I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 10 What You Mean I Will Take

After sleeping until noon, He Mu woke up hungry.

After getting up and putting on the special training clothes, He Mu opened the refrigerator and took out a frozen fish.

The fish is vacuum-packed and has been processed before, and now it can be eaten with a little heat.

If it is raw fish, it will take a day or two to cook on high heat, so most of the frozen cooked meat sold in supermarkets.


After eating the fish, He Mu went into his brother's room.

Since his elder brother became a Red Mist Warrior, his room has been transformed into a simple training room.

In addition to some training equipment, there is only a small single bed inside.

Looking at the dusty equipment on the ground, He Mu couldn't recover for a long time.

He seemed to see the young man who practiced until late at night but didn't dare to breathe loudly for fear of disturbing his sleep.


He Mu shook his head. Under the pressure of the training clothes, he bent down vigorously and lifted a pair of dumbbells on the ground.

This pair of dumbbells is made of some kind of monster's bones, and its density is ten times that of iron. A pair of dumbbells weigh a total of 300 jin. It is very difficult for ordinary people to move it, let alone lift it.

Feeling the terrifying gravity, some pictures from the past came to He Mu's mind again.

In the end, all these pictures turned into his motivation.


Before I knew it, ten days had passed, and it was already mid-July.

In the past ten days, He Mu only went to the Red Mist Alliance once to purchase supplies.

The rest of the time is almost all in practice.

At the beginning, he ate one fish a day, which was enough to last the whole day. By the fifth day, he had eaten one and a half fish. On the tenth day, he had eaten two fish, which was quite barely.

In addition, the three-hundred-pound dumbbells began to become insignificant in his hands, and gradually became ineffective in exercising. He needed to use other equipment, paired with training clothes, to enter that exhausted state.


On this day, He Mu woke up from his sleep. Instead of eating and exercising as usual, he changed into a set of clean clothes and left home.

He felt that it was almost done, and it was time to concentrate on doing a wave of tasks.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the community, Zhou Yue rushed out from nowhere.

"Brother Mu! Wait!"

He Mu stopped and looked at Zhou Yue who was walking quickly.

"Brother Mu, I haven't seen the person you asked me to pay attention to recently!"

He Mu was silent.

In his brother's suicide note, he told a girl named Lin Wei to tell the news of his death.

Although everyone in Nancheng knew about his brother's death, since it was mentioned in the suicide note, he will do it right.

But ever since his elder brother joined the army, Lin Wei basically never left his house. It has been six or seven years now, and he doesn't know the other party's home address at all, and he doesn't even know the other party's current appearance. Under such circumstances, he wants to find this People, it definitely takes a little more effort.

No, Zhou Yue's family runs a restaurant, and they meet a lot of people and know a lot of news. A few days ago, he asked Zhou Yue to keep an eye out for him to see if there was any news about Lin Wei.

"Don't be secretive, is there any news?"

Zhou Yue is a person who writes his emotions on his face. Seeing his smiling face, He Mu knows that he must gain something.

"Brother Mu, how did you guess? I do have news about her, but she has already left Nancheng. If you want to find her, you may not be able to find her."

Zhou Yue said with a puzzled expression.

"Leaving Nancheng? What should I say?"

He Mu continued to ask.

"Just yesterday, two girls came to my restaurant for dinner, and the name Lin Wei was suddenly mentioned while eating. I went over to them and asked them for details."

Zhou Yue began to speak slowly.

He Mu listened carefully from the side.

"Those two girls are Lin Wei's college classmates at Nancheng Normal University.

Three or four years ago, after they graduated from college, they entered Nancheng Junior High School together as teachers.

They said that Lin Wei was transferred to a big city as a teacher because of her good teaching skills.

The reason why Lin Wei was mentioned during the meal was because of this matter!

By the way, they said they admired them, but their tone was sour. I reckon it was envy, jealousy and hatred! "

"I went to a big city to become a teacher..."

Knowing this result, He Mu felt a little relieved.

It's enough for this girl to live well now, no matter whether her brother has feelings for her or not, he definitely hopes that she will be happy.

"Well, I went to a big city. The place I went to... seems to be Lingzhou."

At this time Zhou Yue added another sentence, seemingly completely unaware of the problem.

He Mu's body trembled slightly, then he quickly raised his head and asked, "Do you know when she went?"

"The two girls said it was a week ago, when the school organized teachers and students to send them off."

Seeing He Mu's sudden serious expression, Zhou Yue was startled, and subconsciously took two steps back.

a week ago……

Hearing this point in time, He Mu's mood suddenly became extremely complicated.

The news of my brother's accident spread throughout Nancheng ten days ago.

Three days after his accident, Lin Wei was transferred to Lingzhou as a teacher. This couldn't possibly be a coincidence. How can there be such a coincidence in this world?

He knew the difficulty of leaving Nancheng and going to Lingzhou. This must be the result of Lin Wei's hard work.

Could it be... Lin Wei thought the same as him?

Thinking of this, He Mu was both moved and regretful.

The elder brother, who wrote the suicide note every year, obviously didn't make any promises to Lin Wei, otherwise the suicide note would not be as simple as asking him to inform him of his death.

No matter how bad it is, I will add a sentence "tell her not to wait any longer".

But it just didn't.

This shows that the two of them only had a tacit understanding in their hearts, but they didn't make it clear.

Strictly speaking, it is not a formal relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

But just like that, Lin Wei managed to go to Lingzhou City because of her brother's affairs.

You know, she's just an ordinary person...

What kind of precious friendship is this?

"Brother Mu, what's wrong with you?"

Sensing that He Mu's mood was not right, Zhou Yue asked in a low voice.

"It's nothing, the wind is a little strong."

He Mu turned his head away and said softly.

After a moment of silence, he asked again, "Do you know what's going on at her house?"

"I don't know about it, but you can go to Nancheng Junior High School to find out."

Zhou Yue scratched his head and said.

"Well, Zhou Yue, thank you."

He Mu turned his head, and the expression on his face returned to normal.

"Hey, why are we being polite? Then you are busy, I will go back and greet the guests!"

Zhou Yue waved his hands.



After Zhou Yue left, He Mu couldn't help but look back at home, full of emotions in his heart.

"Brother, look, besides me, there are other people who care about you so much. Don't worry, I will definitely bring what you want."

He Mu said to himself in his heart.

In fact, at this time, he already had a little understanding of his brother's intentions.

If Lin Wei soon forgot about her brother's death, then he would go over and tell her about the death, which meant to let her welcome a new life as soon as possible and forget the past.

But just in case, Lin Wei didn't forget it, and even made a move like now.

Then when he told the news of the death in the past, he told her that in the suicide note written by her brother before his death, she was the only woman who was specifically mentioned to be notified.

Does this make sense to Lin Wei?

Now it seems that the more you care, the more meaningful it is.

At least let her know that he has her in his heart.

It is also a confession that is not a confession.

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