I Am Not a Savage

Chapter 128: Yunchuan's morning bell and evening drum

The first and eighth chapters of Yunchuan's morning bell

It is a good idea to use fresh crocodile meat in a casserole. It is served with salted pork, beef balls, lotus root, and bamboo shoots. Kuafu can eat a pot by himself.

Eating one pot is actually not enough to describe Kuafu. He ate three pots by himself, not even a dozen buns.

Although Yunchuan was eating with Kuafu on the surface, in fact, he became the one who kept adding ingredients to the pot.

The whole family has seen this scene, and Yunchuan also hopes that he can see that as long as it is a person who contributes to the group, the patriarch will not hesitate to receive a series of rewards.

The big pot of rice is going to be broken after all

Although the collective life is convenient for the patriarch to dominate the clan, the efficiency is too slow.

Although the clansmen work hard now, as long as the clansmen begin to have a surplus of production, this kind of scene where everyone is vying for the first place and everyone’s hard work will not last long.

With regard to collective labor, Yunchuan has seen too many failures.

This way of life only exists in a special period, that is, when the big guys need to work together to survive. Once the individual can live better than the collective life through hard work, the form of collective work will immediately collapse.

"You will take care of the giants in the future." Yunchuan put a big meatball into Kuafu's bowl.

Kuafu ate the meatball in one bite, and he didn't chew with his teeth, and the meatball disappeared.

"I can't take care of it!" Kuafu has seen how Abu manages the tribe in an orderly manner, and at the same time how the little murloc manages the murloc tribe, so he asked him to manage the giant tribe in Yunchuan. The first time, he declined.

Yun Chuan nodded and said, "Then just like the murlocs, you will be the patriarch, and the management will be handed over to Abu."

Kuafu was very satisfied with the arrangement of the great patriarch. Compared with cumbersome management clansmen, he preferred to work or fight.

Yun Chuan put a piece of fat meat in Kuafu's bowl again, and said lightly: "There are so many giants here in one breath. Our food is not enough. If we want to support until the new food is mature, we will have to do it. Large-scale hunting, and at the same time using this hunting activity to clean up the surrounding ferocious beasts."

Kuafu stopped the chopsticks in his hand and looked at Yunchuan puzzledly: "Didn't the patriarch allow us to kill the beasts in the territory before?"

Yunchuan sighed: "The wild beasts are going to make way for our tribe to expand. At the same time, we must also clean up the nearby wild beasts and herbivorous wild animals so that other tribes can't be around us. life."

Kuafu thought for a while, but didn't want to understand, so he didn't want to, oh, he continued to bury his head and eat. As for thinking about such things, it would be nice to have the patriarch.

This is actually another form of seizure of power. Although wearing a warm skin, seizing power is seizing power. There is nothing to conceal.

One hundred and twenty-one giants suddenly appeared in the Yunchuan Ministry, which had already broken the balance of power previously constructed by Yunchuan. At this time, he had to take power from Kuafu.

It is not because Kuafu is unreliable, but because of the pattern of power, Yunchuan cannot give Kuafu the most powerful power instead of holding it in his own hands.

This has nothing to do with Kuafu's loyalty or disloyalty. In Yunchuan's cognition, he believes in power restriction rather than human heart.

The same is true for the little murloc tribe. The murloc Chiling is the patriarch, but the person who really commands the murloc tribe is Yunchuan.

Through such a long period of integration, the Murloc has become accustomed to accepting Yunchuan's orders. As for Chiling, they always feel that this child is still young and needs to be taught by the patriarch to take on the big responsibility.

There was no problem in seizing power from Kuafu. Seeing Kuafu's simple and honest eyes, Yunchuan had to fill Kuafu's bowl with as much food as possible.

He hoped very much that Kuafu would feel happy as long as he was full.

Kuafu ate enough food and drank enough glutinous rice. He swayed to his room contentedly, and then fell asleep. Yunchuan heard Kuafu's heavy snoring.

The servant wives took away the tableware, and Yun Chuan was sitting alone in the sunset and drinking tea slowly. When Abu came, Yun Chuan seemed to be still thinking.

"How do you distinguish the cannibal Kuafu?" Yunchuan's voice sounded abruptly.

"Fathers of Kua are simple-minded, just look at the eyes they look at me when they are hungry to tell.

Kuafu is right. This is a group of giants, not Kuafu. When I passed by, their eyes were all on the bun in my hand, not on me. "

While talking, Abu sat slowly across from Yunchuan, took the teacup that Yunchuan handed over, hugged it in his hand, took a sip, and bathed in the red sunset with Yunchuan.

"I am going to take the tribe to hunt."

"Xuanyuan, Chi You may be waiting for the patriarch to leave the city. If the patriarch wants to leave Taohua Island, he needs to wait and wait until these Kuafu regain their physical strength. Otherwise, if they go out now, there will be war."

Yunchuan smiled and said, "How did you prepare the drums I asked you to prepare?"

Abu lowered his head and said, "If a hundred crocodile skin drums are struck together, the beasts will quickly flee."

Yunchuan looked at Abu and said, "We used to think that we just need to drive away the beasts. Now, we need food. At this time, the plan will need to be changed."

"How to change it?"

"From expelling to hunting!"

"The patriarch has chosen the hunting place?"

"The guillotine valley where the rock sheep was hunted last time was very good."

"In that case, is the patriarch going to kill all the beasts at once?"

"Yes, hunting nearby, drumming in the distance to expel."

"By doing this, the beasts near the Xuanyuan Department and Chiyou Department will also run away, and it may cause a tide of beasts."

Yun Chuan shook his head and said, "When people are poor, the human-induced animal tide will not be very large. There shouldn't be so many harms in places where human races live. I also need to find some way to hold Xuanyuan, Chiyou, and prevent them. Affect our hunting plan."

"So, the beasts within the Yunchuan area need to be hunted, and the beasts of the Xuanyuan and Chiyou tribes need to be alarmed."

"It's not just alarming, the last time Chi You drove a panda to hit our outer city is an example."

"Understood, I will prepare now. I should also make more drums, some bass drums, so that the sound can be louder."

Yun Chuan nodded and smiled: "This may be the first time a human has made a little of his own voice to the world. Our voice is not loud enough, so we have to use other methods."

"The bronze clock that the patriarch said, we have been experimenting, and we have produced a small one. As for the big clock that the patriarch said, our bronze is obviously insufficient, and there are very few bronzes on the market."

Yunchuan waved his hand and said: "Take it slowly, take it slowly, Abu, we will eventually live a life of morning and evening.

Every day at sunrise, the bronze bell will make a loud noise, telling the mountains and rivers that we are coming, telling the ferocious beasts that we are coming, and telling the world that we have woken up from our sleep.

Every day at sunset, our giant drums will sound, and those who hear the drums should know that it is time to go home.

During the day, the world belongs to us, and we leave the night to the beast. "

Abu raised his head, raised the cup in his hand, and poured the tea in the cup on the ground, looking very sacred.

Yunchuan believes that Abu has abandoned any distracting thoughts at this moment, and is wholeheartedly happy for the regular life of mankind in the morning and evening.

Abu even believed that it was his patriarch who was challenging the gods and fighting hard for human beings to no longer be humble.

This is also the battle between God and God. As an ordinary human being, he is extremely glorious to be able to participate in it.

Abu left, Yunchuan's straight waist immediately slumped down, and there were too few people available in his hands.

The nearest Dahe area is too quiet, and the quietness makes Yunchuan feel terrified.

Xuanyuan, Chi You, and Xing Tian are not the kind of people who can swallow grievances. Shennong is so salivating on the Meteor Plain, but has not done anything~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Such quietness is wrong and dangerous. .

Therefore, Yunchuan is ready to muddy the water and make everyone move. Only by moving can he speculate on the ideas of these savages and find a path that is beneficial to Yunchuan.

Kuafu brought one hundred and twenty giants, and also brought a very bad news, that is, the ice and snow on the mountains began to melt in a large amount, and a river will be formed. You should know that the general snow mountains are formed by melting. Most of the rivers are seasonal rivers, and they only form in early summer and dry up in autumn. Now, such rivers appear in spring. In Yunchuan's eyes, this is undoubtedly an example of the rapid climate change.

When Jingwei came back, Yunchuan was still sitting alone in the dark. It wasn't until Jingwei lit Songming that the room became bright.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking, what is the meaning of what we are doing now? The closer I get to success, the more worrying in my heart. I always feel that everything we have now is not so real, just like a beautiful dream."

Jing Wei came over to touch Yunchuan’s forehead incomprehensibly, and then threw his arms around Yunchuan’s neck on his back and said, “I’m not dreaming, I’m awakened by those chickens most of the days, sometimes it’s a little wolf. , Since the little wolf started hatching eggs, he stopped bothering me.

I take care of the old peach trees and the bees every day. I like this day. "

Yun Chuan stroked Jingwei's rough hands and said: "It's not right, many things are wrong, you know, God won't let us live a good life logically, and God won't tolerate almost nothing. Allow us to live happily until the end of the day.

Jingwei, remember that when people come to the world, they never come to enjoy happiness, but to suffer. "

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