, because he really doesn't know whether what Leo said is true or false.

To be honest, this crazy Dr. Lister doesn't matter Whether it is doing things or speaking, there is such an untrustworthy smell from the source!

What is charisma?!

This is it.

But it is fake...

Once people have really mastered those abilities, so do you. I don’t know how he learned it, but maybe it’s what he said.

Besides, this person didn’t prohibit SHIELD from studying those things at all, and he acted openly.

Coulson believed that His hint was already obvious, but Leo still said that.

Whatever you do, what you can't learn will still be unlearnable.

This is the truest meaning of Leo's words.

After studying the cooperation method between the two parties, unify After hearing each other’s opinions, it was natural to leave a contact information.

……Well, the main thing is that Leo doesn't have a cell phone or a cell phone number. So, he took one directly from S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, Leo also discovered that his identity information might be known to SHIELD, but both parties tacitly avoided this topic.

From Leo's point of view, this is certainly uncomfortable, but from SHIELD's point of view, this is a must.

Since the two parties are now in a cooperative relationship, of course, we should treat things that we know well as we don’t know.

…… the next day.

It was still nighttime, mainly broad daylight, and wearing this outfit and a mask was a bit eye-catching.

Leo opened the door and walked into Hannibal……

"Next time I see Colson, I will definitely ask him to change the name of the store!"

Rubbing his itchy neck, Leo said hello to the technician at the door.

"The trapezius muscles are trained well!"

Leaving the confused technician to sit back silently in front of the monitoring desk, Leo stepped into the"classroom""


This is the place specially prepared by SHIELD for Leo to teach skills. According to Leo's previous requirements, the room is large enough, open enough, and high enough.

There is nothing special in the room, just some tables, chairs and fitness equipment, and other than that there is a blackboard.

That's Leo's bad taste.

No glass back door, bad review!

Leo, a sneaky dog, also wanted to reenact the classic play in which the head teacher peeks into the back window, but unfortunately the hardware facilities did not allow it and the plan was aborted.

I took out the specially prepared teaching materials (the instruction book bought from the bookstore) and the pointer (the small tree raised by the neighbor downstairs) from the space, and put on a pair of blind A Bing's same style toad glasses on the bridge of my nose.

Just like that, Leo walked into the classroom like a terminally ill person.

As far as the eye can see, except for the unsurprising monitoring, there is nothing different from what I want.

As for the students, there were not as many as Leo imagined. On the contrary, there were less than ten people.

And Leo saw many familiar faces among them.

The students sat behind desks one by one. Leo almost couldn't help laughing when he saw strong men like Hawkeye and Crossbones sitting on their stools with depressed expressions.

Sure enough, we should have insisted on the issue of uniform school uniforms!

In addition to these two field agents, there were also several familiar faces.

Agent Barbara.

I don’t know if it has grown... cough! cough!!

And this, this Sharon Carter!

Is she Agent Carter's niece or something? Although she is a clerk, her appearance is no worse than that of a field agent. She also served as a monitor for the American team. Later, she seemed to be monitoring and watching, and she almost even watched her in bed...

Think again Think of the story of Captain America and Peggy Carter... hiss...!

Winner in life! Captain America!

Beyond that, Leo saw an interesting person.

HYDRA's Fat Man, Agent Sitwell.

Although the Crossbones he saw before was also a member of Hydra, Leo was not interested in him.

He's just a soldier. Leo never cares about this kind of reckless opponent.

Can he be more reckless than himself?

On the contrary, this fat bald man wearing glasses has appeared in the Captain America series, the Agents of SHIELD series, and the Avengers series. He usually looks like an elite, but he is actually an agent.

An agent is an agent, but he is still a cowardly and unlucky agent. He was kidnapped, electrocuted, and tricked in various ways...

Call him cowardly, but he is still loyal to SHIELD! But this guy who is so loyal and loyal is actually a Hydra!

Oscar winner!


As Leo observed the people in the room, the group also observed him.

Due to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s strict hierarchical system, everyone present was basically notified suddenly of Leo’s information and materials, which Fury designated as level nine, and then after a series of tests, they were told to represent God. Shield accepted the teachings of a mysterious man and learned some knowledge.

Before coming, as the person in charge of this incident codenamed: Apprentice, Coulson told them something about Dr. Lister.

Generally speaking, it means nothing.

All I know is that he's a weirdo.

No wonder, Coulson seemed to be keeping secrets.

As soon as they entered this room, everyone felt something bad...

Is this going back to school?

Not long after waiting, several people heard the undisguised"covert" footsteps outside the door.

This guy's level of concealment doesn't seem to be very good.

Could it be that he wants to secretly observe us?

Then Leo came in with a book and a stick under his arm.


After the two sides looked at each other, Leo looked at the eight people in the room and decided in his mind who was more talented and who couldn't learn anything.

It doesn’t matter what else he says, this is enough!

Clearing his throat, Leo stood in front of the podium and said loudly:"Dear students, hello everyone. I am a new teacher transferred from Hot Blood University, mainly responsible for physical health!"

"Because of this, my coaching ability is excellent. In the first Hua Tai Normal University Couple Championship, my student Hua Wen and Hua Wu won the first and second place participation awards and all the awards established, so your boss specially hired me with a high salary. Be your new teacher"

"you can call me***!"

Lifting up the lower edge of the mask, Leo took a sip of wine and tapped the podium with his pointer:"Class!"


"Why doesn’t anyone call Teacher Hello?"

Sure enough, the transfer students are all problem students...

On the podium, Leo brazenly activated his title ability!

【Origin of Fear]: +20 intimidation to intelligent life.

Crossbones Rumlow, who was originally impatient, suddenly felt as if he was not facing a human being, but an indescribable beast!

Years of experience and intuition told him that that person was like his natural enemy, grinding his teeth and sucking blood, preparing to swallow him in one gulp!


Sitwell, who was in the back row of the classroom, fell off his chair.

Leo also took advantage of the opportunity to withdraw his skills.

Sitwell straightened his chair, looking slightly embarrassed, and sat upright like a real elementary school student.

The rest of the people also put aside their contempt. Only Agent No. 8 Barbara felt aggrieved and felt that she had suffered an unreasonable disaster.

Hitting the pointer two more times, Leo said again:"Class!"

"Good afternoon, teacher!"

This time~ It's like that!

Pretending not to see the reddish faces of Hawkeye and Crossbones, Leo picked up the book and read:"Abin's high school grades were not ideal... Fuck, I picked up the wrong one. Got it!"

After taking a look at the remaining two books, Leo knew why the bookstore owner looked at him with such an expression.

I was wronged!

Leo thought aggrievedly, and then put the books away, preparing to find an opportunity to criticize him. Take a closer look

"My knowledge... is all mixed up!"

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