I Don’t Want to Win Lying Down

Chapter 547: Proficiency level (two/three)


"Go home?"

Knowing what his fate was at night, Xu Mang pretended to take a shovel and asked with a smile, "Why come home so late today? I usually come back around four o'clock, and it's almost seven o'clock today. "

Seeing Xu Mang's pretending expression, Yang Xiaoman gritted his teeth with anger. Isn't he thanks to you for coming home so late?


"Why did you buy so much wine?" Xu Mang found some wine piled up at the door. Although he knew it was delivered by the old man, he still had to perform the show. He asked with a confused look: "Dear wife. ...I don't usually drink, why do you still buy so much?"


Hearing Xu Mang calling his wife, Yang Xiaoman instantly lost his anger, and said angrily: "Dad asked me to bring it to you. I was scolded by my dad and mom when I went home this time... I didn't worship you. Thanks, especially my mother... bluntly that there is an unfilial daughter who has a husband and forgot his mother."


"This is normal." Xu Mang said with a smile: "After all, I married away the second elder's baby daughter, and both of them have always felt very uncomfortable."

"Do not!"

"It won't be uncomfortable." Yang Xiaoman gave a white look and said angrily: "They just have no choice but you haven't gone to dinner for a long time."


"Next time I have time to go." Xu Mang said embarrassingly: "Have things been done for the house? Where would my mother choose for the two of us?"

About the house,

Yang Xiaoman really asked when he came home this time. After all, this is the marriage room between himself and Xu Mang in the future. The location is good, with a large commercial plaza next to it, and a general hospital a few kilometers away. In short, the supporting facilities are very good. complete.

The most important thing is that the house type is a European-style three-story villa. The cost...a bit expensive, but Xiaoman thinks it is not expensive. It is close to the school and laboratory, and belongs to the junction of the two places.

"It's fine."

"Our house originally had it, but that piece of land was taken away by my dad and friend. Fortunately, I left a few sets." Yang Xiaoman said: "It will take three months to live in, at least nine The end of the month."

Xu Mang nodded, and then continued to cook. Soon three dishes and one soup were made.

The two of them were eating and talking about the trivial things in life, let alone... Yang Xiaoman's things are not so many, as long as she opens the chat box, she almost flows continuously. The violent airport used to be a pity like gold. woman.

Xu Mang knows that Xiaoman is not under pressure at work...


I came by accidentally, and I was caught off guard.

Xu Mang sat on the bedside, holding a tablet computer to read the information, mainly looking for information about high-energy particles. In fact, Xu Mang understood a lot of the content, but he knew his fate. All of this was played for Xiaoman.

The effect is really good,

Yang Xiaoman, who came out of the shower, saw Xu Mang’s serious expression on his face. He knew that the night’s plan was going to be soaked. He lay silently under the quilt, and then leaned his head on Xu Mang’s shoulder. .Spend the first half of the night warmly.

It's a pity...such a warm time, because the individual is affected by the outside world and the body reacts, all of which ruin the warm atmosphere.

Blame Xiaoman?

Xu Mang had never blamed this short and flat, but he could only blame himself for failing.


"Pretending to be..." Yang Xiaoman gave a white look and said angrily: "I thought how serious it was."


This damned airport dwarf!


The next day,

Xu Mang did not go to the Institute of Particle Physics. Today he is staying at home to solve some of the theoretical problems of axons. This is one of the most difficult problems he encountered. The gravitational wave problem has been stuck for several months and has not been solved yet. , And the axon problem is a full ten days.

Under normal circumstances, Xu Mang solves problems very quickly, but the two problems of gravitational waves and axons seem to break his control of speed.

too difficult!

Just when Xu Mang with a melancholy face was about to enter a daze, he received an unfamiliar call with the number from the capital.


"Hello...who?" Xu Mang asked.

"Hello, Professor Xu, I am Tian Wen from the Institute of Condensed Matter, a subsidiary of the Academy of Sciences." Professor Tian is still a bit cautious when facing Xu Mang, after all, it is the first time to contact him.


"Oh..." Xu Mang recalled whether there was a person like Tian Wen among the people he knew. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to know Tian Wen.

"Professor Xu!"

"Speaking of which we are still competitors, you and I are both studying Weyl semi-metal." Professor Tian said: "The result...Professor Xu, can you tell me when on earth did you study this Weir semi-metal? ?"



Is this a crime?


"Professor Tian didn't think you were also studying Weyl semi-metal? My research time is very short." Xu Mang smiled awkwardly and politely: "Actually...I was forced to study this because... ."

"I know."

"The axe from forty-two years ago." Professor Tian said: "But the axe is much harder than this Weyl half-metal. The difficulty is not sporadic."

Xu Mang was stunned for a moment, how...how do you feel that everyone in the world knows what he is doing.

Forget it,

It is presumably passed on by people from the Institute of Particle Physics.


"Yes... the axon problem is really difficult. Even if I figure out Weyl fermions, I can't even fill in a basic theoretical framework at the moment." Xu Mang said helplessly: "I guess it will be a tragedy. Up."

Professor Tian said: "If it's not difficult... this problem has been solved long ago, by the way... I called this time mainly to tell you something. The European Nuclear Research Organization has restarted the Axion research program. ."

Xu Mang:? ? ?


No way?

Isn't this going to be a tragedy?

After Xu Mang heard the news, he fell into the ice cave instantly, and his heart was cold. First of all, he had already lost half of it on the device.

after that,

Xu Mang chatted with this Professor Tian casually, and then hung up the call. Xu Mang was still in a confused stage at this time. If CERN came in, this matter would become very tricky.


Can the axon be knocked out?

Regarding this question... Xu Mang is really unclear. Maybe he can be knocked out, maybe it’s impossible. After all, he doesn’t know the basic physical properties of the so-called axon, and he doesn’t even have a theoretical framework. know.

What is missing?

Xu Mang thought for a long time, but still didn't get any answer.

"System...how much is the exchange value of the axon theoretical framework?"

【Identified by the system, the exchange value of Axion theoretical framework: 1000 (physical skills)】

Xu Mang:? ? ?

Only one thousand?


This value was completely different from what Xu Mang had predicted. At first, Xu Mang thought it would be more than 100,000. As a result, the system told Xu Mang that there was only one thousand. What was the concept of one thousand was missing a condition that he knew but couldn't remember.


Is this a mistake?

Reopening the forecast report on axons, this mass is only one part of 500 billion to one part of 50 million of electrons, which is almost on the same level as Weyl fermions, but the charge and spin are both zero.

Watch watch,

Xu Mang became a little desperate. He silently turned off the monitor, picked up a physics magazine, and came to the sofa to start his day's day.

Lying down for another day, physics officially reached the proficient level.


Time goes by every minute,

At 3:30 in the afternoon,

Xu Mang’s progress in physics skills is only the last few hours. After calculating the skill value consumption, it is almost just right. It is estimated that at about 11 o’clock in the evening, he will reach proficiency in physics. Xu Mang is especially looking forward to what he will bring after his mastery The change.

Complete the grand unification directly?

It should be impossible...

More than 500 upgrade cards are required for level 5 intelligence, which is simply an astronomical number!

He drove his Porsche to the vegetable market to buy a la carte. On the way home, Xu Mang was very sad that his baby car turned into a grocery shopping cart, which was a waste of its powerful heart.

In the city,

Xu Mang felt that his baby car was sealed, traffic jams and speed measurements everywhere...

Back to the apartment,

Starting to make today's dinner, Xiaoman will be back in ten minutes. Xu Mang's movements are very slow. He needs to wait for Xiaoman to come back, and then stir-fry in front of her, which looks more diligent.

In a purely romantic relationship, Xu Mang played a routine silently, but there is no way...Life needs a bit of sentiment. Faced with chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea, one day he will feel tired.


Yang Xiaoman returned to the apartment, put down his bag and glanced at Xu Mang, and found that he was cooking in the kitchen, and his heart could not help warming up. This guy actually cares about the family, unlike some men who know that spending time outside and completely ignores the home.

Although this big idiot often angers himself, but I have to say... I am very lucky to meet the most important half of his life after a transfer. Is this a destiny?

There are more than seven billion people on the earth, 204 countries, and 809 islands. The probability of meeting two people is one in 29 million. Lucky as me...in my best time In, I met the person I was looking forward to most.


This is destined!

Yang Xiaoman's emotions began to flood at the moment, and he involuntarily headed to the kitchen, gently hugged Xu Mang from behind, and promised to say: "Idiot...the huge crowd, how lucky I am to meet you."

Xu Mang:? ? ?

what's the situation?

Why is it so sensational all of a sudden?

They are so special old couples and old wives.

Xu Mang smiled slightly. He decided to test the edge of death and experience the feeling of being near death. While copying the food, he said calmly: "Yes...the huge crowd, how unlucky I am to be able to meet you. "

Yang Xiaoman: (# ̄~ ̄#)

So angry!

This atmosphere destroyer, such a touching scene, was made into a comedy by him abruptly.


"Deputy dean of the Department of Physics, Professor of Theoretical Physics, and an authoritative figure in various fields. They have great influence in the world." After Xu Mang finished speaking, he grabbed Xiaoman's hand and touched his abdominal muscles. Seriously said: "Did you vaguely feel the presence of abdominal muscles?"

"While his intelligence is superb, I also don't forget to strengthen my body, and my appearance is at the level of beauty." Xu Mang smiled and said, "I'm sorry...I am such a male **** with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physicality, and beauty."

( ̄︿ ̄*) In anger!

#\\\\( ̄絲 ̄)*It broke out!

( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄車 ̄///) Kill you!



Xu Mang had just finished his comforting work, and there was no way...At 4:30 in the afternoon, one of his own deaths made his comforting work more than half an hour.

at this time,

Ten fifty-eight,

There are still two minutes left until the physics reaches the master level.

"Hold me tight!"

"Don't let go!"

Yang Xiaoman shrank into Xu Mang's arms and said softly.


Xu Mang took her into his arms according to Xiaoman’s instructions, and then waited for the time to come to eleven o’clock~www.wuxiaspot.com~Physical skills have reached proficiency]

A message popped up, and Xu Mang trembled with fright.


Finally finished!

When physics reached a point of proficiency, Xu Mang chose to deal with the theoretical framework of Axion. He wanted to know which condition was missing in this framework.


This answer came out,

At this time Xu Mang had only a few big words in his mind...


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