I Am Not a Savage

Chapter 118: Yunchuan can extend people's lifespan

Chapter 118 Yunchuan Can Extend People's Lifespan

The crocodile has become the most miserable animal in the world.

The twelve crocodiles have lost their tyrannical temperament after being beaten by countless people. Nowadays, except for eating, they refuse to open their mouths.

Finally, I was caught by the angry Kuafu and got cramped.

Yunchuan obtained a lot of crocodile skins, and he began to wonder how to evolve the bamboo armors from his tribe into leather armors.

The back skin of crocodile skin is the thickest. Yunchuan has tried it. Bamboo arrows have little effect when facing the back skin of crocodile with scales. When a bamboo arrow with a smaller force touches the crocodile skin, it will Was bounced off.

The lame Limu's long bow can only penetrate when it hits the crocodile skin, and the scarecrow behind the leather armor has almost no lethal power.

The iron sword will only leave a trace on the leather armor. As for the bronze sword, if it is not pierced in this way, it will be useless for the crocodile leather armor.

Yunchuan naturally didn't understand how to make armor, but that was it, he was still the person who knew how to make leather armor the best in the entire tribe.

After the leather armor was made, Yunchuan was very ashamed, especially after the painter who had been harmed by bows and arrows triumphantly put on the leather armor, Yunchuan wanted to find a place to sew in.

Yun Chuan lowered his head and did not hear the ridicule, only a burst of admiration in his ear... Then he raised his head as if nothing had happened, and his face was unpredictable.

The breastplate is very similar to a brassiere, with a pant-like crotch, coupled with a shapewear-like belly armor, standing there like a pervert.

However, Ei didn't care, nor did the wild people on her back. They didn't care about the two bags on their chests, and they didn't have the concept of shaping clothes. As for the crotch, they felt it was very necessary because that place was too easy to get injured.

There is no armor on their legs, because after they are put on, their walking form will become like Chiling. If they don't run fast or jump high, they will become turtles on the battlefield.

This is impossible. The Spartans’ armor is the simplest. In the future, if they are given a red cloak, they should be able to hide their ugliness.

"This armor suits you too well."

Li Mu sighed in admiration on the side.

Hui looked back arrogantly at the lame Li Shepherd and said, "When I wear out, I will give it to you."

Li Mu gratefully bent down and said, "You are so kind."

Yunchuan is very curious about the relationship between Hui and Limu. Ever since Hui took Limu on a trip to the meteorite plain, the relationship between them seems very close.

In order to force Mu, Hui even drove away the two women who used to live with him, one of whom was still pregnant.

There were several guesses in Yun Chuan's mind, but in the end he decided to let it go. In the primitive world, everyone is free.

Abu is going to continue to build a huge fence on the other side of the river. These fences are used to prevent wild beasts from entering the new farmland in the Yunchuan area, and secondly, they can indicate that this is the territory of the Yunchuan area and no one else can enter.

Obviously, it is an impossible task to fence all tens of thousands of mu of land.

Abu is full of confidence. He thinks this kind of thing is suitable for him. At the same time, he also thinks that the best choice is to enclose the land with a stone wall.

After listening to Abu's suggestion, Yunchuan felt for the first time that it was not unreasonable for the ancients to build the Great Wall, because each of them had a mind to circle their own things.

Yunchuan saw Xuanyuan again on a clear day, and Xuanyuan looked very haggard at this time.

"I brought the families of those people to you, Yunchuan, treat them well, I can swear that they are not spies, I just can't support them."

Yunchuan looked at the old woman like a skeleton, and said in a puzzled manner: "Are they really the wives of those young people?"

Xuanyuan nodded and said, "Yes, it's all."

Yun Chuan sighed and said: "The ones you sent are all old women, and there may be no way to have children anymore."

Xuanyuan raised his head, his eyes were full of anxiety, and he was silent for a moment and said, "They are the wives I assigned to those people."

Yun Chuan smiled bitterly and nodded and said, "Okay, I want it, not because these people are the wives of the captives, but because you didn't kill them when you were short of food, but you tried to keep them alive.

Xuanyuan, robbery is not the best way to obtain wealth. Farming, hunting, and gathering are the best methods. If you want to efficiently farm, hunt, and gather, you should study it carefully so that you can get away from your tribe. The threat of hunger. "

Xuanyuan widened the blood-red eyes and said coldly, "You don't need to tell me what to do."

Seeing Xuanyuan, Yunchuan turned away and said loudly from behind, "You can grow more kinds of rice. The yield of this thing is relatively high."

Xuanyuan said without turning his head: "You don't need to worry about it!"

Yun Chuan glanced awkwardly at Abu next to him: "No way, he just doesn't listen."

Abu didn't seem to hear Yunchuan's explanation, but looked at the weak old women under the outer city and said to Yunchuan: "Too old, these women have lived for at least 30 cold and heat, and there is no child."

Yun Chuan looked at Abu and said, "Do you know how long people can live under normal circumstances?"

Abu whispered: "There are more than 20 cold and heat, and no more than 35 cold and heat. If you want these old women to come back, they have no effect except eating a few of our cold and heat food for nothing."

Yunchuan smiled and pointed to Abu's chest and said, "How long do you think you can live?"

Abu smiled and said: "I have lived 22 cold and heat, I think I can live to at least 35 cold and heat."

Yun Chuan hammered Abu's chest with his fist and said, "I don't think you will have any problems living to 70 years of cold and heat."

Abu was surprised: "Seventy cold and heat?"

Yunchuan said faintly: "Maybe it's more than that."

Abu quickly understood the meaning of Yunchuan's words, and pointed to the old women under the city head: "Can the patriarch prolong people's lives?"

Yunchuan looked at Abu faintly: "Since you followed me, I have been silently extending your lifespan. I don't know if you have found out. There have been basically no people in our tribe who have died of old age in the past two years."

Abu quickly recalled it in his mind. Immediately, he screamed, pulling Yunchuan's lapels and saying, "Really nothing..."

Yun Chuan shook off Abu's hand and snorted coldly: "For your good, but one by one will never be heartless. I always feel that what I have done is not very right."

After speaking, Yunchuan asked people to open the city gate and let the old women in.

In his original world, it was a question of whether these so-called old women were married or not, but when they got here, they became old women that no one wanted.

Human life span is actually very long. Of course, as long as nutrition keeps up and medical treatment keeps up, living to 70 years old is not a big problem.

The problem lies in the lack of nutrition and inadequate medical treatment. Although these women are still young, their bodies have collapsed.

Yunchuan felt that as long as these women were fed, they would not have a big problem living for another twenty years.

Of course, after eating a few full meals, these old women should be sent to the meteorite plain to take a bath, get sick and get better.

Abu seems to have got a big secret from the patriarch-the patriarch can artificially extend the life of a certain person! !

For this reason, Abu is willing to guard the patriarch all his life. As for the secret that the patriarch can extend the life of a person, Abu is prepared to enjoy it exclusively, and prepares no one to say.

When these women were soaking in lime water in the outer city, Yunchuan did not avoid it, because from these women, you can't see the slightest appearance that can inspire men to become obsessed. They are like old trees whose fruit has been plucked off. The wheat straw from which the grain has been stripped is like a salmon from which the roe has been removed.

The wind and frost of just 30 years has squeezed their bodies dry, making them like an oil lamp on the tuyere, which is in danger of being extinguished anytime and anywhere.

People who wash clean naturally have to tonic vigorously. Fresh crocodile meat porridge is their life-saving recipe.

Yunchuan asked Abu to be responsible for making these so-called old women stronger, and follow the recipes he gave them every day to continue their lives.

Abu likes this job very much. In order to find out how the patriarch can sustain others' lives, he even gave up his beloved work of building fences.

The captives who had taken refuge in, heard that their wives had been sent, and they flocked to them after they had finished their work.

After discovering that their wives had suddenly become a large group of old women, they went back in shock.

The crocodile meat porridge is not very delicious, because Yunchuan added preserved fruit, added salt, crushed bamboo insect powder, dried bamboo shoot powder, and crushed fish bones. Not only that, Yunchuan Chuan even added it after powdering the egg shell~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So the taste of the meat porridge can be imagined.

These old women eat very sweet, they don't care what is in the meat porridge, as long as it is meat porridge, they think it is the most delicious food in the world.

Five days later, the weak old women who were about to fall when they came, turned out to be strong.

The tribes took this matter for granted, only Abu understood that it was the benevolent patriarch who gave these women new life.

"So, they can already go a long way?" Yun Chuan listened to Abu's statement quietly, with a smile on his face.

Abu smiled and said, "As long as we continue to feed them this way, there will be no problem in sticking to the meteorite plain."

Yun Chuan smiled, took a sip of tea and rinsed his mouth, spit out the tea and food residue, and said to Abu: "Then send someone to take them, and they will come back after treating those messy diseases. There are a lot of things in the family. There is always a shortage of manpower. They should start to work."

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