I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 486 Heading to Merlin’s Secret Room

"Owen, do you want to go out? It's already curfew."

As a prefect, Hannah stood up and warned.

When Zhang Xiaolin sat next to Koyatel, they deliberately kept a certain distance from the three Owens. The Hufflepuffs were all good kids and were not as curious as the Gryffindors.

Of course, after all, they were still under the same roof, so they more or less heard some of the conversation between the three of them. However, Owen didn't think that revealing that information would cause any trouble, and besides, they couldn't understand it even if they only knew a little bit about it.

"It doesn't matter." Owen pointed to Miss Zhang beside him and said, "Isn't there a professor following me?"

"Okay." Hannah sighed and said, "Come back early and don't let other professors see you. Especially Professor Snape."

"Got it!" He nodded.

This is the vanguard of deducted points. He will never get his turn this semester.

Zhang Xiaolin beside him smiled noncommittally.

His eyes moved back and forth on Owen, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Then the three of them stepped into the oak tunnel and left the Hufflepuff common room.

Outside the oak barrels, the ground paved with red bricks bears traces of history.

Because the little wizards stepped back and forth on this road, the road was obviously sunken downwards, and there were unknown brown spots on the bricks and stones.

Of course Owen knows what it is.

It's vinegar.

The entrance to the Hufflepuff common room is different from that of Gryffindor, whose passwords change frequently. Their entrance is in the same corridor as the Hogwarts kitchen. After passing the huge still life painting at the entrance to the kitchen, you will find a pile of large barrels stacked in a dark stone trough on the right side of the corridor.

If you knock on the second barrel from the bottom in the middle of the second row to the rhythm of "Helga Hufflepuff", the door will open.

If the tapping rhythm is wrong, the other lid will explode and shower the intruder with vinegar.

Not every time Hufflepuff hits the right note, just as young wizards in Slytherin and Gryffindor forget the password to the entrance to their common room, and Ravenclaw is sometimes stopped by questions about the eagle knocker.

Most of the people who are blocked at the entrance to the lounge and cannot enter are always the little wizards of this college.

"I can't tell! You are quite charming." Zhang Xiaolin looked at Owen with a half-smile, "I discovered yesterday that there are quite a few little wizards who like you in Hogwarts!"

They walked up the stairs to the side corridor outside the auditorium.

"Do you understand charisma?" Owen shrugged, holding his forehead as if narcissistically, "I'm also troubled by being liked so much."

"Hey, you're still out of breath. How about you take them all in?"

"." Pushing open the oak door in front of him, Owen glared at the woman beside him who spoke so freely, "What? Mr. Basil is having an affair. What do you mean?"

"How dare he!" Zhang Xiaolin snorted coldly, "I just can't bear to see you, a gangster and prodigal who eats from the bowl and looks at the pot. You are a libertine."


Hey hey hey?

Why do I always feel like I’ve heard this somewhere?

"I'll reiterate it again, how can I be a philanderer?" Irving said, "Most of them are helping me. They are despicable. Instead of blaming them, you blame me?"

"What about the small part?"

"A small number? I told them not to like me, but they didn't like me anymore? If what I say has such an effect, then why should I worry about it? Just order Voldemort to kneel down and kill himself, and the Outer God will explode on the spot." Owen said impatiently Said, the emotional one is the most troublesome.

At this time, the three of them had passed through layers of tunnel-like corridors and arrived at the connection point between the towers, a stone bridge.

At night, Hogwarts shows a completely different mystery and magnificence than during the day. The moonlight fell on the ancient castle like water, coating its stone walls and towers with a silvery sheen.

In the distance, the continuous mountains loomed in the night. The castle was surrounded by dense forests, and the trees swayed gently in the night wind, making rustling sounds. The air is filled with the smell of magic and ancient forests, making people feel like they are in a mysterious dream.

Cross the bridge. Then we arrived at a tower attached to the library that was larger than the auditorium.

Climb the stairs to the second floor. The entrance to the Hogwarts library is located behind the most conspicuous centaur statue on the floor.

"I really don't know how charming your little girlfriend is." Zhang Xiaolin's eyes fell on the statue of a centaur, "What? Why is there a statue of a centaur here?"

"The statue of Chiron represents wisdom and knowledge," Owen said. "There are quite a lot of statues in Hogwarts. Of course there are more portraits."

With that said, he came to the entrance of the library.

The huge oak door was tight and had traces of magic on its surface.

But this was not a difficult task for Owen. He waved his magic wand, a crisp sound of 'click' sounded, and the oak door was opened.

The three of them pushed open the door and walked out.


Although Owen didn't need light, he could see traces of ancient magic, and the silver stream flowing in the dark night was very conspicuous, but the two people behind him did.

The red-carpeted room in front of you is dotted with desks and bookshelves criss-crossing the room. Polished wooden aisles overlook most of the rooms, and some have stained glass windows.

There is a row of long tables in the middle for little wizards to read.

At the end of the long table, there is a wooden spiral staircase leading to the second floor.

The library has two floors, with the restricted book area on the first floor and the invisible book area on the second floor.

Owen led the two of them all the way to the Forbidden Book Zone. Following the traces of ancient magic, they quickly found the tunnel entrance to Merlin's secret chamber.

Then, he slowly explained to the two people behind him what he was going to do.

"What we are going to is Merlin's Chamber of Secrets located under the Hogwarts library. There may not be the answers you want there, but it will allow you to touch some historical truths."

"Merlin's Chamber of Secrets?" Coatl asked. "Is there such a place in Hogwarts Castle?"

"Yes - the inheritance place left by Merlin to the heirs of ancient magic."

"It's a bit unexpected, but it's reasonable." Zhang Xiaolin responded. "Since he is the heir of ancient magic who has lived for more than 1,600 years, it is normal for him to leave behind such methods."

"That's true." Koyatel nodded.

"Then follow me closely." Owen said, "There are many traps down there."

As he spoke, he slowly sank as if he had stepped into a swamp.

The other two people also reacted, both of them were using magic spells that had been sneaked in during the period of use.

Passing through the thick floor tiles, the three of them fell into a huge room.

"Only the location just now can penetrate the floor tiles, and other places will be squeezed out by the castle protection spell." Owen explained, "That is the entrance."

The fluorescent light flew out from the tip of the Phoenix wand and slowly floated around the boy.

This underground room is no longer filled with clutter and dust like when he first came here.

Miss Granger was obsessed with dark magic for a while, and this became her laboratory, so she cleaned it up.

Today there are only some simple bookshelves and tables.

"This way." Owen walked forward, pushed open an oak door, and walked along the downward spiral staircase behind the door for a long time, and finally came to the stone door.

Owen has always felt that this stone door was the prototype of Nick Flamel's invention of the 'any door'. It's a bit like the Vanishing Cabinet, but it's powered by ancient magic rather than ordinary magic.

Of course, this time I came here, the stone gate was not empty like the first time. Instead, it lit up with a faint blue light, like a whirlpool on the bottom of the sea.

The ancient magic he applied to it can last for a long time. Unless he disappears for three to five years, the magic here will be exhausted.

Owen didn't explain anything. He took the two people around him and walked through the stone door in one step.

"Where are we?"

Feeling the sense of spatial teleportation similar to that of phantom, Zhang Xiaolin looked around her as soon as her vision brightened.

At this moment, they seemed to be in the fault of a mountain. There were torches stuck on the cliffs on both sides. The torches ignited automatically, and the orange light illuminated the path that was neither long nor short under their feet.

"Inside the mountain of the castle," Owen said, "It's very, very deep."

At the end of the stone steps is a marble platform carved out of the mountain.

On the mist-like surface, the unique patterns of marble are swaying freely.

At the junction between the platform and the mountain, there is a metal frame with a marble door in the middle.

The ancient runes hidden in the door are like fish swimming in the water. They jump out of the water and appear on the door. They sink into the sea again and disappear without a trace.

Owen stepped forward, pressed against the stone door, and opened it with a slight push.

"Is this Merlin's Chamber of Secrets?"

"Yes." The boy nodded, then stepped on the ground covered with pink petals and walked forward.

Owen has already experienced the scenery along the way. For Ms. Zhang and Coyatl, although this place was novel, it was not breathtaking.

After all, one is from Chang'an Imperial College and the other is from Ivermorny. Both schools also have magical places.

There are many places that far exceed the scenery here.

So there is no surprise at all.

Until they arrived at the courtyard forest, which was the size of an auditorium.

When facing the mirror, or rather the person in the mirror, his expression became slightly shocked.

"You're still beautiful, Professor."

In the mirror, Professor Brigid, who had fiery red hair, clear eyes, and was wearing a green and yellow dress, was still staring at him with a warm smile on his face, as if he was looking at his own child.

"This is just a portrait of a child." Professor Brigid said softly, "Long time no see, Owen, can you introduce these two to me?"

Her eyes fell on Zhang Xiaolin and Koyatel.

Owen nodded, and immediately introduced the background of the two people beside him.

A few minutes later.

Professor Brigid said with a deep voice and an apology on his face, "I'm sorry."

She said this suddenly, confusing the three of them.

"This should have been our burden."

"In my time, I have longed for the future more than once. I think wizards at that time all had their own dreams about magic, literature, love, and travel across the world.

Now we meet here, still talking about the disaster. In the end, those dreams are just snow in summer and roses in winter, and they have not made any waves in this world. "

"Professor." Irving called out, but was interrupted casually by Professor Brigid. She didn't care and didn't think about herself at all. She cut off those dreams and used fragments, sharp fragments to warn them, " We are losers, ha - I finally understand why now, Owen - the last heir before you did not want to leave his consciousness here, but continued to let me, the old woman, caretaker, she is determined You will succeed instead of failing like me."

"But now, it seems that I still have some use."

Under the khaki hat, Dean Brigid showed a relieved smile. She almost understood the reason why Owen brought Miss Zhang here.

The girl's fear of the heir is normal, and everyone has the right to question it. After all, a wizard with such powerful power will have a profound impact on the world even if he does nothing.

There wasn't much explanation she could give the girl.

It was just a retelling of the short lives of her successors before her.

Professor Brigid spoke very slowly, his voice was like the breeze blowing through the black lake, causing ripples on the water.

Waves of waves, layer by layer, undulating, rolled towards the river bank and beyond.

Gradually, the ripples became noisy, and the rolling waves lost their own direction. They began to collide with each other, creating bigger waves.

Is it raining?

The dripping rain continued until late at night.

a couple of hours.

In this forest garden, there is only the sound of swaying leaves.

Silence - after a long silence.

This story full of regrets has finally come to an end.

Miss Zhang sat quietly on a moss-covered, exposed stone, silent.

There are silvery transparent marks on the cheeks.

Although Koyatel had different purposes from Miss Zhang, after those few stories ended, he felt like an eggplant beaten by frost, with his head lowered, not knowing what he was thinking about.

For several hours, Owen never spoke, and he listened quietly to the stories about Shani, an unknown sixteen-year-old heir, Professor Brigid, and the next heir.

It was only today that Owen learned that there was an heir with a more miserable ending than Shani Weasley. The sixteen-year-old girl after her did not even leave a name. Perhaps no trace of her can be found in history. As for Professor Brigid, as the longest surviving heir, her ending is not that good either. Whether it is the history of Hogwarts or the family history of the Weasley family, There is no record of the former Head of Hufflepuff's life after he turned 100. The portrait she left in the castle, her life memory only lasts for the time when she was the dean, and no one knows about it in the future.

Maybe - maybe - he died in some unknown tree hole and merged with the dead wood and rotten grass.

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