I Am God!

Chapter 237 City-States and Tribes

In the military camp south of the Fire Guard City.

Smerkel stayed awake all night. He tossed and turned excitedly on the bed, filled with uneasiness, self-doubt, and the desire and imagination for victory.

At dawn, the guard leader Lucci came to the wooden house, and he noticed Smerkel's mood.

"Your Highness."

"Do not doubt your abilities, just as we never doubted that you would lead us to victory."

Lucci pulled Prince Smerkel outside the military camp and saw the soldiers who had gotten up early for training.

When Prince Smerkel came out, the soldiers immediately became quiet and straightened their backs.

Lucci brought Smerkel into the crowd, and the soldiers in the Fire Guard City looked at Smerkle with fiery eyes.

The son of King Alpans has a body as strong and tall as his father, and has the same god-given power. His arm carries the legendary certificate of the Blood Blessed.

"Prince Smerkel."



A roar like a tsunami erupted from the crowd, Lucci told Smerkel.

"Did you hear the cheers?"

"See your soldiers and subjects?"

"Everyone is supporting you, everyone is trusting you."

"If that's the case, why can't you trust yourself?"

Smerkel looked at his good friend Lucci and patted him on the shoulder.

But Lu Qi still maintained his humility as a courtier.

Smerkel: "I will win with you."

When tens of thousands of troops set off, the figure of his father Alpans appeared on top of the city.

Although Smerkel couldn't see his expression clearly, she could feel his eyes falling on her.

The army came to Moonlight City, waiting for the arrival of other armies.

It was not only the Fire Guard City that sent troops, but also soldiers brought by other city lords.

They all once swore an oath to the King of Gods, and when war breaks out, they must send soldiers to fight.

Everyone gathered here to form a coalition of nearly 30,000 people, and Prince Smerkel was the nominal commander of this coalition.

Looking at the moonlight jungle in the distance, Smerkel asked the guard commander Lu Qi beside him.

"I remember, you seem to be from Moonlight City, right?"

Lu Qi told Prince Smerkle: "Yes, I am the son of the Lord of Moonlight City."

Smerkel turned his head and looked into the city. This was a very prosperous and rich city.

"It looks like your family built this place well."

Lu Qi was a little proud: "It was here that the first Fire Keeper Alsini discovered the Ball Roller."

"A poet said."

"The fire of civilization may also be said to have started from here."

Smerkel nodded to Lucci: "The Rolling Ball has indeed brought changes to us. No one thought that the Moonlight Jungle, known as the Forbidden Land of Death, could actually give the gift of life."

After saying that, Smerkel looked towards the city again.

“What a beautiful and prosperous city!”

Lu Qi nodded: "Yes! That's why I have to protect this place at all costs, even if it costs me my own life."

Lu Qi looked at Smerkel trustingly: "This is also the reason why we follow you on the expedition, because we are protecting our home and our loved ones."

Smerkel said nothing, but had another understanding of the war.

Prince Smerkel first sent out probing soldiers to collect information and clues to know the situation on the enemy's side, and at the same time became familiar with his own army and the generals leading the army.


Soon Smerkel learned the bad news.

Smerkle put down his pen, with a very shocked expression on his face: "Pance Fortress was lost?"

The investigating soldier nodded: "Yes, Your Highness."

"The leader of the Winged Demon Tribe suddenly attacked Pans Fortress and caught us off guard."

"The Lord of the City who was guarding the fortress had no way to deal with the Winged Demon. In the end, he bravely fought the enemy until the last moment."

"When we passed by, the enemy not only occupied Pans Fortress, but also our stone fortresses were being torn out one after another."

"The enemy has already entered along the giant snake road that stretches for hundreds of miles. It is estimated that they may arrive in front of us the day after tomorrow."

Pansi Fortress was a city built more than seventy years ago. It is an extremely strong and tall military fortress, equipped with dozens of large and small stone fortresses. More than two thousand elite soldiers are stationed in it, and they are always on guard. The impact of the beast tribe.

Behind Pens Fortress is the Serpent Road that stretches for hundreds of miles, which is narrow and dangerous.

Most of those stone forts are placed here, blocking the enemy's advance and also serving as a warning.

It is this kind of natural danger that makes it difficult for the animal husbandry tribe to go south again.

They protect the peace and stability of the city-state of Suinhor.

The Stone Demon Tribe, which was once the most powerful among the beast-herding tribes, is gradually declining, and another tribe called the Winged Demon Tribe is rising rapidly.

Not only is their leader a third-level powerful person, but many years ago the ancestors of the Winged Demon tribe accidentally discovered the Winged Demon egg left over from the Snake Mother era, and through difficult methods finally used this Winged Demon egg to cultivate it. offspring.

Until this generation, they had nearly ten winged demons, forming a huge fighting force.

The leader of the Winged Demon tribe led a ten-man Winged Demon team that came and went without a trace, crisscrossing the plains of the Midwest.

Groups of winged demons suddenly descended on Pans Fortress, catching everyone off guard and capturing Pans Fortress.

Even the stone castle used to warn and block could not even send out a message when faced with an existence like the Winged Demon.

If Smerkel hadn't sent scouting soldiers in advance to check the situation, they might not have known that the people from the Beast Tribe were about to rush in along the Giant Snake Road.

The city-state coalition was very excited when they heard the news, and they all roared and clamored to teach the barbarians in the northwest a lesson.

"Fortress Pans must be recaptured."

"Give them a taste of the power and kill them without leaving a single piece of armor behind."

"But this road used to be full of strongholds of the animal herding tribes, with a battle line that was hundreds of kilometers long. Now they have the advantage. If we attack Pans Fortress, we will probably be cut off and stay there."

"Yes, we have to stabilize the situation first."

The loss of Pens Fortress had a great impact, and the federal army also had fierce quarrels.

Smerkel stood in a temporary military camp built of wood and looked at the map carved on a wooden board. This was the first time he led troops into battle as an adult, and he encountered such a difficult situation.

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Smerkel must make a decision at this time.

Whether to choose the other side's instigation to take the initiative to take back the city, or to follow the conservatives' advice to stabilize the situation.

Smerkel turned around, and everyone immediately stopped arguing and looked at Smerkel.

"We can't be in a hurry. We can leave the matter of recapturing Pans Fortress aside for now and talk about it later."

When he opened his mouth, he set the tone.

Smerkel pointed to a point on the map: "The most important thing for us now is to defend Giant Snake Town and several surrounding towns. Although this is a small town, as far as I know its defense system is very well established. It’s complete and was once a strategic location for war.”

"It's just because they haven't encountered another war in these years, and the animal herding tribe has not chosen to invade south from the Giant Snake Road for many years, so it is no longer noticed."

"As long as we hold on here, the enemy will not dare to penetrate deeply into our heart."

Although Smerkel has never been on the battlefield, as the son of Alpans, he has been exposed to it since he was a child and naturally knows some basic things.

Moreover, the generals around him will also give him advice and act as his think tank.

More importantly, fortunately, Smerkel had a calm personality and sent people to investigate the situation in advance.

If they had not learned about the fall of Pans Fortress two days earlier, it is estimated that they would have lost not only Pans Fortress and the Serpent Road, but also several important defensive positions at the entrance.

Along with Serpent Town.

At that time, the situation will really be completely bad, and the cities and villages in the entire northwest will be completely exposed to the enemy, allowing them to plunder and kill.

If they try to stop each other, it's like playing hide-and-seek in the jungle.

These tribal snakemen, who are best at fighting this kind of battle, can play them around.

Although some radical generals did not like this conservative approach, they also knew that Smerkel was right.

Everyone looked at each other and finally decided to comply with Smerkel's proposal.

"You are the commander-in-chief!"

"Of course we listen to you."


The plan is decided.

The army immediately began to march towards Giant Snake Town.

They are very fast, because at this time they are simply competing for time with the snake people of the animal herding tribe.

Whoever can arrive first will have the advantage.

Smerkel moved very quickly. After they arrived at Giant Snake Town, they immediately occupied the local strategic location. It didn't take long before they saw the invading army of the Beast Tribe.

The Winged Demon hovered in the sky, making a heart-rending scream.


Although the Winged Demon has a pair of wings, its body is more like an insect or a snake, and even the sound it makes is somewhat similar to that of a snake.

Smerkel climbed to a high place and looked up at the Winged Demon in the sky.

"The enemy is coming soon."

Sure enough, it didn't take long before we saw groups of soldiers from the animal herding tribe coming from a distance.

They wore leather armor and carried short swords, spears and heavy hammers.

Most of the soldiers of the beast-herding tribe drove the tooth beasts as beasts of burden to carry supplies, and the tooth beasts were also their food. Some snake men drove the tail of the earth dragon and wrapped it around the body of the terrain dragon to the giant snake town.

Smerkle drew his bow and drew an arrow, and shot several dragoons to death in public, winning a lot of cheers.

There was another enthusiastic shout from the crowd.

Shouting the name of Prince Smerkel.

But it's a pity that those earth dragons ran back on their own.

The soldiers from the Beast Tribe discovered that there were large armies stationed in Giant Snake Town and the surrounding towns, and they shouted angrily.

But facing the bows and arrows on the city wall, they had no choice but to retreat.

There are more and more troops stationed in the camp in the distance, and soldiers from various animal herding tribes, large and small, are constantly gathering, obeying the orders of the leader of the Winged Demon Tribe.

Smerkel also felt that the war was coming and ordered the generals of the city-state army to prepare.

He also sent people to other towns to contact the garrisoned generals and convey to them the battle plan he and several veteran generals had made.

The entire tribe of animal herders is a military force, and when they plunder, they directly bring the entire tribe and the animals they raise with them to migrate.

This time they came with nearly 100,000 people.

There were so many people lined up on the plain, it was like a sea of ​​people.

Plus the fang beast as a beast of burden, and the earth-walking dragoon.

When they hit, they were like huge waves, and everyone felt like the earth was roaring.

Smerkel stood on the top of the city of Serpent Town and issued his order.

"Prepare to meet the enemy."

The animal herding tribe launched the attack first, and they were met by small stone demons one after another.

The monsters marched across the ground towards Serpent Town, intending to crush everything inside.

The powerful snake man on the city-state alliance's city wall stood on the city wall and waved his hand to summon the little fire demon.

The little fire demon jumped down from a height and wrapped around the stone demons.

There is a wide river outside the Giant Snake Town. If the red-hot stone demon burned by the fire demon dares to wade through this moat, it will definitely be shattered to pieces.

The city-state coalition has rich combat experience, so some of the small stone demons that came with great momentum fell into the water because they could not stop and turned into a pile of rubble.

The other little stone demons immediately stopped in fear, not daring to rush across the river again.

At this time, soldiers from other animal herding tribes also rushed over.

These snake soldiers swam over from the moat, and then wanted to build a simple bridge to let the little stone demon rush across the moat.

Smerkel in the city also rushed out with an elite team, constantly destroying the beast tribes and building bridges, killing these snake people.

The originally clear river turned into blood, and there were corpses everywhere.

The leader of the Winged Demon tribe hovering in the sky was very dissatisfied when he saw this situation. First, the stone demon's attack was blocked, and then the bridge construction suffered heavy losses. He felt that he must stop Smerkle, who was leading his men on a rampage.


The Winged Demon swooped down in the sky, and the strong wind blew down from the sky, blowing the snake people on the ground until they could not open their eyes.

In the eyes of the strong wind, the Winged Demon pounced on Prince Smerkel.

Prince Smerkel had already noticed the Winged Demon jumping down from a high place, and instantly activated the Blood Blessed One certificate on his arm.

The skirt armor instantly wrapped the strong body of Prince Smerkle, and the blood-red cloak danced behind Smerkel.

He raised his spear high and pierced the Winged Demon's body with one shot.

The Winged Demon neighed, and it felt a strange power penetrate into its body.

That power is like a curse, doubling the pain and making it difficult to heal.

But when Prince Smerkel was about to use all his strength to kill the winged demon completely.

A third-level stone giant emerged from the other side and bombarded Smerkel.

Smerkle immediately raised the shield in his left hand to block it in front of him.

The huge force hit the shield, and Smerkle was knocked to the ground, and the spear came out of his hand.

The Winged Demon also got rid of the spear and rushed into the sky again.

Smerkel rushed out of the smoke again. Not only did he not have any wounds on his body, but the spear that he had let go of appeared again in his hand with a wave of his hand.

Smerkel's spear turned into a flame spear, and dozens of meters long blood snakes rushed out from the shield to devour and bind the enemy, fighting with the stone giant.

This is a third-level cursed seal spirit, and it is also the manifestation of the power and will of the leader of the Winged Demon Tribe.

Smerkle fought with such a terrifying colossus on the earth with the Blood Blessed Proof suit, and the scene was full of shock.


Smerkel burst out with a loud roar. He fought the stone giant alone, and at the same time, he kept waving his spear to drive away the winged demons that fell from the sky.

Such majestic and irresistible divine power made the city-state alliance feel like they were on fire. Arrows rained down from Chengtou Mountain continuously.

The people of the animal husbandry tribe were afraid of it.

There are fewer and fewer Beast Tribe soldiers rushing across the moat, and the ground is littered with the corpses they left behind.

At this time, there was also restlessness in the distance.

The city-state's reinforcements arrived on time and attacked the beast-herding tribe's army from the waist.

The gate of Giant Snake Town also opened, and the suspension bridge was slowly lowered.

The soldiers responsible for charging the formation rushed out according to the plan and began to counterattack.

Smerkel's power was unstoppable. The blood snake in his shield bit the stone colossus, and then shot it into the head of the colossus, destroying its core.

The stone giant collapsed instantly and turned into a ball of sand.

However, it itself is the manifestation of the power of the powerful person. As long as the powerful person does not die, it can be condensed again after regaining its power.



Smerkel stood on the earth and roared towards the sky.

However, the Winged Demon hovering in the sky saw Smerkle's provocation, but did not dare to land at all. It was completely shocked by Smerkel's power.

Moreover, the winged demon headed by it was also flying unsteadily. Obviously, the stabbing shot by Smerkel just now was not that simple.

At this time, the soldiers rushing out of the city also rushed to Smerkel's side.

"The chariot is coming."

"Your Highness."

Lucci, the commander of the Guards, arrived in Smerkle's chariot. He would always guard Smerkel's side.

Smerkel grabbed his hand and rushed into the chariot.

"Come on!"

Lu Qi drove the chariot, and the two of them chased into the distance side by side.

The blood-colored cloak fluttered in the wind, also covering Lu Qi's body.

The terrain dragon pulled the chariot and ran on the battlefield, constantly chasing the retreating beast tribe soldiers.

The soldiers of the Beast Tribe fled in all directions, leaving corpses on the ground.

The winged demons hovering in the sky gradually disappeared into the clouds.

The commander of the guards looked at the battlefield of blood and fire, looked at Smerkel and said with a smile: "Victory! Your Highness!"

"We won."

Smerkel nodded, but added: "It's just a temporary victory."

Smerkel looked at the cheering crowd around him, and watched everyone's eyes on him become more intense.

There are so many people who trust me and fight alongside me.

He suddenly felt that being a king was a very happy thing.

Being able to work side by side with your companions to perform the duty of defending your homeland and people, and being able to enjoy the cheers and admiration of everyone.

at the same time.

Smerkel put away his contempt for the beast tribe, and he saw how powerful the Winged Demon was.

He knew that even if he had the blood-blessed certificate, it would be difficult for him to win over this kind of overlord of the sky.

Without the certificate of the Blood Blessed One and the power given by the First Ancestor of Blood, he would not even know how to face these beast-herding tribes like wild beasts.

The scene of nearly 100,000 people leading the tooth beasts and earth dragons to attack really shocked him.

The Winged Demon Tribe also knew that the power from the gods was not something they could deal with head-on.


The snakemen of the Beast Tribe suffered a big loss in Giant Snake Town, but they were not injured.

Their strength is still there, and their plan to plunder southward has not been broken.

I won't give up just because of such a small loss.

They immediately adjusted their strategy and no longer chose to resist forcefully. Instead, they began to divide into various tribes and spread out to the northwest of Suinhall to start plundering.

If you can win, fight; if you can't, run away.

They have the advantage in the sky and can use the Winged Demon to observe the movements of Suinhor's army from a height.

Once their army was dispatched as a whole to a certain place, the marauding armies of these beast-herding tribes immediately received the news to evacuate, which caused a huge headache for the city-state coalition forces.

If they dare to separate into small groups, they will fall into the trap of these animal herding tribes.

Fortunately, the material transportation channel to Moonlight City was guarded and arranged by the Guards Commander Lu Qi, and the supplies were always maintained under the ground dragon cavalry of the Herding Beast Tribe, otherwise it would be difficult for them to support it.

At the same time, because they are rooted here, the people of the animal husbandry tribe always only dare to rob nearby, and dare not really go deep into the hinterland of Suinhor.

Smerkel now fully understood how powerful the Winged Demon was. The most powerful thing about the opponent was not only its ability to fly, but also its ability to detect the sky.

People in the Serpent Town were even more restless. The generals of the city-state came to discuss countermeasures every day, but there was no other way except quarreling.

"Despicable barbarians." A general from the Fire Guard City slapped the table, hating the people of the Beast Tribe so much that his son died in the hands of the other party when he led a small team out of Giant Snake Town.

"You don't dare to fight us head-on. You just play sneak attacks all day long." The same goes for others.

"We must take back Pans City, otherwise we will always be passively beaten like this." Someone brought up the previous motion again.

The general kept urging Prince Smerkel to make a decisive battle, even if he took the risk, he must capture Pansi City, and he could not be passively beaten like this.

But Prince Smerkle remained motionless, as if he was waiting for an opportunity.

But the pressure was mounting on him.

Many people in the military camp doubted him, which was not a good sign.

Although most of the soldiers in the Fire Guard City are still very stable, there are more people from other cities in the army, and there are also some people who are deliberately spreading bad news.

Smerkel knew that some people did not want him to win, and even expected him to lose.

Smerkel released a large number of scouting soldiers to collect all the whereabouts and information about the beast tribe.

On this day, a scouting soldier reported back.

"A large number of enemy probing soldiers appeared near Moonlight City."

Smerkel looked at the map and placed his finger on Moonlight City.

He immediately understood the other party's plan.

Moonlight City is their most important material transit hub city and the richest city in the northwest.

Once cut off, they are extremely dangerous.

There are dangers such as Pans City and the Serpent Road in front, and the retreat behind is also cut off. Tens of thousands of people have lost supplies and support, and they will have to withdraw from the Serpent Town.

At that time, they can completely and unscrupulously rob the entire northwest, and even rush directly to the Fire Guard City to show off their power.

And even if Smerkel has strong combat power, he can only be fooled by them.

It's like a stupid toothed beast being led by a shepherd.


"Moonlight City must be rescued immediately."

But just after he said this, Smerkle shook his head again, so what if he went to rescue Moonlight City?

When the opponent sees that the situation is bad, they will immediately retreat, and may even take the opportunity to bite another piece of flesh from their body.

They cannot completely solve the problem, and they will always be passive.

Smerkel felt a terrible headache.

Suddenly, Smerkel saw another place on the map.

His eyes lit up and his spirits suddenly lifted.


"This is also an opportunity for us."

Smerkle's eyes were intense, staring at the map.

That place is convenient.

Pens City.

He had never dared to attack Pance City because the army of the Beast Tribe was likely to block his retreat and then attack him at all levels on the Giant Snake Road.

By then, these elites may not have even reached Pans City, and the entire army will be annihilated in the Serpent's Road.

No matter how strong he is alone, he is still just one person, and he may be trapped if he is surrounded by a group of people.

The troops need food and the soldiers need rest.

And now, the opportunity has arisen.

The people of the Beast Tribe wanted to capture Moonlight City and then block them, forcing them to retreat and expose their flaws. Even if no flaws were exposed, they would create the best opportunity for plunder.

But Smerkel and the City side can also take advantage of this opportunity.

A terrible idea came to Smerkle's mind, to use the entire city of Moonlight City as bait, and use that gorgeous and rich city and the large amount of money and supplies hoarded to attract the army of the Beast Tribe.

Even if it were a beast-herding tribe, it would take tens of thousands of people to capture such a majestic city.

And he took the opportunity to sneak attack on Pance City, completely cutting off the retreat of the animal herding tribe, leaving these barbarians who could advance and retreat freely without any retreat.

Become a group of trapped beasts locked in a cage.

They will.

There is no escape.

Smerkel was able to think of this battle because it was his father's battle. His father Alpans once took advantage of the most powerful stone demon tribe in the north to rob several cities in the south and suddenly stopped them. Their escape route.

Let them have no way to escape on the plain, and eventually become rootless pings and be completely wiped out.

Smerkel was very hesitant. This was using an entire city as bait and price.

Moreover, he cannot show any signs of supporting or discovering the opponent's purpose before successfully capturing Pans City, otherwise he is likely to fail.

Smerkel summoned the generals in the army to discuss the matter, and he expressed his thoughts.

In an instant, all the generals stood up.

"This method is very good. The risks we take are much smaller." A veteran looked at Smerkel with a look of approval in his eyes.

"I think it's okay. As long as Pans City and the Serpent Road can be recaptured, these barbarians will be dead." The radical generals were also very excited, and finally they didn't have to be beaten passively.

"When the time comes, I will kill them all and avenge my son." This is a father who hates the snake tribe very much.

However, Lu Qi, the royal guard commander, stood up.

he said loudly.

"don't want."

"Your Highness."

"You can't make that decision."

Lucci looked at Smerkel in disbelief: "Do you remember what we once said?"

"We came to participate in this war to protect our hometown and loved ones. How could we sacrifice innocent civilians and sacrifice an entire city?"

Moonlight City is Lu Qi's hometown, how could he sit back and watch his hometown become a victim.

Smerkel lowered his head, not daring to look at Lucci.

"I didn't sacrifice them, it was just part of the strategy."

"As long as Pans City and the Serpent Road are recaptured, we can immediately turn our army back and rescue Moonlight City."


Even Prince Smerkel himself thought this was just a lie and empty words.

It was simply a miracle that Moonlight City could hold on under the combined forces of the Beast Tribe until Smerkel arrived.

And the reason why miracles are called miracles.

It's because under normal circumstances, it's simply impossible.

Other generals thought that this was a genius plan, which once again proved Smerkle's strong bloodline. They didn't care whether Moonlight City would sacrifice, because they were not from Moonlight City anyway.

What they want is victory. What they want is to kill and defeat the barbarians of the animal herding tribes.

"Your Highness."

"We are too late at all. The animal herding tribe won't take a day."

"No, they only need half a day to capture Moonlight City."

Prince Smerkel hesitated: "I..."

He felt that what he was doing was really wrong, but he was under too much pressure these days, and this was the only opportunity he could see.

At this time, the soldiers outside also began to become restless.

Day after day of waiting and suffering, as well as the reduction of various supplies and food, have also brought these soldiers close to the point of outbreak.

"I would rather die than be trapped like this if I fight them."

"We need to win!"

"Why stand still? We don't need such a cowardly commander."

"If I had the power of God's Favored One, I would have fought to the death with them."

Someone was inciting the soldiers to cause trouble, and Smerkel knew from the accent that the loudest shouters should be the people from Seins.

But it was not just the people from Seins who were encouraged next.

There was a lot of noise outside, like ocean waves.

These days, the soldiers' agitation grew day by day, and even the eyes that looked at Smerkel began to look suspicious.

people say.

Maybe the prince has great power, but he has a weak heart.

Only by winning one victory after another can one become a commander-in-chief.

What these soldiers can believe in is not just strength, but the person who uses strength to lead them to victory.

Smerkel finally understood that the king does not act arbitrarily.

The king is also under tremendous pressure and needs to face life-and-death decisions.

Moreover, the sacrifices and choices the king needs to make are also unimaginable, which may involve the lives of countless people and the sacrifices of thousands of people.

Smerkle looked at Lucci, his best friend.

He took a deep breath and said in a helpless tone.

"I do not have any choice."

"My friend and brother."

"If you can't win, you can only lose."

Smerkle's hand holding the table suddenly tightened: "And I must not fail."

Lu Qi knew that nothing could be changed. He looked at Smerkel silently and whispered.

"Your Highness."

"Then please allow me to lead the team back to Moonlight City. I want to protect my hometown with my own hands."

The generals in the room immediately became agitated. Others did not believe the commander of the guards.

"We can't let him go. He might tip off the information and make our plan fail."

"Tie him up, he can't be trusted."

"Your Highness, please think about the city-state."

Lu Qi roared: "I can swear to the gods."

Then he looked at Smerkel with his eyes, his eyes were red, like a desperate beast.

Smerkel looked at Lucci and waved his hand.

"I let you go and allow you to take away all Moonlight City soldiers."

"But you can't leave until the night after tomorrow."

Lu Qi put on his battle helmet, turned around and walked outside.

Smerkel suddenly said to Lucci: "I will come to rescue you and Moonlight City immediately after I capture Pans City. I will definitely do it."

Lu Qi said nothing, and his figure gradually disappeared outside.


Thirty thousand people, under the leadership of Smerkel, crossed the Serpent Road in one day, with more than half of the defensive strength missing. There was no need to worry about the rear route being cut off and leaving troops to guard.

That night.

The city-state coalition troops reached the city of Pans.

Prince Smerkel took the lead and rushed to the top of Pens City as a vanguard.

He fought the stone demon and the fire demon alone, killing the entire city of Pans like a god of war.

And the other side.

The same scene is repeated in Chandni City.

Prince Smerkel once again repeated his father's miracles and classic battles, using the rich Moonlight City to attract the enemy's troops southward, and then blocked the opponent's retreat, completely sealing the enemy in the south.

Once the herding beast tribe loses the flexibility to advance and retreat freely, it is no different from the herding beasts waiting to be slaughtered.

Prince Smerkel held an impromptu meeting in the city lord's palace in Pans City, and there was no time to clean up the corpses and blood stains on the ground.

"I'm going to rescue Moonlight City."

"You stay to guard Pans City and arrange the surrounding defenses."

"I only have one request."

Smerkel said in a cold voice: "No one is allowed to leave the path of the giant snake."

Prince Smerkel left 20,000 people to guard Pans City and the Serpent Road, while he led 10,000 elite soldiers from the Fire Guard City to attack the Moonlight City overnight.

Running in the dark is supposed to be the most prone to chaos. In the end, most of the people may get lost in the dark and be unable to keep up with the team.

Yet Smerkel persisted.

Smerkel's cape, which burned like fire, was like a beacon, attracting everyone to follow closely. These people were the soldiers of the Fire Guard City, and were Alpans and his most loyal subordinates and followers.

When the call came at dawn, no one was left behind.

Ten thousand people rushed out of the road of the giant snake,

On the other side, the beast-herding tribe coalition forces were in panic after learning that the city-state coalition forces had captured Pance City.

They began to retreat frantically, hoping to rush out of the land of Suinhor City State and return to their herding plains before the city-state coalition forces completely blocked the way out.

One of the two rescued quickly, while the other retreated frantically.

The tens of thousands of coalition troops from the Beast Herding Tribe happened to run into the city-state elites who rushed out in the dark night. The Winged Demon Team of the Beast Herding Tribe did not expect that Smerkel would lead a group of people to attack overnight, and they did not expect that they would bump into them here.

According to their thinking, at this time they should be repairing and building the destroyed city and stone castle in Pans City.

They were killed by surprise.

The army of the city-state was lightly armed, while the coalition forces of the animal herding tribes brought large and small carts one by one, and the carts also contained a large number of plundered women and goods.


The army led by Smerkel saw them and started fighting without saying a word.

Rows of chariots led the army towards the animal herder tribe under the vigorous pace of the earth dragon. Smerkel jumped up from the chariots brandishing his blood gun and holding his shield high.

He rushed into the crowd of the animal herder tribe alone, causing huge chaos in an instant.

more importantly.

At this moment, most of the people in the animal herding tribe don't want to fight Smerkel at all, even if their leader tries to restrain him, it's no use. They just want to rush back from the Serpent Road with the money and loot they grabbed.

They have plundered enough, and the wealth of Moonlight City is simply unprecedented.

The army led by Smerkel completely penetrated the coalition forces of the animal husbandry tribe. This hearty battle was completely different from the previous hide-and-seek battles.

The ground was littered with corpses, and the Fire Guard soldiers brought by Smerkel were finally exhausted.

In the end, the people of the animal husbandry tribe were like headless flies, without any system at all, and finally fled in all directions.

Most of them fled towards the road of the giant snake, and a small number couldn't find their way and were completely separated from the army.

Seeing the unprecedented victory, everyone was extremely excited.




Even though they were exhausted, the soldiers still lay on the ground and shouted at the top of their lungs.

They knew that this battle was truly won.

Smerkel stood in the center of the battlefield covered in blood. His whole body was completely dyed blood red, standing on a high pile of corpses.

A group of generals came to see Smerkel and knelt on the ground respectfully to salute.

Only the older veteran dared to approach Smerkel, who was like a god of war, and said to the prince: "It's a pity that many people escaped."

Smerkel looked in the direction of the giant snake's path: "Don't worry."

"They will die in the path of the serpent."

After this battle, the animal-herding tribes would not have the courage to go south for at least ten years, nor would they have the ability to go south to plunder.


Moonlight City was burning with raging fire, and there were no more living people in the city.

In the fire.

Prince Smerkel entered the city with his army.

He completed a miraculous war and completely defeated the coalition of animal pastoral tribes.

He completed a successful battle of annihilation, which was dozens or hundreds of times more difficult than defeating the enemy.


Miracles rarely happen again.

Moonlight City did not complete its miracle, and it was not surprising that it was attacked by the Beast Tribe.

The crazy and greedy snake-men of the beast-herding tribe slaughtered and looted the city.

Except for a few people who were able to escape easily by hiding, everyone else died under the butcher's knife.

The city in flames was full of corpses.

Soldiers, young men, old men, women, children.

Prince Smerkel opened his mouth slightly, and you could see the muscles in his cheeks trembling.

His plan was good and he implemented it successfully.

But it was obvious that he never really understood the cost of implementing his words as planned, because the words he said always came out of his mouth very easily.

When he actually saw this scene, he was completely shocked.


The prince stood quietly, corpses and flames reflected in his pupils, but he could not speak.

After a long time, he asked the soldier beside him.

"Did I win?"

No one answered him, and the scene was extremely quiet.

Prince Smerkel walked towards the front of the street, and suddenly he saw a very familiar face.

It was a head impaled on the ground with a wooden spear, and his body could no longer be found.


Smerkel called out his name.

Lu Qi died very tragically, with his eyes open when he died.

Smerkle stepped forward, but couldn't close his eyes.

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