And Sanada, he looked at Kurosaki's relaxed look, and even sneered: "Arrogant guy, but at this point, even if you struggle again, it won't help!".

Although he didn't expect Yukimura's original appearance to be like this, he could win the opponent's three major perceptions in a row, but in this game, it made him very happy.

If you are deprived of the three senses, even the pros will lose.

And Kurosaki, although his strength is very strong, he defines him as a monster in his heart, but in Sanada's opinion, the other party is still far from the professional level.

Three perceptions are deprived, how can the other party win Yukimura.

In his opinion, there is only one path left for Kurosaki, and that is a ruthless fiasco.

Even if this guy can't play tennis anymore because of his mental yips, Sanada is happy to see it.

Because this guy is too arrogant.

Let such an arrogant guy exist in the tennis world, in his opinion, it is simply a cancer in the tennis world.

On the court, after Kurosaki said this, he smiled again: "I really deserve to be a super genius in Kanagawa!

"Instead of praising my means, you should care about yourself first!".

Yukimura said coldly to Kurosaki, but when he said this, he regretted it, because the other party's hearing had been deprived by him, and in this case, the other party naturally couldn't hear what he said.

But to Yukimura's surprise, the latter responded as if he had heard what he said.

"Caring about myself, it's not necessary, it's not hard for me to break free!".


As soon as these words came out, Yukimura's face suddenly changed.

Did this guy hear what he said?

"Don't be nervous!".

As if to see through the surprise in Yukimura's heart, Kurosaki stood there and smiled, "My hearing hasn't replied yet, I just guessed that you would say that!".

"But this kind of thing won't trap me for long, and it's only a matter of two or three rounds for me!"


Yukimura's eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't think that the opponent would be able to break free in two or three rounds, after all, he had never missed this move since he opened up, let alone being broken free, and even gave up the game directly.

He felt that the other party was bluffing him.

"Well, I don't believe it, then let you believe it!".

After Kurosaki said this, he took out a tennis ball from his pocket.

However, due to the deprivation of the three senses of touch, sight, and hearing, Kurosaki was completely unable to serve, let alone hit the ball in Yukimura's court, and even successfully hit the ball.

However, Kurosaki's stance was as wild as before, and he did not panic at all because he couldn't serve, but after making two double service errors, he smiled at Yukimura and said, "Okay, it's already a game!

"Arrogant guy!".

Yukimura's eyes were slightly cold.

In the case of being deprived of the three major perceptions of sight, touch, and hearing, the other party is still so arrogant.

"It seems that if you are not completely defeated, you will not restrain your arrogant temperament!"

With a cold snort, Yukimura immediately blasted out a ball.









Four service points directly made Yukimura easy to recover a game.

However, Kurosaki's performance was still very relaxed, not only did he not have the slightest nervousness, but he smiled at Yukimura: "Second game!".

Sanada couldn't help but sneer when he heard Kurosaki's words.

It's hard for this guy to think that he can still turn defeat into victory.

As for Kurosaki's previous two or three rounds of breaking free, he also felt that it was impossible, after all, how could it be possible to break free from such a thing as being deprived of his five senses.

"You will be defeated with the fear of being deprived of your five senses!"

Sanada said secretly in his heart.



On the court, Kurosaki started to serve after saying this.

The first two goals were double faults.

However, when it came to the third ball, Sanada, who was standing on the sidelines, saw that the opponent's racket had hit the tennis ball.

Not only that, but this ball also smashed accurately in Yukimura's field, and the power was quite fierce, and even Yukimura failed to react.


Immediately, Sanada was stunned.

This was true not only of Sanada, but also of the audience, Shishido, Mukai, and Inoue, a reporter for the professional tennis monthly magazine.


They collectively looked at Kurosaki in the middle of the court, only to see the latter stretch his muscles, and then put the racket on his shoulder again.

Under the long blood-red hair, there is a wild and somewhat handsome face, but that face is no longer as blank as before, and the eyes have also regained focus and become extremely clear.

"Well, I'm finally free!".

"Two goals in two games, a little longer than I expected, I thought I would be able to break free in two games!".

The arrogant words resounded from the field, making everyone in the audience stunned.

This guy really did as he said it took only two or three rounds to break free.

"Weird...... Monster!".

And Cai Elementary School Xiang Sun and Shishido are even more bosses.

Is this guy really human?

The three major perceptions of hearing, touch, and vision are deprived

Inoue on the side was also a little shocked, obviously unable to believe that the other party had broken free, and it was within the number of innings that the other party said.

It's like an absolute teaser of a rejuvenation.

"This ...... This guy!".

On the other side, Sanada was also stunned, and he was really broken free by the other party.

For a while, Sanada's gaze at Kurosaki also changed completely.

What the hell is this monster!


"How could it be!".

On the court, Yukimura's face also froze, looking at Kurosaki, who had regained all his senses, his eyes showed a deep shock.

If you want to say who is the most incredible in the audience, it is undoubtedly Yukimura.

After all, the elimination of the five senses was developed by him, but the trick he developed was unexpectedly broken free by the other party, and it was within the number of rounds that the other party said.

"Big brother is amazing!".

Compared with Sanada and Yukimura, Akutsu was excited.

In less than three rounds, Kurosaki broke free.

He's too handsome, isn't he


At this moment, Akutsu seems to have become Kurosaki's little fan brother, and there are only two words in his eyes, worship!

On the court, Kurosaki took off the racket on his shoulder and smiled at the disbelieving Yukimura on the other side, "Okay! I've broken free from the five senses, and now it's my turn to fight back!"

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