If we talk about fake public and private affairs, far from it, just the scope of this Assyrian territory, there will never be less than Wu Lai's shameless than Wu Lai, but there is really no one like Wu Lai, who will put the matter of fake public and private affairs on the table.

Early the next morning, Woolley knocked on Riney's door.

"Vice President Rini, it's a pleasure to meet you. As soon as he entered the door, Woolley gave Lini enough face, and saluted and greeted.

"Woolley, I'm glad to see you. Lini laughed, last night the three vice presidents got together, and Lini said proudly about recruiting Woolly as a special student, and Ibbe and Huban's faces were a little not good-looking, which was what Lini was most happy to see.

As a rule, the three vice-presidents have the right to designate special students, but they do not want to designate whoever they want, and the designated students must have at least one special outstanding, or outstanding overall ability, and this outstanding and outstanding must be useful for the development and continuation of the Assyrian territory, such as military genius, business genius, ......

Harvesting such students and giving him certain preferential treatment is a means for the academy to take these special talents for its own use, and it is also a way to consider the ability and vision of the vice dean.

It is especially worth mentioning that on the issue of Woolley, Ibbe is okay, and the one who regrets most that he didn't make a timely move is Hu Ban, he doesn't know if Woolley has military talent, but he still knows about Woolley's movements in Seneca City, and he wanted to find a suitable opportunity to include Woolley in his pocket, but he didn't want to let Riney, a person who has nothing to do with the economy, take the lead.

How can this make Huban not annoyed, but annoyed, and what can be done? Lini knew that Huban was annoyed, but the more annoyed

Huban was, the happier he became.

So at this moment, Woolley is gold and treasure in Lini's eyes: "Woolley, you thought of a way so quickly?"

"I have a clue, but Vice Dean Lini, I came to advance the 100,000 gold coins today." Woolley said.

Lini nodded, this is not a big deal, the academy recognizes this expenditure, as long as he Lini writes a notion, Woolley can go to the treasury to get the 100,000 gold coins.

But Woolley's next sentence choked Rini hard.

"I've got my eye on a house, and I'll have to take the money to sign the contract in a while. Woolley said.

"So Vice Dean Rini, you'd better hurry, I'm in a hurry. Woolley added.

"Woolley......" Rini simply stopped, "You mean, you want to use this money to buy a house

?" "Yes, Vice Dean Rinney, didn't you say that the budget of 200,000 gold coins is at my discretion, and the academy only needs the result, regardless of the process?" Woolley asked rhetorically.

"But it seems wrong for you to buy a house. "Lini suddenly felt a little apprehensive, and said in his heart, this kid won't cause me anything, right

?" "There's nothing wrong with it, such a large amount, some things definitely can't be done in the academy, since you can't do it in the academy, can't I do it on the street?"

Rini was stunned for a moment and sighed: "Wu Lai, it is an honor and a responsibility to be a special student, and in the history of the Assyrian Civic College, there has never been a special student...... Forget it, I won't talk about it, you should understand. "

Hey, you still question my character?" Wu Lai couldn't help but roll his eyes and urged: "Vice Dean Rini, you were very happy when you said it yesterday, don't regret it today?"

"Hmph, please pay attention to your wording, especially Wu Lai Green. Rini grimaced, Woolley's demeanor was undoubtedly challenging his majesty.

Woolley spread his hands: "Vice Dean Lini, I am undoubtedly offended, but I am more anxious than you to complete this task, although I only came up with a little clue, but the direction is basically determined, this house is the most important part of completing this task

, you say, can I not be in a hurry?" Lini was stunned for a moment, and his face became stiff again: "Special student Woolly Green, in the future, if you can finish speaking at one time, don't sell the guanzi, if you do this again, I will arrange Helen Angelina for other tasks." "

Ah?!Woolley's face was hurriedly filled with smiles: "Vice Dean Rini, you are really, everyone knows each other so well, and you still make these jokes, Helen is also an indispensable part of these jobs, but it can't be up to your temperament." "

Hmph, take it. Rini quickly finished writing the check, sealed it, and stamped it with a fire paint seal, and then handed it to Woolley, "Don't go too far."

"How can I be, I am now very serious about learning from a noble citizen like you, following your example everywhere, and always remembering your teachings. Woolley smiled slightly, and looked at the ticket in his hand as he sneered at it.

"Didn't you say you're in a hurry?" Rini couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, then I will take my leave, honorable Vice President Rini. Woolley bowed and nodded, and left.

"When I said in a hurry, I didn't want you to hurry. As he stepped out the door, Woolley muttered to himself.

Near noon, after the contract was signed, the two parties went together to pay the deed tax, modify the ownership of the deed, and then shook hands and blessed each other.

"I wonder how El is done?" "The weather is extremely hot today, Woolley is covered in sweat from his robe, if it weren't for his identity, he would have wanted to throw off his robe and jump into the fountain pool, but it seems to be looking for frost again.

"El's eyesight is good, and yesterday we went together to find the goods to decorate the house, and I thought it was very suitable for him. Klee said with a smile.

"Klee, you have a crush on him. Woolley smiled slightly, "I remember, it's rare for you to say good things for others.

Klee nodded lightly: "That's what the young master said."

"Since you said that he is good, then, it is up to you to cultivate him, and if you cultivate him, you can save some worry. Woolley said.

"Okay, young master. Klee said.

While El was busy arranging furs, fabrics, pots and pans, tables and chairs, utensils, and other items, Ernus was also busy, but compared to El, he was much more laid-back.

After handing over the drawings to the carpentry workshop steward he had chosen yesterday, Janus stood aside, because Woolley had said that he had to keep it, and he couldn't leave a single step until the other party had done it.

For Woolley's words, Janus has always obeyed his words, so he not only guarded, but also came up from time to time to supervise the work - this is Janus's careful thinking, he has seen carpentry, but he is definitely not familiar with it, he just thinks that if he leans over from time to time and frowns and shakes his head, these slaves who do carpentry work will be more cautious and dare not slack off, then, the objects that Master Woolley needs will be completed faster and better.

Not to mention, Janus's trick really worked, and in the evening all the sixty-four wooden squares of various sizes and the one hundred and thirty-two columns that Woolley needed were completed, and after loading them all into the wagon, Janus paid the balance - eight gold coins.

"It's really expensive to buy such a pile of wood for more than a dozen gold coins. Janus shook his head, jumped into the carriage, and went back on his errand.

That night, Woolley did not return to the Civic Academy, not only did he not return, but he also abducted Guru.

"Gruul, I'm going to have to be busy next. Woolley said as he drove the car.

"It's so normal, it's no wonder you're not busy. Guru said with a smile.

"So in the future, you have to help me listen to my classes, take notes, you help me do it, and you will also be with the ones that you have to hand in. Woolley said with a smile.

Gruul nodded seriously: "Don't worry."

"With you as a friend, of course I'm relieved. The smile on Woolley's face became even stronger, "By the way, I just bought a house today, at the end of the seventh lane of Honor Guard Street.

"Well, that's good. "Guru's performance was calm.

Woolley felt a little strange, "Gruul, aren't

you curious?" "Why should I be curious?" Gruul asked rhetorically, "It's not strange that this kind of thing happened to you." "

You, by the way, do you know what I called you out tonight?" asked Woolley.

"I don't know, I just know that I came out with you in a daze. Gruul smiled and punched Woolley.

Woolley shook the reins and slowed down the carriage a little: "Gruul, we are friends, I have always remembered your kindness in my heart, I thought, if I have the opportunity, I must join forces with my friend Gruul to do something beautiful, because my friend Grukochi is the pride of the Kochi family in the city-state of Saipan, the future leader of the family, and he has the right and reason to do at least one great thing in his youth that the entire Assyrian realm will rehearse."

Gruul was surprised, and then slowly became excited, and after holding Woolley's arm, he asked eagerly, "Is it true?" Woolley, did you call me out tonight to do this big thing

?" "Of course, otherwise what do you think I'm going to do? Take you to the tavern for fun?" Woolley looked Gruul up and down a few times, "Oh, no, Gruul, you haven't grown up yet, hahahaha......" Gruul

blushed and couldn't help but punch Woolley again.

After a while, Gruul saw Woolley's house, which was brightly lit and figures were shaking.

After entering the door, Gruul was shocked by the sight before him, only to see a mountain of miscellaneous items in the courtyard, and more than a dozen slaves were busy in and out of the ...... under the supervision of the overseer

"Why are you in such a hurry, you have to do these things at night?" asked Gruul as he took the glass of water from Janus.

"It's a bit of a rush, but I just want to make this place new tonight, and let's go and sit in my bedroom. Woolley patted Gruul on the shoulder, "I'll talk to you about my plans in a moment." "

Are you sure you've packed it up?" asked Gruul as he walked.

"Well, of course, somewhere to sleep tonight. Woolley replied with a smile, "Tomorrow, this house of mine will be full of flowers."

"It doesn't matter if the flowers are there, it seems that the slaves have to buy a few, or someone will clean the house for you." Glancing at the overseers, the Gruul could see that the slaves were hired temporarily, and that Assyria was no different from other city-states in this respect, and that citizens with many slaves at home often let the slaves go out to do some rewarding work.

"By the way, where did you get so much money to buy this house?" asked Guru again, "I don't have a lot of money here, but I can't get it." "

Big money?" Wu Lai laughed, "The big money is behind, as for this, you can think that I got it privately."

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