Under Klee's direction, Woolley and Gruul woke up to the fact that the mansion, which consisted of a two-and-a-half-story building and a three-and-a-half-story building, was almost furnished, and every room had been scrubbed and the objects were put in their place, not only did each room give people a new look, but even the kitchen and dining room were all cleaned up, and only the front and back gardens were decorated with greenery.

The new house was new, and Woolley was naturally in a good mood, but what surprised Guru was that after this guy finished washing up with a smile, he didn't even bother to pay attention to breakfast, so he dragged Guru into a small hall on the side of the front building.

"Look. Woolley pointed to a neatly stacked pile of wood in the corner of the small hall.

When Guru looked at it, he said that he couldn't see anything.

"What is it?" Gruul naturally didn't think it was really just an ordinary pile of wood, he guessed that this must be able to make some kind of thing, but he didn't have a clue what it was used for.

"Money-making stuff. Wu Lai smiled, and continued, "Don't underestimate these materials, they are the hardest diamond wood, and it is conservatively estimated that this set of things will not break in one or twenty years."

"Can they make things?" Guru guessed, stunned.

"No, they just play a helping role, with it, the workers don't have to move around, saving time, trouble and effort, I call it the assembly line. Woolley smiled slightly, "With it, I can save one-third of the labor, so that I can raise one-third less slaves, how good."

"But you haven't said what to do. Guru shrugged.

"Even if I say it now, you don't know what it is, so just wait, of course, you can't just wait, we are already partners, there is one thing you have to do. Woolley said.

Gruul nodded, "Just say it." "

I want you to get me twenty vats of pure lacquer within a month, and every month thereafter, you must supply me with at least five vats of pure lacquer." Woolley put his arm around Gruul's shoulders affectionately and said.

"Twenty barrels? Five barrels a month? No, no, no, I can't do it. The Guru shook his head like a rattle, and although the lacquerware of the Kochi family in the city-state of Saipan was a well-known industry in Assyria, the production of lacquerware could not be increased, and the reason for this was that the supply of lacquer was not available, and the scale of production could not be expanded.

But now Woolley actually has to reach out to the shortest part of the Kochi family's paint link, and even if Guru agrees ten thousand times, he doesn't think he can convince the family to agree.

As a Guru who has high hopes for the family, he is naturally very familiar with all aspects of the family, and the entire Kochi family's annual pure lacquer storage is only about 300 barrels, and the amount that Woolley wants is too large.

"Embarrassed?" Woolley asked with a smile.

Guru bowed slightly, and told the situation very seriously.

"Okay, Gruul, let me ask you, how much does your Kochi family earn in a year in the lacquer workshop?" asked Woolley.

"Without counting the cost, it's about 150,000 gold coins now. Gruul replied.

"Okay, I'll give you an account, 150,000 gold coins, consuming nearly 300 barrels of pure paint, how much gross profit can a large barrel of pure paint bring on average? 500 gold coins, and these 500 gold coins also include management, labor, and so on. "Your Kochi family's lacquerware is known for its beauty and durability, and it is claimed that a set of lacquerware can be used for hundreds of years, how long has your family been doing this? As far as I know, it has been almost two hundred years, and for two hundred years, so many lacquerware have been produced every year, and this lacquerware is durable, you say, will the market shrink one day?"

Guru chewed Woolley's words a few times and nodded very seriously.

A smile appeared on Woolley's face: "Regardless of the market, just talk about this value creation, each barrel of pure lacquer can be exchanged for five hundred gold coins in your Kochi family, and in my hands of Woolley Green, it can be exchanged for at least a thousand, Gruul, if it were you, would you be willing to take a thousand gold coins, or only five hundred." "

Woolley, do you need to talk about that?" asked Guru rhetorically.

"So, you should convince the family to get twenty vats of pure lacquer first, and then guarantee the supply of five vats every month, and in a year, on the basis of making up for the gross profit they have lost due to the lack of lacquer supply, there will be additional profits. Woolley said.

"Woolley, you know, I believe in you, but I don't know how to convince them. Guru grimaced, he was telling the truth.

Woolley laughed and patted Gruul on the shoulder: "Don't forget my name, if they hesitate, remind them of the mill business, and besides, tell them that Woolley Green said that it is also a good way for the lacquer workshop to make more profits, and to reduce production and cause a shortage of supply."

Gruul pondered for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a smile appeared on his face, "Oh, Woolley, you're a genius.

"Of course I know that, but it's really nothing, it's just a routine. Wu Lai pretended to shrug his shoulders, "If you don't mind, the paint will be your cooperation fund, and we will divide the profits generated by three or seven, you three and I seven, how about

it?" Guru smiled and raised his right palm.

"Smack" - the palms of the two teenagers struck with a crisp sound.

Originally, the installation of the assembly line did not need to be done by Woolly himself, but with Janus and El. However, in order to ensure the installation effect, Woolley still rolled up his sleeves and went into battle, and even Gruul participated.

Near noon, there were two more "roller assembly lines" in the small hall, each twenty elbows long and two cubits wide, placed side by side, about six cubits apart.

"How can you make an item slide down without a little slope?" Woolley laughed, looked at it, and then pulled out a rolled drawing and handed it to Janus.

"Go to a carpentry workshop and make these things, sixteen sets of each. Woolley pulled out a small purse, took out a few gold coins, and handed them to Arianus.

"When you're hungry, buy your own food, don't do things on an empty stomach. Woolley commanded.

Janus nodded hurriedly, scratching the back of his head a little embarrassed, yesterday he stayed in the carpentry workshop for a day, and the water was so full of water that he couldn't help but shout hungry when he came back.

"Woolley, you're so nice to them. Guru praised from the bottom of his heart.

"They are on the same page with me and are loyal to me. Woolley smiled and defined.

As he spoke, Klee, who had just bought the green plants, came back, and after a brief report to Woolley, he asked for instructions on where the plants were placed, and after getting a clear answer, he was relieved to be busy.

Woolley looked at the assembly line with satisfaction, straightened his clothes, and patted Guru's shoulder: "Let's go, go back to the academy." "

Didn't you say you can go if you want to go now, and you won't go if you don't want to?

"Of course not, I just know that your entourage is on call in a hotel not far from the academy, and I want to pull you to finish the pure paint business as soon as possible, and besides, I am a little worried about my goddess. Woolly said with a smile.

"Goddess, what goddess?" said Gruul, a little confused.

"You don't understand it. Woolley patted Gruul on the head, "How old are you?" After

nightfall, Woolley happily returned to the new house, and if it were not for the fact that it was too late, he would not mind taking Helen and the others to the new house tonight.

As soon as he entered the door, Klee greeted him: "Young master, everything is arranged according to your instructions, you can take a look again." "

I'm relieved that you're doing something, have you arranged the manpower to return to Seneca?" asked Woolley.

"It's arranged, let's leave early tomorrow morning, if it goes well, the things and manpower you need will arrive in Assyria City within the time you planned. Klee replied.

"That's good. Woolley glanced at the front yard that had been decorated with greenery by the light of the torch, "Klee, this house will be called the Green Building in the future, isn't it ugly?" "

The name given by the young master, where does Klee feel unpleasant?" Klee replied with a smile, to be honest, he admired this little master of himself in his heart, and naturally felt that everything Woolley said was right and good.

"Then the green building, remember to bring your home this time, if you are not busy these days, you can go around, look around the central square to see if there is a residence for sale, if there is, I will pay to buy it, your family will move there first, the family is reunited, how good."

"Young Master, you, you are so merciful. Klee choked up.

"Nothing, nothing compared to your loyalty and contribution to the Glyndor family. Woolley smiled and patted Klee on the shoulder, "In my mind, you are my family.

"Young master......" At this moment, Klee was so moved that he couldn't help crying.

The next day, Woolley and Klee each drove a carriage to the Civic College, where he now had a transcendent position in the student body of the Civic College, and where did he need to be as cautious as he was when he first entered the College.

So, Woolley swaggered into the academy, swaggered to see Vice Dean Riney, and then, with a smile on his face, he took Helen, Nightblade, and Otto out of the academy.

Although Helen and the three of them were concerned about why Woolley chose to carry out clay transcription outside the academy instead of in the academy, Vice Dean Rini said that this matter was headed by Woolley, in other words, in the scope of clay transcription, Woolley could count whatever he wanted.

Helen and Nightblade get into Woolley's carriage, and Otto gets into Klee's carriage, and Woolley already knows this is the result—Otto is two times his size, and even if Helen or Nightblade Dance wanted to ride with him, it is unlikely.

"Woolley, where are we going?" asked Nightblade Dance, who rarely seemed to leave the academy, looking left and right.

"Go to the Green House, my house in this city of Assyria. Wu Lai said proudly, and it was no wonder that he had such a mood, except for the students in the Assyrian Civic Academy, who had not heard of anyone who had bought a house in Assyria.

"You still have a house in Assyria? aren't you from Seneca?" asked Nightblade Dance, curious.

"It's not a big deal. After Wu Lai replied with a smile, he couldn't help but glance back at Helen, but saw that she lowered her head slightly and was indifferent, as if she hadn't even listened to a word he said.

"Why do goddesses have to play cold, there's no need......" Woolley said in his heart.

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